• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 172: Babylon Dragoon


Letting go.

For the life of me.

And who could possibly blame me at this point, barely opening my eyes and clutching with the tightest grip I could muster on some metallic pole which descends down into the clouds. Every time I peek one eye open, my anxiety rockets up and prompts me to clutch harder and potentially cause his hands to bleed, the coolness of the metal and the chill of the winds bringing me the sole comfort.

I'm just glad landing straight into this pole after being shot out countless miles away from a cannon didn't smash my face in. As if I wasn't hideous enough; you know, looking like the failed lab results of Danny Devito's clone. Although, my limbs were slightly bruised upon forcing them to connect around the metallic pole, dangling beneath some rocky structure I dared not look upwards to examine. Everything was rather a blur to me, sailing through the air at impossible speeds like that. It was out of sheer luck I managed to spot and timely grab anything at such a velocity.

Wonder how Rainbow managed to tolerate that.

"Rainbow, how are you not exhausted?"

"Psh, like I get tired that easily. But I'm glad I got you to at least have fun, in the end."

"Yep, thanks for doing that, the pain aside."

"No prob! So... You're not mad?"

"You mares seem to be affecting me with your personalities every passing day... Just try not to throw me into considerable danger like that again."

"Heh, no promises. We should definitely hang out sometime. You're not so bad when you're grouchy."

"...Thanks, I think. And underneath that reckless behaviour of yours lies a heart of gold. Of course, we should spend time together again. I look forward to it."

Great, I'm even having flashbacks of better times under pressure. Will that happen every time I mentally or physically mention one of my friend's names. Like, say, Pinkie Pie!

"All right little ones! Bath time-"

Nope! Nooooope! Should be concentrating on the here and now, as Qui-Gon would say. And speaking of questionably wise mentors...

Starswirl! You popping up anytime soon? Maybe help get us out of this life-threatening predicament! Even in my backpack, Nightshade was shivering from our ruthlessly high position, and I don't think the owl had it in him to carry my weight to safety.

Apologies, Jack. I was preoccupied. Preoccupied?! Salvation will arrive in your location very soon.

What, I was gonna be rescued? By who? Judging by the structure and how high we were, I was guessing along the lines of Wonderbolts. Maybe we were in some kind of pegasi civilization... But wait, there's never been any signs of a pegasi location featuring buildings made with rocks. I thought they built everything with clouds.

Well, in many cases, that is an accurate presumption. Varying on the functions for the buildings in questions, however, some material mixed together with clouds, utilizing the fascinating tricks of pegasi magic, include that or concrete or bricks. As for what will keep you from falling off, I never mentioned it to be someone. Look to your right.

Alright... Slowly opening my hesitant eyes, carefully scanning towards the general right direction of my fatal position-


Alright... Floating platform. That's a new one. As new as it can get in a world like this, anyway. Very roomy, a large rocky platform in the shape of a small island hovered below my feet, as though expecting me to land atop it... So I had, with tingling reactions to my feet. Yikes. And immediately fell on my arse, unprepared as the tiny rocks and... Were those bushes on the edges... Proceeded to carry me away and ascend to the Heavens some more. The platform had the shape of a disorganized square, jagged and points in every direction, almost as if it were part of a jigsaw piece dislodged.

Okay Starswirl, I'll bite. Where the Hell am I?


Look? Look at what? This platform or...? The words died from my mind.

Reaching a stationary platform next, connected with a larger, wider area of the ludicrous yet gorgeous civilization before, my legs moved on their own accord, leaping off the edge of one small island to a bigger one, in utter amazement and disbelief by what I was seeing before my very small eyes.

A city in the clouds... Bespin anyone?

As I said, Starswirl hummed in quiet satisfaction. I was preoccupied. This place brings back old fond memories.

An ancient city, with floating islands, buildings, pathways, gardens and so much more, either stationary or moving about the while utopia as though it all had a will of its own. Shrubbery and plantlife stuck out from edges and tiles of the floor and round buildings, ascending further above the clouds to unknown heights. I was almost getting motion sickness from staring at it all, standing on one edge as though to completely confirm what I was presently seeing was no illusion.

Cloudsdale had nothing on this! This was... This was incredible! It looked exactly like Sky Sanctuary from Sonic & Knuckles! Right down to the last detail!

