• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 202: Harmonic Reconnection

"Zeo! Power Ponies!"

Then, intermission. Good thing too, because we deserved a good break following that entertaining reharsehal, just performing the classic theme, remixed somewhat, for the sake of it and how catchy it was.

Oh, and another reason. "Thanks for helping out there, Spike." I grinned wide upon our departure out of the claimed 'music room,' and into the vast hallway. "That song's been stuck in my head for the last few days, glad to get it out of my system."

"Heh, anytime!" The young lizard threw a claw thumbs-up, happily mirroring my expression as we travelled down towards the kitchen for some deserved snacks. "Really, I was just happy to watch you shred that guitar, you've become a natural Dad!"

At that, I chuckled in flattered humour. "The real credit goes to Sunset and Flash... They've both been viable teachers when I stayed at that world for a bit." Of my own free will, which I still couldn't believe actually happened.

"Well, remind me to ask them for guitar lessons too when I get the chance." A coy green glance upwards, thoughtful. "Think Rarity would be impressed if I learned to rock a guitar?"

"You'll find, Spike, that women - maybe mares, too, by extension - are incredibly enarmoured to someone who knows the way of the instrument. Guitars are the most impressive to many of them, for some reason." I shrugged. Truthfully, I always assumed females would be more appealed to, say, something with more grace and elegance to them.

Like a violin, or piano. Maybe a flute? Wonder what kind of instrument I could practice, now that I seemed to be doing decent with an electric guitar, I could serenade Twilight with during one night.

"Had your fun with rehearsal back there?" Speaking of whom. Neither of us were surprised by the alicorn's presence, turning around to face the smiling Princess. "I was wondering how long you'd both take."

"Oh... Sorry if we kept you waiting."

"That. Was. AWESOME!"

I almost stumbled back from the cry of enthrallment, throwing the young lizard a wry smile. "Someone's been hanging out with Rainbow of late."

One would think this youthful Spike would be way more tired and in need of refreshments - which was what we were going for, into the hallway of the castle - after that rather taxing exercise out back. Yet again, another course in Balance, and Spike had been all too thrilled in participating something about the magic that wasn't meditation for a change.

Telling you guys, the boy's a natural, having completed the training course for the first time, faster than my own from way back when. Spike might be even best the mentor quick enough while being so determined and eager to learn. Must have gotten it from his mother.

"I can't help it, I'm so thrilled!" Obviously. Pumping his claw fists together, Spike regarded me with an equal, endearing grin. "I might just be a Twilight Warrior."

"Heh... You might." Saying this while being honest, fondly ruffling the embarrassed kid's green top fins. "You know Spike, there's more to leanring Balance than being a Twilight Warrior. Have you ever considered using it, once done training, for other things?"

Clearly never having dwelled on it, Spike blinked in open curiosity with just a tinge of lingering excitement. "You mean there's more to Balance can do than just fighting off monsters?"

I laughed there, taking delight by the innocence while grinning widely. "Spike, there's far more; Balance isn't about warding off threats exclusively. It's about bringing peace; unity between Chaos and Harmony. Finding common ground and soothing the scars of war between either light or the dark. The job of Balance is to bring people together and resolve their differences, rather than fight all the time."

Felt a little foolish to have never actually educated as such to Spike before. Ah well, never too late. Hence the current brief lesson now.

Taking a good moment to dwell on my words, Spike venetually inquired with an innocent expression. "So, there are like different branching paths to use Balance for than just 'Warrior?'"

...Huh. "I suppose there are... Though I've never really thought more on that." Spike might have a good idea here. Different paths depending how one uses Balance. "Often Balance can be used for combat, settle disputes or seeking new knowledge and wisdom... Hm, you might be on to something there, son." I threw an impressed, small grin to the young kid, whom was more than pleased to have done such.

But before the subject could extend on further ideas, a voice popped up mildly in good-natured affection. "Glad to see you appeared to have been busy." As we glanced behind us towards the lavender Princess, as breathtaking and radiant as ever in her humility. Twilight beamed warmly while heading our way. "I didn't want to interrupt your training together, so I decided to wait. Remarkable progress I saw back there, Spike."

