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Make New Friends But Keep Discord

*Discord's POV*

Fluttershy told me about the upcoming event. And I have someone in mind to bring with me.

Yui asks "Dad?"

"Yes?" I noticed.

Yui asks "Seeing as thought you're going to the gala with mom, who should I go with?"

Ooh... That's a hard question to answer.

Yui spoke "I could ask Gau to go with me, he is my mate after all."

That made me nervous about that. "Are you sure about that?"

Yui spoke "Dad... You're more paranoid than Twilight was when she thought she was going to be late with a letter to Celestia."

"You're my daughter, Yui. Of course I'd be worried about you." I pointed out.

Yui giggles "I'm not a hatchling anymore."

Gau soon pops up with tickets to the Gala.

Gau spoke "Hey Discord."

“Hello Gau,” I greeted back.

Pandora soon pops up with a scared look on her face.

Pandora spoke "Dissy, I have bad news...."

“What is it?” I asked.

Pandora spoke "C-Cosmos has broken free of her prison... and I fear she might try to take you from me... And since the Gala's tonight, that'll give her a chance..."

Vera then showed up. “Had a feeling that might happen, so I let Celestia and Luna know ahead of time. That way, we’ll be ready.”

Pandora spoke "That won't work Vera, Cosmos will steal their magic. And we can't call in backup from the OC-verse and Redux-verse since they're also busy."

Vera asks "Did I not mention having called in Summer and the Heartsverse for possible assistance if needed?"

Yui spoke "But auntie, you also forgot one thing... Barring Princess Cadence and Prince Shining, at least 60 adult alicorns are attending the Gala... that's like an all you can eat buffet for a magic stealer like Tirek or Cosmos."

Vera spoke "*Facepalm!* Do I have to spell it out?"

Yui spoke "Don't make me call in Uncle Gator."

Vera spoke "I’m saying that magic-sucking won’t happen. I personally made sure of that."

All of a sudden, the magic compact I had goes off.

Twilight spoke "I know this is a bad time but that insane draconequus is in Canterlot! And she's taken Celestia's magic!"

Vera spoke "*Puts on swimming cap* Time to get to work."

Vera dove into a portal as it splashed like a swimming pool.

But because of the amount of magic that Cosmos had taken from the alicorns, Vera couldn't go through the portal.

Twilight spoke "*voice only* I should have warned her..."

Vera snapped her fingers as we were now at Canterlot and saw Cosmos.

Vera spoke "Now then..."

Vera suddenly dived at Cosmos and suddenly went inside her.

But since Cosmos had taken Azure's speed as well, the insane draconequus was too fast for Vera to catch.

Azure spoke "She took my speed and the magic from ALL of the alicorns here! She's nearly impossible to stop!"

But then Cosmos started coughing more violently before she fainted from lack of air with her black eyes with dark-purple slits still open.

Vera spoke "Now to find out what's going on."

Vera's right hand leapt out of Cosmos' mouth, carrying some kind of dark cloud.

Vera spoke "So this is the cause. Well, bye-bye."

Vera crushed the cloud, eradicating it as Cosmos' eyes turned yellow with her slits becoming black before she started blinking, waking up.

Cosmos groans "Ugh... where am I?"

Vera asks "Finally woken up, eh Cosmos?"

Cosmos asks "Sumarda?"

Vera spoke "I go by Vera nowadays."

Cosmos asks "Wha... What happened? Where am I?"

Vera spoke "The right question is WHEN are you. A ton of years has passed while you were being controlled."

Cosmos spoke "Controlled? Last thing I remember was seeing Discord and Pandora being happy when I suddenly blacked out."

Twilight and the other alicorns were out cold since their magic was gone.

Yui growls "MURDERER!!!"

Cosmos spoke "*Genuinely confused and nervous* W-What happened? Wait, why do I feel... *GASP!* Oh no!"

Cosmos intentionally punched herself in the stomach before she barfed out all the magic she stole as they returned to their rightful owners.

Azure spoke "Ugh... Let's NEVER talk about this again..."

I spoke "Before my daughter loses her temper, I have a few questions to ask you Cosmos..."

Cosmos teases "What? Jealous I'm a better prankster than you?"

That caught me off guard as Rainbow Dash, Pinkie and Vera snickered.

"That's not the point." I said as Cosmos tilted her head in confusion.

I ask "Remember what happened 2000 years ago before Yui had hatched?"

Cosmos asks "*Genuinely confused* Huh? What happened that long ago?"

I growl "Don't play dumb with me Cosmos, you killed Yui's siblings!"

Spottedleaf growls at the Draconequus.

But Cosmos actually seemed surprised. "Hold on, what? That's gotta be a joke. I mean, sure my pranks might hurt others slightly, but no way I would actually just up and kill defenseless eggs."

