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Feeling the Battle Beat!

*Pinkie’s POV*

Well, now that that’s over with, my group and I are heading back to Janeighca to find that alien from before at Spmaine. With Stitch and Danyelle in tow though, since we are looking for one of Stitch’s cousins.

Featherwhisker spoke "Uh Pinkie, Danyelle's still in Cloudsdale at the moment."

“Whoops! Sorry, guess my head can be in the clouds sometimes.” I joked, making everyone laughed as I laughed with them too.

Featherwhisker chuckles "Good thing the Alicorn Alliance was set up. This way, Stitch and all 625 members of his family are protected from that stupid gryphon."

Though young, Lil' Cheese and his sisters giggle as well.

Aww!!! My little sweeties are so cute and adorable! I give the four of them a huge bear hug as they giggled and gave me a quadruple bear hug back at me!

Cheese chuckles "We're so lucky to have four adorable alicorn foals."

“Heehee! Who knows? We could have more.” I giggled.

Cheese spoke "Cheeky mare."

“Bold stallion.” I spoke back and Cheesy and I kissed and made out for a few seconds.

Orchid spoke "I'm glad the mafia's destroyed."

Featherwhisker spoke "I fully agree, sweetie."

Orchid spoke "If it wasn't for that other Twilight, many of us would have lost our lives."

“Enough with the gloom and doom, everyone! Let’s get ready for Stitch’s cousin!” I shouted out.

Featherwhisker was growling all of a sudden.

Cozy and Sweetwhisker hide behind their mother.


But then a giant ship flew past us, heading straight to Janeighca.

Featherwhisker yowls "CHAOTIC THUNDER!!!!"

The bolt of lightning strikes the ship's engines, shutting them down.

But then they went back on.

“Looks like Gantu rebooted those engines. Well, here comes a move I learned from Dee Jay! Air Slasher!” I shouted as I whipped one of my front legs in an upright position and an uppercut motion, sending out a shock wave that traveled all the way to one of the engine propellers, hitting and damaging it enough for the ship to lose altitude as we closed in on our destination.

Featherwhisker spoke "Nice one Pinks, but he's not going to give up that easy!"

“Yep, and that’s gonna crank up the heat in this search party!” I quipped

Featherwhisker spoke "We're not gonna let that stupid-head gryphon capture Carmen!"

“Indeedy! I’m sure Carmen will give Gantu the old 123!” I agreed as arrived before Dee Jay showed up.

Dee Jay spoke "Whoo! Glad you’re here, mon! Could use some help."

Orchid asks "How so?"

Dee Jay spoke "This little strange mare showed up with maracas, but when she started shakin’ em, creatures’ been dancin’ none stop, and they’re gonna keep goin’ till they drop."

Featherwhisker puts on a noise canceling headset.

Featherwhisker spoke "I'll talk to her."

Dee Jay spoke "Hey mon, I don’t think it’s the music ya wanna worry about."

Danyelle pops up with Stitch and Reuben in tow.

Danyelle asks "Do you guys need help?"

“Talk about timing.” I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "Izzy was freaking out about something earlier."

“Which was?” I asked.

Fur fluffing up, Danyelle spoke "Troggles... I heard rumors that they can steal the voice of whoever is being too loud..."

“Odd.” I noted before we heard a yelp from Featherwhisker.

Featherwhisker's voice had suddenly vanished.

“What the?!” I gasped in surprise.

Danyelle clamps my mouth shut.

Danyelle whispers "Quiet...."

But then we saw magenta bubble-like orbs of energy floating around.

Featherwhisker was shaking in fear.

But when the orbs got near Featherwhisker, they popped before he started dancing nonstop as the other orbs suddenly popped elsewhere as we heard strange noises.

But due to the noise canceling headphones, Featherwhisker didn't hear anything at all.

Featherwhisker was unable to talk.

Danyelle spoke "This is bad..."

But then we saw strange ghosts that were somehow dancing nonstop too.

Ears flatten, Danyelle whispers "Those are the Troggles that Izzy told me about... There's also a poem about them too.... Eyes of the monster, form of the pig. Sing, laugh, or yell, step hoof on a twig. Troggles appear, steal what's to be. No cure to be found, past the red ruby."

“Um… Even if they wanted to steal our voices, I don’t think they can since something’s making them dance nonstop.” I whispered while pointing it out.

Danyelle pulled a ruby out of her hammerspace before tossing it to the Troggle that took Featherwhisker's voice, causing it to disappear while Featherwhisker got his voice back.

Danyelle spoke "Izzy was right all along."

But then Phantom showed while whispering, “Hey guys.”

Sunny pops up with Izzy in tow.

Izzy whispers "Good thing I warned the yellow cat about the Troggle weakness in case she ran into some."

