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Yuki's Wedding

*Haru's POV*


A week had passed since Tigerclaw had been killed by Danyelle's claws and peace was secured.

I was busy helping my sister get ready for her wedding since Prince Lune had proposed to her.

Yuki asks "Is it always this nerve-wracking?"

I spoke "Calm down sis, it's going to be okay."

Yuki asks "A-Are you sure? What if a sudden attack happened?"

I spoke "Tigerclaw was killed by Danyelle remember? She tore his throat out with her claws. Plus Chrysalis is reformed too. It's not likely there'll be any major threats for a good while."

Yuki spoke "I-I know. But… Ooh… I’m so nervous!"

I spoke "Marriage is a big step for anycreature."

Yuki asks "R-Really?"

I spoke "Yeah but Prince Lune's a good tom though, I can't say the same about his dad though..."

Yuki spoke "Please don’t mention him."

I sigh "Who's mousebrained idea was it to have that cat in charge?"

Hiromi spoke "Given that this is a royal wedding, Shining Armor had to increase security in case any unwanted Changelings got in."

I spoke "Good idea Hiromi, we really don't want a repeat of the last royal wedding."

But little did I know, a different Changeling Queen was planning to attack.

We heard a crash as we saw an injured untransformed male changeling with a horn similar to a rhinoceros beetle.

My fur bristles up.

Roll asks "What the?"

The injured Changeling spoke "*Coughs out blood* Please… help me…"

Hiromi spoke "MEDIC!!!"

Spottedleaf skids to a stop with her tail covered in cobwebs and a first aid kit in hand.

Spottedleaf immediately got to work on patching the stallion up.

Yuki spoke "I hope he’s okay."

Spottedleaf spoke "StarClan willing, he'll pull through."

We sighed in relief.

I spoke "We... no, MeadowClan is lucky to have a trio of talented healers."

Spottedleaf spoke "*Shy blush* Oh please, stop. I’m just doing my job."

Featherwhisker had stuffed several deathberries down Stardust's throat, killing the stallion.

I spoke "And something tells me that Orchid Jewel won't have to deal with her ex-husband anymore."

“He morbid much?” I asked.

Yellowfang spoke "Ah had to use those berries to kill Brokenstar though... But he was a threat..."

I spoke "This is why we should keep poisonous things like that away from the children though."

The Changeling stallion started coughing.

Spottedleaf spoke "Easy does it sir."

The stallion asks "Who... Who are you?"

Spottedleaf spoke "My name is Spottedleaf Sparkle. The orange tabby is Hiromi, the brown and white is Haru, the all white is Yuki and the dark gray is Yellowfang."

The stallion spoke "Ugh… My name is Beetley."

I spoke "You should rest, you're hurt pretty badly."

Beetley asks "Where is she?"

Hiromi asks "Where is who?"

Beetley spoke "She’s from a rival hive of mine. She’s shy, but she’s just really kind."

I spoke "You picked a bad time to show up, today is my sister's wedding day."

Beetley spoke "I wasn’t sent here by choice."

I ask "What happened?"

Beetley spoke "My memory’s a bit foggy from the impact."

Spottedleaf spoke "Sounds like self inflicted amnesia..."

Beetley asks "What? Why would I do that?"

Spottedleaf spoke "It might have been an accident though plus I don't know any memory recall spells yet."

Beetley spoke "Still, I’ll try to help as best as I can."

I spoke "But you're badly hurt though."

Yuki asks "Where did you fall or get launched from anyway?"

Spottedleaf spoke "Regardless, we should warn Celestia."

“Right.” I agreed.

Beetley spoke "Wait, I do remember falling from where, but you might find that hard to believe."

Spottedleaf spoke "We've seen worse."

Beetley pointed towards the sky.

I spoke "Maybe it had been a warp ring..."

Beetley spoke "I didn’t see anything that looked like a ring. But I did see some kind of stalk while I was falling."

A blue and white pterolycus female crashed head first into a wall.

Yuki asks "What the?"

The pterolycus barks at Beetley.

Beetley asks "Gah! W-What’s going on?!"

I spoke "She's trying to warn you about something."

The pterolycus pulls Beetley outside as the five cats followed.

The Pterolycus barks while pointing a paw up at the barrier.

The barrier was somehow undamaged.

Spottedleaf asks "Wait a minute, the barrier let Beetley through?"

I spoke "My guess would be that he has no ill intention towards Yuki and Prince Lune."

Beetley spoke "They did say I was different than the others. I'm still surprised that the Lower World has so much to explore."

The pterolycus barks in confusion before she started growling.

A faint crack was seen on the barrier.

Untransformed changelings wielding weapons were attacking the barrier.

Spottedleaf spoke via telepathy. "{Chrysalis! Mandible! We got a rogue queen on the offensive!}"

Chrysalis spoke "{Hold on! I don’t sense any royal changelings in the attack!}"

Twilight spoke "{My guess would be that she's hiding somewhere in Canterlot, disguised as someone.}"

Mandible spoke "{I’m not sure, I’m not sensing any disguised changelings.}"

Twilight spoke "Of all the times, we need help from OC-verse Danyelle. Her eyes are very keen."

