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Finding An Enemy

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

Well, it’s raining and it’s real close to midnight. Most of us kept an eye on our tele-mirror, before it glowed and turned on, revealing a clear view of an ominous-looking young earth pony stallion with disheveled black mane that’s parted slightly in the middle, ashen fur that’s got a peachy tint, a beauty mark under his left eye, and wears an orange-yellow shirt with alien-invader patterns on it. The stallion laughed with a smile. “So NOW you wanna pay attention to me? Do you know who I am? Then catch me if you can!”

The tele-mirror then turned off. From what Seiko and Emerald told us, if anyone appeared on the Midnight Mirror, and the vision was clear, then the person on it is in the TM World, leaving us a deadline until the fog rolls in.

Danyelle asks "Wasn't that the insane teacher?"

“No, I don’t think so at all. We should meet up with Seiko and the others at Junes tomorrow morning, since their summer vacation does start then.” I answered.

Danyelle spoke "I'm not in school either."

“…Oh. Sorry.” I apologized.

Danyelle spoke "Lan wasn't fully potty trained when Vince and I dropped out at the age of 7 and a half."

“…Okay, I don’t think any of us needed to hear that.” I admitted.

Lan whacks his older sister.

Roll spoke "Vince, Dany and I just couldn't go back to school. The three of us just couldn't handle the bullying and name calling..."

“Say no more, I get the picture.” I responded, understanding them.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah... It was, I got called a lot of names... The most frequent insult was orphan...."

Lan spoke "Maylu and I were homeschooled since Danyelle and Roll didn't want us to be harassed like they and Vince had."

Maylu asks "Look, can we please just stop talking about this?"

Roll spoke "Sorry sis but Danyelle was in a rather foul mood back then... She literally bit a pony that had tried to separate her from her brothers."

Danyelle spoke "Let's just say I didn't like anyone trying to separate me from my brothers..."

I spoke "Holy hayseeds... You're one savage cat when you want to be Dany."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah… Let’s just go to sleep and meet up with Seiko and the others tomorrow morning."

Aphmau spoke "Agreed..."

*The next morning*

Following a howl from Rising Sun, the others and I wake up.

“Man… That was really weird…” I noted, thinking back to a strange dream last night while I was asleep.

Danyelle groans "Remind me to never eat curry before bed..."

“You had that dream too?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and judging by how fluffed up Maylu is, she had that dream too."

“Who’d have thought all three of us would’ve been in a blue long carriage with Elizabeth, Theo, a teen Pegasus mare about Miran’s age, and a bizarre male Draconequus with a long muzzle?” I noted.

Roll spoke "Whatever it is, it's got the clairvoyant spooked badly."

“Maybe it was because of the fortune-telling that Draconequus did with arcana cards?” I guessed.

Roll spoke "Let's never mention this to Fluttershy though. She frightens easy."

“Okay.” I responded.

Danyelle was shaking in fear since she sensed that something bad had happened to Rarity's group.

Soon, we met up with Seiko and his group at Junes.

Kaze asks "Okay, Karei and Teddie are checking out the other side, so we’ll go ahead and start the meeting. Now about what happened last night… You guys all saw it, right?"

All of us nodded at that.

Kanji spoke "Yeah. Shit he said made my blood boil."

Goryuu spoke "Honestly, that pissed me off too."

Kanji growls "That mumbling of his and those fish-like eyes pissed us off even more. Who the hell is he?"

Seiko sighs "Miran and I don’t know."

Miran spoke "He didn’t look familiar at all."

Roll spoke "Whoever it was, it's got my sister on edge. Plus Danyelle is freaked out."

Icy spoke "We have to figure this out!"

Aphmau spoke "Well, it's sure as heck ain't Golden Ingot-baka."

Vincent spoke "Someone should patch through to Celestia-hime."

Kaze spoke "Hmm… Truth to tell, I get the feeling I’ve seen him before…"

Shima spoke "I was surprised when I saw how clearly his face showed on TM. So I called Emerald, and while we were talking, it hit me… Maybe that colt is the culprit."

Emerald spoke "It’s just a hunch, but it makes sense."

Kaze spoke "We’ve been told the suspect is a high schooler… The police are after him for the murder of King Moron. So to see that on TM last night, at a time like this…"

Kiko spoke "Yeah, not to mention he taunted viewers as he said “Catch me if you can”…"

Kanji asks "Uhhhh… So?"