Hmhmhmhm. My teacher chuckled in fond amusement. It has been far too long, I think. Allow me to be the first, to welcome you, Jack, to the ancient and forgotten city... Of Babylon.

A long time ago, far beyond the current times of today, there existed a utopia reserved for ponies whom deemed Equestria unsuited for their ambitions. After the founders of the land branded together to create a new age, over time, some ponies found the peace and prosperity unsettling, a sign that ill has yet to come, and shall be.

As Starswirl began his tale over days of yore, I was busy jumping and traveling across the vast ruined city, unable tot conceal my outward awe and wonder. Because, as I said, the landscape was absolutely amazing. There was this aging charm to this place that brought out my sense for curiosity and exploration. Twilight would be hyperventilating if she were here to witness.

Their warnings to the founders - That of Commander Hurricane, Clover the Clever, Smart Cookie, Private Pansy, Chancellor Puddinghead and Princess Platinum - were left unheeded, for the founders have already declared a new age of peace, and wish it to be kept that way, fearful of the creatures lurking, waiting for the spirit of friendship they bestowed to weaken so the land would be taken into the cold yet again. Disgruntled, but not yet defeated, those whom predicted grave danger to the land gathered all their followers and, using ancient equine magic, rose over the heights of the heavens and constructed a new haven for all to be safe from the machinations of the land below.

Landing on another platform with a satisfying grunt, I examined the architecture of a doorway leading into what seemed to be an inn. Hm, Clover the Clever sounds like your kind of guy, Starswirl.

Well, we often went out on Saturdays and play croquet against fellow unicorns.

...Was that a quip?

Starswirl... I'm proud of you.

The lecturer continued as if I haven't spoken, his voice rather a soothing audible guide whilst I explored further across the skies. With their combined efforts - Earth Ponies, pegasi and unicorns alike - the unification of their respective powers worked in harmony to create a new society, vowed with watching over the land far below, in case their enemies arisen... And they would be prepared to face them.

Then... Where was everyone? So far I've yet to encounter a single living being in this decayed green and yellow city, brushing my fingers over a stone wall curiously. Initial assumption is that they died out over history, otherwise why else would this ancient society seem so abandoned? That the case, Starswirl?

You wouldn't be far off, my young student. With an audible heaved sigh. Their tale ended in tragedy, but that's another story. Suffice to say, this city's inhabitants devoted their lives in preparation for the darkness that inevitable threatened to consume their lands... And fought they did, to the very ends of the land, leaving this abandoned utopia as a part of time.

...My eyes picked up on a carved sign coated in dust, pulling up a sleeve to brush the dust away, and revealing what was said next to the grand decrepit staircase.


And my gaze wandered up to the massive round building up ahead. It was surprising how all this magic could support the landscapes after all these years, never seeming to wear out and die. The ponies below never learned of this place?

Well, a vast majority of them. Starswirl explained with a sudden hint of mischief, whilst I traveled up the stairs slowly. However, one day, six certain ponies discovered a trail leading to this City above the Clouds, and reached this plane to abide their curiosity...

...Ending up becoming heroes along the way.

Was Starswirl's finishing statement upon my entrance into the abandoned building, flinching a little at the sounds of crumbling stone and dust. Charming, but what really brought my attention was the six massive statues centered around the circle interior, all stonily regarding one another with fierce expressions of determination. Raising a brow, my curiosity only heightened, and my mind's eye envisioned Twilight beside, jotting down everything in a notepad and hurriedly inspecting the massive statues. Reaching the middle, I gazed around in eye-widened awe.

A built Earth Pony with a beard.

A pegasus clad in armour with a shield on his back.

An aged unicorn with kind eyes.

An Earth Pony in an old dress.

A pegasus in Arabic-style attire.

My jaw literally dropped at the last statue towering before me. Of course! Why else did he sound so coy just then?

For a stone replica of those wise eyes and stern expression, stared mightily ahead to nothingness, all too recognizable from our own number of encounters. No wonder you're so familiar with this place, Starswirl, you and these guys all found Babylon together?

By pure chance, perhaps. In any case, we were fortunate that our lead guided us to this place, for Babylon was in great peril by the time of our arrival.