"Oh, you were watching?" The sheepish Spike grinned wide and in satisfaction, scartching the back of his purple head shyly. "Sorry that we kept you waiting, Mom."

Twilight waved off our son's sheepish apology, offering a gentle grin to the young dragon. "Spike, would you mind if I borrowed Jack for a minute or two? We have something of great matter to discuss." We do?

But Spike took the request differently than mine, smirking in knowing coyness before winking to the pair of us. "Suuuuuuuure you do." Oh boy. He glanced my way in childish smugness. "I'll meet ya in the kitchen."

Yeah, uh-huh. "Don't eat all the brownies!" I called out in amused fondness to the departing dragon, barely acknowledging his chuckle before looking back to the Princess I loved, noting the faint dark rings beneath her eyes as we got closer. "Was Rarity and Rainbow bickering that exhausting?"

Bickering over nothing, I might add. I would have set those mares straight if the others hadn't prevented me, preferring to handle matters in a convoluted, lesson-forced conclusion rather than telling them bluntly that they were acting like straight-up children arguing over the most pointless of things.

What was the cause? The athletic pegasus and fashion unicorn 'realizing' they had nothing in common, resulting in pitiful bickering that almost ended a friendship that should honestly be concerning if, after all they've gone through, THAT would be the end point after years of helping one another against the worst of threats and hardships. All merely because they believed they had nothing in common at all.

Complete bollocks, naturally, since I could name two things those mares had alike from the top of my head: Both incredibly picky in tastes and are notoriously stubborn when it comes to their own passions. There, done. Crisis averted, rather than the complicated route my friends and Princess here took the 'issue.'

Twilight sighed in knowing disbelief, before shaking her beautiful mane with a nice, weary grin. "I daresay it was daunting for any of us." Immediately, I stood beside the mare in instinct, just in case she wouldn't fall over.

Offering with a sly smirk in the process. "You can rest against me if that helps."

"...I may have to take you up on that." Yes! The Princess, hearing that mental joy, threw me an exasperated but affectionate grin, the pair of us walking side by side down the direction Spike went. "But talking of Rarity and Rainbow, watching them provided me with a revelation I feel rather foolish to have never realized, especially of my status." Oh? "You know how I am the Princess of Friendship, right?"

"Are you?" I gasped loudly, glancing down with wide, hazel eyes and playful agape. "I just thought you had those wings to complete your outwardly angelic appearance!"

Though the cute blush of pinkness on her cheeks was the predicted and welcoming response, one of said wings gently nudged against my cape. "I dount that's why Princess Celestia gave me these, Jack." A reprimand of light-heartedness.

"Oh, well, lord knows how your past teacher thinks."


I snickered. "Sorry, continue love."

Violet eyes rolled in good nature, before Twilight got back to the more pressing topic occupying her thoughts. "It only just occurred to me, observing both Rainbow Dash and Rarity make up in the end, successfully so, that there seems to have become a 'gap' of late between my good friends, and my special somepony."

Blinking, I looked to my partner with open puzzlement. A gap? Like, there's been some distance between me and the others? Really?

"Now, I know you've never been as enthusiastic as I regarding friendship ever since the events of Nightmare Moon, but over time, you had gotten as much closer to our friends as I have, to my eventual relief and content." Twilight continued her explanation, both of us taking a left in the sparse but clean hall. "Although, it's never been as much a secret whom you've preferred to devote time to, even long before we were dating."

Oh. I kinda just shrugged at that remark. "I thought it was always a given. When I was a fan, you were always my favourite, love. That didn't really change even after we became official friends." It should come as no surprise I enjoyed Twilight's company the most, as harsh as it might sound.

But the Princess mildly rebuked, "One should never have favourites over their friends, Jack." Without sounding really annoyed about it, as Twilight never proceeded lightly, "But even so, you still, even without encouragement at times, hang out with the others whenever and wherever possible, regardless whom you prefer being with. Spike is a a given, considering your bond together." A faint smile of endearment there, one I returned in ease. "But ever since you came back home, after everything involving Zagreus... That gap seems to have worsen, to a degree."