Phantom spoke "I’ll take care of ‘em."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry Phantom but a Troggle can only be stopped with a ruby."

Danyelle pulled out the rest of the rubies she had stored away before giving them to the Troggles, causing them to disappear.

“Now we won’t have to worry about them.” I smiled.

Featherwhisker spoke "Uh… Guys? I’m still dancing here."

Danyelle asks Carmen in Tantalog to stop the dancing.

Carmen just laughed as she said to beat her in a battle to do that. It’s just a wild guess.

“I’ll take her on.” I volunteered.

Danyelle spoke "I'll handle it Pinkie."

“Nah, you and Stitch keep an eye open for Gantu while I battle Carmen here.” I insisted.

Carmen spoke "¡Sí! ¡Estaba desafiando al pony fiestero rosa!"

Reuben spoke "*Ahem*"

Stitch asks "Huh?"

Danyelle was growling, as was Featherwhisker.

“I don’t think Carmen’s gonna stop at anything unless I beat her. That’s why she challenged me to a battle in the first place.” I told Danyelle and Featherwhisker.

Carmen spoke "Si!"

Danyelle and Featherwhisker calmed down.

Danyelle sighs "You’re impossible, Pinkie. Fine, but don’t blame me if this goes sideways."

Reuben spoke "I don't think it's that pink one, Gantu's nearby..."

Danyelle spoke "Stitch and I will handle him. You just do what ya gotta do, Pinkster."

Stitch spoke "Ih!"

Danyelle spoke "I have the Roar after all but it's more along the lines of a Lightning Neko Roar."

Featherwhisker growls "You might as well come out blubberbutt."

Gantu spoke "Tch, due to Experiment 123’s abilities, I’d rather not."

I spoke "Get 'im Carmen!"

Carmen was thrilled as she shook her maracas, causing energy orbs to fly and pop around Gantu, making the big doofus dance.

Gantu spoke "N-No! I won’t forget this!"

Gantu then danced away, retreating.

Danyelle laughs "That was fast."

Featherwhisker laughs "He had it coming!"

Reuben chuckles "No arguments here."

Carmen and I readied ourselves for the battle between the two of us as I took on a familiar upright fighting stance, with Dee Jay smiling.

Dee Jay spoke "That’s right, mon! Show they the rhythm of yo heart!"

Danyelle spoke "You got this Pinkie!"

I smiled as I readied myself! “It’s Party Time!”

The two of us battled as I used the Air Slasher attacks I learned from Dee Jay while Carmen used those Rhythm Bubbles as the two attacks clashed.

Danyelle cheers me on.

Carmen and I fought for a while before her bubbles got me dancing, but thanks to the rhythm in my heart, I managed to keep fighting Carmen even while I was dancing.

Dee Jay spoke "Aw-haw yeah! That’s it, Pinkie! Feel the rhythm to your bones!"

“Double Rolling Sobat!” I yelled as I hopped forward with one back hoof while I delivered a roundhouse kick with the other, then landed with that hoof while delivering a backward-facing kick with the first, pushing Carmen back with a few hits.

Featherwhisker cheers.

I felt myself getting stronger as I kept fighting Carmen. Soon, both of us were close to passing out. “Might as well finish it with a bang!” I quipped as I sprung at Carmen, before the two of us were in a fight cloud, with me landing all the blows before I put Carmen in my Party Cannon that I brought out before putting some sweets in it. “If you think that’s sweet, you’ll love this treat!” I said as I blasted the cannon, sending Carmen into the air before the sweets exploded like fireworks, setting off a fireworks picture of me before Carmen crashed back down, having lost the fight. “Phew! I don’t know about you, but I’m party pooped!” I sighed in relief as Carmen got back up before she smiled at me and clapped her maracas together, returning everyone back to normal.

Danyelle spoke "Nice one Pinkie."

“Heehee! Thanks.” I smiled before Carmen reached out a hoof with a smile as well.

Danyelle spoke "Four down, 622 more to find."

“Nice!” I smiled as I shook hooves with Carmen before Vera appeared.

Vera spoke "Hey guys."

Danyelle whistles in a tone only Angel could hear.

Carmen asks "Que?"

I spoke "Long story."

Vera spoke "Anywho, you could really help liven things up at parties at my hotel, Carmen. But ya don’t have to be there all the time, you can go other places here and there, even learn a few moves from Dee Jay here."

Dee Jay spoke "Hehe, no problem, mon."

Vera asks "Well Carmen, whaddya think?"

Carmen spoke "Hmm… Sí, te ayudaré en tu hotel."

Vera spoke "Heehee. Thanks."

“Good luck, Carmen.” I said as we smiled.

Carmen spoke "Pero primero, ¡es hora de conga!"

All of us laughed as the party was back on, with all of us having fun.

Featherwhisker dances with Orchid.


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