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Before the Battle

*Rarity's POV*

Well, my group and I were on our Zeppelin.

Sweetie whines "I want my cutie mark..."

Faunia accompanied us since she volunteered. “I’m sure you’ll find your talent, Sweetie Belle.”

Yellowfang spoke "Ah'm sure ya'll git yer mark soon. Ah can't git one though."

Samson spoke "Come on, every single creature has talent. A cutie mark is just a bonus."

Yellowfang spoke "Ah'm just a medicine cat."

Samson spoke "Come on. Even healers can be strong."

Yellowfang spoke "Well, Ah was a warrior before Ah became a healer..."

But then I felt some cold winds.

Yellowfang spoke "This ain't Cloudstar's doing..."

I looked around before noticing something odd down on land.

Yellowfang asks "What in StarClan's name is that?"

“I suggest we get down there and take a closer look.” I noted.

Yellowfang spoke "Ah've got a bad feelin' 'bout this..."

We landed somewhere nearby the area before investigating, finding a large creature that looks like a yak/dragon hybrid, accomplished by small creatures. But his eyes were glowing purple, and that did not seem normal.

Yellowfang whispers "That's not normal..."

I spoke "Hmm… If I read Danyelle’s notes right on what Ozul and the others told her, that’s a Boreus, a behemoth of the Frost Element."

Since he was with my group, Flintfur was shaking in fear since he recognized the hybrid's black and white coloration.

Flintfur spoke "Th-that's Bone...."

“Bone?” I asked in confusion before I sensed two presences inside the Boreus.

Flintfur spoke "All I kn-know is that he was the muscle of m-my former clan... Though it was more a rag-tag batch of loners and rogues.... They had a bad reputation..."

The first voice spoke "Gah! Get out of my body!"

The second voice spoke "No! Must destroy!"

Flintfur yowls "BLOOD CHAINS!"

Blood-red chains snare the Boreus, restraining it.

“Master!” we heard three voices as strange creatures accompanied him.

More chains snare the trio of creatures.

“That was quick.” I said.

Flintfur spoke "it's m-my affinity... I hate it...."

Yellowfang and the others got chained by accident since Flintfur had zero control of his power.

“I can see and understand why.” I noticed.

Yellowfang spoke "Blood affinity is far harder to control than other affinities since it can kill a creature."

“But still, we must find a way to get Bone out of that Boreus’ body.” I said.

Yellowfang spoke "Are ya NUTS Rarity? He'll kill us!"

“I’m kind of used to crazy things by now.” I admitted.

Yellowfang spoke "We need Sugar Song right now! Only she can calm Flintfur down!"

A voice asks "Did someone say backup?"

Sweetie asks "Who are you?"

We turned around to see Typhoon, Coral and Sugar Song.

Flintfur was shaking since he was scared.

Green asks "What just happened?"

“It’s a tad complicated.” I said.

Sugar was calming Flintfur down.

Seashell spoke "Hey Sweetie Bell! Nightshade!"

The red filly was in hippogriff form.

Nightshade spoke "Seashell!"

The red hippogriff pounces on her four friends as they all tussle, causing the chains to disappear.

“But we do have some trouble.” I noted.

A lilac-orange blur rams head first into the Boreus's side, driving her horn through the skin.

I spoke "That's not our Twilight..."

But when the blur took her horn out, the wound healed as an Abyssinian tom was dragged out of it with the Boreus’ eyes returning to normal.

Yellowfang spoke "Holy cuss..."

Flintfur asks "B-Bone?"

There was no response from the bi-color since he was dead.

Flintfur started getting really sad.

A weak cough was heard.

Bone coughs "S-Scourge? That you?"

Flintfur spoke "*Tightly hugging Bone while sniffling tears* Y-Yeah Bone, it’s me."

Bone groans "Watch the stab wound will you?"

Flintfur spoke "S-Sorry. I just didn’t wanna lose a friend."

Bone asks "After the horrors we went through in our past lives... Y-you still see me as a friend?"

