• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

  • ...

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Chapter Forty-Three: Rainbow Dash, the Egghead

"-And I said I'll visit her later."

"And precisely how soon is 'later'?"

"In my own time."

"At least do so before she leaves the hospital. It'd be nice for you to visit Rainbow while she's still cooped up there."

"Is she dying?"

"Of boredom, maybe..."

"Then like I said: 'In my own time'."

An irritated sigh was Twilight's response to that, whilst I blocked another swing from a determined playful Spike. Making sure we were clear from any of the book shelves, the dragon and I were currently sparring in the center of the library's first floor. Plastic sword met plastic sword, my opponent had no grace or flow in his movements with the toy weapon, unsurprisingly.

The situation with Rainbow Dash? Well our favourite Sonic the Pegasus managed to got herself injured by one of her own flying stunts, resulting in a trip to Ponyville's hospital. Forgive me if I'm not overly concerned; in fact I'm surprised this hasn't occurred before, considering the reckless [BEEP] that boastful mare displays.

She'll be fine.

Swiping away another attempted jab, I smirked at Spike's clear exhaustion. To be fair, we've been at this for over ten minutes by now. It was admittedly getting to me as well.

"I'll... beat you this time."

"I'd like to see you try Spike-!" My eyes widened at the dirty move pulled next. The dragon distracted me with words, landing a direct harmless hit to my ponified chest. Dropping my 'weapon', I placed a hoof on my chest, overreacting as Spike grinned triumphantly. "Oh no! I have been defeated! Tell my wife... I spent the money on volcano insurance... Ugh."

I concluded with an ungraceful collapse, closing my eyes while hearing a gleeful Spike announce, "I did it! I've beaten the mighty Stardust! Now I'll save the damsel in distress- Whoa!"

"If you survive this first." Were my following words as I grabbed the approaching victorious dragon, proceeding to give the squirming Spike a soft noogie. "Face my noogie of death, young dragon!"

"N-No!" Spike's laughter filled the room admist his struggling from my grip. "Y-You won't win, evil one!"

A chuckle escaped my muzzle, finally releasing the giggling infant lizard. "That was a cheap move you pulled there, Spike. I'm proud." Spike beamed at the praise. "Stabbing me like that while I was distracted. A dirty move worthy of a warrior."

From the side, we heard Twilight mumble loudly, "Don't give him that kind of praise; he might become a warrior..."

"Well, why not?" Spike seemed excited over the concept, gesturing to me brightly, "When I grow up, I want to be just like you, Stardust!"


Swallowing a lump that's apparently been caught in my throat, I laughed lightly. "Flattering, Spike, but I'm probably the worst role model you'd look up to."

"One of the few things we can agree on..." An annoyed glance from my eyes was sent towards the oblivious smirking unicorn, preoccupied with reading a book.

True to my word, I traveled to the hospital taking care of the injured pegasus the very next day. Accompanied by Spike, who had yet to visit Rainbow himself, we were kindly directed towards Rainbow's temporary room and arrived at the front door.

"Remember, she has to gain her rest very shortly." The nurse pony warned calmly, opening the door for us and addressing the hospitalized mare within. "Miss Rainbow, you have a few guests."

Walking by the helpful nurse, the first thing I noted wasn't the damaged wing wrapped in bandages - honestly, that's what, the second time that's happened? - or the green gown she was wearing. But rather the clearly forced grin on Rainbow's face upon our entrance.

"Oh, hey guys!" The grounded blue pegasus said rather cheerily, despite the circumstances. "What brings you here?"

"We just wanted to check up on you." Spike replied, approaching the bedside with me, walking to her right and I her left. "How are you feeling?"

A sound question. Yet Rainbow waved a hoof dismissively, "Oh you know, not too bad. I've only got, what, a few days before I'm outta this dump?"

I raised a concerned brow. Peculiar, considering Rainbow's love for flying, you'd think she'd be complaining twenty-four/seven over her current state. Was she more injured than Twilight realized, upon giving us the details?

