• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Eighty-Nine: Acquaintance-Friend

This is nauseatingly mundane of you.

What? You mean scrubbing the floors? It's called working, Sombra, maybe you've heard of it.

Hm, and perhaps you would succeed with getting this pointless chore over with sooner, should you cease straying your eyes over to the Princess every minute.

Ignoring that sneer, my eyes did glance over from washing the floorboards squeakily-clean towards the oblivious purple alicorn, who was humming merrily while, as always, pulling out some books she intended on reading for the day. And my scrubbing promptly halted temporarily, watching those sparkling eyes light up at a particular book she chose was mesmerizing, a light adorable smile on her features that caused me to mirror the expression.

How I got so lucky was beyond me...

Beyond us all.

Heh. At least I actually have someone to care for other than myself, your 'Grace.'

Twilight then cheerfully turned around, the books lifted via magic- Uh oh! Said magic dissipated, books falling be default as Twilight let out a surprised noise, my own handiwork on the floor causing the mare to slip straight forward across the room, into my waiting arms. I dropped the scrub in time to catch the alicorn, relieved she was alright, and heart accelerating at our sudden close proximity.

To her credit, a red hue appeared on Twilight as well at our sudden position, but a brief glance at the floorboards turned that shy embarrassment to annoyed embarrassment. Oh boy. "Jack, I told you, you're not suppose to make the floor too wet. Now it'll leak through the floor downstairs!"


"I couldn't help it!" I retorted in defense, voice then lowering upon adding while glancing away in my own foolish nervousness. "Not my fault you're so distracting to look at..."

I winced at the quiet stunned look from the corner of my eye.

You're an idiot.

Well, you're-

My inward retort to the King was cut off by the abrupt lips contacting my own, and my mouth eagerly accepted and returned the kiss without hesitation. One hoof reached up to brush Twilight's mane fondly, my mind clouded, Sombra's mutters drowned out at the alicorn's ability to turn me into a dumb high schooler all over again.

But ya know what? I ain't complaining.

To my slight disappointment, however, the kiss was over before it should've, Twilight's limbs wrapped around my neck, a pleased smile matching her reddened yet gleeful features. And I grinned rather stupidly, "If that's my punishment for messing up a chore, I should get in trouble more often."

Twilight shook her head, "Let's not make a habit of it. You messing up, I mean," She added hastily, and I couldn't help but laugh, reaching out to embrace the mare intimately again-

"Um... Should I be here?"

...Probably not, Spike.

Our eyes blinked at the unwelcome interruption, turning towards the nervous Spike, who looked apologetic before gesturing with a thumb behind him. "Bro, you've got a visitor."

"...Okay?" I questioned, inwardly protesting upon Twilight now giving me space. "And he or she couldn't find their way up?"

Spike fidgeted slightly, already turning back downstairs. "You might wanna see her for yourself."

Oh? With a brief exchanged glance alongside Twilight, we followed the dragon curiously. Were we visited by someone completely unexpected? Royalty perhaps? Had Celestia come to discuss the growing threat of Tirek, as Twilight had informed her a while back? Luna maybe? Or perhaps Shining or Cadence, wishing to discuss more about the upcoming Equestrian Games and my involvement with it?

At our arrival near the front door, Spike waited with his claw on the handle, looking hesitant before opening the red door by our nods. Who could it be-?


Twilight gasped in genuine surprise, while I blinked at the appearance of the blue unicorn wearing the large purple magician's hat. Then, said hat lifted upwards to reveal the boastful equine's smug expression.

"Hello Stardust. Princess."

"Well," I casually stated, albeit baffling. "Things just got more interesting..."

"Trixie!" I exclaimed in welcome after shaking out of my stupor, gesturing politely. "Please come in!" I played obliviousness to Twilight's look, adding warmly, "Would you like some tea? Spike make her some tea."

"The great and powerful Trixie humbly accepts your offer," The blue mare stated in that usual exaggerate tone of hers, while a disgruntled dragon closed the door after she entered, heading towards the kitchen to do as I requested.

Twilight, then, managed to compose herself next, forcing her own welcoming smile. "Trixie... It's great to see you again. How have you been?"

"Oh this and that," Trixie replied dismissively, inspecting her own hoof rudely, before finally taking a notice of Twilight's own wings. And for a moment, I swore I saw something flash in the unicorn's pink eyes, then she smirked, "Hm... So, it's true; you've become an alicorn. Trixie's most sincere congratulations, Twilight... Or should Trixie address you as Princess now?"