We kept discussing and decided to investigate for information about this colt. Soon enough, we got enough info for Karei to find his location as we went into the TM world. The colt’s name was Gēmā Tsukamu, as Seiko, Miran, Danyelle, Roll and I showed the others of a picture of him in his high-school uniform.

Kaze spoke "That’s him all right… It’s definitely the pony on the Midnight Mirror! It’s settled, then. He is the killer… and he’s in here now!"

Karei spoke "This stallion came to our tofu shop before… Was he… spying on me…? Oh my Faust… I really was being targeted…"

Kanji spoke "Dammit! Freakin’ punk!"

Emerald spoke "Hey, I’ve seen him before too… Hmm…"

Goryuu asks "You okay, Emerald?"

Emerald spoke "Oh, now I remember! Shima, it’s that one pony!"

Shima asks "*Confused* That one pony…?"

Emerald spoke "Back in April, remember!? He suddenly came and started hitting on you!"

Kaze exclaims "Oh, him! The dude who got served by Shima in front of the school! Man, Emerald, how’s you remember something like that!?"

Emerald spoke "Well, that was the first time he talked to her, but I remember he was always following her around."

Shima asks "*Confused* Um… Sorry, who are we talking about?"

Kaze spoke "The dude who came right up to you at the school gates and called you Shimi!"

Shima asks "Ohhhh… Uhh… Really?"

Emerald gasps "Wait, did he kidnap Shima to get back at her for rejecting him!?"

Shima spoke "*Confused* Um… I didn’t really reject him…"

Karei asks "He came up to me while I was busy working and asked, “Don’t the biker gangs bother you?” Just going on and on about how biker gangs can’t do anything unless they’re in a pack and stuff… He seemed to be the type who just keeps talking, whether you like it or not… if that makes sense. I usually treat those people politely so they don’t get offended, but I was so tired that I kinda ignored him. Was that why I was kidnapped…?"

Kanji spoke "Huh…? Wait, I’m not a biker! Ugh… That damn special report… So that’s why I got dragged into this."

Goryuu spoke "Hey, you were only trying to protect our mom, Kanji."

Emerald spoke "You know, I heard he’s been saying stuff about that announcer’s affair, too. Lots of muttering about how females who cheat on their husbands should be executed."

Kaze spoke "Sounds like it’s all coming together… Well, it’s time for a showdown!"

I spoke "I got my guards out looking for him as we speak."

Teddie spoke "Don’t worry, I gave them my special glasses to help them see through the fog in this world. So here’s some for all of you too."

Teddie gave me, Spottedleaf, Danyelle and our groups glasses. I put them on, and it was like the fog didn’t even exist!

Kaze asks "Well, it’s not bad to keep some extra eyes out, but they’re up against shadows. So we’ll need to bring them back. So Karei, can you tell where this Gema pony’s at?"

Karei spoke "I’ll give it a try. Just a sec…"

Karei summoned Himiko and started searching.

Karei spoke "…Yeah, I found him! He’s that way."

“Then I’ll call back my guards.” I responded as Himiko vanished.

Micah spoke "About that... All of them have suddenly vanished! Same with Lightning Dust!"

Teddie spoke "*Nose twitching* Hmm?! They’re still alive! The shadows must’ve captured them! And their scents are coming from where Karei-Chan found that Gema pony!"

Emerald spoke "Alright! Let’s go! We’re so close to the killer… We can’t lose him now!"

All of us agreed as we went towards the location Karei found, but the entrance looked 8-bit, having GAME START and CONTINUE in the air while the sky and other side of the door were black and red 8-bit ripples.

Emerald asks "What is this…? Some kinda game?"

Kaze spoke "Well, he did taunt us, saying “Catch me if you can”… I guess he thinks of all this as a game."

Emerald growls "Ohhh, this pisses me off! I hereby sentence him a hundred kicks to the face! Let’s go!"

Seiko spoke "We gotta reach the ending!"

Kaze spoke "Gotta admit… All guys love games."

Teddie spoke "And all girls love Teddie!"

I kick Teddie in the breadbasket.

Danyelle spoke "The fate of Neighpon rests in our hooves and hands."

We then went into the place, but it was like a labyrinth. We fought shadows, and when we were halfway through, we found Lightning Dust and the others.

Danyelle's ears were on full alert the entire time.

“Lightning Dust! You and the others okay?” I asked as Lightning Dust and the others came to and got up.

Celaeno groans "Lix is still missing...."

