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Searching and Knowing

*Rainbow Dash’s POV (still)*

“Danyelle… *Pant!* We got… *Pant!* Trouble… *Pant!* On the way…” I wheezed.

Spottedleaf spoke "Calm down Dash."

Danyelle asks "What happened?"

I explained to the two royals about what I had seen in my dream.

A Shiba Inu Diamond dog male with samurai armor asks "Is something wrong?"

Rising Sun spoke "We have an ancient enemy approaching."

The diamond dog warlord spoke "We should alert Celestia-hime and the other royals immediately."

“I remember Luna talking about a group, I think they call themselves Shadow Operatives?” I remembered.

Spottedleaf spoke "Not just that Dash... Dark Gaia is close to reawakening."

The Diamond Dog warlord growls in response.

“I think Luna wanted us to find them to get their help.” I said.

Rising goes over to a reflection pool before tapping the surface of the water, causing it to ripple before Celestia's image appears.

Rising spoke "It's good to see you again Celestia-hime."

Celestia asks "Hmm? Rising, what seems to be the problem?"

I explained what I had seen in my dream to Celestia.

Celestia spoke "I see. Luna did say she had to call some friends in Neighpon."

Danyelle spoke "It's got me on edge though Celestia-hime."

Celestia asks "Did you find out anything in Ineighba?"

I spoke "Danyelle sensed three nascents but she had gotten into a fight with this weird unicorn... White mane, pink eyes, dark cerulean fur...."

Rising Sun growls "Shiromori…"

Reuben asks "Who?"

Rising Sun spoke "An enemy from a long time ago. This is the third time she’s returned."

Scorching spoke "I heard rumors that her main target is a kitsune though... But aside from myself, Snowfall and Quick... I don't know any other kitsuneponies."

Danyelle growls "And she mistook me for a different Danyelle."

Rising spoke "I wonder if he’s still around. Mystery…"

Danyelle spoke "I just remembered something! Ever since I got my magic, I've been storing things within my hammerspace for easier transport."

Danyelle pulls out a whistle that made a sound that only Mystery could hear before blowing on it.

Three howls ring clear before a pair of dogs and a kitsune with robotic back legs skid to a stop.

Needless to say... Scorching, Snowfall and Quick Fix were really shocked with their jaws dropped.

Snowfall had fainted with a major blush on her face.

Scorching sighs "Icefox down and out."

Mystery chuckles "Heh. Looks like you have a huge fan, Gareth."

Gareth spoke "Shut up Mystery."

Ashley giggles "Now-now. You know it’s true, Gareth."

Gareth spoke "Don't you start too cousin."

“Anywho, I’m gonna go check on Ineighba.” I said as I was about to take off.

An orange stone with a flame pattern inside it had clonked Scorching on the head, causing her appearance to change yet the cutie mark remained the same.

Scorching spoke "Woah... I look different..."

A light-blue stone with a snow-flake inside it clonked Snowfall before she changed appearance like her sister, but her cutie mark remained the same too.

Scorching was flapping her newly obtained wings.

Scorching spoke "Sweet! I got wings!"

Snowfall groans "*Waking up from her faint* Ugh… What happened?"

A white wing was seen from the corner of Snowfall's eyes.

Snowfall asks "H-Huh?!?"

Scorching happily spoke "We're alicorns sis!"

Snowfall asks "R-Really? How?"

Scorching asks "Maybe we needed something to trigger our ascension?"

Rising spoke "Indeed. That was a fire stone and an ice stone, both really rare."

A voice spoke "Not where I’m from."

We looked up, seeing someone standing on the ceiling, obscured by shadows.

The voice spoke "Hopefully I can get back home."

Danyelle asks "Who are you?"

The lizardlike creature spoke "Not surprised since this is our first time meeting, especially since I’m from another universe."

The figure jumped off the ceiling and landed on the floor, revealing himself.

The creature spoke "Name’s Chameleo."

Danyelle uses telepathy to contact her OC-verse counterpart.

Danyelle spoke "Another version of me will be picking you up shortly."

Chameleo spoke "Cool. You’re welcome for the stones."

A warp ring opens up.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "There you are you silly Inteleon!"

Chameleo spoke "Hey, it isn’t like I got here on purpose."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Your universe's Viper was worried sick when you vanished."

Chameleo spoke "I know…"

OC-verse Danyelle uses Spatial Chaos Control to teleport Chameleo back to his universe, dropping him on top of his world's Viper.