It has? "Are you saying that I've been more distant than my friends than ever?" Thinking back...




Huh. "Well, love, then you're not the only one feeling awful for never realizing beforehand."

But Twilight was swift in soothing any regrets that may pop up from this terrible revelation. "It's not your fault, honey... I'm partially to blame for practically hogging you to myself, whilst encouraging devoting your time to Spike as well."

Then it was MY turn to comfort my beloved. "You were just happy to have me home again, Twilight... It's understandable you wouldn't want me out of your sight for even a moment."

Sighing yet again, the Princess of Friendship mildly stated next, "And in the process, occupying you from the friends whom have equally missed you so much in turn." With those violet eyes sparkling next, resolve welling up through our bond. "Well, that's going to change. Are you up for making up for lost time with the others, honey?"

You didn't even need to ask, I answered with a wry smirk and a nod. "Always, love." Twilight couldn't appear anymore happier and relieved, soon following her action, rather taking me by surprise, by snuggling into my side all of a sudden in the middle of the hallway, contently closing her eyes and looking adorable to the extreme. "Err, love?" I then asked with a bemused smile, brows raised.

Without even opening those breathtaking orbs, Twilight answered with a soft murmur, "Taking you up on your proposal, Jack..." Oh... Well, sorry Spike, but Daddy's gotta look after your tired mother.

So, where did this journey of better reconcilation with my friends begin with? Whom would be the oh so lucky dear comrade to be graced with my offered help and nicities in hopes of catching up for past time proper?

Why, who else but the kindest among the circle of mares, of course!

"It was nice of Tree Hugger to let us borrow the medicine we may need for the expedition." The pink-haired, gently pegasus commented happily upon our merry stroll across the nice, green plains. Right in the center of nowhere after having gone to her friend's house.

Her friend's bizarre, unique and hippie of a home. But hey, I didn't judge. Imagine if I owed a house of my own, it wouldn't be much normal to look at either.

"You sure she won't mind us using most of it? I imagine the price of these herbs don't come cheap."

"Oh, not to worry. Tree grows this particular ingredients in her back garden." Right, there which we saw earlier. "I've been assured that we can use as much as needed." A small, considerate pause. "Though we shouldn't have to use it all if we can, hopefully not all of those little babies will be so sick."

Both of us possessing mini travels bag attached to our sides, well adjusted and vibrating with the bottles and packs within necessary for, you guessed it, animal caretaking. Where were we heading, you asked? A clearing said to be occupied by, for the most part, a butterfly swarm. Why you ask? Good question.

"You said before we left Ponyville, that apperently some baby caterpillars have been getting sick around these parts?" I pried a little, hoping to get the clearer situation so I knew what I was in for. While most of the work would go to the soft-hearted caretaker beside me, walking up another small grassy hill, I wanted to help at least anyway I could.

Fluttershy nodded, blue clear eyes focused intently ahead. A common trait when troubled critters were concerned for. "I've been meaning to go help them for a while now, but they've seem to have gotten worse. Whatever flu's affecting those tiny caterpillars, it seems to be spreading, accroding to Tree Hugger. I just hope we're not too late." The pegasus convinced with a tingue of worry. "If things get any worse, I don't know what to think."

Love for animals great or small exceeded all else. I offered a small, reassuring grin. "Not to worry Fluttershy, with you to help, these caterpillars will get better and become the butterflies they were always meant to be quicker."

And while the yellow, comforted equine threw me a gratified warm smile, something about my own statement just struck me. Fluttershy. Butterfly. Ha... Haha.

Finally got it... Jesus that took years to work out. Good thing Spike wasn't joining us to laugh at me senseless.

The following day after Twilight's plan to have me spend a whole day each with our valuable friends, allowing me to pick my own choosing of which order, I made an immediate course for Fluttershy's cottage. Why Fluttershy first? Obligation; you too would feel like the worst sack of [BEEP] around for wronging Fluttershy of all ponies, whether or not she would object to the guilt in the first place. The animal lover was initially surprised, but immensely gratified by the perfect timing once answering the knock to her front door, explaining the situation while we packed away for this journey west of Ponyville, quite a ways away. I was all too happy to help, eager to appease a good trusted friend whose done me so much good while asking for nothing in return.

