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Final Showdown! Allied Forces versus the Mafia

*Honeystar's POV*

I spoke "Alright everyone! Listen up! The mafia is planning to attack New Mareidian soon but we will be READY to fight them! We won't let them hurt another alicorn again!"

Every alicorn present was cheering.

Twirama roars loud.

Word soon reached Card Trick so he rallied all of MeadowClan together.

Card spoke "Attention everyone, I just received word from Blizzardstar that the Medici Mafia is planning to attack New Mareidian soon so I need every combat ready Pegasus, gryphon, dragon and Changeling to airlift the Clan cats to Applejack's location right away!"

Tyson spoke "Looks like we got an invitation to quite a party."

Dovewing spoke "I assume it'll be more than that Tyson, We might be going to war soon."

A tom spoke "Not if we cut off the head first."

The group turned around, seeing Samhit.

Tyson spoke "Haha! Perfect timing!"

Tigerstar asks "But how in StarClan are we going to get the combat ready unicorns and earth ponies to New Mareidian?"

Vera showed up. “Ai-yai-yai… Group teleportation, remember?”

Dovewing spoke "That'll work."

Samhit spoke "But if there’s a Skullmare on the loose, things will get troublesome."

A creamy white stallion with blue eyes and a curly blonde mane spoke "Exactly!"

Card Trick spoke "MeadowClan and LionClan warriors! MOVE OUT!!"

Dovewing was on the back of a nadder as other non-winged Clan cats got onto the backs of other flyers as they prepared to take flight.

Sky High spoke "Hey! Golden Wind!"

Sky High showed up.

Golden Wind spoke "Ah, Sky High. It’s good to see you again, amico."

A purple blur had pounced on a white gryphon male.

Wave titters "Pinned ya Bruno!"

Bruno chuckles "Alright Wave, please calm yourself. Good to see you too. And Golden Wind, I see you’re head of Passione now. Congratulations."

Golden spoke "Well, I couldn’t have done it without my friends."

Bramblestar spoke "Golden Wind was it? We need your help."

Golden spoke "Yes, I understand what we need to do."

While climbing onto the back of a Monstrous Nightmare, Bramblestar spoke "The Medici Mafia is planning to attack New Mareidian soon. We of LionClan and of MeadowClan are to mobilize immediately to provide backup for Princess Applejack."

Sumarda spoke "Don’t forget, the other princesses are heading there too."

Trixie spoke "As well as a few allies from the OC-verse since they're under orders from Zelestia."

Card spoke "Don't forget, we got male alicorns too."

Sumarda asks "Welp, everyone ready?"

The allied clan cats all spoke "READY!!!"

Bramblestar's Monstrous Nightmare takes flight at the same time as the other dragons.

All of SkyClan take flight as well.

*Meanwhile in Ineighba*

Danyelle spoke "Skittles! We have to go to New Mareidian right now!"

Rainbow spoke "Right! Emmy, round the others up and get them onto the zeppelin. The war against the Medici Mafia has begun!"

*At the same time with Twilight*

Twilight and her group was heading to New Mareidian.

Micah spoke "Guess the war has started."

Twilight spoke "It has."

*With Rarity and Pinkie's groups,*

Rarity spoke "We should head to New Mareidian."

Pinkie spoke "Right."

*With Fluttershy's group*

I spoke "Dagonians! Chakats! Now is not the time to be at each other's throats! We have to stop the Medici Mafia if we are to maintain peace!"

The combat ready chakats all yowl before Fluttershy and I lead them onto the zeppelin.

*Applejack’s POV*

Hoowee! It took a while, but all of us got to Lorenzo, and found Black Dahlia before she rang some kind of bell as female creatures in bunny outfits from bars while wearing skull masks and wielding weapons showed up.

Big Band spoke "I will handle Dahlia, it’s a bit of a personal matter between ASGs."

Peacock spoke "Oh no ya don’t Saxafras! Me and my gang are helpin’ ya!"

Avery spoke "Boss got that right, ya big mook!"

Twirama snarls "THIS ENDS NOW!!!"

Phantom and his marefriend were ready to fight.