Applejack spoke "Yer lyin'..."

Crosswind spoke "But what if she's tellin' the truth AJ? That corruption can do crazy things to folks."

After coming through a warp ring, OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I'll be the judge of that."

OC-verse Danyelle approached Cosmos.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Time to see what's worth learning in there."

OC-verse Danyelle placed her hand on Cosmos' head and used her Dimensional Scream before she soon backed away, holding her head in pain from what she witnessed.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "All of that time... trapped inside..."

Cosmos asks "Huh? You good?"

OC-verse Danyelle shook her head, feeling better.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Well, you never really meant all that you did to happen while under the corruption's control since you never knew about that, but that corruption took control of you when you felt really jealous of Pandora."

Cosmos looked away, looking very embarrassed.

Lan spoke "Uh sis, you don't have the Dimensional Scream."

We realized the one who investigated Cosmos was actually the Danyelle from the OC-verse.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I sensed something was off so I came to look."

OC-Verse Danyelle smiled at Vera before speaking “And thanks for the heads up.”

Vera spoke "I try."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Anyways, I should get going before my universe's Ein pulls a prank on Shadow... Again..."

OC-Verse Danyelle opened a Warp Ring and went back to her universe as Cosmos really looked depressed of what she learned of her actions over the years.

Danyelle spoke "Look Cosmos... As my OC-verse counterpart would say... The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

Cosmos spoke "But how…? I know Discord won’t want to see me ever again, let alone forgive me after what I did."

Spottedleaf spoke "If it gets to be too much, you can take a step back and start again."

Cosmos spoke "But… *Sniffle!* He was the first and only friend I ever had before he introduced me to Vera."

Cosmos looked like her eye dams were about to break.

Spottedleaf spoke "From one immortal to another, here's another piece of advice. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that's why it's called the present."

Cosmos finally broke as she started sobbing freely with waterfalls and rivers of tears came from her eyes.

Twilight spoke "If it wasn't for Featherwhisker, we of the Alliance wouldn't have known about the problems that Mr Rich's ex-wife was causing."

Okay, now I’m really starting to feel sorry for Cosmos. And it looks like Pandora and Yui are feeling that too.

Pandora spoke "I'm still mad at her though..."

Yui spoke "I… I don’t know… I mean, what happened was the corruption’s fault."

Pandora spoke "Corruption or not, I nearly lost you 2000 years ago though Yui."

Pandora was shaking.

Yui spoke "Mom, please. Can’t we give her another chance? I think my siblings would agree."

Spottedleaf spoke "If somecat with a murderous past can be forgiven, then who's to say we can't forgive a Draconequus who was blinded by the corruption? I would."

Cosmos asks "*Sniffle!* R-Really?"

Spottedleaf spoke "Barring Tigerclaw since he had no chance of redemption, I'm a very forgiving cat."

Cosmos rushed up to Spottedleaf and hugged her while still sniffling with tears as Spottedleaf hugged her back.

Flintfur chuckles "Wow, her emotions are all over the place tonight."

Cosmos spoke "Discord… Pandora… If there was any way to bring those eggs back, I would have done that. So please let me say this, from the bottom of my heart… *Tearfully* I’m sorry."

Twilight spoke "I lost two of my own foals since I couldn't carry four to full term though. But the memory is still there."

Vera asks "Hey Cosmos, why don’t you stay in Blobtopia for a while?"

Cosmos asks "R-Really?

Vera spoke "Yeah, all this info being learned at once must be hard on you. It’s the least I can do for my BDFF. That’s “Best Draconequus Friend Forever” by the way, folks."

Flintfur snickers before bursting into laughter, setting the others off into laughter.

Vera asks "Oh really? Then what about Twilight’s BBBFF, Big Brother Best Friend Forever?"

Danyelle's neck fur fluffs up suddenly when she found a dark tabby Abyssinian kitten with amber eyes.

Danyelle spoke "Someone better go get Brambleclaw... now..."

Spottedleaf teleports before reappearing with Brambleclaw.

Brambleclaw asks "What’s going on?"

Danyelle was holding a kitten that looked a lot like Tigerclaw in her arms.

Brambleclaw asks "Anyone called in the reincarnation?"

Spottedleaf and Flintfur yank Brambleclaw's tail with magic.

Brambleclaw asks "What?"

Spottedleaf spoke "It may look like Tigerclaw but it's not him."

Brambleclaw sighs "Think I don't know that?"

Danyelle spoke "Regardless, a kitten this young can't survive long on its own."

Brambleclaw asks "Saying my mate and I should bring him back in?

Danyelle checks the kitten's gender.

Danyelle spoke "It's a girl and I will be raising her."

Brambleclaw asks "Are you sure about this?"

Danyelle spoke "If I can handle Irene's unpredictable magic spurts, a magicless kitten will be easy."


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