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Look Before You Sleep/ Bridle Gossip

*Twilight's POV*

Yellowfang spoke "Jeeze, Ah've never experienced such a downpour before!"

“Well, a small drizzle was missed, so a huge rainstorm will have to make up for it.” I informed.

Yellowfang spoke "Ah'm not one fer water, except fer drinking it though."

But then I noticed Applejack, Crosswind, Rarity and Blizzardstar outside.

Mystic sighs "Those four seem to be arguing..."

Yellowfang spoke "Ah swear ta StarClan that apple farmer's a pain in the tail..."

“We need to help them.” I said.

Yellowfang spoke "Face it purple pony, that white one's such a drypaw scaredy-mouse."

Rarity then burst through the door. “Excuse me?!”

Yellowfang growls "Drypaw."

The other three then got inside.

Applejack spoke "Much appreciated for givin’ us shelter, Twi."

I smiled, “No problem.”

Blizzardstar had to restrain Rarity from hitting Yellowfang.

Blizzardstar spoke "I swear Rarity, you're madder than a fox in a fit. You shouldn't take anything the dark gray cat says literally."

Holding a book on sleepovers in her hands, Yellowfang asks "Okay Smart-Ears, what's this about?"

“Huh?” I wondered as I grabbed the book before I smiled! “Of course! We’ll have a slumber party! I’ve always wanted one of those!”

Yellowfang asks "What's a sleepover?"

I facehoof.

I ask "You never had one before?"

Yellowfang spoke "Nnope."

That explains a lot.

Gilda was carrying an egg that she had found into the library.

Setting the egg down, Gilda shook the water off her body thus ending up looking like a puffball.

Gilda spoke "Laugh it up you six."

Applejack asks "So, how’s Gawain?"

Gilda spoke "He's up in Canterlot, finalizing things with Princess Celestia since they concerned the state Griffonstone is in."

“Anyway, we were about to have a slumber party!” I cheered before Gilda looked away, seeming a little embarrassed.

Gilda spoke "Count me in then."

Mystic asks "Wait, you’ve done this before?"

Gilda spoke "Yeah, with Dash and the other girl speedsters."

Wave spoke "One of the guys pranked the lot of us though."

Mystic spoke "Whoa! Didn’t expect to see you here, Wave."

Wave giggles "What? You’d think I’d miss out on a sleepover with Gilda like when we were little?"

Gilda spoke "Too bad Dash didn't join."

A knock was heard.

“I wonder who that is.” I asked as I opened the door, revealed to be Rainbow Dash, Gertrude and Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Hey girls."

Rainbow spoke "Sup everyone!"

Brigit spoke "Astra’s in Canterlot right now, and I think he became great friends with Spike and Wendy."

Gilda asks "Hey Dash, remember that one time when Soarin and the other colts pulled that water bucket prank on us?"

Rainbow guffaws "Heh. How could I not?"

Danyelle giggles "I pranked Azure one time."

Gilda asks "Blue Colt? How?"

Danyelle snickers "Ice bucket... He was screaming like a windigo on steroids."

“Ooh! I think I know what we could do!” I smiled.

Danyelle asks "Pranking time?"

Gilda spoke "Pranking time."

It… really wasn’t what I had in mind.

Danyelle spoke "Oh sorry Sparkles."

A loud boom was heard, causing Nyx to start crying.

I dart up to my room to calm Nyx down.

“It’s okay, sweetie. It’s okay.” I soothed.

Nyx spoke "m-mamma..."

Yellowfang and the other girls were cooing at how cute Nyx was.

Gilda spoke "She's so cute."

“She… She said her first word.” I smiled with tears.

Yellowfang spoke "Heh, cute."

Nyx babbled as I could tell she was hungry.

The others gave me some privacy so I could feed Nyx.

Yellowfang spoke "Ta be honest with ya'll, Ah'm a mite scared of falling in love again... Not after what happened the last time Ah had been in love..."

Applejack asks "…What happened?"

Yellowfang explains to the group about her past.

Yellowfang spoke "If Ah hadn't fallen in love with Raggedstar... Then that foxhearted Brokenstar wouldn't have even existed... Ah'm such a mousebrained fool..."

The others were shocked to hear such a tragic story.

Brigit spoke "I’m… Really sorry that happened."

Yellowfang spoke "Ah'm such a mousebrained fool..."

Gertrude spoke "No, you’re not."

Yellowfang glances outside before noticing an injured Abyssinian tom.

Yellowfang gasps "StarClan's kits! That cat is hurt!"

Gilda asks "Is that a tuxedo?"

“Looks like it.” I noted.

Not caring about her affinities, Yellowfang darts outside to get the tom inside the library.

Yellowfang spoke "Lightning induced burns, broken leg... Looks like Ah'm gonna need some comfrey and aloe vera to soothe the burns, poppy seeds ta calm him down and a stick fer him ta bite on when Ah snap his leg back into place."

*The following morning,*

I yawn "Oh hey Leaf."

Spottedleaf spoke "Morning, Twilight-WHOA!!!"

