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Rally! Allied Forces versus Tigerclaw!

*Spottedleaf's POV*

Some time after Danyelle convinced her sensei to help in the fight, I was overseeing the training progress.

Twilight spoke "I think we should evacuate the children and non-fighters to Vera's hotel."

Shining Armor spoke "Good idea sis."

Fluttershy spoke "Um… But I wanna help."

Flowerstep spoke "Sorry Flutters, you're not a fighter though. And I don't want to lose you."

Fluttershy spoke "But I can’t do nothing while my friends fight with their lives on the line."

Twilight spoke "But you can protect the kids though."

Fluttershy spoke "But-"

Rarity spoke "No buts Fluttershy, we nearly lost you once. We can't lose you again."

Rainbow asks "Think about it Shy, would you send a five month old ponykat into battle?"

Fluttershy spoke "NO!!!"

Danyelle spoke "You can use your strength to protect Hawkbreeze and the others."

Fluttershy spoke "Fair enough."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Thanks, Flutters."

Fluttershy spoke "Flowerstep's right though, I'm not a fighter unless provoked."

I ponder "Hmm…"

Firestar asks "What is it Spottedleaf?"

I ask "What did Tigerclaw do again?"

Flintfur explained everything he knew.

I spoke "Oh! That’s right!"

Ears pin back, Firestar asks "What is Scourge doing here of all places?"

Flintfur got really nervous.

I spoke "Firestar, calm down. He’s changed."

Firestar spoke "He's the reason why my first of nine lives was taken! Even Blackstar and Leopardstar know that!"

Both cats nod in agreement.

Twilight was growling suddenly.

Twilight spoke "Save it. He’s close."

Berkan was clenching his left arm. “About time.”

Cloudstar spoke "I may not know what's going on but I'll help you out!"

Blackstar spoke "Agreed."

Roll and Vincent spoke "Count us in."

Ghost appeared next to Gizem.

Ghost spoke "I’ll lend you my strength."

Gizem spoke "*Slightly pushing katana with left hand thumb, showing a glimpse its ghostly blue glow on the katana’s steel* Very well."

Twilight spoke clearly for all to hear. "I will not lie to you any longer! Equestria is in grave danger. But when I look at you all, I don't just see creatures of all kinds. I see friends, family... Strong, brave individuals who have stood by each other's side and have never, ever backed down from a fight! Today, we face a danger like none before! As one of the Elements of Harmony, your friend and as a sister in arms. I ask you to fight one more time! For Equestria!"

Various combat ready ponies spoke "FOR EQUESTRIA!!"

Various gryphons screech loud as the dragons roar loud.

The Abyssinians and chakats yowl loud as Erza howls.

Berkan’s eyes suddenly changed as he wielded his zanbato.

Firestar, Blackstar, Onestar, Leopardstar and Cloudstar yowl loud.

Blizzardstar yowls loud.

Silas and Tyson brought out their weapons and firearms.

Danyelle's body crackles with static as she yowls.

Yuki and Haru yowl loud, as did Muta.

Foxsong roars loud, which was heard all the way to Canterlot.

Hearing Foxsong's roar, Celestia spoke "So, the war has started."

Meanwhile, a pair of purple eyes glowed in a cave, having heard that roar.

I spoke "Alright, we will beat Tigerclaw."

Cocoa spoke "That murderous tabby is GOING DOWN!!!"

Gertrude spoke "Agreed."

All of the kids and non-fighters had been evacuated to the Chuddle Hotel as Clarity shows up via warp ring.

Clarity spoke "I'll help in any way I can!"

Therron spoke "Hopefully this Tigerclaw can put up a good fight."

I spoke "StarClan have mercy on us all."

Vera spoke "*Looking through spyglass* Uh, guys? Tigerclaw looks stronger than you said he would."

Eyes shimmering, Rarity spoke "And to make things worse, he's got Diamond Dog followers!"

Vera spoke "Yeah, I seriously think they have Lan and Maylu."

Roll snarls as fire swirls around her.

Danyelle growls "Those mutts are gonna PAY!!!"

Blizzardstar yowls "MeadowClan, ATTACK!!!"

Firestar yowls "LionClan, ATTACK!!!"

The six clan leaders charge into battle as the others follow them.