She even had us watch a bit.

Chameleo spoke "Oh! Uh… Sorry about that."

Viper spoke "You do know I’m small, right? So try not to do that again."

OC-verse Twilight was wide eyed when she saw me.

OC-verse Twilight spoke "You look like my world's Rainbow but with a horn as well as wings..."

OC-verse Danyelle was on her back while laughing.

OC-verse Danyelle laughs "Holy cuss!"

“Huh? What?” I asked OC-Verse Danyelle.

OC-verse Twilight spoke "*sigh* She's becoming more and more of a prankster by the day. Last week, she pulled a prank on Aphmau but the Ultima had let it slide.... Zane on the other hoof..."

“Hmm…” I wondered as I thought if I could convince my Danyelle to join in on some pranks sometime while the window to the Heartsverse closed. “Well, see ya guys later.” I said as I flew off to Ineighba.


I couldn’t help but giggle at that since she still remembers. “NO PROMISES!” I replied as I left the palace before arriving at Ineighba, and as if by my own instinct, at the same house I saw before Roll called yesterday.

Danyelle growls "I hate cucumbers..."

Spottedleaf spoke "Same since Twilight pranked me with one right after I teased her with a quesadilla. You can blame Shining Armor for that one."

Meanwhile in the Crystal Empire, Shining had sneezed.

Shining sighs "Seriously Spotted? That was 10 years ago...."

*Back with me…*

Here again? Something must be drawing me here. But what?

Danyelle pops up behind me, jumpscaring me.

“GAH!!! Don’t do that!” I gasped.

Danyelle giggles "Consider that payback from when you pranked me with a laser pointer."

I couldn’t help but pout at that before I remembered the house. “Oh, better knock to see if anyone’s in there.”

Danyelle's ears were on full alert in case Gantu attacked.

Danyelle spoke "We should be careful Rainbow-chan, Hämsterviel might be lurking nearby somewhere."

“I know.” I said as I knocked the door.

A female voice spoke "I’m coming."

The door opened, revealing a Pegasus mare with cerulean blue fur and red mane and having a cutie mark of wind in front of an ice crystal. But for some reason, she was shocked or surprised to see me.

Danyelle spoke "Hello auntie Gusty Snow."

Wait, auntie?

Gusty spoke "Come on, Dany. You know I’m only your auntie thanks to your uncle since he’s half-dragon and half-Abyssinian."

Danyelle spoke "All of the folks on my mom's side were ponies though one was a siren. I'm half Abyssinian half alicorn."

Gusty spoke "Really? That’s surprising. But you, Rainbow Dash, becoming an alicorn is surprising too. If you don’t recognize me, I don’t blame you, since this is our second meeting after all. Last time I met you, you were only a Pegasus foal in diapers."

I was confused.

Gusty spoke "Oh, right. Forgot to introduce myself. I am Gusty Snow. I also happen to be your mother’s little sister. I know my husband is from Danyelle’s father’s side."

Danyelle and I were shocked.

Vincent and Lan soon pop up near their sister as Roll and Malyu show up.

Lan spoke "But our dad was full Abyssinian though."

Vince and Danyelle both nod.

Gusty spoke "Oh? You never knew? Your father had a cousin who was half-Abyssinian, half-dragon, and that’s my husband."

To say we were speechless would’ve been a HUGE understatement.

The Sakurai sisters were both speechless.

Danyelle asks "Auntie, do you know what happened to Roll's parents?"

Gusty spoke "…I haven’t heard from them in years. So I’m not sure."

A female dracony-Abyssinian spoke "Alright, mom! I’m heading out to school!"

Gusty spoke "Okay Emerald Aura, but be careful."

Emerald spoke "Yes, mom."

A creature showed up, revealed as that female dracony-Abyssinian from yesterday.

Emerald asks "Huh? Who’re they?"

Gusty spoke "Why four of them are your cousins."

Emerald asks "W-Wha?!"

Roll spoke "I'm Vince's fiancée though."

Emerald asks "Okay, now I’m lost. What’s going on?"

Vince spoke "Well cuz, I guess you hadn't heard about the Wedding of Harmony then."

Emerald spoke "I seriously don’t get it. This is hurting my head."

Danyelle spoke "It's a long story and..."

The ground shook a bit.

Roll asks "As Spottedleaf would say... What in StarClan's name was that?"

Emerald spoke "Don’t ask me."

Danyelle spoke "Wait… Maybe we should check on Jumba."