What happened? I inquired this mentally while my hands with on hips, staring up at the statue of my teacher and admiring the craftsmanship.

The magic utilized to maintain the stability of this utopia was indeed powerful, but could only last for so long. The citizens grew more and more drained with every ounce of magic devoted to keeping their home floating. It became daunting, and time was short before the landscape would fall. Fortunately, Magnus and I developed a permanent spell which would recycle the needed magic necessary to maintain the stability without relying heavily on the energy of the city's inhabitants. It's a rather complex spell, you see-

Magic, got it.

Indeed... In return for our efforts, the inhabitants of Babylon were kind enough to carve these statues in our honour, expressing their eternal gratitude for our services. They were quite a warm folk, in spit of their initial wariness from our unscheduled arrival.


Just... Wow.

I too wore a similar reaction to the sight before us.

Sitting upon an edge, with Nightshade also in awe at the hovering landscape beside my face, we had a pretty amazing view of the rest of Babylon before us. Just observing these platforms either stationary or moving back and forth, connecting everything from one to the other. Hell, even the ones with buildings on them moved about as if they owned the place. No wonder those birds from Sonic Riders were so eager to find this place, it was spectacular! Bespin ain't got nothing on this! This would be a perfect place for establishing headquarters while we searched for Zagreus.

Hell, maybe as a safe haven whenever I simply needed to be alone.

Twilight would absolutely love it here, so much history and architecture not seen in eons. Rainbow would have a blast zooming around in the air of this city, likely using the whole place as a form of race track. Rarity would want to re-decorate and give the ruins a sense of dignity and meaning again. Pinkie... Would probably help Rarity in that regard. Fluttershy would search for any insects of birds which have nested anywhere in this floating landscape. And Applejack... I don't know, she'd probably do her own thing without any trees to kick... Maybe there were some greenhouses somewhere, I did see plenty of gardens.

Yeah, Applejack would tend to the gardens and give them life again.


I missed them.

Like, terribly so. Just the thought of their own antics across this ruined city prompted my weary sigh, gazing down over my lap at the fluffy clouds below. Heh, imagine if I was, right now, directly above Ponyville. That would set me back to ground zero... And even tempt me some more of just returning home and being in the safe, comforting arms of the ponies and dragon I loved.

...God dammit. I missed it all.

Reading with Twilight.

Kicking trees with Applejack.

Partying with Pinkie.

Arguing about fashion and hairstyles with Rarity.

Clashing with Rainbow.

Looking after animals with Fluttershy.

Playing with Spike.

Flying kites with Starlight.

Just... I want to go back. I desperately wanted to. And that felt incredibly selfish of me...

I beg to differ, Jack. It is far from self-serving to desire being in the presence of those whom make you feel safe and at home. You love these ponies you've grown to befriend alongside, and wish to keep them safe and happy in turn. Your sacrifice to keep fighting, and protect your family doesn't make you selfish, my young pupil, but devoted to preserving their innocence. They are proud of you, Jack, whether even they realize this or not. Starswirl then lowered his tone. I understand what it's like to miss those I care about, so deeply.


Well, no point in continuing feeling sorry for myself. I stood up, dusting my trousers and smiling down to the blinking owl on my shoulder, whom began flying off and perching himself elsewhere. Couldn't stick around long, I imagine. Zagreus wouldn't be waiting for me to explore this majestic city for as much as I could. Needed to figure out a way off. Perhaps there's some means, like a transportation or an ancient equivalent to a docking bay for those who weren't pegasi or unicorns.

...Did they have balloons back then, Starswirl.

Hmhm, any aerial craft currently in the city would be more risky to use than you realize, Jack. Before a pause. Yet, if we could move aside a solution to venturing back down to the land below, I have... A request for you, my student. A mission, if you will.

Oh? Been a while since you've asked for that. The long-time assignment thus far had been tracking down Zagreus. What can I do?

Trust me, this is vitally important too, Jack. There's a reason behind your earlier enquiry; why no one has visited or uncovered this ruined city in years. Because, Jack, the truth of the matter is, Babylon has only just returned to this realm.


Before the inhabitants marched off into facing their quarry, they installed a contingency plan which would activate should anything befall them. A spell powerful enough to vanquish the entire city from the world for a long time, lasting a few centuries before it would reappear again. This was five-hundred years ago.

