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Entering the Labyrinth's Shadow Part 3

*Vince's POV*

I ask "How much farther do we have to go?"

We went on side missions for the Evil Spirit Clubs and requests out here in the Culture Festival earlier before heading here.

Seiko spoke "We should be close to the Ineighba Pride Exhibit."

I spoke "I hope so since we're six alicorns short..."

We soon arrived at the exhibit.

Akihiko spoke "So, this is it. The final labyrinth."

Seiko spoke There was a similar display at our Yasoponi High too."

Junpei asks "Huh, what was it like?"

Miran spoke "Nothing special really, just shelves filled with pottery."

Hehe, sounded like Zecora.

Junpei asks "Wait, why? For who?"

Akihiko asks "Isn’t this the first time we’ve come across a labyrinth that seems this… normal?"

I spoke "But still, I have a bad feeling about this."

Akihiko spoke "Well, I’m gettin’ ready for more!"

Shinjiro spoke "Stop getting so excited over this. I don’t want to waste my energy."

Rei asks "This will be it, right? I’ll do my best and not cause any trouble… so let’s leave this school together. Please?

Aigis spoke "Yes. We promise."

Emerald spoke "Just leave it to us!"

Zen spoke "…Let’s go."

We entered the labyrinth, only to find ourselves in a HUGE festival, and it looked like we were at the first night.

Rei spoke "…A festival? Wow, it’s a festival! I love festivals! I wonder if there’ll be tons of food here. Cotton candy, candied apples… Oh, and funnel cakes!

Shima chuckles "Looks like Rei-chan’s cheered up a bit."

Brooklyn spoke "Looks like it."

Ken asks "This is supposed to be an exhibit about the area, right…? Then why is it a festival?"

Aigis spoke "A culture’s distinctiveness is most strongly seen in their festivals and ceremonies."

Kaze spoke "It’s a festival within a festival…"

Emerald asks "Why are you saying it like “a dream within a dream”?"

Kaze spoke "I meant that this is another festival inside the Culture Festival!"

Emerald spoke "Oh. Well, this is the last labyrinth, so I guess this is like the center of it all? Still, a festival, huh…? I wonder if there’ll be a mikoshi. You know, one of those portable shrines!"

Shima spoke "I remember how you loved to be one of the ones who carried the mikoshi from shrine to shrine…"

Emerald spoke "Well, yeah. They gave you snacks if you did!"

Rei asks "Mikoshi are made of snacks!? Are they a pile of chocolate and wafers that you carry around!?"

Aigis spoke "That would lead to excessive sugar intake."

Kaze spoke "Kanji, you should carry a mikoshi if you find one. You totally look the part."

Kanji spoke "I don’t got a loincloth."

Kaze spoke "Uh, you don’t have to go that far with it."

Rei asks "You need a loincloth to carry a mikoshi?"

Emerald spoke "Well… some festivals are like that. I see them on the news sometimes."

Kaze asks "Like the one where guys in loincloths threw water around, climb up poles and dance on top of the mikoshi?"

Rei asks "Guys in loincloths throw syrup around, climb up chocolate bananas, and dance on top of kosher foods!? Festivals are amazing…! Will it be like that further in here too!?"

Seiko spoke "Yeah, I’m sure it will."

Teddie spoke "Whoa, the festival colt in Sensei is rearing its head!"

Shinjiro asks "Festival… colt?"

I laugh "Pinkie would get a kick out of this if she were here!"

To the surprise of the others, both Sleuth and Spottedleaf were dressed up in priestess clothes.

I nudge Goliath in the side before pointing at Sleuth.

Goliath didn’t show it, but he was surprised.

Spottedleaf spoke "Elizabeth talked us into wearing these."

I had to pinch my nose since I was thinking about what Roll would look like with a kimono on.

We moved forward before seeing a canal with the stairs on the other side. We decided to find a way around it before finding a sealed door, and from what its instructions said, we need a festival flame to open it. We walked around before finding a wooden fire post with the top lit aflame as we discussed how to use it before Koromaru and Tasuma showed up with the Shiba Inu holding a wooden stick in his mouth. It’s like they was telling us to carrying that stick as a torch with the fire before Zen tore off a piece of his cape and wrapped it around the top of the stick, making a torch as we lit it with the fire, but it looked like the fire wasn’t going to last long. We kept moving forward as we noticed that the seal wasn’t fully lifted. We still moved onward as we found stuff, had conversations, fought shadows until we noticed that the flame died out. Man, this would’ve been a good time for my big sis’ help. We kept moving forward, finding more bonfires before we encountered a green gourd-like FOE, but Karei and Fuuka told us that they monitored that FOE the whole time and it wasn’t moving at all, not taking a single step from its position. We still kept moving onward as we used shortcuts before finding out that green gourd FOE jumped away from us in fear because of the flame we had. We had conversations while moving onward while finding out no one could resist Koromaru and Tasuma when they look at you with their eyes set to Maximum Cuteness, making it impossible to say no. While we kept going, we noticed a red gourd FOE after us since we were carrying the torch. We had conversations before we finally made it to the stairs before Koromaru, Tasuma and Teddie sensed a lot of temperature heat in the next floor. We went down the stairs, going into the second night as we saw different surroundings before I started feeling sweaty.

Shinjiro asks "…Doesn’t this floor feel hot?"

Kaze spoke "And what’s up with that shadow on the wall…? I’m getting a bad feeling about this… Anyway, Kanji, we’re gonna leave it to you to lead the way."

Kanji whines "Why me, dammit!?"

Shinjiro spoke "All we can do is keep going… but I seriously don’t want to…"

I pull out a paper fan from somewhere before whacking Kanji with it.

I spoke "You lot forget, I have fire magic."

We moved past a door before seeing a Fast Guy moving towards us, but was cut off by the canal.

Kaze spoke "*Sigh* I knew it was gonna be like this..."

Karei spoke "*Communications* This one's really dangerous!"

Kaze spoke "I can tell that just by looking at it!

