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Ten years later.../ Friendship is Magic Part 1

*Twilight's POV*

Ten years had passed since my family had adopted Spottedleaf. Since then, she was practicing her lightning magic since she had a rather strong affinity for it. Other times, she helped the doctors out with work.

But little did she know, something was about to happen.

I was reading a book of legends that told of Celestia’s battle against Nightmare Moon.

Spottedleaf asks "What you reading there?"

“Gah!” I yelped with a jump. “I told you not to do that!”

Spottedleaf giggles "Sorry Sparkles, I couldn't help it. Old instincts tend to surface."

I spoke "You're lucky I don't have my affinity yet."

Spottedleaf asks "Again, sorry. But seriously, whaddya reading?"

I spoke "A history book about Nightmare Moon. It's foretold she will escape from her prison on the longest day of the thousandth year."

Spottedleaf gasps "And on the Summer Sun Celebration no less!"

“Wait-what?” I asked.

Spottedleaf spoke "One of my former clanmates alerted me in a dream a week ago."

Flash spoke "Hello Twilight."

T-That voice…

Spottedleaf snickers "Look who’s here, Twi."

I stammer "Sh-shut up Leaf!"

Spottedleaf laughs "It's as obvious as Shining's crush on Cadence!"

Elsewhere in Canterlot, Shining Armor had sneezed.

Shining groans "I'm so gonna shave that cat later..."

Back with me, Flash and Spottedleaf, we arrived at the library we live in as I called out, “Spike! Spike!”

Spottedleaf spoke "Wendy!"

The two dragons show up.

Spike spoke "Alright. Alright. Calm down you three."

Spottedleaf spoke "I had gotten a warning from one of my ancestors about the Mare in the Moon. It's foretold that she will escape soon."

Flash spoke "I think we should warn Princess Celestia about it."

Much to Spike and Wendy's amusement, I was a nervous wreck whenever I was around Flash despite the fact he had been assigned as Spottedleaf's bodyguard.

But then I smirked. “But what about you and Wendy, Spike?”

Spike was speechless.

Spottedleaf laughs "Oh snap! They got it bad!!"

I spoke "*Ahem* Regardless, he's got a point. Spike, take a letter. "Dear Princess Celestia, due to a warning that Leaf had gotten, I fear Nightmare Moon is about to break free on the longest day of the thousandth year. It is urgent that we take safety measures to make sure nighttime eternal doesn't happen, for everypony's sake. I know for a fact that not all plants would survive if the night lasted forever. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle." Okay Spike, send it now."

Spike breathed fire, burning the scroll and sending it to Celestia.

Spottedleaf spoke "I just hope she responds soon."

A scroll appeared in Spike’s hands. “I think you got what you asked for.”

Flash asks "Well, what did she say?"

Spike spoke "*clears throat* My dearest, most faithful student Twilight. You know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely."

“Mm-hm!” I smiled.

Spike spoke "...but you simply must stop reading those dusty old books!"

Spottedleaf asks "Did she say as to where this year's Summer Sun Celebration is going to be?"

Spike spoke "Hmm… Ponyville."

Flash spoke "If that's the case, I'm going too. I heard rumors about that forest near Ponyville. The weather doesn't work the same way as the rest of Equestria does... The animals care for themselves, plus the plants are wild. Not to mention, I was assigned to be a bodyguard for Leaf since there are some ponies that might hurt her... And yes, that does include Blueblood since he's nothing but a stuck-up royal horse pain."

That made all of us snicker at that.

Wendy giggles "That's funny!"

Spottedleaf giggles "And I don’t disagree with that in the least."

I snicker "Say Spotty, didn't you electrocute him one time?"

Spottedleaf laughs "So worth it!"

Wendy spoke "He had it coming."

Soon enough, the five were in a chariot headed to Ponyville.

Spottedleaf spoke "Thank you sirs."

Both Pegasi chuff in response.

“Okay, where to first?” I asked.

Noticing a pink pony approaching, Spottedleaf asks "Why not talk to her?"

I was a bit nervous. “Uh… Are ya sure?”

Spottedleaf spoke "Don't make me rip your Smarty Pants doll."

“Don’t you even think about it!” I growled.

The pink pony gasps before darting off fast.

Flash spoke "She's a strange one."

Spottedleaf spoke "Next on the list was food preparations at Sweet Apple Acres."

Spike and Wendy’s stomachs growled.

As did Spottedleaf and Flash's stomachs.

Spottedleaf spoke "I'm curious as to what an apple tastes like."

Flash spoke "Lead the way Twilight."

“T-Thanks, Flash.” I said.

Spottedleaf teases "You've got it bad Sparkles!"

“Quiet, cat!” I growled.

Spottedleaf spoke "Don't make me zap you Sparkle Butt."

“Bring it, Leaf Flank!” I challenged.

Spottedleaf zaps me with lightning magic, causing my fur and mane to go all poofy.