Flintfur spoke "Of course I have, Bone."

Yellowfang spoke "Bramblestar might say otherwise..."

A pile of yowls was heard since a group of Abyssinians had fell out of a portal.

The group mostly had brown or gray fur though.

*Back in Ponyville*

Leafstar was talking to Frecklewish when her compact had gone off.

Leafstar spoke "Hawkwing! Go tell Bramblestar that the storm has returned!"

Hawkwing spoke "Got it!"

The dark gray tabby Abyssinian darts off to where Bramblestar was.

Hawkwing spoke "Bramblestar! I bring news! Princess Rarity had said that the storm has returned!"

Bramblestar asks "The storm?"

Squirrelflight gasps "Stormfur is back!"

Bramblestar asks "What?!"

Squirrelflight spoke "You mousebrain, have you forgotten who Stormfur was? He was once a RiverClan cat!"

Bramblestar spoke "I know that, I was just shocked to hear that."

Squirrelflight asks "But what are we going to tell him about Mistystar?"

Bramblestar spoke "I don't know...."

Leafstar yowls "GAH!!!"

Bramblestar asks "Was that Leafstar?"

Squirrelflight spoke "Something must’ve happened."

Harrybrook was also in pain since he was dealing with whatever was affecting his mother.

A double blast of wind based magic shot up into the sky.

Leafstar gasps "What in StarClan's name was that?"

*Pinkie's POV*

I ask "Did you sense that Cheese?"

Cheese spoke "Yeah."

We were at Spmaine, found a weird alien like Stitch, tried to catch it, but it got away and escaped to Janeighca as we were heading there too.

Featherwhisker spoke "It felt like it came from SkyClan."

“I see.” I noted before seeing a beach at our destination. “Looks like we’re landing soon.”

Featherwhisker spoke "Yeah and hi Jewel."

Sweetwhisker was tussling with her half-sister.

Orchid spoke "Hey Feathers."

The immortal couple shared a nuzzle.

I couldn’t help but find that adorable as we arrived at the beach.

A kick was felt from in my stomach.

Then I felt a second, then a third. Wow, my little fillies are excited to come out into the world.

A fourth kick was felt since I was expecting quadruplets.

When we landed and got off, there was a huge party going on at a place called “Maximum Bar” in neon lights with the “x” being a pair of maracas. And wow! It looks so much fun! Then we noticed a teen female Draconequus looking around.

Yui pops up suddenly.

Yui spoke "Cousin Becca!"

Rebecca spoke "Huh? Oh. Hey, Yui."

Yui spoke "It's good to see you again."

Rebecca spoke "Yeah, you too."

Yui spoke "Guess you haven't heard the news yet."

Rebecca asks "Huh? What news?"

Yui had a gold band on her tail since Gau had proposed to her.

Rebecca spoke "Heh, congrats cuz."

Yui asks "What’re you doing though?"

Rebecca spoke "Oh ya know, doing what I feel like doing, training, having fun and other stuff."

A pair of black gryphon talons had covered Rebecca's eyes, making her squeal.

The male chuckles "I got you good Becky."

Rebecca giggles "Hehe. Titus, you haven’t changed at all."

But then the lights dimmed before blue, green and red spotlights shined on a fancy carriage looking more advanced when a male diamond dog with brown and black fur having a dreadlock hairstyle that went down to his shoulders while wearing a light red headband, golden-laced sunglasses, golden headphones around his neck having a D on the right earphone and a J on the left one, a golden chain necklace with an emblem hang on it saying “MAXIMUM”, a red, yellow and black open mini jacket with green fern designs, green pants with cross black and yellow linings, beach sandals, fingerless gloves are yellow and red with two white linings, giving the gloves a golden look. “YEAH!!! Yo party animals! Everybody still cookin’!? *Partygoers cheering in response* All right, all right, all right! You’ve been simmering all night, but now we’re gonna turn up the HEAT!” The partygoers cheered more at that before the diamond dog noticed Rebecca. “Do I see a frown out there?” He asked before pointing both hands at Rebecca as she looked confused at that. “Nope, didn’t think so! All right! Ya ready? Turn it up!”