"Despite your crave to fly?" I inquired slowly. Rainbow shrugged, which incited me to blink. "Have you... at least kept yourself busy?"

"Ehh, there's not that much to do, but I'll live." The unfazed mare shrugged again. "Food's awful, and I'm confined to this bed, mind you, but that won't keep me down. I'll be out before you know it."

...Something doesn't seem right about this.

"Huh? Rainbow, what's that?" The curious dragon suddenly asked.


"That," Spike continued, pointing towards the pillow. "There's something underneath your pillow."

Pink eyes widened, the panicked pegasus proceeded to press down her hooves on her pillow hurriedly, to our surprise. Exchanging a concerned glance with Spike, at the way Rainbow was moving her broken right wing around like that, I asked gently, "Rainbow? Is there something wrong?"

Wow, since when did I care with that much regard towards Rainbow Dash of all ponies?

"Uh, no! No! Spike must have been seeing things." Rainbow grinned widely. And after a moment of awkward silence, Rainbow yawned loudly, switching the lamp beside her off, "But, you know, I'm awfully tired right now. Would you mind visiting tomorrow?"

"Huh?" Spike was clearly flabbergasted. I don't blame him; her sudden change in moods was absurd. "But, I swear I saw a book sticking out-"

The blinking lizard was then cut off, by the obnoxious snoring of our now 'sleeping' friend.

...Yep, something was wrong here. And from what Spike mentioned he saw before being rudely interrupted, I think I can work it out effortlessly.

"Come on, Spike. Our friend here needs to rest in peace." Spike slowly nodded, following me away from the bed and towards the open door. I had an idea, and it will work.

As we closed the door behind us, I motioned to a curious Spike to turn off the hallway lights with the switch nearby, my hooves slowing down to fabricate that we're walking away. When in reality, I was standing right outside Rainbow's room once again. As the tiptoeing dragon joined me upon darkness consuming the hallway, we nodded, similar smirks on our faces.

I placed my hoof on the handle. One... two... three... four!

And my intuition was correct!

Upon our sudden barging into the room, Rainbow looked like a deer caught in headlights. The frozen pegasus holding open a book by her two fronts hoofs, blinking in utter shock at our reappearance.

"I knew it!" You did indeed, Spike, as did I.

We both walked up to the recomposing Rainbow, who swiftly moved to hide the book again. "Don't bother, Rainbow, we can clearly see it."

Was it me or was the pegasus already sweating profusely? The nervous Rainbow stuttered, "I-I was just, you know, deciding which pages to tear out and have fun with."

When you were in the position looking as through you were genuinely reading the contents? I don't think so.

"Hey, isn't this 'Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue'?" Spike asked upon inspecting the book Rainbow reluctantly showed us. "Did Twilight suggest this book?"

Daring Do... Hang on. My eyes fixed on the cover itself, showing a tanned-looking pegasus hanging on a rope with angry crocodiles waiting for her. I know I've seen it before... Did I read it once in the library?

Rainbow's sigh caused me to look up, seeing her ill-prepared features. "Aren't you going to make fun of me for... y'know... reading?"

Make fun of her? Mocking someone for something I enjoy personally would make me a hypocrite.

"There's nothing wrong with reading, Rainbow." Spike reassured her, glancing towards me. "Right Stardust?"

"Indeed." I nodded, walking around the bed to stand beside the lying pegasus. Her pink eyes watched me, clearly apprehensive. "I must admit I'm... surprised by this new interest of yours, Rainbow. I didn't regard you for someone who enjoys the literature arts."

Visibly relaxing, Rainbow shrugged meekly, "Well, there wasn't much for me to do while I'm stuck here." Her gaze settled on the book and, to my sincere astonishment, a serene smile took place on her muzzle. "Besides, this book is very much undeniably, unquestionably cool."

...Well it doesn't look to be my cup of tea. But...

