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The Beginning of a Mystery

*Rainbow’s POV*

Whew! I’m glad Danyelle made it down there safely-Huh? I suddenly get an instinct as my horn glowed before I called out to the rest of my group, “I’m gonna fly on ahead to Ineighba! I’ll try to wait for you guys there.” Then I flew off, following the instinct I have before arriving in Ineighba. Wow, it’s quite a town, I mean I know that some creatures would call places like these the boonies, but I just can’t help but feel like I’ll do great here.

Spottedleaf flew after me since she was as fast as me now.

Spottedleaf spoke "Wait up Skittles!"

Soon, the two of us landed in Ineighba.

Spottedleaf's claws were glowing brightly due to the alicorn detection spell.

Spottedleaf spoke "We should be careful, Rarity did warn us about that rumor."

“Right.” I agreed as the two of us started walking, before a teen male hippogriff with dyed brown mane and tail, gray beak, hooves and claws, and orange feathers while wearing some kind black school uniform and a pair of orange headphones around his neck flew by a bit out of control. “Whoaaaa…!” Then BAM! He crashed flat into a utility pole before he got back up, holding his crotch in pain. “Urgh… Critical hit to the nads…! *Groan of pain*”

Spottedleaf casts a healing spell on the male, easing off the pain.

The teen spoke "Whew. Thanks-Whoa…"

I can tell he was attracted to us.

Tidefur had suddenly teleported with Bold, causing them to appear on Spottedleaf's head and my head.

The teen asks "Huh? Who’re they?"

Spottedleaf spoke "This little scamp is my son, Tidefur."

Bold spoke "I Bold Lightning."

I spoke "My son."

The teen spoke "Oh. Oh… Welp, better get-*Trips* Whoa!"

The hippogriff then fell into a trash can, tipping it over as he started rolling around in it.

The teen spoke "*Muffled* Help me please!"

Ripple flew down from the Glittering Light before pulling the klutzy hippogriff out by the tail.

The teen spoke "*Sigh of relief* You’re a lifesaver."

Ripple giggles "It was no problem."

The teen spoke "Anyway, who are you girls? You don’t look like you’re from Neighpon."

I spoke "I'm from Cloudsdale, Spots is from Canterlot and Ripple is from..."

Ripple spoke "Mount Aris."

Kaze spoke "Really? I’m Kaze Mizu. Anyway, I better get going to Yasoponi High. Later!"

The hippogriff flew off, not crashing into anything this time.

Danyelle flew over to where I was.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Rainbow-chan, welcome to Ineighba!"

“Gotta say, feels homey alright.” I admitted with a smile as Danyelle giggled at that.

A howl rings clear before a seven tailed kitsune female leaps off a building and disappearing.

"What the..." I gasped in confusion.

Danyelle asks "Well, that was new. But hey, wanna come with me to my favorite place to eat later?"

I spoke "We have a mission though Danyelle."

*Unknown location*

The female kitsune took on a dog form before speaking to someone.

Ashley spoke "Mystery-kun, we got guests. Alicorn with rainbow mane, half cat half alicorn with yellow fur and hippogriff with slate gray-blue fur."

Mystery spoke "Hmm... I see. But..."

Mystery looked at a different direction.

Ashley spoke "I'm sure they'll be back, Mystery-kun."

The white furred kitsune took on a dog form to blend in.

Mystery spoke "You're right. I still believe in them."

Ashley spoke "Plus there's something else I need to tell you... I'm expecting pups."

Mystery gasps "R-Really?"

Tail wagging, Ashley spoke "Yes, and they're yours."

Mystery couldn't help but go into his kitsune mode again with happy tears.

Ashley spoke "Your kyubi form is showing again Mystery-kun."

Mystery went back into his dog form. "Oh! Uh... Sorry about that."

Ashley boops Mystery on the nose with a forepaw while giggling.

Ashley spoke "We should find Icy-chan and Static-san before Ghost-san does."