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* It's more than just looks! It can move very quickly as well! On top of that, it's very aggressive! It's going to case after you with tremendous speed!

Karei spoke "*Communications* Everyone! There's a door to the north! Hurry through it before the FOE catches up to you!

Kaze: R-Right! We've got to get to the door to the north! You got that!?

Crystal. We moved forward as we escaped the FOE, before Ken informed that there were stairs on the other side of the canal with Karei confirming it, but adding that they were past that FOE. We kept moving forward before we got exhausted from the heat before we went into a conversation about air-conditioning, helping us forget about the heat and relax, regaining our strength. We found a bonfire, but it wasn't lit, so we had to head back to the first night and light the torch before lighting bonfires and relighting the flame from bonfires throughout the first and second nights. We kept moving forward while having conversations, escaping FOEs while learning the Fast Guy fears fire, making it slower than before while making it stay away from us. We kept moving before encountering a quartet of FOEs carrying a HUGE mikoshi as we managed to slip through them and kept going. Later, we got to a room that was oddly muggy, probably because the bonfire in there was already lit.

I spoke "Uh guys... I think we're surrounded..."

Spottedleaf's tail suddenly splits into two, turning her into a nekomata-type Abyssinian-alicorn hybrid.

Karei spoke "*Communications* There aren't any enemies around here, I think the heat's getting to you.

Yeah, maybe Karei's right.

Shinjiro spoke "Damn, this heat is exhausting...

Akihiko spoke "So take your hat off.

Shinjiro spoke "Shuddup.

Ken asks "U-Um... Why are you always so bundled up?"

Shinjiro spoke "...Huh? Eh, I got my reasons..."

Ken spoke "...I see."

Hapu asks "Shinji? Are you alright?"

Shinjiro spoke "I'm fine, Hapu. No need to worry yourself."

Teddie spoke "*As he and Heifa were as flat as paper* H-He...eeeelp..."

Kori spoke "......! We've been ambushed! Teddie and Heifa have been hit!"

Heifa spoke "W-Wa...aaaater..."

Sunao spoke "No... They're just dried up. I believe they'll return to normal if we pour water on them."

We poured some water on Teddie and Heifa as they went back to normal.

Teddie spoke "Whew, we're alive again! I thought Heifa and I were gonna turn into cow and bear jerky."

Kori asks "Wha...!? How does that work...?"

Aigis spoke "Teddie and Heifa's true identities are revealed as forms of pasta."

Rei asks "*Gasp!* Teddie. are you and Heifa linguini!? Do either of you go well with tomato sauce!? Are you bother fundamental parts of Neightalian food!?"

Teddie spoke "Tomato sauce...? Hehe, that's right! I'm a bear necessity for every family."

Emerald spoke "No family needs you. But I really do feel like I'm gonna dry up... I'm all sweaty."

Spottedleaf asks "And why the HELL am I a nekomata?"

Emerald spoke "Whew... I have no idea..."

Akihiko spoke "If it's that hot, just take your clothes off."

Wow. Blunt much?

Emerald spoke "Oh, okay... I mean, no way!"

Akihiko spoke "Well, suit yourself. Don't mind if I do, though."

Sunao asks "Do you understand that what you're saying could be considered sexual harassment?"

Akihiko spoke "*Confused* Sexual what...? ...It's hot, so you take your clothes off. There's nothing wrong with that!"

This could get ugly.

Junpei spoke "There, there, Akihiko-san. Just think of the heat as an endurance match and power through!"

What, seriously? Do you expect him to-

Akihiko spoke "A match, huh...? Alright, then. I accept the challenge!"

He bought that!?

Junpei asks "Eh? Uhh...?"

Shinjiro spoke "Just do it on your own..."

Akihiko asks "Hmph, not up to the challenge?"

Shinjiro asks "...What?"

Akihiko asks "It's fine. I know how bad you are with the heat, Shinji. I mean, remember when you collapsed in the bathroom when we were kids?"

Shinjiro spoke "That's because you dared me not to leave the tub until you've counted to a thousand, you moron. Wait, and you passed out too!"

Akihiko spoke "Yeah, but I made it to 839! Heh, perfect timing. Let's get closer to the fire. First one to take off some clothes or complain loses!"

Shinjiro spoke "You're on. It's too cool here anyways!"

The dragon and minotaur walked closer to the bonfire. They definitely remind me of Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

Hapu asks "*Sigh* What am I going to do with you, Shinji?"

Junpei asks "Uhh... Are they doing their usual rival thing?"

Yukari spoke "You just had to go and provoke them... What're we gonna do about this? Although... there's something charming about it. It's like those two are real friends..."

Junpei spoke "Whaaat? That kind of crap's only allowed up until about Ken's age."

Ken spoke "I-I don't get in pointless fights like that!"

Isamu asks "Heehee, really?"

Yukari spoke "Okay, granted, the reasons for it are pretty stupid... But you can't speak your mind and butt heads like that unless you trust the other creature. That's why... Oh, sorry. It's nothing...

Junpei: Well, you got a point. It feels like our senpai are hiding a lot of stuff from us after all. I asked them when they got their Persona abilities, and they just dodged the question. Like, are we that unreliable to them?

Yukan spoke "Maybe we aren't."

Yukari spoke "I wonder what being reliable means to them... I mean, just needing us in battle doesn't seem like true reliance... Sorry, it's hard to put into words."

Junpei asks "Well, it's not gonna affect us in battle, so should we chalk it up to a subtle and mature relationship?"

Yukari asks "Mature huh...? Oh, that reminds me. How're those two holding up?"

We looked back at Akihiko and Shinjiro.

Akihiko asks "You're looking pretty red there. Why not take off that coat?"

Shinjiro spoke "Hmph, my coat's a handicap for you. It'd be boring to win too easily.

Akihiko spoke "Wha-Don't be ridiculous! I've got gloves on both hands too!

Shinjiro spoke "And I'm wearing a knitted cap on top of that. Just... admit defeat...

Yukari spoke "Oh, they're still at it...