The partygoers cheered more as the diamond dog jumped down and high-fived some of them.

A beautiful Irish Setter Diamond Dog bitch was among the group since she was one of my guards.

Rebecca and Titus approached the male diamond dog.

The male spoke "Aww, what’s wrong? Somethin’ on your mind? Bringing frowns to a beautiful beach like this just doesn’t make sense, my friends. *Sees the two Draconequi* Hush! Didn’t realize that’s how ya two always look! Heh heh heh."

Rebecca spoke "It’s just our restraint forms."

Titus spoke "Yeah, we can go a little harder."

The male spoke "Anyway. What ya wanna bring to any beach is three things: Body, soul, and music. Forget everything else! Leave your worries behind and get that body movin’!"

Rebecca spoke "Well, it’s not the reason we’re here."

Titus spoke "Yeah, we came here to find out about strength."

The male spoke "Ya didn’t come here to dance… but to get stronger? Ha HA! Why didn’t ya say so? Head over there, and let’s get this show on the road! You’re about to get a dance lesson from the legendary Dee Jay himself!"

Rebecca spoke "Heh, just what we were hoping for."

Titus asks "Hehe, yeah. Shall we loosen up, Rebecca?"

Rebecca spoke "We shall!"

The two took on battle stances before they looked like they were each 1,000 pounds fat before they fought against Dee Jay with the partygoers as the crowd, cheering and watching the battle. It lasted a bit, but after two rounds, Dee Jay beat them both.

Rebecca spoke "Wow! You’re good!"

Titus spoke "Whew! No doubt about that!"

Dee Jay asks "So, what’d ya think? Startin’ to realize that fighting and dancing are one and the same?"

Rebecca and Titus spoke "Yep."

Featherwhisker spoke "I'm not much of a dancer though."

A male laughs "Hahaha! Hey, Dee Jay!"

Another male diamond dog showed up.

Dee Jay chuckles "Charlie! How’s it doing, mon?"

Charlie spoke "Doing great, Dee Jay."

Dee Jay spoke "*Turns to Rebecca and Titus* The heart moves the body… And the rhythm gives birth to the beat! And from where I’m standing, it’s all art! Heh heh heh."

I giggle "My counterpart knows a pair of party birds."

Dee Jay spoke "*To me, Rebecca and Titus* You three had some serious rhythm going there."

Heehee, must’ve been my personality.

Dee Jay spoke "*To Rebecca and Titus* You two enjoy that sweet, sweet beach sunset, friends. You’ve earned it!"

We partied before I went with Rebecca and Titus to confront Dee Jay again.

Rebecca asks "You wanna learn with us?"

“Uh-huh!” I nodded with a smile.

Titus spoke "Nice, ‘cause this could help expand your horizons."

Dee Jay asks "What can I help ya three with, mon?"

Rebecca spoke "We wanna be your students."

Titus and I nodded in agreement with that.

Dee Jay spoke "Oh? I don’t wanna tell any of ya to give up on your dreams, but this is one tall order you’re requestin’, mon. Everyone wants to be a superstar, but actually becoming one is another story!"

“Please, we’re begging you!” Rebecca, Titus and I pleaded.

Dee Jay spoke "*Sigh* Okay, okay. Your passion is too hot to handle, mon. We’ll give ya an audition."

The three of us were ready to train with Dee Jay before he snapped his fingers, when the sign neon lights turned on with music starting.

Dee Jay spoke "*Rapping* Hey hey! The name’s Dee Jay! Rockin’ the every weekday since pre-K, with style! If you a dreamer, I’m a believa, just keep it rockin’ and don’t stop until your feet hurt! Do it! *As we readied to follow the rhythm* C’mon! Crank that beat! *Dances around us as we three struggled to follow* Move ya body, c’mon, lemme see it! Eh… *Music scratch as he stopped dancing* No no no, c’mon yo. Where’s the heat? Ya gotta feel the rhythm mon! Ya gotta feel the rhythm down to your bones!"