...So Babylon only returned recently!

Precisely. I pictured Starswirl nodding in approval. But the spell remains intact, and Babylon is doomed to repeat the process unless we break the spell. Partially, I request this out of personal history for myself, but I'd rather this city stick around, discovered and inhabited by Equestria once again, as a means of honouring those who fought for their peaceful centuries.

Wow, this reminded me far too much of what Sombra did to his Empire ages ago... But wait, I don't have any magic Starswirl. How could I cancel out the spell...


...But even so, I don't know how to find the source of this spell. Unless there's some physical manifestation somewhere deeper in the city...

Perceptive without knowing it, my protege. Yes, the core of the magic lies hidden further into Babylon. Though I recommend we do hurry, sunset already approaches, and I oppose to seeing you affected should the spell happen againat any given moment.

Either disappearing with me, or disappearing in a flash and leaving me falling below to my death.


"Come on Nightshade!" I called out to the owl perched nearby, smiling wryly at my fate. "We've got a lost city to preserve!"

So let me get this right Starswirl... You had friends?

Surely it is not that inconceivable to grasp? Turn right.

Huh? Oh. I took the next direction, descending down some steps in a brisk pace on my brisk walk towards where the magic was located, venturing deeper and lower into the ruins of Babylon. But serious though, teach, aside from Celestia, Luna and Scorpan, I always mistook your past living self as some sort of reclusive librarian, like Twilight pre-Ponyville days.

Ah. One left and three pathways down. And I can understand your skepticism there, Jack. Truth be told, history often depicts my concept of friendship to be glazed over in favour of my other accomplishments. Over time, I had begun to appreciate what the magic of friendship truly means, before it became too late.

Are you sure it wasn't too late now? You're already dead... No offense. As I skidded around another corner, the third pathway concluding with numerous small platforms right ahead leading to another section of the city. Gotta jump these, don't I?


Right... Rubbing my hands together, I took a few steps back and prepared... And leaped, the tiny stationary platforms thankfully are in short range of one another. Anyway, friends. Were they as wise and devoted to magic as you?

Hmhm. They were wise indeed, but in their own special ways. Starswirl sounded more and more upbeat the further we talked about this, clearly recalling good times. The six... The seven of us were strong in our magic, stronger more as a team. We were eventually recognized as the Pillars of Equestria. A rather self-indulgent title, yes, but during those times we were Equestria's only means of defense from the monsters which threatened all innocent and pure lives... Take another right after your last jump.

Pillars of Equestria... No offense again Starswirl, but I've never even heard of any of this except your own exploits. If these other ponies are equally responsible for protecting Equestria as much as you, why weren't they recognized for their achievements just like you were to this day too?

I imagine my own role in the royal education for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, resulting in the benevolent rulers they are to this day, might have left the land a greater impression. Down those steps and take one left, then three rights. Still, I'm relieved and gratified the exploits of my friends are at least heard of through the art of storytelling. Through some means or other, they deserved to have their stories known by the Equestrians of the present and future. My achievements are no less greater than theirs.

Carefully jumping down from a wall to what seemed like a center with a fountain - Still impressively working after all this time - I had to ask more. Who were these friends of yours?

Well, in answer to your earlier question first Jack, they were powerful, and utilized magic through their own unique ways. We formed a group: Myself, Mistmane, Rockhoof, Mage Meadowbrook, Somnambula, Flash Magnus and, last but certainly not least, our coordinator and battle tactician, Stygian.

And Gandalf the Gray, and Gandalf the White, and Monty Python and the Holy Grail's Black Knight.

Hmhmhmhm, indeed. One left down this street, by the way. Together, we formed the Pillars, and what each of our strengths represented: Elements of Strength, Beauty, Bravery, Hope, Healing and Sorcery. United and just... One more right, we're almost there now.

So... Mulling this over, you guys were basically the Mane Six before the Mane Six. What's next, you were all their ancestors or something... Oh my God are you six the mare's ancestors? Are you Twilight's ancestor, Starswirl? She would freak! Hell, she'd probably faint in excitement!

Wait, did that mean you had your own Elements of Harmony back in the day? Was this 'Stygian' the Spike of the group? The Starlight? Were there more Elements of Harmony?