Mystery spoke "He's still angry? But I thought they... When they fought that... After I..."

Ashley spoke "I know, but that demon's gone for good now."

I was flying above the two dogs when I got a hit.

Using my compact, I spoke "Dany! I got a hit! Two nascents just appeared!"

Ashley asks "Nascent?"

Mystery spoke "Hmm... Must be dormant power."

I suddenly got hungry and decided to meet up with Danyelle and Spottedleaf at a place called "Junes" for lunch.

Ashley's stomach growls.

Ashley spoke "The pups and I are hungry."

Danyelle asks "So Rainbow-chan, did you find anything?"

"I found two signals, but my hungry stomach has other places." I answered.

Spottedleaf spoke "It's okay. Besides, we need to keep our energy up."

Danyelle spoke "Well, this is Junes, the only supermarket in this town. And it is my favorite place to eat."

So we got food to eat, before we heard a conversation at a nearby table, seeing a lot of teen creatures that look like they're in high school, maybe a hybrid or two.

A female dracony-Abyssinian spoke "I'm kinda bummed... Not just because exams are over, but... The whole thing with the police finding a suspect. I mean, we believed that only we could solve this case. And now..."

I sensed something from the earth pony stallion with gray coat of fur, silver man and tail, before I noticed Kaze Mizu was with them.

Kaze spoke "Well, we still don't know yet. They haven't made an arrest."

The male bleached-blonde diamond dog spoke "So... we gotta sit on our thumbs."

We didn't know what they were talking about, but we kept quiet as we kept eating and listening in as we kinda spoke telepathically to each other.

Danyelle asks "{Should we help them?}"

“{We don’t know what they’re really talking about yet.}” I pointed out before all of us saw a young adult unicorn stallion with short, unkept black mane and tail, wearing a black suit with a crooked red necktie.

A voice spoke "For crying out loud… It’s nice to have a suspect, but where the hell is he? We’re at the end of our rope here… *Notices group of teenagers* Y-You guys!? D-Did you hear what I said? Ah… Ahahaha! This case is as good as solved! Don’t worry, kids. It’s only a matter of time before we bring in the suspect. I’m mean, the guy’s kidnapping creatures at random and slaughtering them! We won’t rest until we bring him to Justice!"

Man… That was really cliche.

The stallion spoke "*Embarrassed bead of sweat* I-I gotta get going!

The stallion walked off as we were just surprised on how much of a rookie that pony was.

Kaze spoke "Now I’m REALLY worried…"

A female hippogriff with long and wavy light-brown mane and tail spoke "Me too…"

Kaze spoke "On the other hand… If the police have a search warrant out for the guy, we should stay out of it."

A male bleached-blonde diamond dog spoke "Yeah…"

A male blonde diamond dog spoke "Easy, little bro."

A Pegasus mare with long copper-colored mane tied into two pigtails asks "Oh, uh, I just remembered. There was a question on the exam I didn’t get. I think it was, “The chemical formula HCHO, used for silver mirror reactions. Its 40% solution is known as formalin.” And the question was, “What is HCHO?”"

An earth pony stallion with silver mane and tail spoke "It’s not that hard, Karei. It’s Formaldehyde."

Okay, that was a mouthful.

Karei asks "Oh, I see. I chose acetic acid… Duh, of course it couldn’t have be vinegar. Hey, you had that question too, didn’t you Kanji?"

A bleached-blonde male diamond dog known as Kanji spoke "Shut up. And don’t call me by my first name."

A male blonde diamond dog spoke "Really? You let me call you that."

Kanji spoke "It’s because you’re my big brother, Goryuu."

Karei spoke "Wow, kinda harsh, aren’t you? I heard you got a nosebleed when you were around our senpai."

Kanji stammers "H-Hey! Who the hell blabbed about that!?"

The female dracony-Abyssinian asks "A-Anyways! Karei-chan, why don’t you ask Shima to help you study?"