"If you enjoy it, that's fine Rainbow." I reassured her, smiling myself at the adoration she's clearly displaying towards the held book. "Plus, it's obviously fiction, so that's even better. No one's going to jeer at you for liking a book, my dear. If someone does... well, I can deal with them for you."

At my half-joke, half-serious statement, Rainbow smirked lightly, raising a brow at me. "So you're not going to at least make fun of me for it, at all? Didn't Twilight tell you I called reading an egghead hobby?"

At the question, Spike and I chuckled. "No, she never mentioned that. But you've clearly changed your mind about regarding reading as such, correct?" Rainbow nodded, looking away rather nervously.

"You know, that book's only the first of the series." Spike then said, grinning. "If you like it that much, we have the whole collection back at the library. After you're discharged from this hospital, you can borrow them from the library, if you want."

At the suggestion, pink eyes glanced towards the dragon. "Yeah, about that... promise you won't tell the others about this? I don't want to... y'know..."

We nodded. "Understood, you can tell them in your own time. We'll just leave you to your book then." Inclining towards the door, Spike began walking off, while I stalled for a moment, meeting Rainbow's pink curious eyes. "You know, Rainbow, our friends won't make fun of you for it either, Twilight especially. Don't be afraid to ask her sometime for the other volumes. I hope you have a speedy recovery."

"Thanks. But how can I ask her, when I called her an egghead for reading?"

I shrugged. "As if Twilight would seriously be offended by such, knowing her. The outcome most likely would be her being happy that you enjoy reading a recommended book of hers."

My piece said, my hooves walked to where Spike was patiently waiting, before the blue mare's voice stopped me. "Stardust. Spike." Our attention returned to Rainbow, who smiled at us genuinely. "I was wrong to doubt you, and the others. Thanks."

"No problem Rainbow!" I imagined the lizard behind me giving a thumbs-up and wink. I otherwise nodded at the grateful pegasus.

"And Stardust." The change of tone incited me to glance behind, the pegasus looking suddenly nervous. She rubbed her own back neck rather sheepishly. "Sorry for... y'know, Applejack and I interrogating you a while back."

...Oh yeah. "Heh, to be honest, Rainbow; I've completely forgotten about that." I chuckled as the mare smiled meekly. "All is forgiven. Enjoy your book." That said, a curious Spike and I departed the room, leaving the grateful Rainbow Dash to read that fictional story in peace.

I suppose there's one thing then that separates Rainbow and Sonic... Sonic doesn't read.

"Here they are!" Spike said, pulling out one of the stacked books of a shelf. "The whole collection of the Daring Do series."

Passing the fictional book to me, I stared down hard at the cover, trying to recall where I've seen it before. I know I've read it, one of the tales of the tanned-looking pegasus going through temples, evading traps and taking the rewards within-

Oh... that.

"Now I remember." Yes, the blatant Indiana Jones ripoffs. Though personally I wasn't a fan of the franchise. "Your everyday generic tale about recovering lost treasures in dangerous places."

"You've read them before?" Spike asked as I returned the book to him.

"Yeah, but not my cup of tea." I've only read like the ten beginning pages of the first book and got immediately bored of it.

"Meaning... you don't like them?"

I shrugged. "I prefer my stories to have some creativity and originality to them, fleshed-out three-dimensional characters, amazing twists and turns, and only use a few cliches but done so in a clever and appropriately timed way."

One of the many reasons for my eternal distaste towards Equestria Girls...

Spike blinked at that, to which I refrained rolling my eyes in reply. "I'm very picky when it comes to books, Spike. Daring Do just doesn't have anything about it that fascinates me."

"Oh. Maybe you just didn't read the right volume?"

"I doubt that. Anyway, the explorer-seeking-hidden-treasure classic just doesn't interest me."

"That's all right." Spike gestured wildly towards the whole floor. "Are there any books here that do fascinate you?"

"Fiction-wise? Afraid not." Which was a shame, considering my preference for fiction in general. "I've read every fictional book in this library, Spike, and while I do respect the effort they've put in, every story here is just as generic and dull as the Daring Do novels behind you."