I wouldn't presume to draft comparisons between your friends and mine, Jack. Every one of our allies were special in some way... Some similarities aside. Starswirl sounded deeply amused. Alas, no other Elements of Harmony exist; they were created long after we departed from the world... But regardless, we never needed them, as they're in safe hoofs with the six wonderful Equestrians we know.

Well, that's a fair point.

And Stygian... I faltered in my step as Starswirl had with his voice, trailing off as if lost in solemn memory. But that quickly composed itself, more conviction in his tone than ever before. Stygian was also special. Gifted, talented and bold. I taught him everything I knew; he was one of two beings I could ever call my son...

...I'm sure he lived a good life...

...Yes, he had... Starswirl sighed tiredly, before picking himself back up and suddenly switching back to fond humour. I recall an instance where Stygian and Mistmane bestowed a harmless prank on Rockhoof, replacing his shovel with an accurate replica as he tried digging into obsidian stone with it. Hmhm, his reactive expression is something I can remember for eternal. Stygian and Mistmane certainly found the jest highly amusing.

Now there was a shock; Starswirl sounded dead close to bursting out in laughter with that aged wise voice, normally far more composed and serious. Just the mannerisms of his tone then were bringing a humoured smile to my face, letting my teacher reminisce good times.

And he indulged my patience as I continued walking. And there was a time where, one day during our ventures into the wilderness, Magnus and Somnambula volunteered to cook our evening camping meal... With disastrous results. They- They mistook Wild Sour Berries for Sweet Orange Berries and gave our circle of friends quite an involuntary reaction to the meal we dined on. I can still faintly recognize the sensation in my metaphorical stomach.

Sounds like you've had a long share of mishaps about you. Then again, what would best friends be without getting involved in antics together, for better or worse? You must tell me about your time with them soon, Starswirl.

You have my word, Jack. I'm confident they would have loved to meet you. I'm certain Rockhoof and yourself would certainly have gotten along. In the meantime, however, we have reached our destination.

Already? Time flies when one was recalling... Well, good times. And the massive round building before my ending pathway mightily reached much further into the white clouds, leading up to God knows where. This was it, I couldn't feel the power within but... There was some sort of tingling sensation on the back of my neck.

"Hoo!" Nightshade landed on my shoulder again, having followed through the air and providing me with an encouraging look from bird features.

Thanks pal. I nodded, smirking towards the large round exterior with the massive gaping doorway, wide open for any visitors. Security measures? I think not!

The rays of evening hitting the side of my face, the sunset looking far too majestic and breathtaking all the way up here, I ventured onwards to complete my task. Babylon falls no more.

Wow. That was... Incredibly easy.

Like, barely any challenge at all. Naught. The second I stepped in, I was already greeted with the prize right smack-dab in the middle of the huge circle interior, daylight pouring through cracks and open windows, the sounds of chirping birds and insects everywhere. A building looking far more decrepit and abandoned for centuries as the rest.

And in the center, clearly the prize we sought. For a small pillar with a round staircase leading up the small structure, and the dark purple magic sparking and resting about it, as though something for visitors to come and gawk at whenever they pleased. Seriously, no security measures at all?

The citizens were rather prideful. They deemed no one would be foolish enough to venture near strong magic for any purpose.

Welp... Sorry Starswirl but that's on them. "Nightshade, wait here." Just in case what I was about to do then would result negatively in some way. and I didn't want my friend getting hurt as a result. While the small owl obediently perched himself upon a branch leaking through the stone walls, I carefully stepped forward, reaching the staircase with barely anything happening. Hell, a part of me was expecting the floor beneath to collapse any given moment.

This did seem like a very long building both above and below us.

So what do I do, Starswirl? I ask this whilst walking up the round staircase. Do I just grab the magic with my bare hands?

A more ideal approach, Jack, would be clap both hands together with the core between them, erasing the magic in one swift stroke. Any moments of touching the magic for more than s econd may result in something catastrophic, and we don't need any ill fate to befall on Babylon, ancient forgotten city or no. Or worse, anything that would happen to you.

I had to smirk at that. Appreciate it teacher. I'll be careful. Just one clap then? Easy.