I ask "Where is everyone?"

Spottedleaf asks "Uh... Twilight?"

I ask "What is it?"

Spottedleaf spoke "Your horn..."

I spoke "Not just my horn, your fur is longer than it normally is!"

Gilda spoke "*BURP!* Girls! A little help!"

Yellowfang was sneezing nonstop.

And to our shock, Gilda had blue spots all over her body while she was… incredibly overweight as she somehow still moved like a healthy gryphon as she said in her normal voice, “Something’s up with me! I’m starting to get hungry all the time!”

Spottedleaf was holding a book in her magic.

Spottedleaf spoke "Before we go jumping to conclusions and pinning this on the zebra, we should check this book first."

“Ugh. No. This book is on hexes and curses. The book’s just a bunch of hooey.” I dismissed.

Spottedleaf spoke "Twilight Sparkle, I think you're overlooking something. I checked this book and there is a cure for our predicament."

“How?” I skeptically asked.

Spottedleaf scans through the book, finding the cure for poison joke.

Spottedleaf spoke "Here's the cure."

Yellowfang spoke "Ya shouldn't *Achoo!* judge a *achoo!* book by *achoo!* its cover..."

Rainbow Dash yelps "Ow! And what makes you say that?"

Rainbow Dash had her wings on her stomach, being the opposite of her back.

Spottedleaf spoke "Healer's knowledge."

Yellowfang spoke "Silly *achoo!* lycan..."

And speaking of lycans... Azure was in his lycan form even though it was daytime.

The others showed up, having strange effects now, much to Spike and Wendy’s amusement.

Spike snickers "This is hilarious! We have Hairity, Spitty Pie, Rainbow Crash, Appleteeny, Flutterguy, Azure Werewind, Spottedfur, Yellowsneeze, Gilda the GryphTON, and uh… Twilight Sparkle. I mean I can’t even work with that."

Wendy wingslaps Spike.

Wendy spoke "As funny as it is, this isn’t a joke."

Blizzardstar was quiet.

Rarity spoke "Blizzardstar hasn’t spoken a word this entire time, which is really concerning me."

Blizzardstar spoke "meow."

Rarity coos "…Aww!"

Despite the lack of hir normal voice, Blizzardstar adjusts Rarity's mane in a way so that the mare doesn't trip over the dreadlocks.

Rarity spoke "Thank you so much!"

Blizzardstar purrs as shi nuzzled Rarity.

Gilda asks "Anyone seen Applebloom or Lamorak?"

Apple Bloom spoke "Right here."

For some reason, Lamorak was a reverse gryphon.

I spoke "That just ain't right..."

Lamorak spoke "Not to mention, my wings are gone!"

I spoke "Uh... You got turned into a reverse gryphon..."

Lamorak gasps "What?!"

Danyelle yowls "My wings are backwards!"

Wave rolls a large round mirror over to Lamorak.

Lamorak groans "Oh come on!"

Wave tried to speak, but suddenly chirped instead.

Spottedleaf spoke "Seriously, we need to cure this mess right away..."

Applejack spoke "*High-pitched* Darn tootin’!"

Blizzardstar meows in agreement.

We soon headed out into the Everfree Forest.

Yellowfang spoke "When Ah *achoo!* get my *achoo!* hands on *achoo!* that zebra... *achoo!* Ah'll zap *achoo!* her..."

We soon arrived at a tree hut.

Blizzardstar's ears pin back.

“Well, let’s go.” I said as we opened the door.

But due the poison joke effect, Rainbow had knocked over the cauldron.

Spottedleaf facepalmed at that.

Yellowfang spoke "Mousebrains will *achoo!* be mousebrains..."

The zebra spoke "No! You know not what you do! You’ve gone and spilled my precious brew!"

Spottedleaf spoke "I'm gonna have to shave my fur after this mess since I don't like taking baths..."

Yellowfang spoke "Ah can't *achoo!* stop sneezing!"

The zebra mare sighs "I see. My name is Zecora. And it seems you all have been tricked by a blue flora."

Spottedleaf spoke "I'm Leaf Sparkle."

*Back in Ponyville*

I lead the group into town, causing others to panic.

Yellowfang spoke "What a bunch *achoo!* o’ mousebrains…"

Spottedleaf cuffs her fellow healer on the ears.

Spottedleaf spoke "Not now, furbrain."

Yellowfang asks "Did you *achoo!* just call *achoo!* me a furbrain *achoo!*?"

Spottedleaf spoke "No, I didn't."

Due to her tiny size, Applejack was on Spottedleaf's head.

Chrysalis asks "What the hay happened to you?"

Gilda spoke "*Belch!* Poison Joke."

Yellowfang spoke "The effects *achoo!* are random..."

Gilda spoke "Even though all this doesn’t feel bad, I really need to get back to normal."

Spottedleaf spoke "*sigh* As much as I hate baths, I'll let it go this one time..."

*After the Poison joked folks had reverted back to normal*

Yellowfang spoke "Let's NEVER speak of this again!"


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