Rebecca, Titus and I smiled as the music started back up, all three of us following the rhythm.

Dee Jay spoke "*Rapping* Hittem with dat summertime feel! Head up di stratosphere! Gibbem ya full spec love! Make sure they know ya here! Oh yeah! Now you’ve got it! *As all three of us danced with Dee Jay, having rhythm in our beings* Haha, okay, okay!"

The three of us felt like we have new battle styles we can use, and it felt great!

Dee Jay asks "Heh heh, sorry ‘bout that! I thought you were talkin’ music! Ya meant fightin’, mon?"

Rebecca spoke "Yep."

Dee Jay spoke "Den you shoulda said so! From this day forward, you three are the main mon at Dee Jay’s fighting academy. Ask me anything your heart desires! There’s plenty of skill to go around, my mon! *Chuckle*"

Heehee! Sounds like we got a new friend and ally!

A sharp kick was felt.

“Oof! Guess my foals are definitely feeling that rhythm too.” I said with a smile.

Featherwhisker spoke "Either that, or you've gone into labor."

I was about to say something before I felt four sharp pains! Yep, they wanna come out right now!

Featherwhisker carried me back onto the zeppelin so that he could focus on the delivery.

*Fluttershy's POV*

Flowerstep spoke "Hey Fluttershy."

“Heehee. Hi, Flowerstep.” I smiled.

Flowerstep asks "Do you want to dance with me?"

“Sure.” I giggled as I knew we weren’t far from Little Innsmouth before I brought out my transformation necklace Vera’s mother made for me.

Flowerstep asks "Is that a taur mode necklace?"

“Yeah.” I answered as I put it on before I changed.

Flowerstep spoke "Great StarClan... I'm so horny right now..."

“Calm down now, sweetie. When we’re done investigating Little Innsmouth, we can go to the Chuddle Hotel.” I smiled.

Hawkbreeze was flabbergasted when shi saw my appearance.

Flowerstep spoke "I can't hold back..."

A loud pomf had spooked me since Flowerstep had suddenly gained wings.

“Oh my!” I gasped.

Flowerstep spoke "As it turns out... I'm 25% owltaur... My paternal grandfather's an owltaur."

“Really?” I asked in surprise.

Flowerstep spoke "Yeah."

Then I noticed that we arrived at little Innsmouth.

Flowerstep spoke "I remember this place! This is my hometown!"

A owlkat was gliding through the sky.

Flowerstep spoke "That's my sire, Copperfeather. Shi's half owtaur since hir dad's full owltaur."

Copperfeather spoke "Hey Flower, it's been a while since I saw you last!"

Copperfeather soon lands on the zeppelin deck.

The two exchange hugs.

Hawkbreeze asks "Mom?"

“It’s okay, sweetie.” I assured my daughter.

Copperfeather asks "Who's this little one?"

A honey colored chakat shouts "Copperfeather! Get your tailfeathers down here!"

Copperfeather spoke "That was Honeystar... the leader of Innsmouth."

Flowerstep spoke "Oh boy…"

Copperfeather spoke "Long story short, Honeystar and the Dagonian leader haven't seen eye to eye ever since Cloudrunner was killed 10 years ago."

I looked around, seeing chakats and dagonians getting along fine. “Maybe it’s just the leaders?”

Cloud asks "Wait, did shi say 10 years ago?"

But then our stomachs growled before I noticed a nearby restaurant.

Flowerstep spoke "I'm gonna check in with Honeystar first."

“Okay. The rest of us can get some food and find some for you.” I responded.

Flowerstep jumps off the zeppelin before gliding down to the ground just as hir compact went off.

Flowerstep asks "Chakat Flowerstep here, what news have you Chakat Crosswind?"

Crosswind spoke "Not good news, that's for sure. The Medici mafia is planning something..."

Flowerstep spoke "I see."

