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Stare Master

*Fluttershy’s POV*

Well, Flower and I got Opal all groomed and cleaned.

Flowerstep spoke "I'm starting to think Opal doesn't like Rarity that much."

“Now now, Flower. I know Rarity tries her best to take care of Opal.” I assured my mate.

Flowerstep spoke "I know Shy."

Opal meows.

Soon, we arrived at Carousel Boutique.

Blizzardstar asks "Rares, where did you put that bolt of gold fabric?"

Rarity spoke "I thought you had it Blizz."

Blizzardstar spoke "Call it a gut feeling but I think your younger sister might attempt to use it to make some things for herself and her seven friends."

Rarity asks "What?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Haven't you forgotten? Sweetie Belle's going to be spending a few days with us."

Rarity spoke "I-I know that."

Flash was carrying a trio of crying alicorn foals.

Flash spoke "Fluttershy... A little help? Nyx, Akari and Strawberry won't stop crying..."

Flowerstep spoke "I wonder what happened to Twilight."

Flash spoke "She said something about visiting Zecora through a different route in the Everfree Forest."

flying over while carrying a sky blue Pegasus filly in her arms, Roll spoke "Even Danyelle is missing!"

A pale purple unicorn foal with a dark purple mane that was a bit older than Mint Leaf was on Roll's back since she was an orphan.

Rarity asks "What happened?"

Roll spoke "Zakuro Spear doesn't have parents... and she's rather hungry."

Rarity spoke "Oh…"

Roll spoke "Yeah..."

Blizzardstar asks "Rares, are you planning to adopt the unicorn foal?"

Rarity spoke "Well, I managed to hold up with my work. So I suppose I could adopt this little filly."

Roll passes Zakuro to Rarity.

To Rarity's surprise, Zakuro's back legs were that of a wolf.

Rarity spoke "This is… surprising."

Roll spoke "Due to her hybrid nature, she'll take to eating meat once she has her teeth."

Rarity spoke "Oh."

Roll spoke "That must be Sweetie Bell now. I just heard the door open."

To Rarity's surprise, the rest of the Crusaders show up.

Rarity spoke "Oh dear…"

Seashell spoke "Hi."

“Is something wrong?” I asked in concern.

Quick spoke "She doesn't have a secondary form yet since she ended up in Ponyville back during that rainstorm we had."

Heatwave spoke "Yeah."

Rarity asks "Um… who is he?"

Sweetie Belle "New member of the Crusaders, plus he has a crush on Applebloom."

Applebloom spoke "Sweetie Belle!"

Sweetie spoke "Heehee! It’s true."

Applebloom tussles with Sweetie, pinning the unicorn down.

Sweetie Belle spoke "Besides, we all know that Scootaloo has a crush on Quick Fix."

Hiding a blush on her face, Scootaloo spoke "N-no I don't!"

Sweetie spoke "Heehee! Oh really? Your cheeks say otherwise."

Scootaloo spoke "You're one to talk Sweet, you have a crush on that Nightshade fella!"

The three fillies soon fought each other in a dust cloud.

Quick bops the trio on the back of the head with one of his tails.

Heatwave asks "Was that what my older brother calls a headslap?"

Quick spoke "Yeah."

Heatwave chuckles "Smart-Ears."

Heatwave's older brother was hanging out with Yellowfang.

Yellowfang spat her catmint cider before coughing. "Ya wanna run that by me again Blaze?"

Blaze asks "Huh?"

Spottedleaf spoke "Great StarClan...."

Spottedleaf threw Yellowfang with magic at Blaze, causing the two to kiss.

Frostleaf spoke "Ohohoho, Spotty, you sneaky feline."

Cadence spoke "You're gonna get it fuzzball!"

Spottedleaf giggles "Heehee. Well, why don’t the team of me and Frosty, and the team of you and Shining, do something privately?"

Cadence spoke "Oh, you’re on!"

Spottedleaf spoke "Besides, Yellowfang's my fellow healer."

Yellowfang was purring.

Blaze purred back.

Yellowfang purrs "Wanna hang out at your place?"

Blaze purrs back “You bet, Fangy.”

The two dart off to Blaze's place.

“Oh dear. Blaze and Yellowfang are going to be really busy with each other.” I noted.

Blizzardstar spoke "Uh Rarity..."

Blizzardstar was holding up a rather destroyed bolt of gold fabric.

Rarity asks "Sweetie Belle! What did you do?!?"

Sweetie Belle nervously smiled as she revealed some capes.

Blizzardstar groans "Great... We're going to have to pull an all nighter Rarity..."

Rarity spoke "I knew this would happen. Balancing work and looking after a foal is no easy feat..."

Blizzardstar spoke "Three foals are triple the trouble.... AND GET OUT OF HERE ROCKET SWIRL!"

Rocket spoke "Uh-oh! Time to scram!"

Blizzardstar freezes Rocket in ice.

Blizzardstar spoke "Don't mess with an ice-dark elemental."

Blizzardstar then knocked the frozen pony away.

Rarity spoke "We have to find Thunder Spark soon."

*That night,*

Seashell was asleep in a pond since the fishbowl she was usually in had been emptied for the night.

Nightshade had his tail wrapped around a tree branch while hanging upside down as he slept.

Nightshade’s ears then twitched.

Flowerstep shook me awake.

Flowerstep spoke "Three of the Crusaders are gone!"

“W-What?!” I asked in shock.

Flowerstep spoke "Quick Fix, Heatwave and Sugar Song are gone!"

I spoke "We should find them."

Flowerstep spoke "Yeah, before a cockatrice gets them first."

I spoke "Someone should stay behind with Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Seashell and Nightshade though."

Flowerstep nodded as shi went upstairs, only to come back down.

I ask "Where are the three girls?"

Flowerstep spoke "When I came up to their room, the others were already gone too. Probably looking for Quick Fix, Heat Wave and Sugar Song."

I ask "What about Seashell?"

Flowerstep spoke "She's still in the pond while asleep and I'd rather not have my tail bitten off by the lunar guard known as Rook if Nightshade went missing."

“Right.” I agreed.

Sunset soon knocks on the door while carrying six children and a sleep deprived Twilight in her magic.

Sunset spoke "Hello there."

Twilight groans as she dozed off.

“What happened?” I asked in surprise.

Sunset explains what happened to Flowerstep and I.

“I’m so glad Elizabeak is okay.” I sighed in relief.

Sunset passes said hen back to me.

Sunset spoke "Good thing I trained to be a guard after I flunked out of magic school. Though my younger brother, Sunburst, had also flunked out to pursue his own path."

Twilight sleep-spoke "Let's never talk about this again..."

“Is Twilight okay?” I asked in concern.

Sunset spoke "She's just tired, I'm gonna get her back to her house."

“Okay.” I said.

After setting the six Crusaders down, Sunset carried Twilight back home.


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