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Appleloosa's Most Wanted

*Applejack's POV*

Jackie was flying over to where I was with a grim look on her face.

Jackie spoke "Ah've got bad news Applejack."

“What?” I asked.

Jackie spoke "Ah got a letter for ya from yer Cousin Braeburn. He said that he needs help since he had hurt himself."

“Really?” I gasped in surprise.

Jackie spoke "Alicorn or not, he should've been more careful."

Applebloom asks "Applejack, could the Crusaders and I tag along?"

The Crusaders ask "Please?"

I spoke "Under one condition, you have to ask your caretakers or parents first. Ah don't want a bunch o angry ponies on mah tail it ya'll got hurt."

Jackie spoke "Smart move Applejack, asking the Crusaders to get permission first before they go anywhere outside Ponyville."

“Thanks.” I smiled.

Jackie spoke "Plus Ah have a bit of good news too, Ah'm expecting another egg."

“Really?!” I gasped.

Jackie spoke "Eyup, it's mah third one plus Storm said that he's hoping fer a son this time since Sunclaw and Starfeather are girls."

A thought suddenly made me snicker. "Don't tell me you and Storm are plannin' to have a dozen kids, are ya?"

That made Jackie blush madly.

Jackie stammers "Y-yer one ta talk apple pony! When are ya gonna have another kid with Crosswind?"

"That is it!" I growled before my griffon counterpart and I wrestled.

Applebloom spoke "Stop it sis! She's got an egg on the way!"

Crosswind pinches the nape of my neck, calming me down.

Jackie spoke "Ah wouldn't mind a friendly competition after the egg's out."

I spoke "Good idea, Ah'd rather not have a mad gryphon on mah tail if ya got hurt."

Jackie asks "Whaddya say to an eatin' contest?"

I smirked at that.

Crosswind spoke "If Ah know Vera, she'll turn it into a challenge..."

"So?" Jackie and I spoke. "It'll just make the contest more fun."

Three of the trees had no apples left on them.

I spoke "StarClan's sake... Not again!"

Wheat spoke "What? I was hungry."

I spoke "Wheat, you silly wolf."

Wheat Stalk gave out a belch.

A branch had snapped, scaring a dark tabby chakat with green eyes.

The dark tabby spoke "That scared me!"

“Birchtooth?” I asked in surprise.

Birchtooth asks "Do ah know ya?"

Crosswind spoke "Well if it ain't mah younger sibling!"

Birchtooth spoke "Crossy!"

The two Chakats hugged.

Crosswind gives Birchtooth a noogie.

Birchtooth asks "Heehee! Up for another sibling contest?"

Crosswind spoke "Darn tootin'!"

Birchtooth asks "So what's the first event this time, eh?"

Crosswind asks "Hmm... How about our Front Push-Off?"

Birchtooth gasps "You mean that event?"

Crosswind spoke "That's right."

Birchtooth spoke "You're on!"

The two Chakats backed off to get ready as Apple Bloom walked over to Birchtooth.

Birchtooth asks "What?"

Applebloom spoke "Ah'm cheerin' for ya."

A faint blush was on Birchtooth's face.

Crosswind laughs "Oh mah StarClan! Ya have it bad fer mah sister in law!"

I spoke "Whoo, Heatwave might take that as a challenge."

Crosswind spoke "But Applejack, chakats swing both ways when it comes to love."

I spoke "Ah know that, Crossy."

Crosswind spoke "Know what Ah heard? Cadence found another alicorn ponykat in the Crystal Empire."

"Who?" I asked.

Crosswind spoke "Ah think hir name was Heartfire or somethin'..."

“Really?” Ah asked.

Crosswind spoke "Eyup."

Soon, Crosswind and Birchtooth were ready.

Birchtooth spoke "Better be ready for me, Crossy!"

Jackie spoke "Now really isn't a good time!"

“Let ‘em have their friendly contest Jackie. They’re havin’ fun.” I said Crosswind and Birchtooth charged at each other and collided, pushing each other with only their chests and bellies. But it looks pretty much neck-and-neck.

Jackie spoke "But Braeburn needs help."

Rainbow Dash suddenly showed up. “Don’t worry, I’m coming along.”

I spoke "Sorry Rainbow, this is Apple Family business."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Dang it!"

But then Shizu showed up. "But Elements of Honesty are good, right?"

Jackie snickers "Is that a puppy bump Ah see on yer belly?"

Shizu asks "Yeah? So?"

Jackie spoke "Ah'd never thought Ah'd see the day when ya finally start a family."

Shizu spoke "Heh, Rimuru and I wanted to get as much as we can on the first go."

I spoke "Twilight tried that one time but she lost two of her foals."

Shizu spoke "Hey, Rimuru and I are tough, I'm sure the pups will be tough too."

Jackie spoke "Plus ya have all of MeadowClan ta help ya if ya git inta trouble."

Shizu spoke "Ha, don't worry. *Twirling Vice-Versa* With Vice-Versa, I can take care of myself just fine."