Karei spoke "She must be further in the labyrinth. Wait… Himiko!"

Karei summoned her persona before she gasped.

Karei gasps "Incoming ambush from shadows!"

Shadows then appeared, each having a strange different-colored mask on each of them, surrounding us.

Danyelle let out a loud yowl, forcing the shadows to back off.

Danyelle spoke "That was my Divine Lightning Neko Yowl, I mixed it with the powers from the devout beads to drive off the shadows."

Karei spoke "Whew! That’s a relief, because the last thing we need is to get caught off guard."

The sound of two fox tails whirring like a helicopter was heard since Quick was hovering in the air.

Scootaloo asks "Dude, did your butt just turn into a helicopter?"

Quick chuckles "Hehehe, a butt-copter."

I snicker "Really? A flank-copter, Scoot?"

Azure chuckles "Hehe, I would’ve come up with that name, squirt."

Shima snickers "A… butt-copter…? Pfft… Haha…"

Emerald spoke "Uh oh, this isn’t good…"

We were confused before Shima burst out in roaring joyous laughter.

Shima laughs "Pfft… Bawahaahahahaa! A… Butt-Copter…! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

Emerald spoke "Oh no, she’s having a total laughing fit."

Seiko spoke "Guess that really hit her funny bone."

I laugh "Pinkie'll get a kick outta this one!"

Shima couldn’t stop laughing with a smile open and her eyes closed.

Teddie spoke "Hmm… Shimi-chan really does have a beary strange sense of humor."

Celaeno snickers "hehe, butt-copter."

I spoke "Ignoring the womanizer, we have to stop Gema!"

Soon, after Shima calmed down from her laughing fit, we kept going, keeping an eye out for Lix while we were at it. Later, I feel like we were on the last floor.

Spitfire spoke "Guys, I found the door!"

Karei asks "Hmm… I sense him and Lix past this door… Are you guys ready?"

Danyelle had a divine sword in her right hand, ready for battle.

Danyelle spoke "Ready!"

But then I felt the door sealed with a mysterious power, before pitch-black darkness flowed from the Orb of Darkness we found in the labyrinth earlier, unlocked and unsealing the door before the orb and darkness disappeared, leaving us surprised by what happened.

Danyelle had the Divine Retribution hovering on her back since she had borrowed the items from Rising Sun.

We then opened the door, finding ourselves in an arena, spotting Lix, tied up and unconscious.

Emerald spoke "Look! There they are!"

Kanji spoke "You Gema!? You better be ready to pay, you bastard!"

Kaze spoke "Wait, Kanji… Something’s not right!"

Kiko spoke "Listen to Kaze! Look!"

Gema spoke "Everycreature gets on my nerves… That’s why I did it! What do you think of that!? Say something, dammit!"

We looked to who Gema was talking to, and it was… a golden-eyed Gema?!

Golden-Eyed Gema was silent.

Gema spoke "Nobody even thought of me after the first pony, or that spoiled rich mare at Canterlot prison from last month when that Stardust gave a teleport gadget and deathberries to me a year ago. That’s why I went after the third one! I killed them!"

Golden-Eyed Gema was silent.

Gema asks "Wh-What’re you all quiet for…?"

Golden-Eyed Gema sighs "Because… I feel nothing…"

Gema snaps "What’re you talking about!? Make sense, dammit!"

Emerald gasps "What the…? Which one’s the shadow?"

Golden-Eyed Gema spoke "I… have nothing… I am nothing… And you… are me…"

Gema spoke "What…? What’s that supposed to mean!? I’m… I’m not nothing…"

Shima spoke "No! If this keeps up…!"

Spitfire spoke "This is bad!"

Gema heard us before turning around. “Wh-Who are you guys!? How’d you get in here…? Dammit, who the hell are you!? What’re you doing here!?”

Goryuu spoke "Shut your mouth. We’re after you."

Spottedleaf hisses "Tell us, are you the killer?"

Gema laughs Haha… Ahahahahaha! Of course I am! I’m the one behind everything! *Turns toward Golden-Eyed Gema* I don’t give a damn what this imposter’s saying! Hahaha, you hear that!? You have nothing to do with me! Get outta my sight! *Turns back towards us* That goes for the rest of you and your tied-up friend, too… Why’d you chase me all the way here!? I’ll kill you! I’ll kill all of you! I can do it, you know… I can do anything!"

Something’s telling me that this pony’s seriously delusional.