It wasn't long before the dragon and minotaur started acting very strangely.

Akihiko asks "*Blushing greatly from the amount of heat while moving around dizzily* An ocean... There's an ocean on fire! Waves from a sea of protein crashing against a white beach of protein... Is this... heaven!?"

Shinjiro spoke "*Blushing greatly from the amount of heat while moving around dizzily as well* You moron... if you go that way, you're right in the path of Koro-chan and Tasu-chan's death rays... Agh...!? My eyes... My eyes!"

Emerald asks "Uh, they're starting to hallucinate! Sh-Shouldn't we stop them!?"

Kori spoke "No... Their quarrels are exacerbated because we tend to stop them halfway. I thought it might be good for them to go at it with no restraints once in a while."

Yukari spoke "...I didn't expect to hear that from you."

Kori asks "What do you mean?"

Yukari spoke "Oh, um... nothing."

Soon, Akihiko and Shinjiro fainted on the floor.

Seiko spoke "Hey, they passed out."

Kori spoke "Time to get going, then. We'll drag those two along with us."

Spottedleaf dumps ice water on Akihiko and Shinjiro, causing them to jolt awake.

Spottedleaf spoke "Come on, you two. Let's go.”

We kept moving with the lit flame, lighting more bonfires as we noticed the FOE carrying the mikoshi getting faster with the flame around before we later reached the stairs and went down them into the third night. We continued forward before we started solving puzzles to get past golden seals while we had conversations as Shima had one of her laughing fits and we found out that Aigis had 100 lame puns in her memory unit thanks to the chairman at Yukan's school who's an ally of theirs. We kept moving before encountering two squatting FOEs that were sweating and hopping around as we got past them before we were now right nearby the stairs now when our exhaustion set in.

Kori asks “Honesty, how much longer can this festival go on...!?”

Koromaru and Tasuma whined in agreement at that.

Aigis spoke "It seems Koromaru-san and Tasuma-chan are suffering in this extreme heat as well.”

Emerald spoke “Yeah, you've both got thick coats, after all. Being here must be tough on you two.”

Junpei asks “It's not going to keep getting hotter as we go, is it...?”

Kori spoke “If you can't keep up, then head back. You'll only drag us down.”

Shinjiro spoke “Hey...”

Kori asks “Am I wrong?”

Akihiko spoke “...Well, it is logical.”

Emerald spoke “Sh-She's kinda scary.”

Shima spoke “Mm...”

Junpei asks “Does Kori-senpai seem really on edge to you?”

Hapu asks “You think so?”

Yukan spoke “I bet she's tired.”

Yukari spoke “Yeah, I agree... She's trying to hide it, though... ......Um, Kori-senpai! Why don't we take a break! It's exhausting just being here... You seem a little tired, too.”

Kori spoke “Me...? No, I'm perfectly fine.”

Yukari spoke “Senpai... You've been pushing yourself hard ever since we came here, no? It's been one unfamiliar thing after another. Despite all this, you're trying to set a good example for us... But if you're tired, it's okay to show that. Can you not show even a hint of weakness to us? Do you trust us that little? ...I haven't said anything so far so as to not rock the boat, but it has to be done... for both our sake.”

Akihiko spoke “Yukari...”

Yukari spoke “The same goes for Akihiko-senpai and Shinjiro-senpai. We all hide things... just going along to get along. But doesn't that show that we don't trust each other at all? I'll be blunt... none of us really needs each other. All that's needed is our Persona abilities. Taking it a step further... we only need ourselves. It's not like I want to be BFFs or anything... It's just... I wish I understood you all better...”

There was a bit of a silence there.

Yukari spoke “...Never mind. Forget it. I'm just tired from the heat...”

Yukan and Hapu spoke “Yukari's right.”

Kori spoke “Yukan... Hapu...”

Rei spoke "Yuka-chan... Zen, Zen... Yuka-chan's sad...”

Zen was only silent at that.

Kaze spoke "Dude...”

Teddie asks “Sensei... What should we do...?”

Seiko spoke "...My little brother and I were transfer students. Before we were even used to our new home, a murder spree started and I gained my Persona... it was confusing. In a way, I was an outsider, so I had no reason to fight for Ineighba. But I made a promise to Kaze and Teddie spoke “I wanted to rescue everyone who had been kidnapped. Not to let the killer off lightly, but more than that. I want to fight for my family and friends who fight for me. They mean a lot to me. ...I act as their leader, but I'm sure I'd be nothing without them. My brother and friends faced their own Shadows and came out stronger for it, but I never met mine. To make up for that, though, I've had my friends and family to help me mature. It's my companions that I draw strength from in all this.”

Kori asks “Companions... strength...?”

Seiko asks “Are they replaceable? Are they not included among those you fight to protect?”

Shinjiro spoke "That ain't true...”

Yukar spoke "This is something I've thought about after talking to Karei-chan and her friends. We're not fighting just to erase the Dark Hour, or for whatever other reasons we have... I want to believe we're also fighting for ourselves... together, as companions. I want to believe I exist for their sake... the sake of the ones I fight with, that I live with.”

Shinjiro asks “...Yukari's right. We're fighting for a cause... for now. But that alone ain't gonna bring all of us together. Unless we trust in each other, we're nothing but a mishmash of creatures. Kori, Aki... I ain't exempting myself here, but have we tried to understand the new blood? As beings?”

Akihiko spoke "...I'm sorry, I didn't know we were giving you that impression...”

Kori asks “But... what should we do?”

Yukan spoke "We should be more open.”

Hapu spoke "*Smile* That's right.”

Karei spoke "*Communications* I agree! Hey, why not throw a party? That's give you plenty of time to talk with each other!”

Kanji asks “Karei!?”

Karei asks “*Communications* I know I'm not there right now, so sorry if I'm killing the mood! But I think the best thing to do is to have a delicious meal with everyone! Why not hold a "We Made It!" party once we get out of here?”

Hehe, I know Pinkie would agree with that fully.

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* I-I think that's a great idea! I'll show off my cooking skills!”