Jackie spoke "Ah meant if ya didn't have such a weapon and..."

Jackie squawks in pain.

Jackie asks "Oh come on... Right now?"

I spoke "Talk about timing.... And Ah think Shizu's close ta givin' birth as well."

Shizu yelps "What're you-GAH!"

I immediately called Redheart via telepathy.

Redheart immediately showed up with some backup.

Gingerheart was with Redheart.

To my surprise, Redheart was an alicorn!

“How’re you…?” I tried to ask.

Redheart spoke "I don't know how it happened. But I think Spottedleaf had something to do with it."

That left me surprised.

Gingerheart spoke "Too bad I'm not immortal..."

*Some time after Jackie and Shizu had their kids*

The group and I were in Appleloosa.

Jackie spoke "Howdy Braeburn."

I still couldn’t believe that Shizu gave birth ta four puppies, and all four of ‘em survived.

Jackie spoke "Guess she-cats and dog bitches have it easier fer litters since they have the body to support more than two babies."

“Well how’s yer egg?” I asked.

Jackie spoke "Stormy's looking after it."

“Good.” Ah smiled as I remembered Crosswind and Birchtooth still competing, which made me laugh.

Appleseed bites my tail.

"Gah!" I yelped.

Crosswind chuckles "Ya okay Jay-Jay?"

"Ah'm fine, just my tail got bit." I answered.

Crosswind spoke "Teething stage..."

Birchtooth spoke "Whoa..."

Flintfur asks "Uh Applejack?"

“What?” I asked.

Flintfur spoke "Some of the Crusaders ran off..."

“Oh come on!” I groaned.

Braeburn spoke "There have been signs of a troublemaker."

“What?” I asked.

Braeburn spoke "Not what... But who..."

Jackie asks "Who?"

Ears flatten, Braeburn spoke "Troubleshoes..."

"Troubleshoes?!" I gasped.

Braeburn spoke "He's been causin' a whole heap o' trouble fer us."

*Silverstorm's POV*

I was galloping after Applebloom and the other Crusaders.

I spoke "Applebloom! Stop right there!"

Applebloom asks "Huh?"

I spoke "We should leave that Troubleshoes guy alone."

Applebloom asks "Why?"

I spoke "Sword or not, Applejack would ground you if you got hurt."

Applebloom spoke "Ah don’t think he’s that bad."

I spoke "Braeburn and the others think he is."

Birchtooth spoke "Shi's right AB."

Applebloom asks "Remember Zecora?"

I ask "The zebra-lamia?"

Applebloom spoke "Don’t judge a book by its cover."

Sweetie spoke "I sense another nascent alicorn, male this time!"

Scootaloo spoke "That was quick!"

Quick asks "You called Scoots?"

Scootaloo spoke "Gah! That wasn’t what I meant."

The other Crusaders laugh.

I chuckle "He got you good Scoots."

Quick spoke "Hey!"

Heatwave chuckles "Picking on Quick is fun but you run the risk of getting iced by his mom."

Scootaloo spoke "Or caught in a blizzard from her."

Heatwave chuckles "Then again, fire and ice don't mix."

The Crusaders and I soon spot Troubleshoes.

Applebloom spoke "There he is."

Sweetie asks "But what he's dangerous?"

Scootaloo spoke "Yeah, I don’t see him as a bad guy."

I spoke "But Applejack might say otherwise..."

Quick spoke "I think he's looking at his cutie mark the wrong way."

Scootaloo spoke "What makes you say that? It’s just an upside-down horseshoe."

Quick spoke "He thinks he's causing trouble for others when all he wants is to make others laugh."

Applebloom spoke "Hold on, make others laugh? Hmm…"

Heatwave spoke "Foxboy might be onto something!"

Applebloom looked like she was trying to remember something.

Quick spoke "Uh...."

Applebloom asks "Wait a second, there are rodeo clowns, right?"

I spoke "Yeah and knowing the Alliance, they'd never turn an alicorn away."

Birchtooth asks "Really?"

I spoke "Yeah, there's been fewer alicorns appearing since I fear something or someone is killing them off before they have the chance to ascend."

Using my compact, I patch through to Emerald Aura.

I spoke "Chakat Silverstorm reporting from Appleloosa, I have some bad news miss."

Emerald asks "What’s the prob?"

I ask "Have you or your allies sensed anything off about them mirrors?"

Emerald spoke "What’re you talking about? That whole case is over."

I spoke "Or so we think, someone's killing off unascended alicorns and pinning the blame on the remnants of the Medici Mafia."

Emerald spoke "Look, Teddie said he didn’t smell anyone new in the mirror world."

I spoke "Danyelle said the same thing but we should be careful..."

Emerald asks "Ya sure it’s not just your head playing games?"

Birchtooth spoke "*in background* Silver's no liar."

Emerald spoke "I’m not saying that."

All of a sudden, Diamond had made a conference call to the Crusaders.

Diamond spoke "I have bad news!!!"

