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Crusaders Versus Thunder Blight!

*Flintfur's POV*

I was snarling at the insane alicorn.

Applebloom and the other Crusaders had surrounded their fellow alicorn.

Scootaloo spoke "This is gonna be sweet!"

I spoke "We're only stalling that madmare until the other Twilight gets back!"

Astra growled as Brigit drew her blade with Corvo bringing out his firearms.

A roar rang clear, indicating that Twirama was on her way back with Emerald's group.

Brigit spoke "Guess it won’t be long. Good thing I rose to a Dreadnought class earlier."

I spoke "Guess you didn't take Danyelle into account, I heard she's the current guardian of all Behemoths."

Brigit gasps "What? I thought they were legends."

A Lightningboom streaks across the sky.

Danyelle spoke "Nari thought the same thing but I proved her wrong!"

But then Kaminari flew in with Aeon Ocean.

The other sirens had followed Aeon.

Adagio spoke "Regardless, we need to stop that mare before she lays the hurt on someone... Namely the trio of dumbasses."

Aria and Sonata stifled their snickers at that.

Adagio spoke "I was talking about Golden Ingot, Pierce and that dumbass hippogriff..."

That made Aria and Sonata laugh.

Lightning snickers "You talking about Silver Quill? He's such a pain in the ass!"

Twirama spoke "Now isn't a good time!"

Corvo spoke "Probably save the jokes for after this."

Twirama spoke "EXACTLY!!!"

Danyelle spoke "Maybe you should relax when you get home, Twirama."

Twirama spoke "Oh shut up fuzzball."

Corvo spoke "Well, better be ready."

Twirama howls, calling in another Twilight.

A warp ring opens up before Redux-verse Twilight along with a pair of Mew Poké-Mobians follow after her though one of the Mew Poké-Mobians had two tails instead of one.

Brigit asks "Hmm?"

Twirama spoke "Something I picked up from my universe's Danyelle, I can call in any fighter from across the multiverse to help out."

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "Yeah so Myth, Danyelle and I answered the call right after it went out."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Plus I sense a huge fight later on down the road... One where a male version of OC-verse Twilight puts out a call to several other Twilights..."

Twilight soon pops up with a few other alicorns.

Twilight asks "A major fight?"

Twirama spoke "I would have to talk to Bayonetta about that later..."

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "Same with the one in my universe."

Brigit spoke "Come on, let’s fight Blight already."

Despite her weakened state, Lightning Bliss got back onto her hooves.

Lightning Bliss spoke "This is my mess, I have to stop it. Thunder Blight and I are one in the same!"

A rainbow shimmer appears in Lightning Bliss' eyes as she thought about all of her friends.

Lightning Bliss spoke "My friends are my strength! Plus rainbows make me smile!"

Lightning Bliss fires a rainbow colored beam of magic at Thunder Blight.

Thunder Blight fired a black and white beam, clashing with Bliss’ beam.

Both Twilights and Twirama place a wing on Bliss' back, providing the alicorn more courage as the other alicorns follow.

Myth and Redux-verse Danyelle place a hand onto Bliss' back.

The sirens stood by Bliss' side.

Even the Crusaders and I stood by Bliss' side.

Lightning spoke "You will never win Blight because I have one thing you will NEVER have and that's friendship!"

Lightning Bliss soon overpowers Thunder Blight, weakening the alicorn.

But then black monsters started appearing.

Twirama and Redux-Verse Twilight spoke "Heartless!"

Twirama and Redux-Verse Twilight roar loud, calling in the Sora and Zoey from their respective universe.

Both cat Mobians and the two Pegasi rip the Heartless to shreds with their keyblades.

OC-verse Zoey spoke "Good thing Sora and I were on standby in case this happened."

Redux-verse Zoey spoke "Agreed."

OC-verse Sora spoke "This never gets old."

Redux-verse Sora laughs "I know! And it was rather funny when my universe's Danyelle pissed Donald off! He was a raging ball of feathers!"