Emerald asks "Who now?"

Danyelle spoke "A friend of mine."

Then Tidefur teleported here with Bold.

Spottedleaf shows up with the two dogs, a kitsune with robotic back legs, two kitsuneponies and a Pegasus mare.

Emerald asks "Can someone please tell me what’s going on here?!"

Spottedleaf asks "Could you explain it Icy?"

Snowfall asks "Me?"

Scorching wingslaps her sister.

Scorching spoke "She meant Icy River you furbrain."

Snowfall growls "Grr! Why you!"

The two sisters started fighting each other in a fight cloud.

Scorching sets her sister on fire.

Snowfall froze her sister in ice.

Danyelle spoke "Great StarClan, they're a lot like Natsu and Ice Chill..."

“Maybe they’re the genderbent versions of them.” I wondered.

Danyelle spoke "Don't get me started on the one called Rainbow Blitz, I heard rumors that he's the genderbent version of you Rainbow-chan."

I was about to argue, but… “Good point.”

Emerald spoke "A-Anyway! I better get going! Don’t wanna be late!"

Emerald ran off, heading to Yasoponi High.

An ink black alicorn stallion with glowing green eyes and a pure white mane but no cutie mark had gone invisible before sneaking up on me from behind.

The stallion spoke "BOO!!!"

I soon had my head stuck in the ceiling.

Danyelle was laughing.

Danyelle laughs "Good one Phantom! You got her good!"

Phantom chuckles "Thanks."

The stallion suddenly transformed.

A purple Pegasus mare with an ink black mane and lavender eyes crashes headfirst into Phantom, locking lips with him.

I got my head out of the ceiling, only to crash onto the ground on my back, good thing my wings weren’t hit.

Danyelle was face down on the ground.

Danyelle spoke "Get off me Skittles..."

“Gah! Sorry about that!” I apologized quickly as I got off Danyelle really fast.

The yellow furred hybrid shook the dust off her fur, causing it to go all poofy.

I… *Snicker!* tried to hold in my laughter, but… *Snicker!* I couldn’t help but snicker!

Danyelle zaps me with lightning, causing my mane to go all poofy.

Danyelle snickered before falling onto her back in laughter.

A portal opened up before a trio of siren females fell out.

The purple siren spoke "Sonata! Get off me!"

Sonata spoke "I would if Adagio's tail wasn't in my face!"

Adagio snaps "Oh shut up Tacobrain!"

Sonata spoke "Aria.... Adagio called me a tacobrain!"

Aria spoke "Well, you are."

As Danyelle and I got ourselves back to normal, the two of us were lost before Phantom’s breath turned blue.

All three sirens were growling since they had sensed that something was off.

Danyelle growls "Something's not right.... If Phantom and all three of the Dazzlings sense it then we might have an actual ghost problem."

Gusty spoke "Oh! I forgot to mention, ghost stuff like that give Emerald major heebie-jeebies."

Danyelle spoke "My counterpart knows a cat and a wolf that are terrified of ghosts."

Gusty spoke "Really? That’s nice. Anywho, Emerald is such a fierce kicker and Kung-Fu fan."

“Wait! She likes those movies too?!” I asked in excitement as Gusty simply nodded.

Danyelle spoke "I'm more of a singer."

A little later, we were having lunch at Junes, before we met up with Emerald and some of her friends.

Shock collars had been put onto the necks of the three sirens to stop them from attacking others.

Emerald spoke "Oh! Hey guys!"

Kaze asks "Oh? You met up with them, Emerald?"

Emerald asks "Well, yeah. But wanna know something surprising?"

Ornithian known as Shima spoke "Sure, Emerald."

Emerald spoke "Some of them are actually my cousins."

Kaze did a spit take on the drink he was having. “Whoa-wait-what?!”

Sonata had choked on a taco.

Kanji asks "Wait, for real?"

The Hikari siblings soon pop up via magic.

Danyelle spoke "She speaks the truth."

Teddie spoke "Ooh! A hot babe! Hello, my name is Teddie."

Danyelle electrocutes Teddie, making him back off.

Danyelle growls "Piss off baka bear! I have a boyfriend already."

Teddie spoke "Gah! Shot down right away!"

Danyelle spoke "And you better leave the Sakurai sisters alone as well, their boyfriends are MY brothers."

Teddie spoke "Gugh…!"

Kaze spoke "Wow, you shot him down pretty hard."

Teddie growls "Grr! Like you’re any better!"