Applebloom asks "What is it?"

Diamond spoke "I can't find my baby brother!"

But then a male pterolycus-pony hybrid infant landed on my back.

Diamond sighs with relief.

Diamond spoke "Hunter, you naughty boy. You had our dad worried sick!"

The hybrid just babbled.

Diamond spoke "Anyways, ponies have been turning up dead though... But none of the alicorns can figure out what's causing it."

Scootaloo asks "When did this start?"

Diamond spoke "April 12th."

Emerald spoke "That's the same date that the first victim turned up dead in Ineighba. So that has to be over."

I spoke "But that was almost six months ago."

Applebloom spoke "Let's just not worry about that now and help Troubleshoes."

"Okay, because I REALLY hope I'm wrong about this." I said.

Birchtooth spoke "Don' say Ah didn' warn ya Silver."

We turned our attention to Troubleshoes.

Troubleshoes asks "What do ya'll want?"

I was a bit intimidated.

Birchtooth spoke "Ah hate to tell ya Ah told ya so Silver but Ah told ya so!"

Applebloom spoke "Birchtooth, Silver, yer both overreactin'."

A loud crack of thunder caused the Crusaders to huddle together.

Quick had curled into a ball since he was astraphobic.

But Applebloom was really being brave right now. "We just wanna help ya."

The sound of horns clashing was heard since a pair of alicorns were fighting.

Heatwave spoke "That can't be good..."

Applebloom spoke "Ah'll help Troubleshoes."

Birchtooth spoke "But Applebloom, we have ta stop that fight right now!"

Applebloom spoke "Ah have a feelin' that Applejack sensed that and is on her way."

I spoke "She's not alone! There's two others with her!"

Applebloom asks "Who're the other two?"

I spoke "Braeburn and Crosswind..."

Birchtooth spoke "And all three of 'em are not happy..."

Applebloom asks "Huh? Why?"

I spoke "To be honest, we went off without permission..."

Applebloom spoke "To help someone in need."

One of the two alicorns crashes onto the ground by the Crusaders.

The black maned alicorn laughs "You will NEVER stop the Blight!"

The injured alicorn spoke "Y-you have to run... Thunder Blight is too dangerous for you kids to handle...."

But then we heard a gunshot when we saw Thunder Blight go down with a hole in her right wing.

A voice spoke "Just when I was trying to visit some country."

We turned around and saw Corvo.

But the injured alicorn screamed in pain from the gunshot wound.

Birchtooth spoke "Corvo ya IDIOT!!!"

Corvo: Coulda fooled ya.

But then the screaming suddenly became snoring as we saw the hole was actually a tranquilizer dart, much to our surprise and somewhat relief.

Corvo spoke "This tranq makes your head and body thing you actually got shot, but you take a nap without so much as a scratch."

Applebloom spoke "Those two alicorns have a similar bond as OC-verse Twilight... If one gets hurt, the other one does too."

But then we heard more snoring as the other white alicorn was asleep too.

Corvo spoke "I've heard of two birds with one stone, but that's ridiculous."

An orangish mulberry paw whacks Corvo on the head.

Poking her head through a warp ring, OC-verse Twilight spoke in Kurama's voice "Say that again birdbrain, I dare you."

Corvo just rolled his shoulders a bit. "Well, what's going on here?"

OC-verse Twilight spoke "My guess would be that the green eyed alicorn tried to rid herself of her magic which backfired."

Corvo spoke "You make it sound like they're two halves."

OC-verse Twilight spoke "Pretty much, Kurama and I are the same way. If I died in battle, so does he."

Corvo spoke Not that, you’re saying they were one pony."

OC-verse Twilight spoke "Exactly and much like me and Kurama, the two share damage."

Brigit and Astra showed up.

Thunder Blight soon woke up in a fit of rage.

OC-verse Twilight growls "Oh buck! She's MAD!!!"

Thunder Blight’s eyes suddenly turned golden.

Applebloom immediately contacts Emerald.

Applebloom spoke "*panic in voice* Emerald! We got another hit!!!"

Emerald spoke "Teddie said he suddenly smelled something off where you’re at!"

Applebloom spoke "A different Twilight also sensed it too!"

Emerald spoke "I'm already getting the rest of the team!"

OC-verse Twilight spoke "I'm on my way to Ineighba to pick you guys up!"

OC-verse Twilight engulfs herself in fire, transforming to Twirama before running off to Ineighba to pick Emerald's group up.

Applebloom spoke "The Crusaders and I will hold Blight off long enough!"

Lightning Bliss spoke "No... Don't... You'll only get yourselves killed."

Flintfur pops up suddenly.

Flintfur spoke "A MeadowClan warrior NEVER runs from a fight!"

To Lightning Bliss' surprise, the black Abyssinian-alicorn hybrid had the mark of the Knights of Harmony.

Applebloom was holding the golden Tanto sword with her magic.

Applebloom spoke "Neither does a member of the Alicorn Alliance, especially one with the mark of the Roses."

To be continued...

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