OC-verse Sora spoke "Heh, I know."

OC-verse Zoey giggles "But no matter the universe, Ein's an idiot! And he screams like a girl!"

Twilight laughs "Golden Ingot's the same way!"

Twirama laughs "Haha! Really? That name is SO obvious!"

Redux-verse Twilight laughs "But regardless, Ein... Or in this case, Golden Ingot, is a total idiot!"

Twilight giggles "Heehee, yes."

All three Twilights spoke "But it is safe to say that Pierce is also an idiot."

Redux-verse Zoey spoke "*shudder* Hearing three Twilights speak at the same time is just as creepy as hearing two Celestias talk at the same time..."

OC-verse Zoey spoke "It's bad enough I'm still chicken shit when it comes to ghosts."

Danyelle yowls loud, causing several heartless to explode.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Holy hairballs..."

Corvo spoke "Yeah, she's tough alright."

Redux-verse Danyelle snickers "I got a rather embarrassing photo of my universe's Zecora though."

OC-Verse Danyelle asks "Can ya show me?"

Redux-verse Danyelle snickers "Since my universe's Zecora's half lamia now from a spell gone wrong, here's a photo of her pre-lamia while stretching."

OC-verse Danyelle snickered before she laughed.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "And my universe's Dren had pranked Shadow one time by throwing a stick of dynamite at the hedgehog along with a block of gold thus causing Shadow to attack Ein instead!"

OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "Last thing I need is my universe's Twilight and Zecora challenging each other."

A voice was heard from OC-Verse Danyelle's game system and it reminded Danyelle of Vince's voice.

Megaman spoke "The thought of it is really scary..."

Danyelle gasps "Vince?"

Vince pops up suddenly.

Vince asks "You called sis?"

OC-Danyelle asks "Huh?"

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that, I said my twin brother's name."

OC-Verse Danyelle asks "Twin brother?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, Vince is my twin while Lan's our younger brother."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "I've got two adopted brothers and an adopted sister."

OC-Verse Danyelle's jaw dropped in shock.

Seiko and his team soon arrived.

Much to Seiko's shock, there were three versions of Twilight and Danyelle.

Emerald screams "WHAT THE?! What's going on?!"

Danyelle spoke "Counterparts."

But Emerald's head was steaming with her eyes comically being spinning swirls.

Danyelle whacks Emerald with a wing.

Danyelle spoke "I'm the Danyelle you know, the other two are my counterparts from different universes."

Sunao spoke "That's... a bit hard to swallow."

Twilight spoke "Sometimes, OC-verse Twilight goes by Twirama so she's not mistaken for me."

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "In combat, I often go by Deep Lilac due to the fact I'm half alien."

Shima asks "A demon and an alien?"

OC-verse Twilight spoke "Nine tailed beast and two tailed beast."

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "Long story."

Miran spoke "Anyway, there's a Shadow to beat."

Thunder Blight soon disappears back into Lightning Bliss.

Seiko asks "Are you okay?"

Lightning spoke "Never better."

Apple Bloom started looking for Troubleshoes.

Troubleshoes had his body stuck in a barrel.

OC-verse Twilight and Redux-verse Twilight were both snickering.

Troubleshoes spoke "Me and mah bad luck..."

OC-verse Twilight and Redux-verse Twilight both spoke "We think you're looking at your cutie mark the wrong way."

Applebloom spoke "Exactly!"

A flash of metal was quickly seen before the barrel falls off Troubleshoes, revealing a pair of wings on his back.

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "Holy hairballs, he's an alicorn!"

Applebloom asks "Didn't expect that. What about his head?"

OC-verse Twilight spoke "He'd got a horn too."

Applebloom spoke "Okay, wasn't expectin' that at all."

Danyelle spoke "None of us saw it coming."

OC-verse Twilight, OC-verse Sora, OC-verse Zoey and OC-verse Danyelle went back to their universe while Redux-verse Twilight and her friends went back to their universe.


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