"Heh, just 'Twilight' will do. As I prefer my friends to call me by my name."

A raised brow. "Oh, so we're friends now?"

"Anyway!" Nope, not letting a pony catfight happen, not in the library at least. Standing between the two, I grinned rather weakly towards Trixie, "It's been a while Trixie... You've been well?"

"Trixie supposes you could call it that," She responded with a shrug, before looking over to where Spike departed to, "Hopefully your pet dragon won't be too long with the tea, the great and powerful Trixie is rather busy."

"Spike isn't a pet," Twilight said sternly, walking around me to meet the blue mare eye to eye. Uh oh. "He's a friend, and I'd rather you not disrespect him so in my household."

Trixie, however, only looked smug. "Touchy." My hoof immediately reached to Twilight's side in reassurance, partially hoping the alicorn doesn't lash out at the provoking unicorn. But Trixie then released an exaggerated yawn, "Regardless, Trixie hasn't come here to make civil talk. She has visited to speak with you, Stardust Balance."

"Well, I'm here," I pointed out casually, prompting Trixie's small smile.

"So you are." Something about that look unnerved me. What surprised me, however, was Twilight now promptly standing between myself and the unicorn, as if sending a message. Trixie took it with stride though, instead pointing out an observation, "Please refrain from looking at Trixie like that, 'Twilight,' Trixie isn't here to steal your boyfriend away." Twilight, realizing what she was doing, flushed in irritation before looking away. Trixie scoffed. "No, Trixie's taste are far too eloquent for a mere brute."

"I'm flattered," I replied dryly, unfazed by the basic insult. Hey, when you have a demonic King residing in your mind constantly belittling you and everyone around you, Trixie's own jabs are mute in comparison. "How can we... I help you then, Trixie?" I corrected my question after Twilight's expression at the word 'we.'

"Quite simply- Ah, thank you dragon." The mare took the offered cup gracefully, hovering it in mid air as she continued, "As I was saying, Trixie first wishes to discuss this... Privately."


"Um... Okay..." I answered slowly, frowning at this mare's usage of the word, before glancing at both Twilight and Spike, the former who didn't look particular pleased with the idea of leaving me alone with Trixie. "Twilight, Spike, if you would...?"

Upon a moment of hesitation, Twilight relented at my look, sniffing at Trixie and nodded before walking off, dragging a protestant Spike along with her with head raised in the air, looking promptly annoyed by this whole thing. Not that I didn't blame her, honestly...

Once it was certain both left the room, I looked back at Trixie, nodding. "So... Again, how can I help you?"

This time, however, Trixie seemed... Hesitant. As if waging a battle within herself for the next response. Eventually sighing, in defeat of success, the mare looked up, meeting my gaze firmly. "The great and powerful Trixie... Is in need of your brutish services."

'Brutish services...' How nice of her-


"You want... My help?"

Trixie sniffed. "In a sense." Before sipping the tea, though is it me of was the cup shaking almost violently? She continued after a satisfactory gulp. "Trixie requires your physical advantages against two ponies who have wronged me."

Say what now?

"I don't bully people, Trixie," I said flatly. If she was looking for some muscle to do her dirty work and put fear in the hearts of her enemies, then this delusional mare can look elsewhere.

Trixie, meanwhile, calmly sipped her tea this time, but when the equine spoke again, it was done with a slight tremor in her tone, "Tell me, are you familiar with two particular con artists known as the Flim Flam Brothers?"

The Flim Flam-? Images of two tall yellow unicorns came to mind, recalling the time those two con-ponies arrived in Ponyville with the intention of purchasing Sweet Apple Acres for their own purposes.


The unicorn nodded, and this time, her pink eyes almost looked pleading, "Trixie doesn't request your assistance out of revenge - though that certainly is part of the equation - but out of our... Friendship." Oh you gotta be kidding me. "Those repulsive siblings have wrongfully cheated me out of my own hard-earned money! My savings from working in that forsaken rock farm!"

The anger and usage of first-person speak this time around prompted my sincere sympathy. "I'm sorry," I said quietly, half-considering reaching out to comfort the mare. But knowing Trixie, I refrained myself. "I'm well-aware of the brothers trying to scam others out of their bits; they've been here long ago."

"And now they have returned, here to Ponyville."


I swore it wasn't just me who asked that out-loud, yet the blue unicorn nodded regardless, her glare deepening as we continued discussing about the eccentric con artists, "No doubt they wish to fool your townsfolk into corking over their bits as they had done to me. They promised me a valuable artifact which would increase my magical capabilities tenfold! Instead, they got me a painted stone! A stone!"