We started fighting the female goons as Peacock and Big Band fought Black Dahlia.

The dragons shot fire at the goons, roasting them.

I tackled a couple of the goons through walls.

Twirama sent 20 goons flying with a tailslap.

Umbrella attacked some goons with her living weapon, Hungern as it grabbed them with its mouth before chewing and swallowing said goons.

Spottedleaf pounces on a goon, clawing the guy's face.

Parasoul spoke "Black Egrets, fire!"

Masked soldiers fired their weapons on a group of goons, hitting them dead on.

One or two Chaos blasts were seen since OC-verse Danyelle had slaughtered a few dozen goons.

Nadia took off her tail and used it like a sword as she slashed some of the goons.

OC-verse Danyelle flew into a spindash, tearing through several goons.

Painwheel used the spinning blades attached to her back to rip through other goons.

Twirama had pounced on Lorenzo, sinking her fangs into his neck.

Twirama growls "Grr! Even like this, his scales are tough!"

But then Black Dahlia fired ice bullets at Twirama, freezing her in her tracks and encasing her in ice. “Looks like I’ll have to teach you manners after I’m done with these trash who call themselves weapons.”

Lorenzo pried himself off and started to flee.

Twirama set herself on fire before chasing after Lorenzo.

Burning Twirama snaps "GET OVER HERE YA LITTLE SHIT!"

Burning Twirama grabs Lorenzo's neck again, pinning him down as OC-verse Danyelle flew at high speed towards Black Dahlia.

Black Dahlia spoke "Catch."

Black Dahlia threw something at the two and it stuck onto them.

OC-Verse Danyelle gasps "*Stops* What the?!"

Twirama and OC-Verse Danyelle were tryin’ to get the somethings off them before we heard beeping.

OC-verse Sunset used her magic to teleport the bombs off the two royals, sending them deep underground.

Black Dahlia smirked before we noticed blinking red lights on Twirama and OC-Verse Danyelle.

Black Dahlia *Brings out detonator* Watch out for the little things."

Dahlia pressed the button, only for nothing to happen, much to all of our confusion.

A tom spoke "Gotta admit, wiring was good, but I made them into duds."

We looked around and saw Tyson, much to our surprise.

Burning Twirama spoke "You saved my furry ass."

the white furred kyubi-alicorn pried Lorenzo's jaws open before shooting a fireball down the dragon's throat, causing the wings to rupture.

Burning Twirama laughs "Not so fireproof on the inside, are you?!"

Big Band suddenly had bagpipes parts on him as he played a bit, as if he was doing a taunt before the parts withdrew back into him.

“All charged up!” Big Band said before jumped into the air above Black Dahlia. “Tympani…” Big Band started as he pulls out several timpani and mallets. “Drive!” Big Band finished as he banged on the timpani with the mallets, causing multiple sound blasts to shoot out of the bottom of each timpani, hitting and juggling Black Dahlia as they flew higher. “You’re in trouble now!” Big Band quipped as he withdrew the mallets and timpani before grabbing Black Dahlia’s head and trapped her in a giant bell. “Death Toll!” Big Band shouted as he brought out two bigger mallets before he used them to violently ring the bell, shattering it and launching Black Dahlia upward.

“Know what this is?” Tyson said with a smirk and holding a detonator before he pressed the button as an explosion went off and hit Dahlia as she was about to hit the ground before she found herself on a giant explosive and surrounded by fire as Tyson watched from a distance. “Have a good time with Incredible.” Tyson quipped as he swung his square sword down on a giant detonator button, setting the bomb he called “Incredible” off with a huge explosion, sending Dahlia flying towards Peacock before she grabbed the assassin and shoved her into a burlap sack.

Peacock spoke "Andy! Tommy!"

Andy and Tommy spoke "*Showing up* Right boss!"

The three then started stomping down on Black Dahlia before a small walking bomb joined in with a baseball bat. Tommy and Andy jumped, backing off as Peacock turned around and started walking away while smokin’ a lit cigar before she smirked and threw it away at the bomb’s lit fuse, causing it to blow up the sack and Dahlia in a great explosion.