Golden-Eyed Gema growls "*Gaining a red and black aura* So you don’t accept me…"

Gema groans "Ngh… *Falls to his knees* What the…? Aaaaargh!"

Gema suddenly went unconscious as the Golden-Eyed Gema was engulfed in shadows, as we realized that golden-eyed Gema was his shadow before it transformed.

Kaze spoke "Dammit, here we go again!"

Karei spoke "Get ready, everyone! Once we beat him, this case is as good as closed!"

Celaeno spoke "Protect the medicine cats!"

Spitfire and the other Wonderbolts surround Spottedleaf and Micah.

Danyelle spoke "I doubt you can even touch me because of the weapons I wield!"

Shadow Gema spoke "I am… a shadow… Come… I’ll end your emptiness."

The shadow soon become engulfed in some kind of pixelated armor.

Kaze gasps "Is that supposed to be a game character…? Geez, how insulting can he be!?"

Shadow Gema spoke "Come…"

But then the shadow emitted a blinding light, covering the area. And when it faded, I opened my eyes to see myself… back at my cloud house in Ponyville?! I noticed a mirror as I tried going in slowly, but nothing happened. “What’s going on?”

A voice spoke "Nothing."

“Huh?!” I gasped as I looked into the darkness, before the shadow started emerging from it.

Shadow Gema spoke "Everything is nothing. Friendship is an illusion, you’re on your own."

“We’ll see about that!” I dared as I tried to lunge at him, but when I jumped, I fell. I looked at the mirror, as I still had my horn and wings. “W-What the hell happened to my speed, strength, magic and flight?!”

Shadow Gema spoke "*As I kept trying to fight him* You have no bonds, you have nothing at all, just like me."

“No! You’re wrong!” I said before the shadow let out a cry as it grew larger, making scream in shock before it grabbed me by the neck, starting to choke me. As I started to think I was losing, I saw a light when I looked up before I heard Lightning Dust’s voice. “Dash! Dash!”

That’s right… I’m not alone…

Lightning Dust’s voice calls out "*As I reached towards the light* Dash! Dash!"

Her leg then grabbed mine before pulling me outta there.

Lightning Dust spoke "Glad you’re okay, Dash."

“Dust… Hehe, thanks.” I said in gratitude as it looked like Seiko and Spottedleaf went through that too as Kaze and Danyelle pulled them out too before the three of us were taken to the others, and they were glad to see us.

Spottedleaf spoke "Well, we all know what to do."

“Definitely, to beat the bad guy.” I agreed.

Seiko spoke "Yeah. Let’s take him down! Persona!"

Seiko summoned Izanagi as he charged towards the armor, dodging the explosion it set off before he slashed the armor, making the pieces scatter. But then they started coming back together again.

Emerald spoke "No! Not again!"

Karei spoke "You can’t take out the shadow until you destroy its outer shell."

Emerald spoke "Goryuu! Kanji! Danyelle! With me!"


The pieces scatter yet again but this time, they didn't reassemble.

Emerald spoke "Now!"

Emerald, Kanji and Goryuu summoned their personas as they attacked the pieces making the left arm of the armor, destroying the pieces.

Shadow Gema spoke "……There’s no need to be scared. It’ll be quick."

Shadow Gema widened his eyes as red lightning started to strike the battlefield, before we dodged it. Shima and Kiko summoned their personas as the two set off multiple explosions and ghastly blows on the shadow.

Kaze spoke "Sweet! Nice hit!"

Kiko spoke "Thanks."

But then the remaining pieces started reassembling.

Shima spoke "He’s rebuilding his defenses!"

“Oh come on!” I groaned.

Spottedleaf growls "Not good."

Seiko spoke "Dammit."

Kanji spoke "Not on my watch!"

Kanji’s persona grabbed a piece, stopping it as the other personas did the same, stopping the reassembling.

Karei spoke "Go on! Now’s your chance, guys!"

Kanji spoke "Yeah! Take ‘im out!"

Goryuu spoke "You got this!"

Shima spoke "Please, get that guy."

Emerald spoke "Yeah! Hit ‘em good and hard!"

Teddie spoke "You can do it, Sensei!"

Azure spoke "I believe in ya, Dashie!"

Scootaloo spoke "Go, Rainbow Dash!"

Spottedleaf spoke "We’ll let you three take care of this."

Lightning Dust spoke "Go kick that guy’s ass, Dash!"

Kaze spoke "I’ll let you, Danyelle and Rainbow Dash take the final blow!"