Kaze spoke "Oh, come on, you dumb bear! I’m not the one who tries to flirt with every female! Besides, I already got Kiko."

Kiko giggles "Yeah. I really have to thank her for that."

Kaze spoke "Same here. But I wonder where that kirin went off to, she called herself a Grim Reaper now. Kinda odd."

Danyelle spoke "I've been traveling the world lately, finding other alicorns regardless if they're nascent or already ascended."

A silver-maned earth pony stallion spoke "Huh. Strange."

I took a closer look at the stallion, and saw that he seemed to be the leader of the group.

A stallion spoke "Hey! Seiko!"

Another earth pony stallion showed up, having a golden-blonde undercut mane, amber fur and eyes.

Seiko asks "Oh hey, little brother. How’s it going, Miran?"

Miran spoke "Going great. Sorry I’m a bit late."

Seiko spoke "Not a problem."

Something pinged in Danyelle's mind as her fur fluffed up.

Danyelle asks via telepathy "{Did you sense that Phantom?}"

Phantom spoke "{Yeah, but for some reason, it was from inside the supermarket building.}"

Danyelle spoke "{That's where Rainbow-chan and I are right now. But she's completely unaware.}"

Phantom asks "{Should we investigate?}"

Danyelle spoke "{Yeah.}"

Danyelle had turned invisible after darting off.

Danyelle asks "{You also invisible?}"

Phantom spoke "{Yep.}"

The two invisible beings went into the supermarket.

*Danyelle’s POV*

We went into the Junes Supermarket as what Phantom and I were sensing was coming from the Tele-Mirror Section.

I spoke "{Something else is here... I can sense it.}"

I put my hand onto the mirror, only to my and Phantom’s shock and surprise, it went into it while causing ripples before I pulled my hand out, causing the ripples to stop.

I spoke "{It reminds me of that crystal mirror that Cadence-hime is protecting.}"

Phantom spoke "{Okay, others aren’t watching this mirror. Let’s investigate further.}"

So Phantom and I kept searching.

A bit later, the two of us decided to enter the mirror, before finding ourselves in a strange world, filled with so much fog, we couldn’t see our hands or hooves in front of our faces.

*Teddie’s POV*

Huh? Did someone enter my world just now?

Rainbow Dash asks "Wait, where are Dany and Phantom?"

*Gasp!* Oh no! They must’ve went there! “Sensei!”

Seiko asks "Something wrong, Teddie?"

“Please, come with me! Kaze, Kiki-chan, Marty-chan, Goryuu and Kary-chan, you too!” I urged as Sensei, Kaze, Kiki, Marty, Goryuu and Kary followed me into the store!

*Danyelle’s POV*

Man, I knew we were somewhere, but I can’t help but feel like we were totally lost.

Phantom spoke "Aw man… even my eyes aren’t helping."

I call out "Phantom! Can you hear me?!?"

Phantom calls out "Loud and clear! But still, how can I not see through this fog with my ghost eyes?"

A voice laughs "Hahahaha! That’s because you’re still half-pony, Phantom."


A blast of lightning magic was shot out of my mouth and hits the stranger.

But the stranger was unaffected as if he became intangible as he revealed himself to be… Phantom?! But he had golden eyes!

The faker scoffs "While are you still clinging to your pony half?"

Phantom gasps "What? Dark Phantom? But did I send you…?"

The fake Phantom scoffs "Really? You think I’m that punk from a different timeline? Yeah, right. You act like a hero, but you actually wanna have fun like the rest of the ghosts, do you?"

Phantom spoke "No! That’s not true!"

The fake Phantom spoke "Oh really? You might not be any different from Dark Phantom."

Phantom growls "Stop it! Who are you?!"

The fake Phantom taunts "You’re me, and I’m you. Do you not realize that?"

Phantom spoke "No… You’re lying… You’re not me!"

The fake Phantom spoke "*Dark and maniacal laughter as he gained a black dark aura* Not anymore, I’m not! I’m finally myself! Now I’ll show you what a real ghost can do!"

The fake Phantom suddenly transformed into a ghostly monster.

The fake Phantom spoke "I am a shadow, the true self. You don’t think I’m a ghost? Then can a ghost do this!?"

The monster suddenly sent all kinds of elemental attacks at the two of us before…

A voice spoke "Izanagi!"

A creature appeared and slashed at the attacks, neutralizing them.