Spottedleaf laughed as I Telekinetically grabbed a bucket of water before dumping it on her, making her fur soggy, much to my amusement.

Spottedleaf shook the water out of her fur, causing it to go poofy as well.

Spottedleaf spoke "Now you've done it Sparkle Butt, don't make me get a quesadilla!"

That made me jump in fear, making Spottedleaf laugh before I stealthy teleported a cucumber right behind her as she turned around and yowled in fear with a jump before landing on all fours, hair standing on end, making me laugh.

The cucumber had also caused a nearby chakat to yowl as shi clung to a tree.

An orange earth mare spoke "Now ya've done it, ya went and scared Crosswind."

“Sorry.” I apologized.

Applejack spoke "Ah'm Applejack, it's a pleasure ta meet ya newcomers."

Spottedleaf spoke "Hi."

Flash spoke "I'm Flash Sentry, Leaf's bodyguard."

I spoke "Sorry about the hairball, she's my adopted sister."

Spottedleaf spoke "Hey!"

Wendy spoke "*Ahem!*"

Spike chuckles.

Spottedleaf spoke "You're one to talk Spike, you have a crush on Wendy."

A flustered Spike spoke "Hey!"

Wendy's wings had shot up on end in embarrassment.

*after the large meal*

Spottedleaf had a rather bloated belly from the amount of apple treats.

Spottedleaf groans "I'm never eating apples again..."

Unfortunately, I had a bloated belly too. “Ugh… I think I ate too much pie…”

All of a sudden, a pair of Pegasi crash into Spottedleaf and I thus knocking us into a mud puddle.

Spottedleaf groans "You two mousebrains better be careful next time! This was the only dress I have and it's now ruined!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oops. Uh… Sorry."

Azure Wind spoke "Dash and I were just practicing our skills."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Hold on, Azure!"

Rainbow Dash suddenly flew off before coming back with a cloud as she then jumped on it, making it rain and getting the mud off me and Spottedleaf, but soaking us.

Spottedleaf yowls in fright since she wasn't used to getting so much water dumped on her.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oops. Sorry again. How about I give you…"

Rainbow Dash started flying around Spottedleaf and I really fast before all of the water was off us.

Rainbow Dash spoke "My Rainblowdry!"

Azure Wind snickers "Uh, Rainbow?"

Spottedleaf's fur was totally poofy while my mane was a mess.

Flash asks "Twilight, you okay?"

Rainbow Dash, Azure Wind, Spike and Wendy fell onto their backs in laughter.

Flash held back a snicker.

I spoke "Ignoring Leaf's insult, you two must be Rainbow Dash and Azure Wind."

The two nodded and posed heroically.

Smoothing her fur back down, Spottedleaf asks "Aren't you two supposed to be keeping the sky clear?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Yeah."

Spottedleaf spoke "Well, you're doing a pretty meowsy job."

Azure Wind spoke "Nah, it just wouldn’t take long at all."

I spoke "Prove it."

Rainbow Dash and Azure Wind both spoke "It’ll take 5 seconds flat."

Flash spoke "I doubt the Wonderbolts will let in a pair of Pegasi who can't keep the sky clear for one day."

Spottedleaf brought out a stopwatch. “Whenever you two are ready.”

The two speedsters flew off fast, clearing away all of the clouds.

“How fast was that?” I asked as Spottedleaf showed us the stopwatch with her jaw dropped.

Spottedleaf stammers "E-Exactly 5 seconds."

Rainbow spoke "You two are a laugh! We should hang out some time!"

*Later at Town Hall*

Spottedleaf spoke "Next is decorations."

Wendy cuffs Spike on the head since he had spotted a rather beautiful mare.

A white furred chakat with green eyes and barely any clothes except for a shirt was carrying boxes of ribbons.

Noticing the five, the chakat spoke "Rarity, we have company."

Rarity asks "Oh? Really?"

The white furred chakat spoke "By the looks of the two females, they got into a little kerfuffle with Rainbow and Azure."

Rarity asks "Hmm? *Notices us before giving a gasp* My goodness! Whatever happened to your coiffure and your fur?"

Spottedleaf asks "You mean Twilight's mane?"

The chakat spoke "Both Twilight’s mane and your fur."

Rarity spoke "And that dress is also dirty! Blizzardstar dear, we should get them cleaned up!"

Blizzardstar spoke "Sure thing, Rares."

*At the boutique*

Blizzardstar had Spottedleaf in a bathtub while scrubbing the dark tortoiseshell she-cat's fur to get the mud off.

Spottedleaf yowls as she got bathed.

Blizzardstar chuckles "Not used to this much water, are ya?"

Spottedleaf spoke "Not even in my past life! I never learned how to swim either!"

Blizzardstar asks "…Past life?"

Spottedleaf spoke "I'm not from around here originally, I was just a regular cat back then but all of my memories except for my name and my herbal knowledge were erased..."