“We are far… from empty!” Seiko, Danyelle and I shouted as the two of us took into the air and charged in with Izanagi before the shadow widened its eyes again, making a twister emerge from beneath us as Spotty and I dodged it.

Seiko spoke "Makami!"

Izanagi changed into a different persona as it wrapped itself around the twister and breathed out a big fireball at the shadow, who blocked it.

Seiko spoke "King Frost!"

Makami changed into a different persona as he fired a blizzard at the shadow, which blocked it again.

Seiko spoke "High Pixie!"

King Frost changed into another persona as she made lightning strike the shadow, which blocked it again, before it started fired back the flame attack.

Seiko spoke "Pyro Jack!"

Another persona change as he absorbed the fire attack before the shadow launched an ice and lightning attack.

Seiko spoke "Yamata-no-Orochi!"

Another change as the dragon shielded Danyelle and I from the attacks, unaffected at all.

Kaze asks "Whoa! How many personas has that guy been piling up?"

OC-verse Twilight flew out of a portal before firing a Fire Kyubi Roar at the hostile Personas, destroying them.

OC-verse Twilight spoke "Kurama! Matatabi!"

The two beasts roar loud after they appeared.

Karei spoke "No! Don’t! You’re hurting Seiko-senpai and the others!"

Shadow Gema growls "Why…? Don’t you want to be at ease?"

Seiko spoke "*Wince with more than a few bruises* Leanan Sidhe!"

Seiko changed his persona again as she appeared right next to the shadow’s left as ear she breathed out soothingly, as if whispering something, before the shadow’s eyes widened as it let out a cry of rage as the pieces floated around it, but as weapons this time.

Shadow Gema spoke "I… I need proof that I exist… That’s why… I have to kill you!"

Seiko spoke "Rakshasa!"

Seiko changed his persona again as he, Danyelle, Kurama, Matatabi and I charged while destroying some of the pieces floating in the air before the shadow sent them flying at us.

Seiko spoke "Ara Mitama!"

Seiko changed his persona again as he shielded all of us from the pieces as the shield destroyed all the blocks while the shadow cried out in fury.

Seiko spoke "Izanagi!"

Seiko changed his persona one more time as the five of us charged at the shadow before we landed a simultaneous attack on it, winning the battle. As Gema started getting up, Danyelle wingslapped the back of OC-Verse’s Twilight’s head.

Danyelle snaps "You idiot! Don’t you know that hurting the personas hurt the persona users?!"

Phantom had gone intangible before appearing in front of Gema, punching the stallion in the face.

Gema spoke "Ugh…"

Kaze spoke "Finally awake, huh? You’ve been a major pain in our ass."

Gema gasps "What the…? You guys… Wh-Who the hell are you guys!?"

Seiko spoke "We came here to talk to you."

Gema asks "Talk… to me…?"

Kiko spoke "You’re being chased by the police. They think you’re the one who killed King Moron and the other two."

Seiko asks "So tell us, are you the killer?"

Gema sighs "All the cases… All on me…"

Okay, I definitely have a feeling that stallion’s heading to crazytown.

Gema laughs "Aha… hahaha! That’s right, I did it!"

Kanji snaps "You piece of crap!"

Gema spoke "And not just that bastard Manuke… That stupid announcer and the spoiled wench, too! I killed all of them! It was all me!"

But then Shadow Gema glowed and disintegrated, which was new for us.

Karei asks "Wh-Where did it go!?"

Emerald asks "What’s going on…?"

Gema spoke "Ha… Hahaha… It’s gone… That frickin’ monster disappeared. That... that, son of a mare…"

Gema started laughing as I knew that stallion was just an empty puppet just starving for attention.

Later, when we got back in Ineighba, Gema was taken away by the police as he was still chuckling.

Blue spoke "That stallion is a jerk... Plus he had been my ex-coltfriend but when I caught onto his murderous ways, I dumped him."

A stallion with fiery purple eyes asks "Wait, what?"

Blue spoke "I... don't want to talk about it...."

Phantom spoke "Unlike me, Blue is full ghost since she had died in a terrible fire... But the police couldn't figure out what caused it."

Stallion with fiery purple eyes spoke "Oh."

Phantom’s breath turned blue. “And I know you’re a ghost too.”

The stallion sighed as he transformed. “The name’s Ghost Pepper.”

Blue spoke "I miss my old life..."

Ghost spoke "Believe me, you ain’t the only one."


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