Karei spoke "*Communications* Great! Make sure you invite our group and the others here too, okay? Wait, is that possible? Hmm, good question!”

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* Th-Then, we should think up a menu, Karei-chan! S-So, everyone, um... See you!”

The comms suddenly go quiet as there was a bit of silence here.

Shima snickers "Snrk... Heeheehee... Ahahahahahahaha! It's so quiet here! Completely dead silent!”

Shima was having another laughing fit.

Kaze spoke "Sorry if I'm killing the mood," my ass!"

Kiko spoke "Heehee! That certainly lifted the mood.”

Junpei asks “I didn't hear Fuuka say she'd be showing off her cooking skills, did I?”

Ken spoke “We'd be in for hell if she did. But a party... That could be fun.”

Shinjiro spoke "...I'll cook, then.”

Yukari spoke "Oh, that reminds me. I've heard what a good cook you are, Shinjiro-senpai!”

Aigis spoke "Shinjiro-san's fingerprints were all over the "Family Cooking" magazine I discovered at the dormitory!”

Shinjiro spoke "Gah! Shuddup! I take it back!”

Hapu spoke "I can help with the cooking.”

Akihiko spoke "A man shouldn't go back on his word! Make mine with a double serving of protein!”

Shinjiro spoke "I ain't even putting one serving of that shit.”

Kori spoke "Ha... Hahaha! Very well, we'll hold a celebratory party when we get back. The Shitagaki Group will supply the funds.”

Ken and Isamu spoke "Yes!”

Akihiko spoke "That's what I'm talking about!”

Kori spoke "It's true that we know very little about one another. We are companions who fight alongside each other... But that won't hold just by gathering together. Companions... are something we must grow into.”

Yukari spoke "Senpai...”

Kori asks “I never told you about the time I awakened to my Persona, did I...? The reason I gained my Persona is because that was my duty. I was given my ability, much like a test subject... It was a duty, but also a source of hope. I had something I wanted to use that power to protect. Since then, I thought I had marched on the path I believed was best, without even a side glance. But... perhaps I had deluded myself somewhere along the way. I was only looking inward. I acted as if I was accomplishing my goals on my own. Even when I had companions with me who shared that goal... It seems the list of things I wanted to protect had increased without me realizing. Am I... weaker for that?”

Yukari spoke "*Smile* ...Not at all.”

Kori spoke "*Smiles back* I see...”

Fuuka whines "*Communications while sobbing* Senpaaaai...”

Kori spoke "*Blushes in embarrassment* E-Enough, Yamagishi! Come now, let's hurry onward. Staying here will only delay our party!”

Yukari spoke "*Giggle* Right.”

Kori spoke "Takeba... Thank you.”

Yukari spoke "*Surprised* Senpai... S-Say that again!”

Kori spoke "*Embarrassed blush again* Wha-“

Junpei spoke "Oooh, a rare tender moment form Kori-senpai! Yeah, let's hear it again!”

Kori spoke "D-Don't be ridiculous! I'm out of here!”

Kori moved on ahead.

Junpei spoke "Whoa, she's fast!”

Zen was still silent as we followed Kori.

Rei asks “What's wrong, Zen?”

Zen spoke "Beings... change.”

Rei asks “Change? How?”

Zen spoke "Both Yukari and Kori... In fact, everyone has changed. ...It's because they met each other.”

Rei spoke "Hm...? Oh, everyone's leaving! Zen, we have to go!”

Zen spoke "Yes...”

Rei asks “Let's keep at it just a little longer, okay?”

Even Leafstar was sweating.

Spottedleaf spoke "*pant* Short fur or not, I'm sweating!"

I spoke "Good thing Flintfur's not here, he's got black fur! And you know what folks say about darker colors... That could explain why Spottedleaf's sweating. And albinos are more sensitive to heat."

Spottedleaf spoke "But I’m not completely black!"

We went down the stairs, heading into the fourth night as we had conversations, solved puzzles, lit bonfires, dodging FOEs and beating Shadows. Later, we found the stairs, and I had a feeling we were close to the end as we went down the stairs, going into the final night as we felt a whole lot cooler now before finding how eerily dark it was here.

Yukari spoke "There’s probably something further inside here…"

Zen spoke "The festival… is ending."

Rei was quiet.

Aigis spoke "There’s no need to be frightened, Rei-san. We are all here for you."

Shima asks "I’m sure it’ll be all over soon. Once it ends, let’s go back together, okay?"

Rei spoke "Mm-hm…"

We moved forward before stopping at some kind of rope gate with talismans on them.

“Okay, everyone ready?” I asked.

Spottedleaf had the Divine Reflector on her back and a divine sword in her hands.

Spottedleaf spoke "When I cut that rope, all hell will break loose so be on guard everyone!"

All of us nodded as Spottedleaf slashed the talismans, causing them and the rope gate to burn away before we passed through.

Kori spoke "There it is..."

We saw a copper box resting on a pedestal that looked like an altar as we moved forward.

A voice spoke "Stay away..."

That made us stop.

Shima asks "Huh...!?"

All of a sudden, a filly in a green hospital patient outfit materialized from the shadows while holding a rabbit doll. And that filly was... Rei?! But when she opened her eyes, they were golden, telling us that was Rei's Shadow.

Rei's Shadow spoke "You can't have this. You can't..."

Junpei asks "Eh? Rei-chan!?"

Rei spoke "N-No... No...!"

Akihiko asks "What's going on...?"

Kaze spoke "It might be like what happened to us... If it is, then that's Rei-chan's Shadow."

Hapu asks "...Huh?

Kiko spoke "A piece of you that you reject and don't wanna accept... That becomes a Shadow."

Kaze spoke "You have to face your Shadow and accept that part of yourself... That's how we got our Personas."

Kori asks "Then... does this mean Rei will also become a Persona-user?"

Sunao spoke "I don't know about that... All I can say is that's how it went for us. Also, accepting yourself isn't as easy as it sounds..."