"Oh. Well why didn't you just say so?" The dragon asked in amusement. "We could've gotten you some new books if there aren't any here you like."

"You've done enough for me." Indeed, I dare not ask for more. "Allowing me to live here until I find a way to return home. I'd hate to be more of an inconvenience."

"Hardly." Spike shook his head, smiling brightly. "We're glad you live here with us, no matter for how long. You're like family." He was oblivious to the internal lump in my throat.

Family... They honestly think I'm like family? When I've contributed little to nothing for them, save for words and brownies? More evidence that these inhabitants were far too sentimental for their own health... though that didn't mean I wasn't flattered, and grateful, for their obvious care.

"You know, Spike..." I began hesitantly, instinct making me place a hoof on Spike's head affectionately. Once the dragon always shook my action off him, but he's evidently grown fond of it. "You're like family to me too... And I blame you and Twilight for that."

Spike rolled his eyes, chuckling lightly. "Glad I could be of help. But really, you're the closest thing I have to a big brother, Stardust."

"And I'm forever grateful that you regard me as such." I am, I really am. "Though there are better role models you could look up to, sibling-wise-"

A knock on the red door interrupted me, as we both glanced towards it.

"I'll get it." Spike said happily, obviously in high spirits now thanks to this moment. "You think Rainbow Dash's already been released from the hospital?"

"I doubt it."

After slightly opening the door, Spike's head poking through to the outside to speak with the visitor, he looked back. "Hey, it's Octavia, here to speak with you Stardust."

Ohhhh noooo...

"Tell her... Tell her I'm dead." Yes that'll do. Spike frowned at me in confusion, and I shrugged. Hey if it'll get Octavia away from me-

"Now, that's not a very nice thing to say." Oh Jesus. I repressed a groan as the Earth Pony's head stuck out through the red door, smiling at me humouredly. "I hope you don't mind my visit, darling."

"...Not at all..." I lied through gritted teeth. And also, 'darling'? I never minded Rarity calling me that, but not in the way Octavia was phrasing it, and this mare wasn't my friend. "How can I help you, Miss Octavia?"

The grey mare tutted, dark pink eyes regarding me. "Now, I believe I've said multiple times you are free to address me as simply Octavia, despite your formality being rather charming."

Spike, meanwhile, glanced left and right at us, trying to understand the situation. Oh don't bother, my young reptilian friend.

Octavia continued, walking towards me, and I slowly moved back in case the mare tried anything... intimate. Though to be fair I think she at least has more class than that. "Are you free for this afternoon?"

Bull-[BEEP] spewed from my muzzle quickly. "Why no. I am quite preoccupied with... cleaning the library."

"But I cleaned the library this morning." ...Thank you Spike.

Octavia glanced at the dragon impassively, before resuming her unsettling gaze on me. "Well then, since your young friend said it, how about accompanying me through a stroll in the park? The weather is lovely today, and I'd enjoy spending time with somepony like you."

...Can I leap off the Empire State Building instead?

Must. Refrain. From. Choking. Myself.

"It was a rather unorthodox event, I must admit. But with my elite skills with my lovely cello, the party returned to a stable and enjoyable formal event."

Hoofs. Clenching. Prepared. For strangulation.

Why? Just WHY did I agree to this? Was it not to give Spike the wrong impression in turning away others so rudely? That must be it, because that dragon had something to do with it. As soon as I get away from this prattling Earth Pony, my first action is to punch a tree in frustration. Now that I know how to use my so-called 'power', that wouldn't be too hard in knocking the whole thing down.

As we walked through the serene park, I did my best not to meet the gaze of any passerby. I adamantly refuse to see their expressions, of how close Octavia was next to me, matching my annoyed pace as she continued talking about herself and her God. Damn. Cello.

Kill me now...

"Oh, I don't believe I've inquired this: do you play any instruments, Stardust? ...Stardust?"

Realizing my false name was being addressed, I snapped my head at her. "Sorry what?"