Blizzardstar spoke "I see."

*After Spottedleaf had gotten out of the tub, dried off and had a new dress on,*

I grabbed Spottedleaf and the other three before darting out of the store.

I spoke "Let's never speak of this again."

Spottedleaf spoke "I dunno. It seemed kinda fun."

I spoke "I heard you yowling in the bathroom..."

Spottedleaf spoke "Hey, I felt like I could trust that one."

I spoke "Some secrets are supposed to be kept secret. Last thing you want is some crazed cat coming after you and finishing what they started."

Spottedleaf spoke "R-right..."

Flash spoke "That reason alone is why I requested to be a bodyguard for Leaf, we don't know who or what could attack her."

“R-Right.” I agreed.

Snickering, Spottedleaf pushed Flash towards me thus causing us to touch noses.

Flash blushed at that, but… I was a stuttering mess at that.

Wendy was on her back while giggling.

Spottedleaf snickers "Shining is so going to lose it!"

Spike spoke "Hehehe! You’re telling me."

Wendy spoke "I hear music."

Flash spoke "As do I."

Spottedleaf spoke "We should follow it."

Wendy spoke "We might be dealing with a shy pony and chakat though... so we best be careful."

“Okay.” I said.

So Spottedleaf carefully approached the two.

Spottedleaf spoke "Hello there."

Fluttershy spoke "Huh? *Notices Spottedleaf* Wow! A walking biped talking cat!"

Spottedleaf spoke "My name is Leaf. I was sent here with Twilight and my bodyguard to check on the preparations for the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration and I must say, that was a beautiful song."

A shy chakat spoke "Th-thank you miss."

Spottedleaf asks "Um, what are your names?"

Fluttershy spoke "I'm Fluttershy, the chakat is my denmate."

Flowerstep softly spoke "I'm Flowerstep..."

Spottedleaf spoke "Oh, I’m Leaf."

I spoke "Spotty, we should get going. The Princess arranged for us to stay at the library."

Spottedleaf spoke "Okay."

But then Fluttershy noticed Spike and Wendy. “*Gasp!* Baby dragons?!” Fluttershy then instantly got in front of us.

Little did I know, a mysterious Pegasus mare with a jet black mane and gray eyes was watching my friends and I.

Wendy squeaked and hid behind Spike.

I shudder a bit.

I spoke "Flash, I think somepony is watching us..."

Flash asks "Really?"

I spoke "Y-yeah..."

*Some time later,*

Spottedleaf, Wendy, Spike, Flash and I had arrived at the library despite Fluttershy and Flowerstep following us.

The mysterious mare was now on top of the library tree while staring out at the Everfree Forest.

The mare sighs "Data Card, where are you brother?"

Spottedleaf was soon up on the ceiling when the lights suddenly turned on.

Spottedleaf hisses "Don't do that pink one... This is why I hate jumpscares!"

The pink pony spoke "Surprise!"

I sigh "I thought libraries were supposed to be quiet..."

Spottedleaf's claws were stuck in the wood since she was spooked.

Spottedleaf asks "Uh… Help?"

I pull Spottedleaf down from the ceiling with my magic just as the pink pony had grabbed a black maned Pegasus mare from somewhere.

The mare spoke "For the love of.. Don't do that Pinkie!"

Despite Pinkie's rambling, Spottedleaf pointed out that I had grabbed the bottle of hot sauce instead.

“Huh?” I noticed before there was a sudden burning on my tongue.

Spottedleaf grabs a jug of milk with her magic and brought it over to me so I could quell the spiciness.

I immediately downed the milk in relief.

I spoke "Thanks Leaf, that was a close call."

Spottedleaf snickers "No prob. Otherwise you would’ve been too hot for Flash to handle."

I spoke "Cheeky cat!"

Spottedleaf sticks her tongue out at me.

*Later at Town Hall*

Spottedleaf, Flash and I were among a crowd of ponies as they awaited Princess Celestia to raise the sun.

Spottedleaf had a faint growl in her throat since something was about to happen.

“I have a bad feeling about this…” I dreaded.

Cyber spoke "As do I..."

Spottedleaf growls "It's just as my ancestors warned me about... Nightmare Moon is about to break free..."

It was just as Spottedleaf said! Nightmare Moon had indeed escaped!

Spottedleaf growls as her body crackles with static.

Rarity and Blizzardstar both spoke "She's gone!"

Cyber shouts "Where is Princess Celestia, you dark horse?"

The dark alicorn spoke "So you sensed my presence."

Spottedleaf growls "You're the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon!"

Flash evacuates the other ponies as a black panther roars loud, knocking Cyber down and restraining her.

Cyber aims a back hoof at the panther's stomach, hitting the one spot where it would really hurt a male of any species.

Nightmare laughs "Let this be a lesson for you all! THE NIGHT WILL LAST FOREVER!!!"

To be continued...

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