Oh, and because of my soft spot for baby animals, and butterflies. Butterflies were the most breathtaking insects to witness and touch, and I would love to take some home with me if allowed.

Reminding myself that Fluttershy resonated concern and anxiety from her heart still, I cleared my throat. "So... How's Angel?" Which trying to make small talk and communicate more with a dear friend again, and might as well be failing horribly.

Not that the mare seemed to mind, naturally. "He's good, thank you. How's Owlicious?" I don't know, probably perched atop the roof of the castle having the time of his life.

"Good... I think. He keeps to himself these days." Well deserved, in my opinion. Nightshade went through a lot of [BEEP] at my side ever since I ran away. Let him have all the rest needed.

"Oh! If you're worried about that, maybe I can talk to him and- Oh!" Saying that gasping word again, just as we reached the top of the small hill, overlooking the breathtaking meadow neighboured to a small woods.

And boy were there butterflies. Lots and lots of butterflies. Suddenly, then, having a brief flashback to the last time I was given view to so many of the beautiful little insects. God that felt like just forever.

"Seems we've arrived." I humouredly observed, just as breathtaken by the thousands of colourful, fluttering bugs minding their own business against the vast clearing of flowers and nuitritions. Wish I had a camera with me... Starswirl?

My mind's eye had the unicorn smirked wryly. You would risk scaring off those innocent blissful creatures off with obnoxious flashes?

Valid argument. Eventually, Fluttershy beamed warmly, steadily and carefully making her way towards the meadow, and I followed at equal peace, both of us hoping we didn't disturb the clearing by presence or approach alone. So far, nothing seems to feel agitated.

"It'll be easier than we might think, finding our ill caterpillar friends." The caring pegasus remarked lightheartedly, both of us pausing once reaching down the hill into the meadow, on the edges of some lovely yellow and velvet flowers. Could sniff them from here. "I can ask around, be on the lookout for any gathered caterpillars while being careful not to step on them, okay?"

"Can do." Should be relatively simple, with Balance to use and signal out the negative emotional insects. Oh, an azure wing-coloured fluttering friend just appearing from the left of my vision, prompting my smile and offered hoof. Hello there friend.

Fluttershy then called from behind me. "Oh, and make sure none of the butterflies touch your nose. They have a special magic that can-"

Was all I heard, before falling straight down onto the soft, peaceful warm grass, eyes gently closing after that little fluttering bug's brush of my muzzle... Sleeeeeeeeepy...

"Hi Jack!"

"Hm? Oh, hey love!" Closing my book eagerly, I leapt from my seat, grinning over to Twilight whom entered my room with her own charming, wide smile. Melts my heart every time. "Something you need?"

"Only your time and assistance." Oh, was that all? I offered a coy smirk towards the Princess I loved more than butterflies... Butterflies... Something about butterflies. Ah well.

"Both of which you already have." Twilight couldn't appear anymore thrilled, reaching over to heartily tug at my gold limb, pulling me along hurriedly.

"I wanted to try something in Sunset's world. Remember that piece of the pearl Queen Novo gave you?" I nodded. "Well, I was hoping to see if it works there too." I paused. "Oh, and Fluttershy, Rarity and Cadence will be joining us too. They wanna see if it can work on them there to, for experimental purposes, you understand."

"I'm sorry... Repeat all that, love."

"Why I would have thought it was obvious, darling." Suddenly my other limb was gripped with elegant hoof, the white fashion unicorn batting lavish sapphire eyes and a nice smile, too close to my face. Twilight didn't look the least bit perturbed.

Neither from the yellow pegasus body brushing lovingly against my right side, that angelic voice commenting lightly. "We've been waiting so long, after all, Stardust..."

Then a pink alicorn murmering with teasing affection in my stiffened left gold ear. "We've been craving for some balance in our lives too, and my wondrous in-law was happy to provide a solution."

Wait. Hold on. Hold the phone, what-?