Alright, never mind the fact that Trixie was trying to cheat up her magic powers still, that can be addressed later. Instead, I raised a brow of my own. "If they are here, then why can't you get your money back by yourself? You're capable of handling anything by yourself."

That is too much faith on her behalf, boy.

The blue mare snorted. "Flattering, but I know better." Oh? "Our little battle in this town a while back has taught me a few things; one being to not underestimate the enemy."

...Huh. "That's very wise of you."

"Don't condescend me," Trixie snapped, "What is it they say, 'the enemy of my enemy is my tool?'"

"'Friend,' Trixie."

"Details." Trixie waved again dismissively, before smiling rather sinister towards me. "And clearly you hold no love for those foolish stallions yourself. Do I have your help, Stardust?"

The answer was made by the sound of a door opening from behind, and a small crash. Looking over there, we spotted Twilight and Spike, falling through the doorway to the next room, clearly having been eavesdropping on us, and I shook my head in fond exasperation. Those two, I swear. Yet, it was Twilight who recovered first, marching over towards with purple eyes revealing blatant distrust.

"Pardon my bluntness, Trixie, but what exactly do you intend for Ja- Stardust to do?" Twilight asked rather sternly, frowning. "If you expect him to physically inflict harm on the brothers, you've got another thing coming."

Em, I can speak for myself love...

"You worry too much Twilight," Trixie said reassuringly... Well, as reassuring as she can be towards her rival. "While that would be rather spectacular to behold, the great and powerful Trixie simply requires Stardust's physical capabilities for protection, that's all."


"You... Want him to be your bodyguard?"

"As we take a look around the brother's establishment, yes." Trixie nodded at Spike's question. "And in exchange, I am really to pay this stallion - I'm sorry, alien - handsomely for his services."

"Even so." Twilight narrowed her eyes. "I'm not comfortable with the idea of using my special somepony as a shield." At the term regarding me, Trixie's eyes widened in genuine surprise, and Twilight looked slightly smug, though she'd never admit to it. "I want to know exactly what is it we're up against before agreeing to your terms."

We? "Twilight, you don't have to-"

Purple eyes then looked at me, sparkling in soft firmness. "Part of a relationship is facing something together, Jack," Twilight said rather quietly, "And besides, if the Flim Flam Brothers have really returned, and are scamming others out of their money, we have to stop them."

...Alright. Clearly there's no stopping this mare. When Twilight's mind is set, she's as stubborn as Applejack.

At my nod and smile, Twilight returned the gesture before looking back at the smirking smug Trixie, and I spoke next with the utmost seriousness. "You have a deal."

"Uh, guys?" We heard Spike ask from behind, and we looked at him pointing upwards. "The ceiling's leaking." And our gazes followed his finger at the water, indeed, dripping through the ceiling.

And I wished I could whistle while looking away from Twilight's expression.

"Will this take long?" The blue equine was already complaining as Twilight examined the contents of the tonic, "Trixie's patience is far from limitless."

Now within the basement of the library, Twilight worked on uncovering the recipe behind the so-called 'curative tonic' invented by the Flim Flam Brothers; which supposedly rids of any illness or physical disabilities, such as age. Of course, it sounded way too good to be true. Spike was happily munching in a bag of potato chips after doing his job of purchasing the tonic from the brothers - none of us three ponies because of understandable reasons - whereas Trixie watched idly as Twilight began experimenting on the bottle of green liquid with her equipment, the former glancing around the lab in dull interest.

"Patience is a virtue Trixie," I pointed out casually, while the wooden machines hummed in getting to work.

"He's right," Twilight concurred without turning around, focusing on the battle surrounded by wires and the like. "The sooner we uncover the ingredients behind this 'cure tonic,' we can expose those Flim Flam Brothers for being obvious frauds. A curative tonic for any ailment... It's absurd."

"The great and powerful Trixie, for one, would never fall for such a ludicrous scheme."

Not desiring another fight to start between the two - although I hardly doubted Twilight's inability to have composure - I attempted to change the subject, "So, just like old times, eh Trixie? Us working together."

"Hm? Ah, yes." The unicorn nodded, smirking, and I spotted Twilight glancing over her shoulder towards us. "Trixie recalls saving your life against the Changelings masses in Canterlot."

Oh dear. I inwardly cringed as Twilight now suddenly looked fully in our direction, looking surprised by this information.

"Say what now?" Spike asked for the purple mare, mouth full of chip. Part of me chided the dragon for the manners.