The grey mare raised a brow. "I asked if there are any musical instruments you utilize."

"Oh... None whatsoever." Though I did always want to try out the piano. "It's not a hobby that interests me, to be honest."

"Fair enough." Octavia nodded, a tinge of disappointment clear on her features, resuming her gaze on the path ahead. "The musical arts isn't for everyone." At least there we can agree. "Though, if you'd like, I can show you my cello and my skills sometime soon, perhaps over dinner at-"

Alright, that does it. "Octavia." The mare blinked at the blunt address, regarding me curiously. I met her gaze sternly. "As flattered as I am that you'd choose for my presence to keep you from the realm of boredom, I'd prefer knowing the exact reason as to why you keep asking for my company."

"Oh? Can a friend not ask to... 'hang out' with another?" My frown deepened, inciting the mare to shrug. "Very well. I can see you are less than tolerant to idle conversations. I cannot fault you that. I admit, I am rather... intrigued by you, Stardust Balance. There is an aura about you which separates from the average pony."

An aura? What was Octavia psychic? "Thank you... I guess."

This confused statement caused the dark-haired mare to smile lightly. "A stallion who bested a Prince of the Equestrian monarchy, and made peace with a wild creature that assaulted Ponyville during Hearth's Warming Eve. You have to understand how fascinated I am."

"There's hardly anything of interest about me." Save for the fact I was a human in pony skin.

Thankfully, whatever was next to come out of the mare's mouth, another female pony unintentionally cut her off.

"Oh, you really shouldn't be doing that, Mr Beaver." Our attention directed on a clearly unnerved Fluttershy, who was currently talking to a small woodland creature. Said animal was busy biting his way through the trunk of a tree.

A tree that looked... ready to fall...

"Excuse me for a moment, Octavia." I ignored the small huff from the Earth Pony's muzzle, and approached the troubled pegasus. "Fluttershy?"

Quickly whirling around, blue clear eyes widened. "Oh, hello Stardust."

"Is there something wrong?" That may as well be a rhetorical question, considering how dangerously close the tree above us was to falling.

"Well... yes, I'm afraid there is." Fluttershy admitted, pointing at the beaver still gnawing his way through the wood. "I'm trying to get my friend here to stop getting wood from this tree for his dam, It's far too dangerous to do that here, in the middle of the park."

"Indeed." My eyes narrowed. "It refuses to listen to you?"

"He's very persistent." The distressed pegasus replied, leaning forward to speak with the ignorant animal. "Now Mr Beaver, if you keep doing that, I'll have to give you the Stare."

"Is there a problem?" I heard Octavia asked from behind, evidently already grown tired of waiting.

"For the whole park, yes." This was a health hazard waiting to happen. But the beaver seemed to pause at Fluttershy's threat, obviously knowing the power of her infamous 'Stare'. I've yet to be on the receiving end of it myself... and I have no desire to change that.

Twilight's 'Stare' was unnerving enough-

The sound of creaking wood alerted my ears. Fluttershy being oblivious to the slowly descending tree, "Please, we can some wood for your dam elsewhere, but you might hurt someone if you keep doing that here-!"

The pegasus yelped in surprise upon my panicked actions, grabbing the yellow mare and hurling her out of the way, before kicking a surprised Octavia with my back hoofs away safely from the falling tree. And finally, I quickly grabbed the protestant woodland animal and threw him at Fluttershy's direction, hoping she caught it.

Myself? Well I wasn't entirely fortunate in dodging the large falling trunk.

"- He'll wake up soon?"

"Probably, considerin' all the things he's been through, this should be nothin' to him."

"Except this time Stardust now has an injured leg, Applejack."

"Wait... I think he's waking up."

Indeed I was, no thanks to you, voices. My eyes struggled for a moment to open, as if reluctant to reveal themselves to the outside world. The first thing I felt upon my return to reality was a shocking pain travelling up from my back right limb. Ow... Obviously my leg was damaged. What did I sleep on it the whole night or something-?

Wait... This isn't my bed. It's far too rough.