"Let's not dilly-dally, everyone, Jack." Twilight threw a sly wink my direction, as I was being helplessly dragged away by four eager ponies. "Starlight's already at the portal, whilst my human self and Sunset are waiting for us at the school, and I bet they're all just as enthusiastic as we are about this experiment."

Then suddenly, before I could process the entire situation, a giant, blue-coloured butterfly flew into my face.


With a jolt and final acknowledgement of my surroundings, I sat upwards, first noting that my cape was used then as a blanket for my former sleeping state, before spotting Fluttershy happily conversing with some gorup of butterflies a few feet away. Evidently the one to have wrapped me up nicely as I unexpectedly slept. Rubbing a hoof through my own, disheveled mane while trying to completely understand what the Hell that was all about.

Because just what the Hell WAS that all about? A multiple series of dreams detailing scenarios that were honestly... Well, couldn't call them 'bad' but... Not even sure what to call them. First, I dreamt I was in a relationship with Yang Xiao Long from RWBY... And Ruby Rose... And Blake... And Weiss...

All at once. It was weird.

Then the next dream was of some romantic isolation between myself and Elsa from Frozen. Was rather heartwarming, ironically enough. I could almost taste the ice cupcakes she made in that dream.

Then Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars, fighting off droids together and thrilling as a couple in the ehat of battle. After that, a Pokemon flirt battle with Cynthia. A picnic with Rosalina from Mario on her spaceship, watching her children play amongst the vast stars...

Every scenario, of particular women from various frnachises. All leading up to, eventually, Twilight - at least, this Dream Twilight - hinting of a deep, intimate nature of herself, Starlight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Cadence, Sunset and human Twilight... In mer form... Suddenly, I had a brief hard time even glancing at the blue-eyed mare as she made her way over, finally noticing I had woken up from those bizarre dreams.

"How are you feeling?" Were the gentle, concerned words flowing first from her throat, as opposed to the tone she provided in that dream. Thank goodness.

I coughed slightly, offering a mild shrugged while trying to act like I was in deep, helpless confusion. "Alright, I guess... Was I knocked out by a butterfly?" Frowning irritably then by the possible embarrassing idea.

Sheepishly confirmed by Fluttershy's nodding head, pink mane swaying up and down as the pegasus offered a soft smile. "I should have warned you beforehand, so I apologize for that. These butterflies, some say, have the power to send ponies into their sleep and dream of their... Well... Darkest desires..."




"Stardust... Why are you glaring so intensely at the ground like that?"

"No reason!" I practically squeaked, hastily standing up back on all four limbs, trying desperately hard not to even dwell on that surplus of revelations. Because holy [BEEP], I am not even gonna GO there! "So! Found the sick caterpillars!"

Knowing something was wrong, Fluttershy acknowledged the question regardless after a tilt of the head, pointing to the other side of the vast meadow. "Just up ahead. They're being safely kept in a tiny den, the sick ones at least. We've just been given permission to see and try to help them."

Oh... Wonderful, I guess, resigning myself to following after the pegasus around the field of flowers, while making certain to avoud even an inch of those magical bugs at all costs for the rest of this trip.

Yes, we found the group of poor, ill baby caterpillars just laying there in a quiet, groaning heap. Fluttershy, upon one look, wasted no time in playing doctor, requesting I use my Balance magic to soothe their distraught hearts and keep them calm enough for the caring pegasus to get to work. Voila, that's what happened at this moment.

It was quite admirable, whilst gently waving a gold hoof over the still insects overseen from concerned fluttering parents, watching Fluttershy so determined. So focused, her serene eyes frowning in sheer commitment in making certain these poor things would get better soon enough, that my jaw couldn't help but drop a little by the fierce dedication. Granted, it's not the first time I've witnessed something similar, but it has been too long since then, the yellow mare murmuring soft reassurances to their bodies as I had to their tiny hearts.

Maybe Twilight was more right than I thought. Perhaps I have been neglecting my friends long enough in favour of the Princess, whom, forgivingly so, stated that it wasn't really my fault. Ha, trying to take the blame yourself as always, love.

Regardless, washing away the brief pang of guilt once hearing one green baby insect moan in pain, slipping my concentration for a brief moment as Fluttershy tended to them, one thing was made absolutely certain today. We made a good team, Fluttershy and I.