"Oh, he never told you?" Yeah no need to sound smug about it, Trixie. "The great and powerful Trixie was instrumental in assisting your friend here against an ambush sent by the dreaded Queen Chrysalis! With my magical abilities, we were able to best this opposition post-haste!"

"How modest of you..." I mumbled dryly, and she didn't seem to hear.

A ding sound was suddenly heard, directing our attention towards the bubbling tonic. Twilight, snapping her head back to it, pulled out the results the machine revealed, and stated out-loud in realization, "According to these results, the supposed 'curative tonic' is nothing more than pure apple juice!"

Why does the colour look so disgustingly dark green then?

Why else? Most likely an act of deception to make their 'tonic' look more plausible.

Could be...

"These results are certain?"

"Without a doubt," Twilight confirmed, nodded confidently while turning to face us. "We've got the proof now that the brother's 'curative tonic' isn't what it's cracked up to be."

"I knew it!" Thanks for the input Spike, "What's our next move then?"

Before Twilight could respond, it was a certain blue unicorn who answered with a determined mind and expression, "Now we direct our attention towards getting back Trixie's- I mean, everypony's money those con artists scammed them out of!"

"How do you propose we do that?" Twilight inquired, frowning doubtfully, "Walk up to them and outright ask for them to hand over everypony's bits back to them?"

Why not? Could work.

"Well... We could take it all back without them knowing about it," Say what now? Three heads looked at a eating Spike, who swallowed before continuing, "When I was buying the tonic, I learned that the Flim Flam Brothers will be selling them at the Ponyville Swimming contest tomorrow. We could sneak in while they're there and, y'know, get everyone's money back."

That's... An idea that does have merit.

Indeed, Sombra sounded shockingly agreeing, Take advantage of their absence. We could acquire the stolen money back for those foolish equines, and put an end to their plans in one swift stroke.

"Therefore killing two birds with one stone..."

Trixie didn't seem to hear my thoughtful comment, instead nodding in delighted agreement with the dragon, "Your pet is more useful than Trixie previously presumed, Twilight," Outright ignoring the mare's annoyed expression, Trixie carried on with a devilish smile, "We can sabotage their work in addition, and they'd be none the wiser. It's magnificent!"

"Or," Twilight interjected, raising a hoof, then summoning her blackboard on wheels forward along and drawing on it with a chalk, explaining her plan, "We could confront them during the contest and expose them in front of everypony with this undeniable proof we have, and then have them return everyone's money back so they can learn their lesson."

...That could work too.

But Trixie downright scoffed at the suggestion. "'Learn their lesson?' Not everyone will take your friendship preaches to heart, Twilight. No, the only lesson they'll learn, is not to mess with the great and powerful Trixie!"

"This isn't just about you Trixie," The purple alicorn retorted calmly, but even I saw that her patience was beginning to bend regarding her rival. "You're not the only pony who's been conned by those stallions. We need to make sure they never scam anyone again, and to do that we have to expose them."

"And we will, right after Trixie gets her money back."

"That can wait."

"That can hardly wait!"

Not good. The two mares were not literally in each other's faces, Twilight speaking with a forced patient voice, "I'm beginning to think your intentions aren't entirely motivated by selflessness, Trixie."

Her rival scoffed. "Sorry to disappoint, Princess, but like it or not, your boyfriend agreed to help Trixie. You've played your part, we can continue exacting the retribution against the brothers without you."

Twilight refused to yield though, frowning harder. "My boyfriend won't be a tool for you to play around with."

"Perhaps not. But unlike you, I can make good use of him."

Alright, enough was enough.

"That does it," I promptly ordered, walking forward and placing myself between the two heated mares, gently pushing them back away from one another, partially fearful for my life as both their horns began to glow rather menacingly. "We're not here to fight each other. The Flim Flams Brothers are our targets, not your rivalry."

Shame. This childish squabble was almost entertaining to observe.

Eyes still locked on the smug Trixie, Twilight thankfully relented over time and looked away, expressing distrust and irritation. The blue mare, however, sent me a sweet smile that borderlined a smirk. "You're absolutely right, Stardust. Perhaps Trixie was a little inaccurate over who needs who to balance their temperament emotions."

Not having it. Nope. "And Trixie, do refrain from provoking Twilight like that." I frowned, hard, to make the message clear. "Don't forget, if it wasn't for her, you wouldn't be here standing and talking, would you?" As much as I hate to bring that memory up, it had the intended effect. Pink eyes flashed in recollection, before the mare huffed and looked away just like Twilight did.