Crosswind spoke "Yeah and Ah heard rumors that they killed an alicorn 14 years ago followed by a deaf chakat 4 years after after that."

Meanwhile with me and the others, we were getting some food.

A female asks "Hello? May I have your order?"

We turned to see a female Dagonian.

I spoke "I'll have a Prench salad."

Hawkbreeze spoke "Fish please."

Flowerstep asks "What?"

The female spoke "I’d normally be a bit disturbed with that, but since Chakats eat here too, it’s not a problem."

The waitress left before my group and I heard two male voices.

Goon 1 spoke "Hey Lawrence, you hear the news? The Skullmare’s been going after all those families in Maplecrest…"

Lawrence asks "I did, Riccardo. Looks like this new Skullmare’s got a bone to pick with the boss. Where has he gone, anyway? Think the rumors of him gettin’ sick are true? *Notices the waitress* Hold up… Look, there she is! That fishfolk dame we sent to find! …Hey, girlie! Can we get some service over here?"

Waitress asks "Yes? May I help you, sir?"

Riccardo asks "Hey now… you’re quite the dish. I’d like to eat YOU up. Why don’t you swim over here with a couple of free drinks… and then we hit the town?"

Waitress spoke "*Politely declining* I… I’m sorry, but I need to work."

Lawrence spoke "You know… you are pretty cute… For a stinkin’ gill-girl."

A female Abyssinian showed up with white and black fur, wearing a thick black collar with a stylized cat bell, a light blue striped crop top with the underside showing, a gray utility belt, black fingerless gloves, black hot pants and what seemed the remnants of her pantlegs. “Is everything okay over here? Are these guys bugging you, Minette?” She asked like a big sister would in concern for her little sister.

My ears pin back since I was wary of the two males.

I ask Hawkbreeze to hide before I trot over to the four.

I spoke "She said no so leave now before I call Honeystar in here."

Lawrence spoke "Scram. And go find yourself a sandbox, kitty, we’re just havin’ a friendly chat with the little minnow here."

The she-cat spoke "Leave. Now, or I’ll throw you out myself."

Lawrence spoke "Can’t you take a clue, you flea-bitten tart?! Clearly you don’t know who you’re messing with."

Lawrence suddenly drew a knife and before I could stop him, he sliced off the Abyssinian’s head clean off before her head and body fell to the ground, much to my horror.

Lawrence spoke "Ha, did you see that? That stupid cat didn’t stand a chance."

But then two my confusion, I saw the head open her eyes before the Abyssinian smirked when her head leapt into the air and bit Lawrence as her body punched Riccardo as her veins stretched out her left arm as I figured out that most of her scars weren’t normal, they were like she was cut clean through. I snapped myself out of it as I punched the two of them as well.

Lawrence gasps "What the…?!"

Riccardo spoke "Nevermind them, we found what we were looking for! Let’s get back and tell Vitalneigh! *Frightened yelp*"

The two males fled as the Abyssinian held her head with Minette having inspired starry eyes.

The she-cat asks "*To me* Thanks for helping me there. *To Minette* You okay, Minette? They didn’t hurt you, did they?"

Minette asks "That was… AMAZING! What would I do without you, big sis?"

The Abyssinian giggled as those two were really like sisters.

I spoke "Those two were from the Medici Mafia... I heard of them from Applejack."

The she-cat spoke "Yeah, I figured."

“But how did you do that?” I asked.

The she-cat spoke "Why do you think my body’s this way? It’s because I ate that weird gem the Fishbone Gang stole from the Medici Mafia."

I spoke "I never introduced myself yet. My name is Princess Fluttershy, lifemate of Chakat Flowerstep."

The she-cat asks "Whoa! You’re not kidding?"

I spoke "No, I'm not. I've been a princess for about a year now."

A catfish Dagonian chef showed up.

The chef spoke "Thanks for scaring them off, Nadia and Princess Fluttershy! You both and your friends’ next meal is on me!"

I spoke "Thank you sir but what worries me right now is that mafia... They're planning something."