Karei asks "Huh? I guess, but wouldn’t you rather ask a senpai of the opposite sex?"

The female dracony-Abyssinian blushed at that before looking away from Goryuu with said blush.

Karei asks "Senpai… I’m not a nuisance to you, am I?"

That mare is good. And I can tell everyone else here think so too.

The female dracony-Abyssinian asks "Damn… This mare’s dangerous…! L-Let’s change the subject. Hey, any idea how Teddie’s doing?"

"{Teddie? That name doesn’t sound Neighponese at all.}” I telepathically spoke to Danyelle and Spottedleaf.

Ears pin back, Danyelle spoke "{My name isn't Neighponese either but I'm used to it.}"

“{Good point.}” I admitted.

Kaze spoke "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it to you. Check this out."

The group looked in a direction as Dany, Spotty and I looked that way too, only to see a blue, white and red bear suit giving out balloons to kids.

Kaze spoke "I let him stay at my place. In return, he’s now our official store mascot."

Kanji spoke "Aaah! So he’s hiding in plain sight. Reverse psychology, huh? Man… He looks like one happy bear…"

Kaze spoke "He kept saying that he didn’t wanna go back, so I made him a deal. Now, since I’ve got nothing better to do… I’m gonna go bug him. But Kiko, if you wanna come along…"

Kiko spoke "Heehee. Okay, you are my boyfriend after all."

The female dracony-Abyssinian spoke "Oooh, I wanna go too!"

Kanji asks "C-Can I… feel his soft fur…?"

A lot happened after that, so after the girls and I finished eating, we headed out to continue our search through Ineighba.

Danyelle spoke "Something just doesn't add up..."

“I know. It sounded like they were investigating something.” I agreed.

Spottedleaf asks "And where did that kitsune go?"

“Beats me.” I shrugged. “Besides, we should find someplace to stay until the rest of our groups get here.”

Roll spoke via telepathy "{We're at Rising Sun's palace already.}"

“{That was fast. But since Dany, Spotty and I are in Ineighba already, we’ll try to find somewhere to stay for the night.}” I responded.

Roll spoke "{Okay, just watch out for the Midnight Reflection rumor.}"

Danyelle was on her back all of a sudden before she was staring at black eyes since a blue earth stallion had crashed into her.

Danyelle asks "What in Rising's name?"

The pony spoke "Meega-o-itume!"

Switching to Tantalog language, Danyelle asks the stallion what happened.

Speaking Tantalog, Danyelle asks "What happened Stitch-san?"

Stitch really looked like he was outta breath.

Danyelle asks "Gaba ika tasoopa (What's the big deal?)?"

Stitch spoke "Gantu!"

Danyelle's left ear twitches before she started hissing.

Danyelle threw the "Meega, nala kweesta!" insult at a dark blue gryphon male.

But what we saw was beyond surprising, that gryphon male was a giant! “I had a feeling you’d be here, pathetic kit.”

Danyelle snarls "YOU TROG!!"

The gryphon sneered before he brought out… a space gun?! “You’ll pay for that insult.”

Spottedleaf shot the gun out of the space-gryphon's claws with a bolt of lightning.

Spottedleaf snarls "Mess with one Princess, you mess with ALL OF THEM!!"

The gryphon just scoffed before he flicked Spottedleaf away.

Danyelle spoke "Crabba snabba... You shouldn't have done that big butt!"

The wind kicks up as Spottedleaf's eyes narrow before she let loose a powerful roar, sending Gantu flying far away.

Gantu screeches "This isn’t the last you’ll see of meeeeeeeee…! *Star KO*"

Looking at Stitch, Danyelle asks "Achi-baba?"

Stitch spoke "Cousin here."

A purple pod with the number 625 on it was hanging off a chain on Danyelle's neck.

Stitch happily gasps "Aka tiki baba! Cousin!"

Danyelle spoke "That toobaga will think twice before angering us again."