But I swore, for a moment, I saw something akin to regret in her eyes.

"Here's what I propose," I began calmly, "We take advantage over the Flim Flam Brother's absence from their establishment. Hear me out." Twilight closed her mouth promptly as my request. "There we do, indeed, see if we can find any way to make sure they never produce such false products again, and get Trixie's money back for her." I waited until the unicorn at least glanced in my direction. "Then, we go to the contest and expose the brothers for fraud, and demand they give everybody elses money back. Sounds fair?"

For a moment, both mares regarded one another with clear negative emotions, and I repressed a sigh. Can we not save this for another time? There were far more important things at stake here. But the answer came, to my immense relief, when the two girls voiced their agreements.

"I suppose that would suffice."

"If I get my hard earned money back sooner, the better."

"Great, now shake on it," I winced after saying that, both Twilight and Trixie then glancing at each other with frowns and looking away stubbornly, prompting my sigh. And from the side, Spike continued munching the chips as if enjoying a show.

Mares. Far more trouble than they're worth.

A circus tent.

Their temporary establishment in Ponyville, was a circus tent.

"You weren't kidding," I noted to Spike, as the four of us observed the large generic tent from a hilltop.

"Very grandiose," Twilight commented in thought.

"You should see the inside, it's amazing," Spike said in clear awe, and I shook my head, rubbing the dragon's head humouredly.

Trixie, meanwhile, was far less impressed, rolling her eyes and moving forward with purpose, "Let's refrain from dilly-dallying and take advantage of their departure while we can! Onwards Trixie's assistants!"

Jesus Christ...

Glancing at one another in exasperation, we trailed after the haughty unicorn, down the hill towards the large circus tent. To my left, Twilight spoke to me quietly, "Do you really consider Trixie your friend?"

Inhaling sharply, I thought for a moment before responding, considering the complexities over mine and Trixie's... Relationship. "Well... After everything we've been through, would it be fair otherwise, love?"

Twilight didn't speak briefly, regarding the blue striding mare with thought. Then, the alicorn said with a hint of suspicion, "You never mentioned Trixie helping you against Changelings at Canterlot."

Better not [BEEP] this up, Stardust: "Remember that ambush I told you about, when your parents and Cadence helped out? Trixie was there too."

Purple eyes widened, Twilight now regarding me with complete attention. "You never mentioned that!" I winced, grinning sheepishly as Trixie looked over towards us boredly, and Spike gazed away, not wanting to partake in this conversation. The purple mare then continued in a hushed whisper, "Any other times you and she interacted without me knowing about it?"

...Why was this so important to her?

"Another time, long ago, when I first met your brother. Recently, when she visited the library earlier before your became a Princess."

"The latter I'm aware about." Twilight nodded, but expression still looking... Hurt? "You trust her then?"

"That's a bit of an exaggeration love," Was my attempt to diffuse this apparent argument, smiling weakly. "I'm just giving her the benefit of the doubt... Just like you've done for me," Before glancing over at the unicorn, speaking with thought, "Perhaps a friend is all she ever needed..."

I never really pondered about it. Trixie was always egotistical, arrogant and certain that everything she said and did was correct. And as such, had almost endangered the town not once, but twice. But what was the reason behind her attitude? Did Trixie have a harsh upbringing? Was she an orphan? Were her parents terrible role models?

And most importantly, why was Twilight looking as though I shredded a favourite book of hers?

Hm. You really do possess the brain of a child.

Oh? By all means, educate me your Highness. Tell me what I'm missing.

Dimwitted human, not even the Princess is beyond the contagious feelings of jealously.

Jealously? But that's-

"You!" Trixie's sudden voice caused me to snap my head in her direction, the blue mare pointing towards a thin-looking white stallion with a silver mane exiting the large tent, wearing big glasses, a sports cap and black-white striped shirt, a tray of bottles lined up strapped from his neck. "You're that assistant pony of theirs!"

The pony immediately responded by sheer instinct; turning tail and fleeing, running around the large tent. The chase was on! Three ponies and one dragon pursued the accomplice, Twilight putting her mind to work via teleporting before the stallion, blocking one path and forcing him down another, and we followed him down to directly behind the circus tent, leading to a small covered area revealing a much smaller tent by comparison, equipment covered in large blankets and a large obvious musical instrument, something the Flim Flam Brothers would obviously play to advertise their goods in a more appealing manner.

This also led to a dead end for the pony, and Trixie took perfect advantage of that. With magic, the unicorn summoned a rope around the stallion's limbs, capturing him flawlessly and suspending the scrawny pony upside-down, ignoring his cries for help.