Spottedleaf asks "But what is she even after?"

Chrysalis spoke "We need to drive the enemy away!"

Spottedleaf spoke "I barely have the Abyssinian Guard assembled though! And the Pony Guard is half formed."

Twilight spoke "Regardless, we have the Roar! It can't be imitated."

Spottedleaf spoke "You might be onto something Sparkles!"

Twilight asks "I’m sorry, what?"

Mandible spoke "We could use the Roar to drive off the hostile Changelings."

Spottedleaf spoke "I have a bad feeling that our enemy has her sights on Lune."

Chrysalis spoke "I don’t think so. They may be after someone who’s the most heroic and powerful here."

Twilight spoke "Heroic would likely be Danyelle, powerful would likely be Celestia though."

Mandible spoke "It could be either one though."

Spottedleaf spoke "Or it could be... OC-verse Danyelle! She's the strongest and most heroic in her world!"

Chrysalis asks "And how exactly would they know about it?"

Spottedleaf spoke "My guess would be that Scrambled Egg is in cahoots with someone over there."

Azure spoke "I dunno. I don’t see any of his mechs."

Twilight spoke "I don't think Egg know how to build mechs."

Azure spoke "I wouldn’t say that. I’ve underestimated him before."

Spottedleaf spoke "We should get rid of him."

Azure spoke "Still, I don’t think that egghead’s involved with this."

Twilight spoke "We can't be too careful though."

Berkan and Gizem showed up.

Berkan asks "What gives? What’s going on?"

Yuki spoke "Hostile Changelings... On MY wedding day no less!"

Ghost appeared next to Gizem. “It seems these enemy changelings certainly lack manners.”

Twilight spoke "Chrysalis was the same way but she changed for the better."

Spottedleaf felt an odd breeze in her fur.

Spottedleaf asks "Did any of you feel that?"

Berkan asks "Wait a minute… Is that…?"

Gizem spoke "So he’s here."

We then heard screams before we saw enemy changelings flying away in terror.

Spottedleaf flew up into the sky before letting loose the Roar on the Changelings, sending them flying far away.

The male spoke "Heh. Not bad. I bet you can scare even the dead with that."

The image of a roaring lion head was soon seen on Spottedleaf's left shoulder.

Spottedleaf spoke "I didn't have this sort of power when I was younger."

Spottedleaf looked down and saw a male Doberman diamond dog with the same color of fur as Berkan’s while the hairstyle on his head was also spiky, but also was slimmed back a bit. His left arm was russet with yellow kanji on the outer side as his right arm wielded a katana with purple kanji on both sides of the blade and there was an extremely dark furry piece of armor on his forehead with orange scales on the lower sides of it while there were red eye-like pieces on it as well. “Hope Berkan and Gizem weren’t causing trouble.”

Twilight spoke "Gizem's got a marefriend now, she's a kirin named Flaring Blade."

The male spoke "Heh. I’m glad Gizem broke out of his shell."

Twilight spoke "It was Danyelle who found the two locked up, she set them free."

The male asks "Really? Gotta thank her for that. But where is she?"

A lightningboom streaks across the sky as Danyelle punched any hostile Changeling that dared attack her in the face.

Twilight spoke "That was her."

*After the hostile Changelings were driven off*

Yuki was wearing a beautiful pullover dress that Rarity had made for her.

Yuki spoke "It's now or never."

The diamond dog from earlier was waiting outside the building.

Twilight howls loud, calling Berkan and Gizem over to where she was.

Berkan asks "Yeah?"

Twilight pointed over at the Doberman colored Diamond Dog male.

Berkan gasps "Whoa! He’s here?"

Gizem asks "Sanka?"

Twilight spoke "MeadowClan's got a mixed batch of interesting folks. Ponies, Changelings, chakats, friendly Diamond Dogs, dragons, one or two kirins, a few ponykat children, one minotaur, an Ornithian, a good handful of Abyssinians and a few gryphons. As well as a few kitsuneponies. Oh and five Draconequi."

Sanka chuckles "Heh. Quite a bunch of adventurers, aren’t ya?"

Twilight spoke "The idea was Spottedleaf's though. From what Firestar told me, Spottedleaf was once a ThunderClan medicine cat."

Sanka asks "Really now?"

Twilight spoke "In fact, it was Danyelle that had destroyed an evil tabby."

Sanka chuckles "Heh. Not bad."

Lan spoke "That's my Nee-chan for you, loyal to the end."

Sanka spoke "Twilight, here’s something to remember. My brothers and I aren’t the only special adventurers out there. And I know some of them are with us too."

Strawberry was chewing on Twilight's tail.

Twilight spoke "This little troublemaker is one of my three daughters, her name is Strawberry Bell."

*After the wedding was over*

Yuki was preparing to throw the bouquet.

Yuki threw it high into the air, before it landed in Danyelle’s hands.

But Roll had grabbed it in her mouth just before the bouquet landed in Danyelle's hands.


Author's Note:

End of Season 2

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