"There we go..." The mare playing nurse gently whispered, finished lacing the green leaves the caterpillars rested on with some soothing remedy meant for comfort, prompting their ceased shivers for the moment. Grinning softly at the result, Fluttershy nodded and held out a hoof expectedly. Oh, right. I myself reached into my own travel bag with my unused hoof, taking out a bottle.

Fluttershy shook her head. Oops.

This one? Nope.

That one? Notta.

How about...? Oh good.

Fluttershy beamed in gratitude, opening the cap, carefully dripping the medicine on a ridiculously tiny plastic spoon, just right for these sick insects. I had to almost chuckle, were I not busy keeping the group of hearts around calmly measured, not as hard as one may assume since their hearts weren't as big as the average pony's. With the medicine ready, following the precise instructions to everything Tree Hugger and that nurse Fluttershy was good friends with provided, the mare finally wasted zero time in applying it to each and every caterpillar, cooing like a concerned mother over sick children.

Heartwarming, to say the least.

"There you go... Try not to take it all at once... Good little caterpillar... Oh, your name's Jerry? That's a lovely name..." Speaking to each and every healing bug with equal respect and kindness, I couldn't stop grinning lightly at the adoring sight. "You can let go now, Stardust." Oh, whoops, hastily rearing back my hoof to give some space, as Fluttershy finished off tending to each and every baby caterpillar in such an amazing fashion.

Discord better realize how lucky he truly is, sooner or later. The pink-haired pegasus, once completed with the delicate task at hand, the caterpillars, in true Equestrian self-thought fashion, began smacking their own baby lips and followed with their adorable smiles. Aww. Even Fluttershy beamed in meery relief at the sight.

"Thank goodness. A few day's rest, and you'll be good as new." Fluttershy informed both the children and their formerly concerned parents, whom expressed their sheer gratitude by swarming all over the yellow, compasisonate mare. I was close to intervening, until finding out that they were nowhere near her muzzle like a repeat which happened to me just earlier. She grinned as the colourful butterflies made themselves at homes all over and made Fluttershy appear a hundred times more the angel than usual. "Oh, I can't possibly take all the credit. Stardust helped out a lot too."

Uh oh. Grimacing and stiffening in worry, once a portion of those insects immediately fluttered upon my gold, clothed body too, afraid of the repeat before. Luckily, not, kinda ticklish where their tiny feet rested on some visible parts of my fur, prompting my tiny laughter.

"Fluttershy, look! We be butterfly ponies now." The yellow caretaker giggled behind her hoof at my playful exclamation, the pair of us just relaxing ourselves here and now, with the first task at hand complete as the beautiful view surrounding us only got better.

Now, it was time for the second task at hand. What made those baby caterpillars so sick to begin with, provided a trail by the butterflies once they informed the equally determined pegasus walking beside me further into the small woods, keeping a clear eye out.

"According to Mama Butterfly, both groups have been fighting for territory for a long time now, and it doesn't sound as if it'll end anytime soon." Fluttershy explained as we carefully past by a few fallen trees, myself holding up a loose branch for the mare to get under through, following. "If we can't settle for peace with them - which will hopefully not be the case at all - we might have to find a way to relocate them."

That explains why Fluttershy asked me to get out the insect jar from earlier, currently carrying the glass item balanced on my back, supported from careful caped wings. Through the forest, I picked up on some malicious intent, which was why we headed in that direction. Fluttershy sighed during the short trip, throwing me worried blue eyes in spite what occurred earlier.

"I just hope it doesn't resort to capturing them. No one deserves to be taken away from their home even if they give no other choice."

"I'm sure, even if it does regrettably happen, you'll find the best hope possible for them." I offered with a reassuring smile, that the mare returned in thanks. What I'm here for. "Besides, it's both you and I, how could we possibly fail negotiations with the bugs?"

Lightly chuckling at the half-jest, Fluttershy kept on beaming merrily. "You're right. We can do it together." That's the spirit! I nodded in encouragement to the returned resolve, as the animal lover picked up the pace by a margin myself pursuing equally. "With your Balance and my experience, we can do almost anything."