"Overkill," Twilight mumbled.

"But effective," I replied, the four of approaching the fearful pony.

"P-Please, don't hurt me!"

And it was Trixie who went for the interrogative tactics first, glaring right into the cowering Earth Pony's face, "You have something that belongs to the great and powerful Trixie. Where do the brothers keep the bits they take from other equines?" At the nervous and hesitant quivering expression, Trixie glowered harder. "Tick. Tock."

"That's enough Trixie," Twilight interrupted the procedure firmly, "This isn't the way to-"

"Over there!" The stallion cried out in submission, pointing to the entrance of the smaller tent. With smug satisfaction, Trixie glanced over to us before trotting over towards her destination.

"He's all yours."

Twilight shook her head. "Spike, make sure she doesn't take anypony elses money for herself," The dragon saluted, following after Trixie. Right, my turn. But before I could begin questioning this suspended stallion myself, Twilight grabbed my limb, causing me to meet her eyes. "Don't be too harsh."

I smiled softly. "Ye of little faith... Although could you let him down as a sign of good faith?" Twilight nodded, and a sound of something crashing down from before us, prompting my nod. "Thanks." Now, to business. Reaching forward, I pulled the Earth Pony up, holding him steadily on his shoulder to prevent any attempts of escape. "Easy there, my friend. We won't hurt you. We just have some questions is all."

"What more could you want? I already confessed to Applejack, and now I have to confess to you too?!"

Applejack? Both Twilight and I exchanged glances, the former speaking next, "What does Applejack have to do with this?"

The stallion swallowed nervously, looking from me to the alicorn before answering in a tremor, "Granny Smith purchased one of the tonics for herself, and it seemed to be working quite effectively for her. And now Applejack has made it clear it's okay to lie to others so long as no one gets hurt."

No one gets-?

"That is a terrible, terrible idea," I snapped, unable to comprehend this, "Someone would get hurt by this act of deception. The false advertisement could have someone pull a reckless stunt which would cause untold injuries!"

"It's immoral," Twilight concurred, matching my expression to this news, "But why would Applejack lie about the tonic? That's hardly like her!" Indeed, it was uncharacteristic of the orange mare to lie about anything. She must have her reasons for doing so.

"I'm- I'm guessing she wants her Granny to be happy," The stallion supplied nervously.

"Even so," I pointed out, whilst Twilight looked contemplative. "This can have devastating consequences on anyone really to try something their body couldn't handle," As I said this, we spotted a satisfied Trixie magically carrying a pouch out of the tent, Spike following.

"To the point of serious harm," Twilight continued for me, sounding both thoughtful and worried, "Despite good intentions, a false curative tonic would inflict more injuries than heal them. The Flim Flam Brothers have gone too far this time."

The Earth Pony sighed, sounding quite regretful, "It's too late, in any case."

Twilight looked up at that, clearly unnerved by the guilt-ridden voice. "How so...?"

"From what I heard, Granny Smith is going to partake in the Ponvyille Swimming very soon, maybe even the high dive. I'm suppose to sell more of the tonic at the contest, and use Granny's success for more profit with the brothers."


"That means..."

Both Twilight and I regarded each other with similar horror, the implications far too dangerous to believe. It was Spike then who vocally finished our thoughts, "Granny Smith could get seriously hurt!"

Sombra was cruelly indifferent to the concept: She's had her time.

How can you- Shut up Sombra!

"We have to stop Granny Smith! Now!" Twilight commanded firmly, "The contest is happening as we speak! If we can make it in time-!"

A yawn interrupted the alicorn. "Have fun with that," Prompting our attention on the second indifferent pony to this matter. Trixie continued casually, "Trixie got what she came for. Your services are no long required; Trixie thanks you three."

Oh of course...

Twilight expressed more disbelief than I, gaping at the mare, "Wha- Someone's life is at stake here!"

Trixie shrugged, examining the contents of her pouch while speaking, "And Trixie is certain you'll use your magic of friendship to save her. Don't let Trixie stop you."

"You..." Twilight said through gritted teeth, looking ready to rightfully chew the unicorn out for her callous and selfish behaviour... Then forcibly sighing and regarding myself and Spike, "Forget it, let's just get there in time."


But the mare ignored me, frowning hard at Trixie, ye also expressing disappointment, "And here I thought you were capable of caring for anyone other than yourself," Ouch, shots fired. Trixie paid no heed to that, prompting Twilight to look down in slight sadness, before regarding both Spike and I with a determined nod, "Let's go."