Kaze spoke "It's a side of you that you hid and pretended didn't exist... I don't think anyone can easily accept that. That's why you gotta let the Shadow say its piece and let it run wild a bit... I don't think you can find the strength to accept that part of you until you do."

Yukari asks "What does Rei-Chan want to say...?"

Rei's Shadow asks "Why... Why was I born...? Why was I even born...?"

Rei asks "Wh-Who is this filly? What's going on!? Zen... she's scaring me! I'm scared! Hey, can we go back? Can we please go back?"

Zen spoke "Rei... No, we're not going back."

Rei's Shadow spoke "Don't come near... Please don't take me away!"

The Shadow clutched her doll tighter and tighter until its neck broke open, revealing some stuffing before that stuffing grew and grew, engulfing it and Rei's Shadow. Huge bunny ears came out of it, followed by a monstrous head as its body started emerging from the stuffing while the stuffing started to shrink.

Shinjiro spoke "Wha-Hey!"

The transformation was soon complete as Best Friend roared at us.

Shinjiro spoke "Tch... I don't know what's going on, but it looks like we gotta step up."

Rei fell to her knees and covered her eyes with her front hooves before she started sniffing and sobbing.

Emerald spoke "*Grabs Rei's shoulders to comfort her* Don't worry, Rei-chan. We deal with stuff like this all the time! Hang in there! We're here with you!"

Best Friend roared again as we readied ourselves for battle.

Karei spoke "*Communications* Yeah, we need to calm it down first! Which means we gotta beat it!"

Goliath spoke "To think that this would happen, rather hard to believe, but true nonetheless."

Spottedleaf roars back in retaliation.

Best Friend jumped at Goliath as the gargoyle used his wings like a cloak, becoming fully guarded as the Shadow attacked with a fearsome bite. The attack didn’t hurt Goliath as he countered with a roar, damaging Best Friend just a bit.

Spottedleaf shot off a Divine Lightning at the shadow, inflicting pain.

Spottedleaf spoke "It seems to be weak to holy and lightning spells!"

But somehow, Best Friend looked like it didn't take any damage at all.

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* Not good! It's immune to light and dark attacks!"

Spottedleaf spoke "Stars above... Fuuka, Divine Lightning is a holy-electric attack!"

But Best Friend looked like it got a bit of paralysis. Don't know when it could freeze up though.

Spottedleaf spoke "Wait... Oh... Right."

Leafstar spoke "I wonder if my Wind Blade can cause damage to it."

Leafstar attacked with said attack, definitely damaging Best Friend before it roared, increasing its strength.

Spottedleaf shot a Fire Arrow at the shadow, causing a nasty burn.

Karei spoke "*Communications* Nice! You're making good progress!"

Best Friend suddenly let out a deafening roar, fortunately not damaging our ears, but unfortunately knocking us off our feet/hooves and onto the ground.

Spottedleaf still had the noise cancelling headphones on before she fired a Lightning Neko Roar at the shadow, knocking it into a wall hard thus weakening it.

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* Alright! We're getting halfway there!"

Yukari spoke "Yeah! We've just gotta keep this up!"

But then Best Friend did a spin slash with claws on its feet, attacking all of us.

With a speed spell in place, Spottedleaf dodges the attack before taunting the shadow thus making it focus more on her.

Best Friend tried multiple bite attacks on Spottedleaf, but she kept dodging them.

Leafstar spoke "I'm starting to see what she's planning, the tortie's wearing the shadow down to make it easier for us to beat it."

Spottedleaf roundhouse kicks Best hard, sending the shadow crashing into a wall hard.

Karei spoke "*Communications* Alright! We're almost there!"

I spoke "That's Spots for ya, she diverted the attention all to her so that she could tire out the shadow faster."

Spottedleaf dodges a bite attack before grabbing Best by the tail and spinning around fast to make the shadow dizzy.

Best Friend definitely looked a bit panicked thanks to it being so dizzy.

Spottedleaf flings Best up into the sky and due to the velocity, it was high up in the sky before it crashed down with swirls in its eyes.

I laugh "FATALITY!"

Best Friend was on its right knee and both hands before it got back up and roared, healing itself greatly.

Fuuka gasps "*Communications* H-Huh?! It endured that attack and healed itself?!"

We were so caught off guard by that, we didn't see it jump at us before it stomped its feet rapidly at us, hurting us a bit with some hits as we dodged the other stomps.

Karei asks "*Communications* Watch our for that attack! You guys alright?"

Spottedleaf grabs Best before flying high into the sky as she pulled off an attack normally used in the Redux-verse before slamming Best down hard enough to knock it out cold, ending the fight.

Best Friend roared in pain as it tried to reach out to Rei before it fell down in defeat. It suddenly started dissolving, transforming back into Rei's Shadow as she got up.

Shima asks "Rei-Chan... Could that filly be another part of you? There are different sides to beings. Everyone has things about them that they don't want to face or admit. If it's alright with you, will you talk to us? Can't we share in whatever burden it is you're carrying...?"

Rei spoke "I... I don't know... That thing... It's not me!"

Aigis spoke "Rei-san..."

Rei's Shadow growled as it held her head in pain before completely fading away.

Shima spoke "Oh... Wait...!"

Zen moved towards the box and opened it before pulling a card out of it.

Aigis asks "What is it?"

It looked like some kind of card that said,

"To Emi-chan
Please rest in peace.

Sunao asks "A message card...?"

Zen spoke "Please rest in peace..."

Yukari spoke "Th-That sounds kind of..."

Zen spoke "There are different sides to beings..." That must be true. But even with that in mind, some things cannot be accepted..."

Rei was silent.

Zen spoke "Rei, I... I remember everything now. I am Chronos, he who has dominion over time... I came here to take you away."

Rei spoke "I don't know... I don't know anything...!"

Zen spoke "You were always frightened of the labyrinths. You didn't dare go near them until they came... What you didn't want to brush up against was the truth hidden in the depths of the labyrinths. But you wanted to be with them... You entered the labyrinths you hated so much to stay with them... Because you wished to be just like them. You wanted to return to where they came from... But you can't. You're different from them."