"Exactly, my dear, we're team... Team..." Had to falter for a moment there. Team name, team name. Ah! "Team Flutterdust!"

...Spur of the moment.

"'Flutterdust...'" The mare murmured gently, testing the name before giving a light nod and wide, warm smile. "I like it. Team Flutterdust. Though I also would have said yes to... Hmm... 'Team Starshy!'" Ha! I grinned happily, taking delight that Fluttershy was relaxing and soothing her own nerves just by this absurd conversation alone. "Well, what matters is, that makes us the best team of soothing little animals around. Right?"

"Oh absolutely." I nodded in merry agreement, hazel meeting sky blue, unable to suppress my mirth. It was difficult to, when a happy Fluttershy was concerned. "All starting when the sanctuary was built."

She blinked once. "But... You did that by yourself?"

"Mmm mostly." Still faintly peeved with myself for never finishing the whole thing completely. But hey, Fluttershy was more than happy by the results left by myself and friends. "But you're the one with the vision; the blueprints which I followed to the letter... Attempted to, at least."

"Hmhm." Fluttershy lightly chuckled through closed lips, shaking pink length mane before rebuking in kindness, "No, you did follow through to the letter. The animal sanctuary was more than perfect, thanks to some dear friends, and an amazing one who devoted himself to the task just so I can be happy."

That's what I'm here for. Offering a sheepish shrug before replying next, "Maybe we should check up on the place together sometime? Just so we have another excuse to hang out."

Her grin couldn't possibly be any wider. "I'd like that." Fluttershy answered sincerely, throwing a grin I was all too content to-

Warning came just in time, shoving Fluttershy out of the way swiftly whilst I ducked back from the brown, menacing swarm of insects suddenly zooming past our former spots, ascending to the air to make a complete U-turn. I glared upwards, Balance confirming it was the right bugs we were searching for in these small, previously peaceful woods.

And boy, did they look anything but happy. Fluttershy, getting back up without problem, stood beside me with a hurt but determined look towards the bugs glaring down upon us with large, fluttering brown wings and beady yellow eyes.

"Venom-Moths...?" She whispered. Venom-Moths? Come on now! My friend wasted no time. "Excuse us, we were looking to hope settle a dispute between yourselves and the butterflies in the meadow-"

[BEEP]! Throwing myself and the pegasus quickly to the ground as those angered bugs made another try, swarming over our whipping manes to right behind us, high enough in the air again, while we quickly got back up once it was safe enough to.

"I don't think they're open to diplomacy anytime soon, Fluttershy."

But the mare shook her head. "We can't give up just yet." Making another bold step, by using her wing to fly upwards at equal height with the glaring swarm, whom regarded the compassionate equine with wary disgust. Christ, what was [BEEP]ing them off so much? "We're not here to cause any trouble, but to offer co-existence between yourselves-"

My wings made good use of themselves, for a change, helping me leap into the air, grab the end of the pink flowing tail and unapologetically dragging the yelping mare back to ground level, another effort in dodging the charging swarm. Dammit, if these things were venomous as their names suggested, and their touch alone or whatever made caterpillars sick, I'd hate to witness what they'd do to a good friend.

And it already appeared they were prepared for another good charge.

Perhaps it is time we put one of your newfound abilities to good use, Jack.

Which one... Oh!

"Please!" Fluttershy persistently pleaded, determined not to give up on the enraged swarm just yet. "We just wish to help you, there's no need to be upset-" There they went again, and Fluttershy braced herself for impact.

For all of her pros concerning animals and kindness, we needed to work on her survival skills when they're needed. Thrusting a gold hoof out and pulling the new trick learned a short while back, and never properly applying, not even on Spike because it felt a little risky.


Like magic - haha - the swarm suddenly froze in midair, staying just like in their charged posture towards them pony duo, myself keeping the limb extended, focused on the angered-to-anxious tiny hearts of these brown moths, following my attack name cry. Barely even twitching apart from often, in their heavily confused and afraid positions. Worked! Fluttershy blinked curiously, looking to me for an explanation.

"What did you...?"