Nadia spoke "Yeah. Actually, I think it’s time I make my move and follow them. I’ve got to catch me a Skullmare, and it sounds like mafia goons are the purr-fect bait to draw her out."

OC-verse Danyelle pops up suddenly.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "We can't get the kids involved though."

“Definitely.” I wholeheartedly agreed.

The male catfish dagonian spoke "Sounds very dangerous. Be careful out there! You’re like family to us, you know!"

Minette asks "Nadia… do you really think the Skull Heart can bring your friends back?"

Nadia spoke "There’s only one way to find out! See you around, Mew Nyan! And give my regards to your dad, Minette!"

Nadia went off as my group finished eating and Flowerstep returned.

Flowerstep spoke "I was able to talk Honeystar into aiding us in the upcoming fight. I could tell shi wanted payback for the death of hir sibling."

As Hawkbreeze and the rest of my group returned, I responded, “Good, but we’ll also need Nadia’s help.”

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "My universe's Twilight is already gathering the other alicorns."

“Good.” I said before we headed off to find Nadia.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I have one group of alicorns left to talk to."

OC-Verse Danyelle left before me and my group found Nadia, who encountered two alicorn mares, one being my age, having long straight red mane and tail with a side bang covering her right eye, light orange eyes, and a slender figure as she wore a long sleeved black top with a matching skirt, and a necklace with an upside-down cross on it, while wielding a black umbrella having a pointed end at the tip and orange-colored eye-like features on the sides, and the other looking like the Crusaders’ age, having pink mane and tail and red eyes as she wore a yellow rain hat and a yellow rain jacket, while she was wielding a purple umbrella that had many red eyes on the sides of it with eyelashes while the tip of it looked like teeth.

Honeystar and hir group of guards arrive.

Honeystar spoke "Let's get this meeting under way."

Nadia asks "Wait! What’s going on here?!"

The alicorn mare spoke "Took the words out of my mouth. I was going to ask that as well."

An alicorn filly asks "Huh? Why does the catfish guy look scared?"

After hearing that, we went back to the restaurant.

Nadia asks "Any problems, Mew Nyan?"

“Mr. Yu-Wan, are you okay?” I asked my friend.

Yu-Wan spoke "Nadia! Fluttershy! There you are! Minette has been kidnapped! The rest of the River King’s daughters! The Chakat leader’s child as well! And others, too! Little Innsmouth is in a panic!"

We were shocked at that!

Nadia gasps "What!? Who would dare do such a thing!?"

A male hippogriff showed up. “That’s where I come in. My name is Irvin. I’m a private detective. The River King hired me to find his daughters, same with the Chakat Leader, but I kept it quiet since they’re a bit at each other’s throats and I didn’t want to make things worse. But if any of you have information that might help, I’d appreciate if you shared it. The proprietor of this fine establishment was telling me that there have been numerous mafia sightings in the area recently. That’s the only lead we’ve got, but kidnapping certainly fits the mob’s M.O. We’re at a loss as to why they’d be targeting Dagonian women and Chakats, though.”

I ask "Wait, where's Hawkbreeze?!?"

Irvin spoke "Grr… Right from under our noses."

Nadia growls "The Mafia…! Irvin, you’re coming with us to help. Those black-hearted bastards already took one family from me, and like hell I’m going to let them do it again."

I immediately patch through to Celestia, warning her of what was going on.

Nadia spoke "Hang in there, Minette. We’ll find you and the others!"

*Twilight’s POV*

I don’t know why, but I’ve been feeling kind of down lately.

Flash spoke "I just finished talking to Rarity, we should keep a close eye on our daughters in case they get taken by the mafia."

“I know.” I answered, but still felt down. Why is that?

Flash asks "Twily?"

I looked at myself in the mirror before I thought I saw my reflection having golden eyes. I rubbed my eyes and looked again, and it was just my reflection. Maybe my mood is making me see things.

Flash spoke "Twilight, you shouldn't let your darkness consume you. We don't need a repeat of what happened with Obsidian Shield."