I guess so... Truthfully, I was just as disappointed as Twilight was, if not more-

"Wait!" But it wasn't Trixie who called for us just then, but the cowering pony, who suddenly looked rather resolved himself, "Let me help somehow... I don't want anyone to get hurt too."


Twilight smiled in gratitude. "Come on then...?"

"Er, Silver Shill, Princess."

If the situation wasn't so dire, I would've commented on the name.

Allow me then; blatant ridiculous name in relation to money.

Thank you Sombra...

"We must hurry, come on!"

And yet I paused for a brief moment as the other rushed away from the area, glancing back at Trixie, who was watching us leave with an undecipherable expression. With that, I called over my shoulder, "If we're really friends, Trixie, then you'll help us in the end, somehow," And looked back forward without awaiting a response, following after the others.

Blind faith in the manipulative trickster?

More of hope that anyone can be a better person if they at least tried... And after what happened with you a while back, I believe that deep down, Trixie wouldn't allow anyone to get hurt on her watch.

"We're too late!"


Twilight pointed out the obvious as we arrived to the contest, unable to stop the elderly farmer for jumping off the dangerous-looking high dive, situated atop a large colourful structure made exclusively for todays event. Even rushing towards the landing spot wouldn't save Granny Smith in time.

But thankfully, the saviour came in the form of a long rope, catching the green Earth Pony by the leg just before she hit the tiny paddle pool. Twilight, Spike, Silver and I stopped in our tracks at that, looking at one another in relief, some letting out a "Phew."

Yeah, that was close...

And from the diving board above, Applejack lowered the rope slightly so her grandma may land safely, to Granny Smith's chagrin, "Now what in tarnation did ya do that for?!"

"To prevent an accident over a lie!" Many heads from the crowd turned towards their Princess at her response. Twilight walked forward, looking both relieved yet determined, "For this supposed 'curative tonic-'" A bottle floated beside her for emphasis, "- Is nothing more than a fabrication!"

Exaggerated gasps.

"Now just settle down there Princess," One of the two con ponies - Flim I guess - attempted to take control of the situation, wrapping an unwelcome limb around the alicorn with forced enthusiasm, "Our tonic just happens to be the most genuine cure tonic around!"

"Why, just look what it did for Granny Smith over there!" Flam gestured over to Granny Smith, watching us along with the doubtful crowd, "She's been as fit as a fiddle ever since trying out our one-percent guaranteed Flim and Flam's Curative Tonic!"

Thankfully, Twilight shook their pony arms off her before I got really annoyed, glaring at the two tall unicorns, "I have evidence to support my claim; the tonic is nothing more than squashed apple juice! Granny Smith would have been seriously hurt had she landed just now!"

The audience looked from Twilight to Granny, then to the grinning brothers.

"Why that's quite a claim, young Princess."

"Surely we can see this evidence of yours, just in case?"

"She don't need to!" A resolved voice spoke up, prompting us all to look over at Applejack, who sighed and gazed at her grandma, "Granny, I'm sorry. You were so happy doin' the things you did in your youth, I didn't want to ruin that," Granny Smith, meanwhile, softened her irritated look at Applejack's shame, now smiling slightly.

Yeah, like Granny Smith of all ponies was gonna be mad at her own flesh and blood.

"But you gave it your stamp of approval?" A pony pointed out to Applejack.

"Are you saying you lied?" Another inquired.

"I am," Was the Earth Pony's response, and I couldn't help but nod in approval at the mare's admittance. But still, Applejack? Lying? Never thought I'd see the day. That event with Discord doesn't really count.

More gasps.

"And what's more, I can prove it's fake!" Hm? Now it was Silver Shill who spoke up, outright glaring at the nervous-looking Flim Flam Brothers, pointing at them with a resolved tone, "I now realize what we've been doing is wrong! I helped made the stuff, pretending that it worked so ponies could spend their hard-earned money on the stuff. But no more! These ponies made me realize that even lying can hurt others just as much as the truth can!"

You go my friend! I patted the Earth Pony's side in approval. Way to show that confident side when the situation warranted it.

Twilight also smiled at Silver for exposing the brothers further and realizing his own folly, turning back to the still-grinning siblings. Except this time, the two con stallions looked more nervous than ever, "This web of lies started because of two selfish ponies who scammed you all from the very beginning," While the crowd muttered in agreement, Granny Smith was regarding Applejack, opening her muzzle to speak-

But I didn't get the chance to hear what she had to say, as I noticed two ponies fleeing from the area.