"Balance, my dear. The ability to tap into their hearts and disconnect emotions from motivating the bodies. Don't think about it." I added with a wry grin, maintaining my still stance of keeping them in check. "Now's your chance, use the jar."

One by one, moments later, each and every of the Venom-Moths were contained into the glass object with punctured holes on the lid, thankfully. Part of me looked around for any sight of baby 'Venom-Nats' just in case. Seriously. But at least the task at hand was finished.

Now, Fluttershy could do her thing. The mare kneeling down carefully before the jar of contained, angry moths to commence giving a short rousing speech of conviction and convincing.

"Now, I know you may be upset that you have to mark all territory near your homes." Angry fluttering from within the jar came the affirmation. "But you don't have to fight anymore; the butterflies shouldn't have to be moved from their homes, or have their young be sick, but you shouldn't have to be out of your comfort zones either." The flapping of small wings ceased, the brown insects then regarding the smiling Fluttershy warily. That's it, you have their attention now. "So, I'm not going to force you, but I ask that, if you don't want to live next to the butterflies, we could take you somewhere much better with enough room to live in without any fighting? What do you say?"

Unsurprisingly, being it Fluttershy and all, her encouragement and soft voice worked like a charm as always. The Venom-Moths having some kind of insect-language congress between themselves, taking seconds later for them to gaze back up at the beaming pegasus, then fluttering their wings with confirmation. Fluttershy couldn't look anymore please, gently standing back on all fours before turning to me cheerfully.

"And I know just the pony to watch over them in case anything goes awry. His name's Timber Spruce, he loves nature almost as much as Tree Hugger... Stardust?"

My muzzle clenched by the very notion of anything revolving around THAT person, be it pony of human. Timber, of all people, watching over the Venom-Moths that we caught together. Trust Fluttershy to know that-

Wait, Timber watching over the Venom-Moths.


"...Well, if he knows what he's doing, Fluttershy, I don't see why not."

"Ahhh, that was a fun trip out, I can't lie." Confessing as much once exiting her front door, stretching front limb and wing after spending the rest of the afternoon into early evening sipping tea and soda together. Deserving well so after today.

Fluttershy, seeing me out, shared my pleased grin with her own followed by a kind nod. "It was indeed. It's been so long since we did anything like that together." Ah, there's that unintentional reminder. But I threw a warm grin anyway, suppressing the urge to flinch in guilt.

"I'll be certain to spend each and every minute with every one of my dear friends however possible." I vowed to the edge of ferocity, immensely flattering the warm, beautiful heart of the beaming mare before me, and further escalating my own emotions. "Thank you for letting me come... And for the soda afterwards."

Trust Fluttershy to make going outdoors for a whole day fun. Even Twilight had some challenge convincing me of much.

"You're welcome. Thank you for everything you've done to help me today, Stardust. Like you said, we were a wonderful team." That we do. I smiled and nodded back, as the mare then, after a moment of silence, then stated in warm farewell, "Goodnight, Stardust."

"Goodnight, my dear, don't let the Venom-Moths bite." I grinned, to her endearing giggle, before departing myself down the cottage path past the chirping bird houses, the inhabitants in both Fluttershy's home and just outside getting prepared for bedtime. Should get back and rest early myself; today was pretty productive.

Fun, even, as I remarked as much to the wondrous friend minutes ago! Don't think I'll be removing this plastered grin on my bearded gold muzzle until I fall asleep, and even then it wasn't likely, it was just that good a day. Twilight was right, I was missing out the further I kept myself either confined in the castle or to mine and Spike's training. Maybe a break was long overdue. Wonder whom I should spend time with for a day next? Well, whoever wasn't the most busy, evidently.

I couldn't wait!

The mind wandered on the way back home, the beautiful castle overlooking the serene, sunset town. And suddenly, flashbacks to today's... Dreams. Obviously I wanted to stuff them from my thoughts, though a creeping, rather amusing but childish idea went to my head considering my long, childhood fascination for mermaids in general.

What if... I were to bring both Twilight and that shard of the pearl I had to the human world and disguise the trip as a friendship lesson?

Hohohohoho. Delightfully devilish Stardust!

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