Peacock spoke "Goodfellas."

Dahlia was sent flying with her legs blown to pieces before she was on the ground in fury.

The Alicorn Alliance soon has Lorenzo and Dahlia surrounded.

Zelestia spoke "Black Dahlia, you and Lorenzo are both under arrest for attempted murder of royalty as well as the murder of one Cloudrunner. Zwilight and Zadence, take them away!"

The two alicorn cops restrain Lorenzo and Dahlia with magic.

Twirama snarls "Any last words?"

Black Dahlia simply smirked as her back opened up, revealing a button before her tail pressed it, and all of us heard beeping. “Sayonara.”

OC-verse Danyelle shouts "CHAOS BARRIER!!!"

A barrier traps Dahlia, preventing her from killing everyone in sight.

The countdown was only a few seconds as she self-destructed inside the barrier, before we saw that Lorenzo was gone!

Twirama was also gone but the alliance and I soon saw her coming back with Lorenzo's dead body in her jaws.

Twirama spoke "Coward tried to run away."

Honeystar spoke "Friends! Allies! We have won this war!"

Honeystar lets out a yowl as the others let out various noises.

Twirama roars loud.

But Faunia however held her head in pain.

Crosswind asks "Ya doin' okay Faunia?"

Faunia gasps "M-My head!"

Samson asks "Wait a minute… Kid, are your memories-"

Faunia spoke "GAAAAAHHH!!!"

OC-verse Danyelle used Chaos Heal to ease off Faunia's headache.

Faunia spoke "Samson… Thanks for saving me…"

Samson asks "What the?! How do you know about that, kid?!"

Faunia spoke "It was the last thing I remembered before you bonded with my mane and tail, even though you sealed away my memories doing that."

Twirama spoke "What matters is that the mafia can't threaten us ever again!"

Faunia spoke "Actually, we did put an end to my grandfather’s empire."

Danyelle spoke "If it wasn't for my counterpart and Twilight's counterpart, many of us would not have survived. We owe it to them for aiding us in a dire time."

…Wait, what?

“Grandfather?!” Most of us asked in shock.

Faunia spoke "My full name is Faunia Mane Medici. But knowing that, I hope I’m still your friend."

Twirama spoke "Even though I was the one that offed your grandfather, I hope you don't take any form of revenge against me."

Faunia spoke "Don’t worry about that. My parents and I cut off our ties with the Mafia since we didn’t want any part of what they were doing."

Danyelle spoke "That may be so but Vitalneigh is still out there."

Twirama shot a large fireball at a tree, forcing Vitalneigh out of hiding.

Faunia spoke "Uncle."

The rest of the Alliance glare at Vitalneigh.

Vitalneigh scoffs "You… How are you still alive after Ottomo drilled your head with bullets?"

Samson spoke "*As Faunia turned around and Samson revealing himself* You can thank me for that, punk."

Vitalneigh spoke "You’re that parasite that was on that mutt. So you moved from the dog onto her to save her from death’s door. Quite a plan, I must admit."

Samson spoke "Tch. I still have a score to settle with you for ordering that puny salamander in a big robo-armor to shoot Dog, my last host, dead."

Twirama and all of the Changelings and Abyssinians growl at Vitalneigh.

Faunia’s horn glowed as she made a memory screen.

There was thinking as a dog as black as Faunia’s man and tail growled.

A mare asks Mars? Who do you think-

Mars spoke "Just keep packing, Emarelia, I’ve got this."

Past Vitalneigh asks "Mars?! You’re alive! We got hit HARD tonight, and you’re the only one that- …packing for a vacation, Mars Shield?"

Mars spoke "It’s… a long story."

Past Vitalneigh spoke "Is it? The Skullmare hit every Medici in Maplecrest, but somehow my brother, who cut ties with his family over a trivial matter, is spared? The moment you walked away, I should have seen this coming. Hiding away, keeping your hands clean, hiding your time until…"

Emarelia spoke "Vitalneigh, p-please we can explain, just… c-calm down…"

Past Vitalneigh spoke Calm down? CALM DOWN?! Sure. Let’s do this nice and calmly. Ottomo, go find Faunia. I’ll handle these two."