They tried to run once, what makes them think they can escape me now?

Speeding past Silver and Spike, I pursued after the Flim Flam Brothers, who were heading in the direction we arrived from. No doubt attempting to grab all their things from the circus tent and bail. As if I'd-

Oh... Hello now.

The two brothers didn't make it very far, as blocking their path stood the very last pony they'd want to cross. Trixie regarded the two taller stallions blankly, speaking rather neutrally, "You remember Trixie, don't you gentlecolts?"

"Ah! The great and powerful Trixie!" Flam exclaimed in recognition, backing up with his sibling as Trixie calmly approached them, heading unintentionally right back to the crowd.

"So nice to see you again!" Flim added, "It's been, how long now, a week since you bought our incredible magical artifact?"

Trixie frowned harder, and I discreetly stepped aside as they passed. Better not get in the way here. Beside the blue mare was a floating large bag, drifting after the unicorn as they approached the crowd.

"What brings you here?"

"Heard of our famous curative tonic and wished to try some for yourself?"

"Afraid not," Trixie replied with barely-concealed glee, "I believe this is what one would call... Retribution," And the large sack dropped with a thud. The crowd gasped, whereas I blinked rapidly at the huge amount of coins pouring out of the open sack. "Why, Trixie does believe this is all the bits you conned out of these ponies. Fell free to help yourselves, my fellow equines!"

The large amount of ponies obliged happily, reaching out and grabbing as many bits that belonged to them as they can. And stepping forward, I grinned proudly towards the blue mare, who was now outright seething at the panicking brothers.

I knew it. I knew she'd come around!

"The great and powerful Trixie does not tolerate being deceived! She will never forgive you taking what is rightfully- Get back here you cowards!" Oh boy. The stallions ran off, not wanting to incur Trixie's wrath along with the town's fury any longer. Yet instead of pursuing them, the mare sighed, and I watched in slight sudden apprehension as Twilight was now approaching the unicorn, prompting Trixie to face her. "What do you want?"

Yet Twilight was smiling, looking proud herself of the mare for doing the most generous thing she could do, "I was wrong about you, Trixie; you do have it in you to be a selfless pony. Forgive me for accusing you before."

Trixie clearly didn't anticipate that, gaping at the alicorn for a long moment before coughing behind her hoof, regaining composure, "Well of- of course you were very wrong to doubt the great and powerful Trixie! For Trixie can be as generous as anypony if she so desires! And... Trixie supposes she apologizes too, for the event a while back involving the Alicorn Amulet."

Sombra snorted.

Twilight only smiled, and her rival blinked at the sudden offered hoof, "Maybe now we can finally start over... Friends?"

And I hardly doubted what happened next. A hesitant blue hoof shook the alicorn's own, and Trixie grinned, "Acquaintance-friends."

Of course.

Twilight only blinked, then rolled her eyes in good humour, and the blue mare turned swiftly after the hoof-shake concluded, gesturing dramatically, "And now, the great and powerful Trixie is needed elsewhere! Until we meet again! Oh, and," She leaned back towards Twilight, pink eyes gleaming in my direction with a smirk, "Good luck putting up with him..."

Hey! "I heard that!" Twilight and Trixie only chuckled, before the latter finally threw some pink dust on the ground, causing that infamous smoke she used to disappear.

"Those con ponies shan't escape the great and powerful Trixie yet!"

I can see why you hardly tolerate her.

Hey, I tolerate her now. Walking towards Twilight, spotting Granny Smith and Applejack hug it out from the corner of my eye, we observed the departing Trixie with shared smiles.

"Think we'll be seeing her again anytime soon?"

"Hopefully not too soon; I can only take so much ego on the same week."

"Heh." Purple eyes then glanced at me. "Sorry about before, also."

Hm? "For what?"

"For my behaviour before," Twilight spoke quietly, sounding rather regretful, "Guess I was just... I don't know..."

"...Jealous? For no reason?"

She caught the teasing in my tone, mock-glaring at me, "Jealous? Of Trixie? She was hardly interested in you for me to be jealous."

I grinned in amusement. "Must've been from the rivalry then."

Twilight tilted her head. "Well thankfully, that's over now... I hope."

"But still, you. Jealous. Never thought I'd see the day."

Those mesmerizing eyes glinted in humour. "I'd dare say it's any worse than your behaviour around a certain boy in Sunset's world-"

"Don't you ever bring that up again. No, stop laughing, I'm serious! Twilight, that excuse of a stereotype hardly deserves you! Stop laughing dammit!"

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