A solar blast hits the fake Phantom as OC-verse Danyelle appears with a wolf beside her.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Sic 'im Amaterasu!"

The godly wolf howls loud, dispersing the fog thus making it easier for me to protect my fellow alicorn.

A voice asks "Are you alright?"

Seiko showed up with Kaze, Kiko, Martial, Goryuu, Karei and Teddie, but he and the others except Teddie were wearing strange glasses.

Kaze spoke "Don’t worry! We got your back! Come on out, Jiraiya!"

Kaze shattered some kind of card before a creature appeared behind him.

Since there were devout beads floating around my neck, I spoke "We got this!"

I fired a devout bead at the fake Phantom, inflicting pain on the monster.

Karei spoke "Himiko!"

A creature appeared behind Karei as it held something around her head in front of her eyes.

Karei spoke "This is bad! It’s resistant to almost any kind of attacks, but it’s weak to wind, so blow him away!"

Kaze spoke "Look like it’s our time! Go Jiraiya! Garula!"

Jiraiya thrusted his palms forward as bursts of wind erupted and attacked the monster, knocking it off balance.

The fake Phantom spoke "GAH!!!

Kaze asks "Alright! This our chance! Ready, partner?"

Seiko spoke "Now! All-Out Attack!"

Kaze spoke "Good answer!"

Karei spoke "Places, everyone!"

Us fighters suddenly felt stronger before we barraged the monstrous ghost with physical attacks as a pink dust cloud erupted with a skull on top, having Karei’s mane style and color after our All-Out Attack, causing a lot of damage to it before the monster got back up.

The fake Phantom spoke "Why you little…! Fear me!"

The monster smiled evilly at us, which we don’t know why, but something weird happened.

Emerald spoke "*Scared* M-My legs…!"

Teddie spoke "*Scared* B-B-Beary scary!"

Kiko spoke "*Scared* I-I can’t…"

Karei spoke "Oh no! The shadow really scared Emerald-Senpai, Teddie and Kiko-Senpai! They might not be able to move!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "KAZEGAMI! BLOW HIM AWAY!"

A neigh rings clear before a gust of wind hits the evil ghost.

A sudden sirenlike scream hits the evil ghost, knocking him onto his back.

A very pale gray-blue earth mare with a ghostly glow and a guitar strapped to her back spoke "You've gone too far jerkface."

Phantom sighs "Uh… Ember, I’m right here."

Blue spoke "I was talking to your darker self, not you."

Kiko spoke "Seioubo!"

Kiko stabbed a card, shattering it as a creature appeared behind her before she slashed the monster with her claws.

Teddie spoke "Phanny, that’s your darkness, the part of you that you try to hide away."

Phantom stammers "W-What?"

A yowl rang clear, encouraging Phantom.

I spoke "We all have our inner darkness, we just have to acknowledge it and overcome it!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Exactly!"

The voices of many of Phantom's allies call out.

Even my allies and friends call out my name.

Phantom asks "Ya know, you’re right. I did mostly use my ghost powers when I do my hero work, but my judgement to do the right thing is from my pony half, right?"

The monstrous ghost started glitching. “Grr! Who do you think you are, acting like that?!”

Karei spoke "The shadow’s weakened! Now’s your chance!"

I fired a Lightning Neko Yowl as Phantom let loose a ghostly wail, hitting the evil ghost thus severely weakening it to point that it couldn't attack anyone.

The monster then transformed back into the golden-eyed Phantom as Phantom approached it. “I guess you really are my ghost-half, because I know who you’re me, and that I’m you.”

The doppelgänger smiled and nodded before being engulfed in a ball of light and going into Phantom's body.

I spoke "Glad that's over."

Seiko spoke "Agreed, but let’s leave before more shadows show up."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Right, CHAOS CONTROL!"

OC-verse Danyelle teleports with the group back to the restaurant.

Kaze asks "Whoa! How did you…?"

Kanji asks "Huh?! The hell’d you get here so fast?!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I don't have full control of my magic yet so I opted for Chaos Control instead."

Kanji asks "Chaos what?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Think of it like a teleportation spell."

A glint of blue was seen in OC-verse Danyelle's left tail.

Pulling the emerald out of her left tail, OC-verse Danyelle spoke "This is called a Chaos Emerald, it's what lets folks like me and my older adopted brother teleport around. There's seven total."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Wait, I think Azure said he might’ve seen that before."

I wingslap Rainbow.