Finally opening my eyes slowly, blinking to wipe away the unneeded blurriness, the first sight to greet me were the concerned faces of various ponies. The Mane Six, Spike, Bon Bon, Lyra, Derpy and Whooves. Some of which looked relieved. The room, my next attraction of attention, was fairly light. Blue walls. Medical-looking equipment. Polished floors.


"Thank goodness." Bon Bon sighed in relief. "You're awake."

Astute observation was what I wanted to say... yet only a dry hoarse noise left my muzzle. How long was I sleeping...?

"You were taken to the hospital yesterday." Twilight said, noting my expression. Yesterday? Did something happen to me that I-?


That was then I finally noticed the cast covering my right back limb, held up in aid of its recovery. That explains why this wasn't my room... and the pain.

Slowly, my eyes moved to meet the concerned purple unicorn's stare, speaking softly, "Guess you can call this karma, huh my dear?"

It took the mare a moment to understand, before Twilight shook her head in disbelief. "Not even betting something so precious to me is worth you getting hurt, Ja- Stardust..." I chuckled dryly.

"How long before he recovers, Doctor?" Whooves inquired to the right, and I glanced in his direction, recognizing the same pony doctor who treated me last time.

The caramel Earth Pony was preoccupied with another patient at another bed, before looking over his shoulder nonchalantly. "A few days, at best. Luckily his leg was pulled out of that tree before the injuries could worsen."

Tree... Ah!

"Now I remember..." The dry words finally escaped my muzzle. Realizing I needed assistance, Rarity magically levitated a glass of water from the table beside me, which I eagerly caught and gulped down the contents. Ah, much better. Wiping my muzzle, I added, "Thank you."

"Of course darling." The white unicorn nodded, smiling with the others... save for one.

Noticing the yellow pegasus avoiding my eyes, I inquired gently, "Fluttershy?" The mare seemed to flinch, and hesitantly turned her blue orbs directed at me. "Are you alright?" Hopefully she wasn't at least scrapped from my forceful hurl to get her out of harm's way.

Yet before she could possibly answer, Applejack gawked in disbelief. "Is she alrigh'? We should be askin' you that! You're the one who had a tree fall down on ya leg!" She pointed at the recovering limb in question.

"So no one else got hurt then?"

This time, Fluttershy did answer, shaking her head, "No; you pushed anyone who could've gotten hurt out of the way, but the tree hit you before you could move, and you passed out of from the shock." The regret was clear in her tone, as Fluttershy regarded the floor, downcast, "And it's all my fault."

Our friends were quick to object. Twilight comforted the mare with words while the others shook their heads in disagreement with the pegasus. "You tried to dissuade your beaver friend from gnawing through the tree. No one blames you for attempting to stop him, even the only one injured, right Stardust?"

I nodded. No one was at fault here save for that stubborn animal. "No one else was hurt, that's all that matters here. I'll recover."

"How are you feeling, by the way?"

My gaze switched to a curious Lyra, smiling lightly. "Would 'like Hell' be a satisfactory answer for you?"

Next to Whooves, Derpy frowned. "What's a 'Hell'?"

"Basically means, as soon as this pain is over with, the better." Regarding the expressions of amusement and relief on their features, one pony particularly stood out. "You were discharged then?"

Rainbow shrugged. "Since yesterday, yeah." Before she smirked, "Kinda funny, you end up in hospital just as I leave."

"It must be fate." I rolled my eyes as the rest chuckled.

"And this is, what, the second time you end up in this dump?" The blue pegasus pointed out, very humoured. "For getting yourself into danger protecting others?"

"Well, your lives are far more important than mine." That caused a reaction from everyone save for Twilight, who shook her head in exasperation. "...What?"

Yet before any of the surprised ponies - and dragon - could respond, the good doctor chose that time to clear his throat. "I'm afraid visiting hours are now over; the patient needs to rest."

"The patient has a name."