Ottomo spoke "Pip pip!"

Mars spoke "You can’t be… No.. NO. FAUNIA! GET OUT N-"

We heard two gunshots.

Past Faunia: DAD? DAD?!!

Past Faunia showed up, with blonde and slightly wavy mane and tail before we saw Mars and Emarelia, shot dead from Vitalneigh’s weapon.

Past Faunia cries *Sobs* Why?! Why are you doing this?!!"

Past Vitalneigh spoke "The Skullmare kills all of our family members in Maplecrest, but spares yours? YOURS?! The only ones who turned their backs on the family?! Traitors. You can finish her off now, Ottomo."

Ottomo spoke "Jolly good!"

Past Faunia spoke "No! SAMSON!!!"

*WHA-BAM!* Ottomo fired from his mechanical fingers and shot Faunia through the head.

Past Samson spoke "Faunia!! You’ll pay for this you lanky freak!"

The dog growled in agreement before the screen went static.

Past Vitalneigh asks "A talking dog? How pedestrian. Ottomo?"

Ottomo spoke "Righty-o!"

*WHAAA-BAM!* We heard gunshots and splattering.

Past Vitalneigh spoke "Should anyone care to investigate, they’ll think it’s another Skullmare attack. Let’s go, Ottomo. My father is waiting for our report."

Ottomo: Capital idea, sir! Off we go."

We then heard the two leave.

Past Samson spoke "Ngggghhh, that thing punches like a… baby… that goes to the gym seven times a week. C’mon Dog, we should bounce in case that baby wants a rematch. …Dog? DOG?!! No, that’s… No. NonononononononoNONONO! I’m—I’m sorry, buddy. I never meant… I should’ve protected you… Aw, hell…"

Past Faunia groans "Ughh…"

Past Samson spoke "Kid?! Kid, you’re alive?!! Barely breathin’… Sorry, kid, you’re gonna have to forgive me for what I’m about to do…"

The static faded before we saw the Faunia and Samson we see now.

Past Samson spoke "Okay… *Huff*… I think we’re safe… *Wheeze* Should be healin’ quicker now… Sorry again about how this shook out, kiddo. Just couldn’t leave you there. Not after everything I’ve been through with your… OUR family. Couldn’t lose it all like I lost-"

Past Faunia groans "Nnnnggghhhh…"

Past Samson spoke "You’re awake! Take it easy, kid. You got banged up pretty good."

Past Faunia asks "Wh-Who said that? Who’s talking? Where am I? Who… Who am I?"

Past Samson spoke "Hoo boy. Samson ol’ buddy, what’ve you gotten yourself into this time…"

The screen then faded, as most of us were shocked at what happened.

Twilight drapes a wing over Faunia's back.

Flash spoke "I'm also an orphan too so I know what it's like to be alone. If it weren't for my brother in-law, I wouldn't have met Twilight."

Twilight giggles "True there."

But then a black blur ran past us before grabbing Vitalneigh by the neck, revealed to be Shizu wielding Vice-Versa.

Rimuru gasps "Shizu, what in Faust's name are you doing?"

Faunia and Samson pulled Rimuru back.

Samson spoke "C’mon, Rimuru. You know what she’s doing. That punk killed adoptive relatives of hers and never told her anything about them."

The Sakurai sisters and the Hikari trio were growling at Vitalneigh.

Danyelle yowls "MURDERER!!!"

The five cats attack Vitalneigh, restraining him.

I covered Apple Bloom’s eyes since I knew it could get messy.

The other adults had covered the eyes of the children since they knew the same thing I did.

Vice-Versa cracked his knuckles.

Danyelle growls "This is the END of the Medici Mafia's terror!"

Vincent growls "The Alicorn Alliance will never let your empire win!"

Roll growls "For the sake of alicorns everywhere, it's over for you Vitalneigh!"

Shizu spoke "Back off. I’ll finish him."

Vincent spoke "The five of us cats are only holding him still so that he doesn't escape."

Shizu asks "Really now?"