The sclera of Sunset's left eye had turned black when she had looked in a mirror.

Sunset spoke "No... Not now..."

But then our reality suddenly became distorted, much to my confusion. “What’s going on?”

A voice scoffs "“What is happening?!” “Why doesn’t it make sense?!” “Why won’t anyone give me answers?!” Hahaha! Come on, you know what’s happening."

Sunset spoke "Leave me alone Sunfall!"

A second voice spoke "Heh, that wasn’t you or me, it was her who said that, Sunset."

Sunset spoke "Oh StarClan no.... Not you..."

I was in my lycan form as I growled at my darker self.

The dark alicorn laughs "Heh! You think that puppy form can work? Pathetic!"


The mare laughs "HA! You mean our daughters? How cute. You couldn’t even bother to care for them when you want to learn every single thing about magic and spells!"

Nyx bites the dark alicorn on the front leg.

Nyx growls "You leave my sisters alone you big meanie!"

Akari, Strawberry and Cherry growl at the dark mare.

I growl "LIAR!! There's more to life than just magic!"

Sunset was clashing horns with her darker self.

The mare laughs "Hahaha! You know that’s not true. You didn’t even bother to make friends, you don’t even need Celestia. Why do I sound like I know everything about you? Because I AM you."

Sunset spoke "Don't let her get to you Twilight! If your magic hadn't acted up, Spottedleaf wouldn't have been able to reincarnate! You wouldn't have been able to activate the elements either!"

Something deep in my soul snaps before I let loose the loudest roar I could ever make.

I spoke "You're right Sunset! I've done so much for my friends and my mentor! I refuse to abandon my daughters either! They depend on me to survive! And as for you Midnight Sparkle, you're wrong. Even though I don't need Celestia as much now, she's still my friend!"

Midnight taunts "Oh? What does that mean?"

Sunfall spoke "Yeah, tell us what you’re trying to say!"

I had a bad feeling about what Sunset and I were gonna say to our dark selves, but did it anyway since we knew we couldn’t avoid this fight. “You’re not me!”

Our dark counterparts suddenly laughed as they shifted and changed into humanoid beings.

I spoke "Sunset, we can't win this fight though...."

Sunset spoke "At least not by ourselves."

A voice spoke "Yoga!"

An earth pony stallion with brown fur, no mane, white beard and tail, pupil-less eyes, red marks all over his upper half with three red stripes adorning his head, a white dot on the middle of his forehead, and abdomen and waist being out of proportion and emaciated, while he wore white saffron fetlockbands and metallic fetlocklets on all four of his legs, hoop earrings, and a necklace with golden rings and two golden hooves together on it suddenly appeared through teleportation as he floated in the air in a lotus position.

The stallion spoke "You knew the dangers of facing the darkness in your hearts, yet you still pursued to seek honesty and absolution to yourself. I will aid you."

A Mobian alicorn flew out of a warp ring.

OC-verse Sunset spoke "As will I!"

Sunset asks "Whoa! Is that?"

Popping up, OC-verse Danyelle spoke "One of the two Sunsets from my universe and much like me, she used to be human up until a platypus Mobian turned her into a unicorn against her will."

OC-verse Sunset spoke "But I had strangled Starline, killing him and gaining my wings in the process."

OC-Verse Sunset spoke "But now let’s beat these fakes!"

The earth pony stallion then stood on one of his hind legs with ease, ready for battle as well.

A burst of light appears before vanishing, revealing OC-verse Danyelle's main piece of the Celestial Gods stand.

Amaterasu howls, boost my morale and Sunset's morale.

Sunset spoke "Never again! I won't let my past control my future!"

The stallion asks "Now, shall we begin?"

Sunset and I nodded as we started our battle against our Shadows.

Midnight and Sunfall spoke "I am a Shadow, the True Self."

Midnight spoke "I’m gonna learn all the magic, and no one’s gonna stop me!"