Before long, the core of glowing mystifying purple magic was presented before me, resting neatly on a tiny pedestal pointing up the ceiling. Slowly rubbing my hands, I cautiously proceeded to position both limbs against the sides of the core, the magic letting off sparks into my palms and fingers.

And I felt nothing, the sparks harmlessly bouncing off. Allowing a moment of smug satisfaction, I nodded to myself reared both hands back in preparation. No sense in dwardling. One, two, three... Four.

With barely a zap, the magic vanished.




...Well, no earthquake yet.

Slowly, I opened my palms just to make certain. No magic and no burns to my hands, as if it was never there to begin with. Did... Did I do it? Just needed some confirmation here before celebrating.

You did indeed, my student. Babylon preserves without the threat of disappearing to time ever again. Well done Jack... And thank you.

I... That's it?


...Huh... I was expecting more of an outcome-

Oh, there it is!

The sudden angry vibrations prompted my startled state to quickly grab the edges of the pedestal to keep from falling off the pillar. An earthquake in the sky! They really made things authentic with this place!

These are shockwaves, and they're exponential!

What? Was I gonna have Rayquaza pop up through the building any moment for trespass and as a boss fight? 'Cause I was content facing demons or sirens alike, but a Legendary Pokemon of the Ozone? No thank you-!

Above you!

A split-second upwards, followed with my body leaping backwards, straight off the pillar, as the small structure collapsed and smashed by the weight of whatever fell down and attempted to crush me while my guard was down. Jesus! My body landed roughly on the stone floor, ignoring the bits of rock and dust bouncing off my hair and head from above.

Ow my tailbone!

Clenching my features, I grit my teeth and glared upwards at whatever was trying to kill this time-




A harsh trail of laughter followed, a bald stallion with human-coloured skin and one glowing black horn, his body brimming with dark unstable magic as he descended from the heavens to float beside the dangerous machine I recognized all too well. Deeply black void eyes with a matching repulsive grin leered down at the sight of me, motioned to the very monstrosity that tried to crush me just then.

"Ironic, isn't it?" Zagreus began snidely, that dark humour all too present. "You will die at the hands of one of your favourite machines. Discord isn't the only creature whom can break through the barriers of universal probabilities and pull through things which never had a place here... Sound familiar, Jack?"

Blood red in colour, shining brightly from the reflection of the sun outside, a hand cannon as one limb, a spearing drill for another, lower legs capable of firing ice, the bottom half of the body thin with a small cockpit as the stomach, and the upper body massive, round with many glowing white 'eyes' dotted across the chestplates. Two red wings producing blue energy to keep the humongous machine stable. Another cockpit as the head... With neither a single person in either.

My fist clenched. Okay, arguably worse than a Rayquaza...

"I can't kill you with magic, boy." Black eyes narrowed in disdainful glee. "However, this machine will compensate for that minor inconvenience quite nicely. No more words to be shared, old friend... Now, die."

On cue, the Egg Dragoon reared back its violently spinning drill, and I quickly prepared myself. But the behemoth of a boss didn't target my standing spot.

But rather, the ground beneath me.

Ah, so we were doing this Unleashed style-!

I couldn't stop the short screams from my mouth at the sudden velocity I was descending, through the interior of the building with no next floor in sight. Remains of the floor I previously walked upon fell with me, barely making any minor platforms. My eyes were already watering, but I could just reach the nearest rock...


Managing to stable myself, for the moment, I knelt down on the falling piece of debris and immediately picked up on the sound of whirring machinery above, glaring upwards. The Egg Dragoon was quick to follow me, knocking back any other debris and aiming its massive hand cannon in my general direction. Well at least it wasn't the drill!

You have to jump!

And jump I did, picking up on the sounds of firing plasma impacting every small platform I leaped from one to another on, barely missing the heat of the gun brushing against my back. The fact I was still even breathing at this point astonished me. I truly was a gary stu! How else would I survive fighting off an Egg Dragoon?!

The same way I fought off Tirek, likely- Oh [BEEP]!

I barely managed to dodge that next assault, the drill coming down and tearing off the next platform in two. Okay, continuous dodging won't work for me. At this point, the Dragoon will tear every protective debris in half, there'll be nothing to keep me grounded or safe! As if currently falling to my death wasn't enough!