“Uh… Stitch is pointing at your necklace.” I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "Right but it's not safe for me to reactivate Reuben until we meet up with Roll and the others. Especially with Gantu-baka on the loose."

Stitch spoke "Okay."

“Well, I’ll go around and look for us a place to stay for the time being.” I said before getting ready to fly off.

Danyelle spoke "I know you're hiding with magic Jumba-san, it's safe to come out of hiding now. Gantu-baka was sent flying with a powerful roar."

Jumba spoke "Been quite time since I last saw you, little cat."

Danyelle giggles "Yeah but Gantu's still a baka."

A strange unicorn stallion revealed himself. “More stupid to be working with Hämsterviel.”

Danyelle ran her tongue over her fangs before saying "That stupid gerbil doesn't scare me."

I couldn’t help but facehoof. “Don’t tell me you’re hungry again.”

Danyelle spoke "No offense Rainbow-chan but plants aren't exactly filling for a meat eater like me."

A female dracony-Abyssinian asks "Did you say meat?!"

Someone ran over to us, and it was that female dracony-Abyssinian we saw at Junes. “I know a great place where we can get some! Wanna come along?”

Danyelle spoke "If you can keep up with the very half Abyssinian that can pull off a Sonic Lightningboom!"

Danyelle picks Stitch up before flying off fast.

The female dracony-Abyssinian spoke "Hey! Wait up!"

The dracony-Abyssinian flew after Danyelle as I took off to find someplace where me and the other girls could stay before I arrived at a house that could work. “Better make sure if anyone lives here.”

Roll spoke "{Rainbow-chan, I got reservations!}"

“{Huh? For what?}” I asked in confusion.

Roll spoke "{I just spoke with Rising Sun-hime and she said we could stay a few days in her palace.}"

“{That’s great and all, but where?}” I pointed out.

Rising spoke "{There's a few spare rooms near my room which is marked with a flaming disc, look for that and you'll find the empty rooms.}"


Ashley asks "Mystery-kun, have you told Icy-chan about me yet?"

Mystery spoke "After what happened to me when that possessed hoof took control of my heart, no."

Ashley spoke "True and here she comes now."

Mystery was surprised by how fast that took to return.

Ashley spoke "Oh hi Icy-chan."

Icy River spoke "Oh. Hi."

From Icy's perspective, it was clear that the female dog had pups on the way.

Icy asks "What’s going on?"

Mystery spoke "This girl is my mate, Ashley."

Icy spoke "Wait, mate? You mean you’re…"

Ashley spoke "Yeah, he saved me from a monster."

A cream and orange kitsune tod with robotic back legs howls before running off, his back legs clink against the concrete.

Icy asks "Who was that?"

Ashley spoke "A friend of mine, he had his back legs damaged during a job he had so he had to get robotic ones. But unfortunately, he can't take on a disguised form."

Icy spoke "Oh…"

Mystery spoke "Yeah. But I have a feeling he would’ve been good friends with Static."

Ashley teases "I heard rumors that you and Ghost Pepper are dating."

Icy started blushing madly at that.

Ashley spoke "I saw this rainbow maned alicorn earlier."

Icy asks "Really?"

Mystery spoke "Yeah Icy, she said something about a nascent alicorn or two in hiding."

Icy asks "Huh?"

Ashley spoke "We could go talk to them!"

Mystery spoke "Are you sure? You’re still-"

Ashley spoke "Something doesn't feel right..."

*Back with me*

I spoke "Something feels off... Oh, hey Scootaloo."

Scootaloo spoke "*Yawn!* Hey Rainbow Dash. It’s raining and it’s almost midnight. That rumor kept bugging me, so after I take a look in the mirrors in our room, I’m gonna get some shut-eye."

Spottedleaf spoke "It's bugging me as well but we still haven't found those nascents."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, but we can’t forget about that Midnight Mirror rumor. I’m still surprised that Neighpon managed to make magic mirrors connected to each other to make view windows for live news and events happening now. Besides, I’ve seen the news about a murder case, having claimed a second victim, I think he was called Oritsu Manuke."