Danyelle broke Vitalneigh's legs, stopping him from running away.

Danyelle spoke "I'm not like other Abyssinians though, I'm as strong as a dragon."

Shizu spoke "Then here we… *Vice Verse grabs Vitalneigh* go!"

Shizu then held Vice-Versa to mercilessly smash them into the ground until she spins her living weapon with Vitalneigh in his grasp.

Shizu spoke "Get ready for the Ultimate… *Tosses Vice-Versa, who was still holding Vitalneigh, skyward before she did a handstand while balancing a giant sword on one of her feet* Showstopper!"

Vice-Versa and Vitalneigh fell before the living weapon forcefully impaled him into the sword.

Spottedleaf spoke "His soul will not be going to StarClan anyway... Not after all the crap he's done."

Leafstar spoke "At least it's all over now..."

A voice spoke "I do suggest we help rebuild New Mareidian."

We turned around to see Squigly and Leviathan, alive and well.

Twilight spoke "A lot of spellfire was used too."

Danyelle spoke "We should check for casualties too."

Faunia spoke "Gah!"

Honeystar asks "Oh what now?"

Faunia started gaining dragon scales as her alicorn wings turned into dragon wings.

Twilight asks "Faunia?"

Faunia spoke "Must’ve been from my family."

Danyelle spoke "You almost look like a kirin."

Lightning Edge spoke "Yeah, but us Kirin are Chineighse."

Danyelle spoke "I guess Equestrian kirin look different."

Faunia asks "Do I look more of a dracony?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "One of my adopted children is a dracony though."

A gryphon-kirin hybrid male walks past Faunia, winking at her.

Samson asks "Huh? What’s that guy’s deal?"

Faunia however, didn’t respond. Heh, and I think I know why.

Honeystar snickers "Seems like somekirin's in love!"

Faunia asks "H-Huh?"

Samson scoffs "Tch. You’re jokin’, right?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Chakats don't lie."

the hybrid spoke "Hi."

Faunia stammers "Oh! Um… H-Hello?"

the hybrid spoke "Huh, you looked slimmer in the memory screen."

Faunia spoke "You can thank Samson’s eating habits for making me a little overweight."

The hybrid spoke "I'm Swift Fire."

Faunia spoke "Faunia Mane."

Now that Faunia mentioned it, her barrel did look a lil’ more pudgy than she was in that memory.

From Faunia's perspective, it was clear that Swift was rather fluffy for a half kirin.

But then Squigly suddenly became a hippogriff alicorn.

Leviathan spoke "Goodness! I must admit, milady, this is surprising."

Squigly spoke "Oh dear… I think I can agree with that, Leviathan."

Twirama spoke "Uh, genetics don't work that way..."

Vera showed up. “Hey, life is just full of unexpected surprises.”

Twirama spoke "True there and besides, Korra was a male in her past life."

Leviathan asks "Korra? Why does that name sound both familiar and unfamiliar at once?"

A warp ring opens up before a Mobian arctic fox with alicorn wings steps out.

Korra spoke "That would be me."

Water was flabbergasted since she was looking at her counterpart.

Water spoke "You sound like me..."

Korra spoke "Well, I’m you from another universe. But if it’s not me, maybe it’s Aang."

Leviathan asks "Aang? Why does that sound like Wind Arrow?"

Twirama cuffs Korra on the head.

Twirama spoke "But I thought you said that Aang died before you were born."

Twilight spoke "That's what happened with Wind Arrow too!"

Vera spoke "Whoa! Let’s not overthink this. It’s not that hard to explain."

Both Twilight and Twirama spoke "That's quite an easy one, reincarnation was involved."

Danyelle spoke "With the mafia destroyed, LET'S PARTY!!!!"

Pinkie popped up. “YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!”

OC-verse Danyelle exclaims "Ya, ya, ya, ya, yo! Everybody put their talons, hands or hooves together and clap 'em as loud as you can. Flap 'em, clap 'em. I don't care, slap 'em! *squawking*"

Twilight laughs "Party in Equestria baby!"

The party was soon underway and everyone was having fun!


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