Rei spoke "No... I'm no different!"

Zen spoke "I was mistaken then. You have to come with me."

Rei spoke "Zen, stop..."

Zen spoke "I'm going to restore your memories. *Steps up to Rei* Rei... I'm sorry..."

Zen raised his front right hoof against Rei's forehead as it gave out a lime-green glow before a magenta pulse of aura rang out as Rei opened her eyes, as they were changed to dark brown.

Rei asks "What... What was I...?"

Then we heard a bell tolling.

Zen spoke "Your time has come. Come with me... Rei."

Rei spoke "N-No..."

I'm lost.

Emerald spoke "Hey... what's all this stuff about coming and going? I mean... you're upsetting her!"

Zen spoke "Rei is..."

Rei spoke "Don't...!"

Zen spoke "Rei cannot... stay here. In fact... She can't stay... anywhere. The truth is... Rei is dead."

Rei spoke "Noooo!"

Rei ran off.

Zen spoke "Rei!"

Zen chased after Rei.

Aigis spoke "Rei-san!"

All of us decided to head after those two as we got out of the labyrinth before we chased Rei and Zen to the front of the clock tower outside the school.

Zen spoke "Rei..."

Rei was silent.

Shima asks "Hey... You said a moment ago that Rei-chan's... dead... What do you mean by that...?"

Zen spoke "This is a haven in the rift... It is linked to the collective unconsciousness. During the short moment after Rei died, and her soul was fading, she wandered here... That's why I came... to tell her that her time had come to an end."

Rei spoke "No... You're lying..."

Zen spoke "Rei. Your memories should've returned."

Rei spoke "...I'm scared..."

Zen spoke "There's nothing to be scared of. I'll be with you."

Rei spoke "...I'm not scared to die. I'm scared that I had nothing... I'm scared that I was born and died for nothing! *Voice breaking* Why was I born? My whole life was suffering and envy... I couldn't even go to school...! It would be fine if there was any meaning to all that. If there was a point... I'd be okay with it. But if there was no point... I can't accept it! For me to die like that... That this is the end! *Tearfully with trembling shoulders* I haven't even done anything... I haven't found anything...!"

Rei started crying.

Kneeling down by Rei, Spottedleaf spoke "We all have our own fears though. Even Flintfur had his own fears but with help from those he cared about, he overcame them. And I did as well. Plus I too was just like you Rei, afraid of fading away into nothingness but Twilight saved me."

Spottedleaf hugs Rei as the teen cries.

Rei shoved Spottedleaf away with shadows over her eyes, with them suddenly being golden.

Rei growls "*Distorted voice* What would you know!? You're still alive!"

Seiko spoke "A Shadow...!"

Aigis spoke "Rei-san...!"

Rei calmed down as the shadows faded and her eyes returned to normal. "Ah... I-I... I'm sorry... No... Noooooooo!"

But then Shadows suddenly broke through the school windows as they started charged, only to go right past us and headed right for Rei as they got her.

Zen spoke "Rei!"

Rei spoke "Zen! Zen!"

The Shadows carried her upward as the clocktower went higher and higher as it transformed with a giant mechanical spider at the top forming with Rei trapped in the top of the machine before the clocktower entrance opened. Even Spottedleaf can tell that there was a impenetrable barrier to prevent us from reach the top outside, which meant we can only get up there from the inside.

Akihiko asks "What is this...?"

Zen asks "This doesn't make sense. Why would something like this appear...?"

Karei asks "Was that Rei-chan's Shadow...?

Zen spoke "No. Perhaps the Shadows here have gone berserk...? They may be trying to prevent me from taking Rei away...

Karei asks "Taking Rei-chan?

Zen asks "They don't want to let go of this place. If Rei and I leave, it will disappear. So, to prevent that... But... how can ordinary Shadows have this kind of power...?"

Emerald asks "This world will disappear? Is that because Rei-chan created it...? Didn't you say before that Rei-chan created this school?"

Zen spoke "...No, I created it. I had only remembered some of the details at that time. In actuality, I used my powers to base this place on Rei's memories..."

Ken: Her memories...?"

Aigis spoke "Zen-san. Won't you tell us everything? About you and Rei-san? And how we may save her..."

Spottedleaf couldn't help but agree.

Flintfur leapt out of Spottedleaf's shadow since he had heard everything.

Flintfur spoke "Much like Spots and I, she's scared of being forgotten by others after fading away into nothingness. I too was once in a void where time meant nothing to me, nobody remembered me at all. But... *looking at Zen* Someone gave me a second chance."

Zen spoke "Yes... My true name... is Chronos. I am one of those beings you refer to as Death... I had come to take away a filly whose life had ended... That filly was Rei. My duty was to lead her to where all life returns..."

Flintfur used a memory spell to show what had happened.

12 years ago, at a haven in the rift, a filly opened her eyes to see nothing around her. "Where...? Why... am I...?"

Unknown to her, there was a lone stallion behind her, wearing a black hooded robe with pocket watch with dark chains around his neck before she sensed him and turned around.

"My name is Chronos. An aspect of Death." The stallion introduced himself.

"Death...?" The filly asked in confusion.

"Your time in life has ended. Thus, you must come with me. There is nothing that can overturn this decision. That is all." Chronos informed.

"......I died?" The filly asked in emotionless shock.

"That is correct. Your time has come. None can escape this fate." Chronos confirmed before there was a silence between them. "Are you not going to say anything? Most beings argue bitterly at this point. Those who don't, typically welcome me." Chronos noted as there was another silence between them. "Why are you not saying anything?" Chronos asked, another silence. "What is this pony...?"

There was more silence as that memory ended.

Zen spoke "Rei remained silent. Thinking back, she was in utter despair, so deep that she could not cry or even scream..."

Spottedleaf asks "But what about Flintfur and I?"