Sunfall spoke "You won’t be able to do anything about it! I will control everycreature and rule this world!"

Both Sunset and I clash horns with our darker selves.

Sunset and I sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuwnltTO1V4 as the voices of our friends and allies call out.

Sunset: You're never gonna bring me down
You're never gonna break this part of me
My friends are here to bring me 'round
Not singin' just for popularity

Everyone: We're here to let you know
That we won't let it go
Our music is a bomb and it's about to blow

OC-verse Danyelle: And you can try to fight
But we have got the light of friendship on our side

Dazzlings and Coolings: Got the music in our hearts
We're here to blow this thing apart
And together we will never be afraid of the dark

Rarity and Blizzardstar: Here to sing our song out loud
Get ya dancin' with the crowd
As the music of our friendship survives survives

Rainbow, Spottedleaf and Azure: Got the music in our hearts
We're here to blow this thing apart
And together we will never be afraid of the dark

Twirama: Here to sing our song out loud
Get ya dancin' with the crowd
As the music of our friendship survives survives survives!!!!

Sunset and I deliver the final blow to our darker selves, greatly weakening them.

The stallion spoke "*As Midnight and Sunfall growled* It seems you still stand. Then I will show you, my strength."

A card suddenly appeared in front of the stallion as he took a deep breath.

The stallion spoke "God of Fire, Agni… grant me your strength!"

The stallion then breathed out fire, burning the card to a crisp as it summoned a humanoid being with two heads.

the creature spoke "Maragidyne!"

The being roared as he thrusted his hands out, causing fire pillars to erupt beneath the shadows of me and Sunset before they were defeated and reverted to golden-eyed versions of us.

OC-verse Sunset spoke "My pony counterpart knows what it's like to be treated as an outcast but if she can change for the better, then so can the Twilight and Sunset of this universe."

The Shadows of me and Sunset were silent.

I spoke "As much as I want to learn more about magic, my family and my friends come first and foremost."

The four alicorn foals were on my back.

Sunset spoke "And I can say the same thing about my unborn foal."

“We know who you are. I am you, and you are me.” Sunset and I said as our shadows nodded before becoming engulfed in light, forming silhouettes as they turned into cards and went into us.

But due to the presence of a second Sunset, the card meant for the Sunset I know had gone into the OC-verse Sunset by mistake.

OC-Verse Sunset spoke "Uh… whoops."

Sunset suddenly felt faint.

Sunrise spoke "Sunset!"

The stallion turned towards both Sunsets before he reached out with his front legs as they suddenly stretched out literally as they touched the chests of both Sunsets before his front hooves glowed.

The stallion spoke "It is done."

The stallion retracted his legs as my Sunset felt better.

But just as the stallion touched her, OC-verse Sunset grabs the stallion and judo-threw him on the ground.

OC-verse Sunset snaps "It's rude to touch the chest of a female Mobian without permission! Especially one with fire powers!"

But the stallion remained stoic as he landed on his hind hooves gracefully. “I assure you there were no ulterior motives.”

OC-verse Sunset snaps "That's a load of ponyfeathers! Where I'm from, males should NEVER touch a female's chest unless they are married!"

Yet the stallion remained ever calm as he floated in a lotus position again. “You are letting your anger cloud your judgement.”

After wingslapping OC-verse Sunset on the back of the head to calm the Mobian alicorn down, OC-verse Danyelle spoke "But sir, she is right. An unmarried male should never touch a female's chest. It's considered inappropriate in many places in my universe."

The stallion spoke "Hmm… I see. My humblest apologies for that."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Good thing my universe's Twilight hadn't been affected by this whole persona thing since she's got a pair of tailed beasts sealed in her."

OC-Verse Sunset spoke "You could say Kurama is like Twilight's persona."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "You forgot about Matatabi."

The stallion spoke "Until we meet again."

The stallion then teleported, having vanished from the zeppelin.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Oh cuss! I got a call from Princess Applejack! The war against the Mafia has started!"


Author's Note:

Takes place before Mafia Terror

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