Doctor whatever-his-name-was regarded my dry tone with a flat expression. "In any case, you need your rest, Mr Balance-"

"I just woke up." I retorted, ignoring the stallion's eye roll. Yes, we've had this kind of argument during my first time in the pony hospital. "They can leave when I ask them to."

"That is not how things work around here-"

"They do while I'm here." Maybe I'm just being overly arrogant, but damn will I allow some medical equine to control my life. The others, meanwhile, observed our exchange with obvious bemusement and amusement. "They won't bother me too much, I promise you that. Well... most of them." Pinkie merely grinned sheepishly at my glance.

"Oh, anyway, I want to thank you, for saving my life and Mr Beavers too." Fluttershy said with a gratified smile, while the small woodland creature was nowhere in sight. "He thanks you as well."

I sincerely doubt that.

"I also wanna say thanks, Star." The nickname caused me to flinch, Not that I hated it, I just wasn't use to anyone ever giving me a nickname. Rainbow continued as the others regarded her curiously, shrugging, "You were right in saying that no one would mock me for liking the Daring Do book. I went right to the library after leaving this place to borrow the whole series."

"'Daring Do'? I love those books!" Lyra suddenly exclaimed, high-hoofing the blue mare.

"Heck yeah!" I smirked at Rainbow's ecstatic reply, while the others stared in bafflement and happiness.

"Wait, you recommended Rainbow to ask for the rest of the series?" Twilight inquired.

The blue pegasus answered for me. "Yep, it was all thanks to Stardust here that I asked you for the books, Twilight."

I quickly looked away at the praise. "It was nothing."

"Oh hey, I know! Maybe I'll read 'em to ya until you're outta this dump."

The mere suggestion had me immediately shake my head. "A nice offer, Rainbow, but I'll pass. The Daring Do books aren't my favourite of literature."

At the confession, her jaw dropped. "Wait... First you didn't like cider, and now you don't like those awesome books? What is wrong with you?!"

I shrugged. Funny how talking with my friends has lessened the felt pain from my wrapped limb. "It's just a book series I don't enjoy."

"Are there any you do enjoy?" Twilight asked rather hurriedly, as though she was waiting to ask that question for a long-arse time.

...Ah, how do I tell her this... Hm...

"He doesn't enjoy any of the books back at the library." My stare fixed then on Spike, who justifiably squirmed at the look.

"Oh." Twilight blinked. "Then why didn't you just say so? I could've brought some books you might enjoy-"

"I'll tell you what I do enjoy, though." I was NOT going to have this conversation again. As the others looked curious, Twilight rightfully miffed at being interrupted, I continued with a calmer voice, "In my homeland, we have a book series, written by a genius. In fact, this particular series is the most famous of all fictional literature, where I come from."

"What's it called?" Rarity asked. I clearly had everyone's rapt attention.

"Harry Potter." Though, I haven't been in touch with the franchise for an awfully long time. "About a... pony who discovers he's a wizard, and attends this school where young wizards and witches are taught magic. There he makes new friends, goes on dangerous yet exhilarating adventures, and faces off against a sinister Dark Lord. You'd probably love these books, Twilight."

"...The premise sounds intriguing, I have to admit." The purple unicorn nodded.

"What happens in the first book?" Derpy asked.

"Ah, well it's a very long story, even by the first one's standards. Each book get longer and more epic during the whole story. My particular favourite of the series, though, is book three. Anyway, seeing as how I'm not going anywhere, and if any of you have the time, I could try explaining."

Many nodded, while others shrugged. "Ehh... why not? If it's a good as you claim." Rainbow said with a shrug. "Though I'll probably stick around for five more minutes; I have my own books to get back to."

And it was by then I felt a craving for food. "Very well, but first of all... I'm hungry. Spike, would you mind getting me something to eat? And none of the culinary abomination they deem edible in this hospital." Spike saluted, before running out of the room. Readjusting myself a little to sit up more, I smirked at my audience. "All standing comfortably? Good. I'll begin this epic tale as soon as Spike returns with some food; wouldn't want to leave him out."

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