Zen spoke "I had no knowledge of your rebirths since my memories were still lost, due to Spottedleaf's being less than 12 years ago. And Flintfur's was around a year ago. But I couldn't understand Rei's despair at the time. I... took an interest in her, and had an idea... I wondered if I could make this filly who had fallen silent speak... That was all... It was just an idle means of killing time... I expended a fraction of my power... just for that purpose."

Another memory was being played through Flintfur's spell.

At a haven in the rift, the filly found herself in a school, empty and devoid of life.

"I created this based on your memories." Chronos said as he showed up beside the filly. "'Yasoponi High"... The place you dreamed of, no?"

"Yasoponi... High..." The filly repeated.

"Hmph, you've finally opened your mouth." Chronos noticed.

"This is the school I... was supposed to attend. I heard its bell from my hospital room. I imagined that there must be a large, old clock tower there... I heard the bell every single day. And I'd hear the laughter of everyone who attended school there too... I dreamed of this place... I wished to come here someday. I wished to make tons of friends... Now I'm finally here..." The filly informed as Chronos was a bit silent. "Look, Mr. Death... These are my treasures... They were probably put in with me into my casket." The filly said as she first brought out a rabbit doll. "A stuffed rabbit... Isn't he cute? He's from a picture book. A nurse made these clothes for him..." The filly started as she then brought out a toy ring. "And this is a ring. When I was little, my mom bought it for me at the festival. She said I would have a beautiful wedding... I asked if Prince Charming would come, and she said he would... My mom disappeared after that. Said she didn't want me... Then maybe she shouldn't have given birth to me. ...My name's Usagi Emi. My nurse guessed it's because my mom wanted me to smile and be happy, but that's not it. I was name Usagi Emi because I was the second child. My mom said so. That's all it means..." Emi continued as she brought out a cut-off lock of her mane. "See this...? It's my mane. The nurse kept a bit of it when it was still long and pretty. She gave it to me after all my mane got shaved off. But it didn't cheer me up much... I yelled, "Why would you do this to me!?" I cried and got angry... But I couldn't throw it away..."

"......You're holding one more thing..." Chronos noticed as Emi brought out a letter.

"What's this...? A letter? I didn't know about this one... It says, "Please rest in peace." Oh... It's from the ornithian in the next to me. She was three years older than me. Her name was Yuki-chan. She was really pretty, and nice, and always comforted me when I cried. Yuki-chan never cried. She'd smile even after all the painful tests. I really looked up to her. ...But she was discharged from the hospital. She sent a lot of letters. They'd say thinks like, "I'm doing well"... "You can do it, Emi-chan"... I... thought I did my best.. But I wonder if I had to try harder..." Emi said as she put away the letter before becoming silent for a few moments. "'In peace'... That's so cruel when she's still alive... I bet... I bet she's laughing, happy to be alive...! It's not fair...! Why only me!? Why was I born!? Why... Why did I have to be born!? I have nothing! No friends, no parents, not even my health...! I prayed to Faust every day, and not one prayer was granted...! Why... did I exist...? What was the point in my life...!?" Emi despaired as Chronos grew silent. "Thank you, Mr. Death... For showing me this place. But I didn't want to see it... Everyone else gets to come here every day, but I... I'm gonna die alone... This is too cruel...! That's enough... I've had enough! Hurry up and kill me! Take me away right now! I don't want to see this anymore...!"

Zen spoke "...And then she tried to gouge out her own eyes."

Shima asks "Her... eyes?"

Zen spoke "In death, one is bodiless, but the soul can still be harmed. Hers was meant to disappear, but still... I shielded her eyes in surprise. And stole away her memories..."

That left Spottedleaf shocked.

Spottedleaf spoke "Guess StarClan was different... My first death, I still had all my memories... My rebirth cost me all of my memories except for two, my name and my healer's knowledge."

Flintfur then played the next memory.

In a haven in the rift, the filly's eyes were now lime-green. "...Who're you?"

"I'm........." Chronos tried to answer.

"...Huh? My name... What was it?" The filly asked as Chronos was silent. "My name..."

"Your name is... Usagi Emi..." Chronos hesitantly answered.

"Usagi Emi...?" The filly wondered.

"...No, let's say it's something else. Something... you'd like more..." Chronos responded shakily.

"What was wrong? You're trembling. Are you scared?" The filly asked.

"Scared...?" Chronos asked, shocked about that emotion.

"Don't worry, I'm here with you. You're not alone." The filly assured.

"...Yes. I... will ensure that you are also not alone... always. ...You can call me Zhn." Chronos responded.

"Zin?" The filly wondered in confusion.

"It means, "one who lives with you"..." Chronos explained.

"Zin... How do you write that?" The filly asked.

"Write?" Chronos repeated, confused.

"Um... I'll make it "Zen". That means "nice"! Because you're a good pony!" The filly said.

"A good pony..." Chronos noticed as his hood hung over his eyes.

"Zen... Do you not like it?" The filly asked.

"It will do... Thank you. Your name... is Philei." Chronos said.

"Fi...lay?" The filly repeated while tilting her head.

"Philei." Chronos confirmed.

"Feelay. ...It's hard." The filly noted.

"Philei." Chronos repeated.

"Hi-Philei... Oh, I said it! Phi... Fi... rei... Is "Rei" okay? So we're Zen and Rei. Heehee... It's nice to meet you, Zen!" The filly greeted.

"Yes..." Chronos agreed as his hood hung over his eyes again.

"Zen? What's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere? Please don't cry..." Rei worried in concern.

"I'm so sorry... Rei." Chronos sobbed as the memory ended.

Flintfur ended the memory spell since it was the last one.

Zen spoke "I don't know how to describe what took place within me at that moment... If I had been possessed of a heart, I would have wanted to tear it out and crush it... It was that intense."

Spottedleaf spoke "Flintfur and I are what one would call Reborn."

Sunao spoke "Normally, a being can never come back to life... And yet, you granted Rei-san's wish that she had while she still clinging to life. ...It's as if you prepared a banquet for a starving stallion, and then forbade them to eat it... What you did may have been cruelty on that level."