Wind catching in my mouth, I grit my teeth and struggled to even see through glasses or squinting, the wind picking though we weren't even outside yet. How long does this building last?! Gah! Again, barely avoiding the next assaults, the few platforms I jumped behind from being encased with ice just like part of the walls, barely managing to hit me. Although, freezing to death sounded less painful than being incinerated or speared from a drill at this point.

Rolling onto another small flat rock, I pocketed my hand, reaching down for... Yes! Still there! The cutlass gifted by Celaeno wouldn't help at this moment, the Dragoon's armour was way too steep for any sword to penetrate. And I lacked the strength or speed of a certain azure hedgehog whom fought this beastly Dragoon before - Twice - to best it with brute force.

But a machine was still a machine... And I just needed to get above it, but how-?

Once again, dodging the incendiary plasma, although this time running around the small platform along with some rolling, somehow managing to not to touch the scorched spots the fire left behind. With no one piloting the Dragoon, one could assume it was currently working via remote control or autopilot. And Eggman doesn't strike me as the type to hand our such powerful weapons to any strange equine, often idiotic as he can be.

So autopilot it was. Ergo, its attacks weren't coordinated.

Ergo, it would be easily tricked with its own scanners.

Ergo, I could disable some of its attacks and force it to use a more physical means of assault.

Ergo... The drill!

With one aimed hum, both the Dragoon's feet preparing to fire some more ice balls suddenly malfunctioned, finding themselves covered in a frosty condition... Before exploding off the lower limbs. Enraged as a machine can get, the Dragoon aimed its whirring cannon in my vicinity, and I retaliated in kind. Not today [BEEP], this battle was mine! The screwdriver worked its magic, sparks firing off the cannon and thoroughly disabling its mechanisms for the moment. Didn't know how long it'd last.

Which left just the drill, and the Dragoon was all to happy to utilize it, rearing back once again... As did I.



If this didn't work, my organs would be Zagreus' evening meal.

The drill moved.


With the tip barely reaching me, I leaped upwards and pointed downwards, the sonic power of the handheld device tapping into the functions and gears of the drill and, briefly, reducing its spearing into the debris to a complete halt, allowing my uneasy stance to land safely on it... And almost falling off out of imbalance.

Come on Jack, live up to your fake last name!

Not wasting any time, my feet ran upwards, moving so fast I couldn't be able to fall off by stopping for even a moment, managing to reach the red arm and directly facing upper chest. The Dragoon, however, had other intentions in contrast to mind, immediately moving itself around and causing me to cling with all fours onto the 'shoulder' of the machine, the bottom of my coat whipping violently from the upper edge of the drill working again.

Almost there! In motion to the wild swings of the foe, I gripped onto the massive shoulder spike and held on for dear life, grinding my teeth and clenching my expression, screwdriver gripped in my fingers. So close... So Goddamn close! With as much composure and strength I could muster, sheer will assisting in pulling me up to stand instead of kneeling around the spike, planting my shoes firmly into the mech. Almost there! Just needed to... Reach out and... My sonic screwdriver buzzed...


It did... Something!

For the spinning Dragoon - Almost causing me motion sickness and my head to whirl for a brief moment - aimed high and fired off its whirring long drill this time, rocket fire turning it around to face my direction from an angle which would aim for my head... And the machine's upper cockpit!

That works too!

Now Jack!

Starswirl's warning was well-timed, for the open skies were now exposed to us, evening shade reflecting off the glistening light of the red armour now sparking and threatening to produce a violent chain reaction. [BEEP]! Yet thankfully, while the harsher winds were now impacting my eyes, face and whipping clothes, the sheer weight and deactivated wings and rockets of the speared Egg Dragoon forced it to descend beneath the clouds at a much faster pace, vanishing right beneath a large mist of fluff whiteness.

And I flinched at the explosive sounds and fire emerging from the center of the very clouds I was about to enter... Unless...!

I veered off course, heading right through another of clouds instead! Though was it just me, as I fell through to the land below, or was the sky getting much grayer? I could barely see anything then with the winds whipping against my face, threatening to yank my glasses off into the skies if not for my firm grip on them.

Starswirl, please tell me I was going to land somewhere soft!

Be prepared to experience a rough landing just in case, Jack!

Wish I was a pony again, specifically, and more usefully, a pegasus right about now...!

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