Danyelle flew into battle with Vincent, Roll and the other fliers following her.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtKCNJmARF0 was heard as the united clans fought with the dogs.

An enemy attacked Berkan before the diamond dog grabbed the enemy with his left hand. “You’ll only take a nap.” Berkan said as his left arm glowed and surged red as the enemy diamond dog suddenly became pale and fell unconscious before Berkan let the enemy go. “Hehehe. You punks better make this fun for me.”

Danyelle spoke "Whatever you do, don't hurt Lan or Maylu!"

The yellow Abyssinian-Pegasus hybrid paralyzes a Diamond Dog with her electricity.

Firestar sets a Diamond Dog on fire while Onestar sent another flying with a gust of wind.

Therron sensed a diamond dog planning to attack him from behind as he flipped around and grabbed the enemy before throwing him over his shoulder.

Keeping her sword sheathed, Clarity kicks a Diamond Dog in the breadbasket causing it to keel over in pain.

A group of diamond dogs charged at Tyson, but the Abyssinian smirked as he pressed a button on the detonator in his hand, causing explosions beneath the group as they were sent into the air and fell to the ground while being knocked unconscious. “Should’ve payed more attention.” Tyson quipped as he brought out a bottle and drank a swig of it. “Now that’s the good stuff.”

Danyelle and Tigerclaw were hissing at each other.

A few of the Diamond Dog bitches scoff before siding with MeadowClan since they were sick of being used as breeding slaves.

I smiled at that.

Erza punches a blue furred Diamond Dog in the face, knocking him out cold.

But then something in a dark black mist crawled out of the diamond dog’s mouth.

Danyelle claws Tigerclaw's face while dodging his attacks.

Danyelle taunts "What's the matter Tigerclaw-baka? Too scared to hit a she-cat?"

Tigerclaw was starting to get angry.

Danyelle throws Tigerclaw into the water.

Tigerclaw jumped out and attacked Danyelle.

Danyelle flew up to dodge the attack.

Berkan was soon approaching Tigerclaw .

Danyelle spoke "I got this one!"

Danyelle flew at lightning speed, pulling off a Lightningboom in the process as she slashes Tigerclaw's head clean off thus ending the dark tabby for good.

But then Danyelle felt a stabbing pain in her arm.

Danyelle spoke "OW! What the cuss was that? It hurts!"

Ghost spoke "Tch. He truly is stubborn, even his spirit is trying to kill you."

But then we all heard ominous whistling as there was a bright red-eyed wolf diamond dog with a black riding cloak with a built-in hood approaching the Danyelle. He brought out sickles and slashed at the Abyssinian, only to intentionally miss her before he grabbed something invisible. “Do not worry senora, I’m only here for Tigerclaw's spirit.” The diamond dog said before walking off while whistling that same ominous tune before he completed faded away.

Firestar spoke "That was the third time Tigerclaw was killed... The second time was by my claws."

Flintfur stammers "F-first time was by my claws..."

I spoke "That means he’ll only come back six more times."

Firestar spoke "No he won't. Remember, he had all nine lives ripped out at the same time back when I was alive."

Danyelle asks "Wait a minute, that wolf… What was he doing?"

Haru spoke "Don't look at me!"

Ghost spoke "…No need to worry. We won this battle."

Corvo spoke "No doubt about that."

Brigit spoke "Heh. Yeah."

I spoke "Yeah! We did it!!!"

The dragons all roar in happiness as the Abyssinians yowl.

Lightning Edge spoke "Heehee! We certainly beat him."

Flaring Blade spoke "Indeed."

Danyelle yowls loud in happiness.

Swift Cyclone spoke "Well that was eventful."

Twilight spoke "What really matters is that we won!"

Swift Cyclone chuckles "Heh. Can’t argue with that."

The blue-furred diamond dog groaned with a hand holding onto his head in pain as he got up. “Ugh… What happened? Where am I?”

Erza spoke "You're in Ponyville."

The male asks "Erza? Is that you?"

Erza spoke "Yeah Jellal, it's me. Dragon wings and all."

Jellal asks "What happened? How did I get here?"

Erza spoke "Long story short, you were being controlled by an evil Abyssinian."

Jellal asks "What? Who?"

I spoke "My insane nephew, Tigerclaw... He's dead now, Danyelle killed him."

Danyelle spoke "It's true."


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