Zen spoke "Yes... I hurt her... And not only that, I stole her memories based on a twinge of some emotion. I... hid my mistake...!"

Seiko, Yukan and Hapu spoke "Zen..."

Zen spoke "Time flows and swallows everything... Chronos obeys time and is a harbinger of the ends of time. I am Chronos. I cannot turn my back on that duty. But at the very least... at the very least, I wished to give her the answer she longed for. I wanted to give her the reason for why she lived that she wanted so desperately... But I couldn't figure it out. I knew no life, nor death, nor time... I didn't even have a heart. I didn't have a single word of comfort to give her... That's why I suspended things."

Aigis spoke "You chose not to take Rei-san away..."

Zen spoke "Yes. I left my powers as Chronos to a split half of myself and hid it in this clock tower. I sealed my memories as well, and hid them in a number of rooms in this school... along with Rei's things. Those rooms eventually became labyrinths, to prevent the truths within them from being discovered. The guardians in their depths also sprung from Rei, so as to not let anyone at those truths."

"That explains a whole lot about the labyrinths and guardians." I noted. "But Rei's memories had to be gone by then."

Zen spoke "To forget something means to seal one's memories deep below the conscious mind... True, Rei remembers nothing. But in her unconsciousness, she was always frightened of the truth. Rei most likely ate so much because she wanted to live... She yearned for life...

Teddie spoke "That's why she was eating all those delicious things...? Oh, Rei-chan..."

Zen spoke "I locked it all away... averting my eyes from the truth... and decided to spend a long, peaceful life here with Rei... It would last until I could tell her why she had lived. It... It was I who trapped Rei here... for my own selfish reason!"

Fuuka spoke "So that's what happened..."

Zen spoke "I'm sorry to have dragged you all into this... You heard the bell earlier, yes? The fourth lock should be released now. You can return to whence you came."

Yukari spoke "Return...? But..."

Zen spoke "This place is unstable. It will vanish along with Rei, its master... You should go back... while you still can."

Ken spoke "But..."

Goliath asks "But what of you, Zen?"

Zen spoke "I'll go to Rei... I promised to be with her. And... I can't leave that filly alone..."

Akihiko asks "And you're planning on doing that by yourself? That clock tower must be swarming with powerful Shadows. And that spider's waiting at the top. Can you really do something about this alone?"

Zen spoke "...I... have to..."

Shinjiro spoke "You moron... You ain't gettin' it! If you seriously want to save Rei, you gotta be willing to take us along."

Zen was confused.

Akihiko spoke "You need to finish what you started. ...We'll watch you do it."

Zen spoke "Akihiko..."

Kori asks "He's right. We may as well watch you form the closest place we can. That's what companions do... no?"

Zen asks "Companions... I see... Yukan, Hapu, Seiko, Spottedleaf, Goliath... Will you come with me?

Spottedleaf spoke "A Clan warrior like me never leaves someone behind."

Flintfur spoke "Same here even though I'm a Knight of Harmony... In-training."

Goliath spoke "We will assist as well, as we Gargoyles are guardians."

Yukan, Hapu and Seiko nodded, agreeing to help out too.

Zen spoke "Thank you…

Aigis spoke "There is no reason to thank us. I wish… In fact, everyone here wishes to save Rei-san. We should be the ones begging you to take us with you. “Zen-san, take us, dammit!” I say."

Yukan chuckled at that.

Zen spoke "*Wiping eyes* Yes… Of course… I want you all to come with me…"

Yukari spoke "Cool, then it’s decided. We can do this, Zen-kun. Once we head back and get ourselves prepared, let’s go together, okay? I’m sure Rei-chan is waiting for you."

Zen spoke "Right…"

We went back to the Velvet Room as the final lock was shaking, about to come off as it exploded, causing the red ropes to fall to the ground before vanishing as the three doors opened.

Margaret spoke "All the locks have been released, and the doors are open… you may now return to the worlds from which you originally came. This door… leads to my guest’s world…"

Elizabeth: And this door, in turn, should lead to my guest’s…"

Trixie spoke "Which means that this door’s gotta lead back to our world."

Margaret asks "It’s possible for you to return to your worlds right now… Will you?"

I spoke "We're not giving up on her! Not when we came so far!"

Yukan spoke "Yeah, we're going to save Rei."

Elizabeth spoke "I knew you would say so... We wish to remain here and see where your journey leads to as well."

Margaret asks "...There's something I'd like to talk to you about... Excuse me, but will the rest of you step out for a moment?"

Fuuka spoke "Oh... Th-Then, why don't we go find something else to do? Let's rest up and restore our spirits!"

The others left as there was only me, Spottedleaf, Flintfur, Goliath, Yukan, Hapu and Seiko left in here with Margaret.

Margaret spoke "I overheard Zen-san's story. So his true name was Chronos..."

Yukan and Hapu ask "He's Death?"

Margaret spoke "Yes, but he himself is not precisely the god of myth. This place connects deep into being consciousness. If he is a native, it means beings gave birth to him... When one's body perishes, the mind returns to the sea of souls... Many beings think of it in this way... They believe they are taken away to the afterlife through the guidance of a higher power. That imagery aggregated to give rise to those with the role of Death... That young stallion is one such being. *Pained smile* I now understand why this place had to be a Culture Festival... Festivals were originally ceremonies. Ritual practices to put souls to rest... Rei-san's soul, on the verge of disappearing, wandered into this haven in the rift... Because she was unable to escape her illusion, even in death, this ceremony was necessary to calm her. This is the last paradise constructed by a pitiable soul... That may be why we residents of the Velvet Room were drawn to it. Where one comes from, and where they will go... Everyone, even us, searches for the answer to that. ...I make this request of you seven: Please set this poor soul free."

Flintfur spoke "We'll do what we can to save her."

Hapu spoke "We promise."

The rest of us nodded in agreement.

Margaret spoke "I’m not worried at all. Knowing you and your friends, I’m certain you all can save them. I’ll be waiting for that time to come…"

We left the Velvet Room to catch up with the others…

To be Continued…

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