I spoke "We don't have such things in this world plus I don't think Discord created any."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Sorry, my head’s a bit foggy is all."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Regardless, you should be more careful."

*After OC-verse Danyelle went back to her world*

I spoke "Anyways, we should be heading to our next destination though Rainbow-chan."

Rainbow spoke "I don’t know, Dany. We’re still missing something."

I whistle loud, calling Icy River and a pair of stallions over.

Icy spoke "H-hi."

“Hmm? Is something wrong?” I asked in concern.

To Rainbow's surprise, a bonafide horn was on Icy's forehead while wings were seen on the two stallions.

Rainbow asks "Wait, what’s going on?"

I spoke "Remember when you were talking to me via magic compact? You had sensed three nascent alicorns."

Rainbow spoke "I’m not sensing any others, but now I have a feeling that there’s one more."

Phantom asks "But who though?"

Rainbow spoke "I know you’ll think I might be crazy, but I’m gonna stay in Ineighba for a while, at least until I find out what’s bothering me."

I ask "But what about the search?"

Phantom spoke "I don't think Celestia-hime would want you to drop out of it though."

At that moment, Rainbow's compact was going off.

Rainbow spoke "I better take this."

To Rainbow's shock, a very disappointed look was seen on Celestia's face.

Celestia spoke "I'm disappointed with you Princess Rainbow Dash, I told you and the others to look for alicorns, not to goof off. Rarity already found nine alicorns yet you didn't find any yet!"

Rainbow Dash stammers "W-Wait! Celestia, I can explain! I-"

But the Celestia started laughing, much to our confusion.

Celestia giggles "I was only joking, Rainbow Dash. Besides, Luna told me about two years ago at Iwaponai in Neighpon. She thinks something similar may be happening in Ineighba. So I’m allowing you to stay to find out. And your group is allowed to stay with you as well."

Rainbow stammers "Wha-Bu-Ho-Hu…"

Yep. Celestia just broke Rainbow Dash.

Celestia giggles "So please be careful, as protecting the world is as important as important as finding the alicorns."

Celestia ended the call, before Rainbow Dash fainted.

I laugh "Once a prankster, always a prankster."

Emerald asks "Maybe this’ll help?"

Emerald brought out a blue cupcake, much to the worries of the others.

Kaze spoke "Whoa! W-W-W-Wait!"

Seiko spoke "Emerald, don’t!"

Emerald put a piece of the cupcake in Rainbow Dash’s mouth and closed it, only for her to jolt up awake.

Rainbow spoke "WHAT IN THE- *Cough! Cough!* That cupcake definitely wasn’t Pinkie’s!"

A loud explosion followed by a unicorn stallion's scream was heard.

I ask "What was that?"

A voice spoke "Beats me."

I turned around, and to my surprise and some of the others, we saw Tyson, Lighting Edge, Flaring Blade, Gizem, Gertrude and Therron, but they looked different.

A red earth stallion with a black mane had sent a blue unicorn stallion with a black mane flying with a powerful kick.

Emerald spoke "Whoa! That was awesome!"

Goryuu spoke "Hehe. Definitely."

“Anyway, are you sure you want to stay here for a while, Dash?” I asked Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow spoke "Definitely. I just feel like there’s something I need to do here."

I ask "But what about the mission?"

Rainbow spoke "I just feel like it is part of the mission, but it’ll take more time. And I’m willing to have patience for that."

Spottedleaf spoke "Excuse me? I'm the element of patience for StarClan's sake."

Rainbow spoke "I know that, Spottedleaf. I’m just saying that ponies like me need to have patience."

I ask "Need I remind you of the various hoops Spottedleaf had to jump through just to get Daring Do to show up at your birthday party last month?"

A purple alicorn was soon stuck head first in a tree.

Rainbow spoke "Oh. Sorry."

The mare spoke "Ow!"

Looking at the mare, Phantom asks "Did Golden Ingot do this to you?"

The mare snaps "Is it THAT obvious?"

Phantom pulls the mare out with his magic.

I spoke "Calm down Aphmau-chan, I'll have a little chat with Ingot later on."

Aphmau spoke "Thanks."

Scootaloo asks "Um… Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow asks "Yeah Scoot?"

Scootaloo spoke "Me and the rest your group wanna stay too!"

Azure spoke "That’s right."

I snicker "So Aph, have you confessed to Aaron-san yet?"

Aphmau started brushing madly at that.

I laugh "I knew it."


Author's Note:

Phantom Screech is based on Danny from Danny Phantom

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