Spottedleaf's fur fluffs up.

Spottedleaf spoke "You're one to talk furbrain, you killed a cat."

Danyelle spoke "That’s because it was the only option there was left. There’s a difference of killing whoever and whenever you want between killing someone only when it’s a last resort."

I spoke "Exactly, Danyelle only kills when the threat is far too dangerous to leave alive."

Scootaloo spoke "*Seeing the clock* Girls, it’s midnight."

We looked at the clock and saw that Scootaloo was right before we looked at the mirror in the room. The reflection suddenly glowed and showed a black, but really blurry silhouette of a pony. It looked like an earth pony stallion, but that was it as the glow just vanished with the silhouette, with the mirror only showing our reflections now.

Spottedleaf's piece of the Moonstone was glowing brightly all of a sudden.

“What the?” I asked in confusion.

Spottedleaf spoke "HIs soul is trapped, unable to pass on properly."

Danyelle spoke "I don’t know, with how the students were complaining about him, his spirit might go down."

Spottedleaf spoke "Crackpot or no, he didn't deserve this fate."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed. Hmm… We should find that earth pony stallion with the silver mane tomorrow."

A loud explosion was heard before a dark cerulean unicorn mare with a white mane and cherry blossom pink eyes was heard laughing.

Ashley was hiding behind Mystery since she was terrified for the safety of her unborn pups.

The mare laughs "Hehehehehe… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I’m back… again!"

Spottedleaf and Danyelle both pop up between Icy River and the unicorn.

Danyelle growls "Blueberry, get the two dogs out of here! We can deal with this one!"

The mare asks "You! How are you still alive after all these centuries, Danyelle?!"

Danyelle snarls "You got the wrong cat!"

The plant pony growled before she roared as she thrusted her hooves into the ground, causing giant wild vines to erupt and attack.

Pulling out an old katana from her hammerspace, Danyelle slices up the vines with lightning fast accuracy.

Spottedleaf fires a roar at the demonic unicorn mare, sending her flying far away.

Danyelle asks "You know she’ll be back, right?"

Spottedleaf spoke "I know but somehow, she reminds me of that dumbass hyena over in the OC-verse."

Danyelle spoke "But worse."

Spottedleaf spoke "But she still has a weakness to fire. It's a plant thing you know."

Icy spoke "Maybe, but she can regrow those burnt limbs instantly, even her own head."

Spottedleaf spoke "I sent a larger than normal male gryphon flying with just my roar alone."

Danyelle yawned. “Okay, it’s past midnight, and I need to go to bed.”

Due to the rain, the pod that was on Danyelle's necklace had gotten wet thus activating before revealing a mustard yellow unicorn stallion with blue eyes and a dark mustard yellow mane.

Danyelle spoke "Reuben."

Reuben groans "Ugh… Right on the back. And I was having such a nice nap too."

Danyelle spoke "Gantu was after Stitch earlier."

Reuben asks "Huh?"

Danyelle explained everything she knew, from when Stitch crashed into her to insulting Gantu and then when Spottedleaf sent him flying with a Roar.

Reuben spoke "Whoa, really? And it’s past midnight? No wonder I’m exhausted."

Danyelle spoke "And the fact that it's raining... The water had gotten your pod form wet."

Reuben spoke "Well, it’s still good to be back."

Danyelle's right ear twitches.

Danyelle spoke "You might as well come out Gantu before I throw my katana through your neck."

Gantu spoke "Heh. No matter since it’s only a hologram."

Gantu suddenly vanished, with the real one nowhere in sight or hearing range.

Danyelle spoke "Stupid gryphon!"

Spottedleaf spoke "*Yawn!* Come on, Danyelle. Let’s just go back to the castle and get some sleep."

Danyelle spoke "Right..."

*The next morning*

Danyelle was shaking the sleep off her body when I had galloped past in a panic.

It was all so weird!


Last night, while I was asleep, Luna contacted me.

Spottedleaf was in her old form while on my back.

Spottedleaf meows.

Luna spoke "I wasn’t expecting to see Spottedleaf as well, but I’ll have to make do with what I have. This information I’m going to give is only for you two. I know what this rumor and serial murder case could mean."

Thunder appears in a midform.

Thunder meows "This concerns her too since she's got a fragment of a rare stone that Moon Flower had led her mother to."

Luna spoke "Not only that, an event like this happened two years ago while I was still sealed in the moon. It was called the Dark Hour, a hidden hour that occurs at midnight, temporarily freeing me until that hour is over. *Brings out a firearm with the left side reading S.E.E.S.* I stayed conscious of death and helped a group fight against the Dark Hour as Nightmare Moon was temporarily under my control as my Persona. Nightmare Moon’s still a part of me, and I’m not going to deny that. We fought strong shadows every full moon, until we fought a filly’s former incarnation, the avatar of Nyx, as the being was going to bring the Fall, the end of the world to bring it anew. But two cousins, who led the group, had a special power to wield multiple personas, the power of the Wild Card, the power of the Fool. They managed to defeat death and Nyx, allowing them to ascend to alicornhood, by using the Great Seal. But in doing so, they sacrificed their lives to become that great seal."

A bright light shined before Spottedleaf and I saw a huge double-door, locked with barbed wires as the wires themselves wrapped around two alicorns, a male and a female.

Luna spoke "That is the great seal, but it’s not there to seal away the true Nyx. It’s there so it cannot be touched, because there is a monster calling out to Nyx, yearning for death, made of all mortality and the masses."

Thunder meows "The half nekomata half gryphon is said to wield the powers of the sun wolf, Amaterasu. If she is made aware of the threat, she won't hesitate to help you out."

Luna spoke "Nyx isn’t returning. There’s a new threat from another realm. One that the silver-maned stallion knows of, along with he and his group knowing about the existence of Shadows."

I ask "But isn't Twilight's firstborn named Nyx?"

Luna spoke "Yes, but thankfully, she’s an ally."

I spoke "But she's too young to be in battle yet but I think that other Danyelle has an adopted daughter named Nyx."

Luna spoke "I know. But that is why I think that Nyx should be protected from the Shadows. Even though she isn’t in Neighpon."

A warm glow appears before disappearing, revealing Mint Chip.

Chip spoke "Not only that, my darker counterpart is close to awakening."

Luna spoke "I know you think that those two statues might mean those ponies are dead, but they may return when the yearning for death fades."

But then we heard a monstrous roar before we saw what I couldn’t describe.

Luna spoke "That is Erebus, the will of the masses yearning for death and Nyx."

Spottedleaf was hissing as her fur fluffed up.

I spoke "Maybe my husband's counterpart can figure something out, he's got connections to all sorts of fighters. Ranging from a fire-breathing turtle-dragon to a biped fox and whatnot."

A voice spoke "Do not worry, I’ll handle it."

A bright light flashed before the monster was gone.

A mare spoke "It’s been a while, Princess Luna."

Luna asks "Indeed, Elizabeth. You too, Theo. And I suppose this is your elder sister?"

A second mare spoke "Indeed. My name is Margaret."

We soon saw three ponies in blue suits.

A loud rumbling roar was heard from a giant snake-like monster.

Theodore spoke "Oh dear. It seems he’s more close to awakening than we thought."

Chip spoke "Yeah but he'll be really weak upon awakening but only the Blue Blur can stop him."

*Gasp!* My husband, Azure Wind!

Chip spoke "We should get in contact with the OC-verse and the Heartsverse, let them know what the cuss is going on."


Author's Note:

Mix-up with Persona, Lilo & Stitch and Mystery Skulls Animated

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