• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,061 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Part 7: This One's Too Young Part 2

Part 7

“Lift your hoof, please.”

“And hold your head high.”

“Tail up higher too.”

“Why’s everyone looking at me?”

This One’s too Young Part II

“For helping defeat the spirit of King Sombra, for helping to save a foal from the corruptions of dark magic, and for risking her life in the name of love and friendship, we award Escargot our highest honor. A statue will be built in her likeness, to be placed beside Princess Amore’s.”

“But I didn’t do anything.” Escargot protested, “I don’t deserve-”

“You braved the mists and darkness! You came looking for us, even though you knew there might be danger. You could have fled, you could have hidden. Even if your intent was just to find me, to be safe, you still showed courage.” Twilight said.

“But I froze, that’s all.”

“I’ve frozen too, at times. Fluttershy’s frozen up more times than I can count. In the end though, she’s still shone through, and that’s just what you did- you shone through the darkness and lit the heart.”

Princess Cadence smiled down at the little filly, “Don’t worry, it won’t take too long. You just have to pose long enough for the artists to get the basic shape and pose.”

As he walked, Escargot shook his front leg a bit, “Twilight? How long does this crystal appearance last?”

“Oh don’t worry, it should wear off in a day or so. You were pretty close to the Crystal Heart when it went off.” Twilight paused, then added, “Besides, you look cute like that.”

Escargot shook out a hind leg anxiously. Being a filly was bad enough, (what with all the attention she got,) but this was downright humiliating. What kind of colt am I if I’m all glittery and sparkly like this.

“Here we are.” Cadence stopped outside a small craftspony shop. “This is one of our best sculptors.”

Opal Bloom squealed and hugged Escargot in excitement. “Oh my gosh, you were so brave! I told everyone what you did! Running into the mist like that- I’d never have been able to do that.”

“Oh, I see you’ve met Opal. Her mother is the mare who will be carving your sculpture.” Cadence smiled.

Opal blinked at Cadence, before quickly ducking her head in a bow. “Princesses, I’m sorry.” Then she turned back to Escargot “You’re so lucky Escargot, my mom only sculpts the most elite of mares. It’s a good thing you’re not a stallion, she doesn’t carve those.”

“Yeah- lucky...” Escargot mumbled and lowered his head.

“Come on, I’ll show you my room while the grownups talk!” Opal said, dragging Escargot through the front door and up a flight of stairs.

Opal’s room wasn’t big- it was actually slightly smaller than Snails’s room at home, but every inch of it was plastered with posters. She had pictures of Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and High Winds of the Wonderbolts. She had pictures of Fleur Dis Lee and Fluttershy, the fashion models of Equestria. She even had some pictures of Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

“Only mares?”

“Of course! Colts are lame cowards, every mare knows that. Ever wonder why there are no stallion Alicorns? Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Princess Celestia, Princess Twilight, Princess Amore, and such. It’s cuz only we mares have the magic to be leaders. Stallions that try to gain that kind of magic become corrupt- just look at Sombra.” She nodded as if to confirm it.

“I know some stallions that are great, like Big Mac. Sweet Apple Acres couldn’t survive without him.” Escargot said.

“Yeah, but I bet the farm is run by mares. I’d NEVER be friends with a stallion, let alone let a colt in my room.”

“We’re ready!” Twilight called out.

Escargot hurried downstairs, Opal was actually starting to scare him.

Opal’s mom looked at Escargot and just beamed with excitement. “Oh Celestia, it’s true, she is such a beautiful little princess. Come now, stand here.”

“Twilight? Why does everypony keep calling me a princess? I thought it was only for a day, and even then only for Ponyville.” Escargot looked to Twilight for answers.

“They think you’re a very special pony.” Twilight said warmly, “And I couldn’t agree more. There’s something magical about you.”

“But there isn’t- I’m just-”

“Lift your hoof, please.” The sculptor smiled. “And hold your head high- you shouldn’t slouch.”

Lifting her head and curling her foreleg a bit, Escargot posed, glancing towards Twilight. “I’m just a normal pony.”

“Tail up higher too. I want to capture all its length and beauty, so it’s best if it’s not on the ground.”

Sighing wistfully, Escargot struck the pose of regal elegance and royal beauty that the sculptor wanted. At least she wasn’t demanding that Escargot wear a-

“Shouldn’t she be in a gown?” Twilight asked

“Gee, thanks.”

“Oh no, dear, she looks much better in her crystal form alone! She will be the heartthrob of every young colt in the Empire!”

Can I have a do-over? Can I let Sombra win this time? 1000 years of slavery and torture must be better than this.

Tilting her head, Princess Cadence looked to Twilight. “Twilight? Does Escargot have a personal assistant yet?”

“An assistant?”

“A what?!?” Escargot jumped in alarm.

“Well, you have Spike helping you, and Celestia has Kibitz.” Cadance paused, “ I was just thinking- I know the perfect assistant for her!”

“But I have nowhere for an assistant to stay!” Escargot was starting to panic. This wasn’t good in the slightest.

“Oh, nonsense. There’s always room at the castle. ” Twilight smiled warmly. “And it might be good to have someone or somepony to help you with your studies.”


“Oh nonsense, you haven’t even met her yet.”

Her? Well at least it’s not a him that somepony wants me to be engaged to. Looking up Escargot sighed. “Yes Ma’am. Why’s everyone looking at me?”

“Because you’ve earned respect, and with that, attention.”

“Ok, you’re free to go, I have all the sketches and pictures I need.” The artist said, retreating to her workshop to finish.

All across town the Crystal Ponies were excited. They watched Escargot and Princess Cadence, some beginning to follow. It was just so special. Shining Armor had gone off with Flash Sentry on a special mission, so this was a royal girl’s day.

The Crystal Hearts Orphanage was a beautiful structure: It was a spire with a large grass playground. Foals played outside, kicking a ball, under the watchful gaze of the orphanage staff. There were never many foals there, but sadly, the building was never empty either. Accidents did happen.

If my parents found out, I’d be lucky to live in a place like this. I’d probably end up living in a box on the street. Well, until the town guard locked me up in a cage then left me in the Everfree. He would be stranded and alone until they sent him to Tartar Sauce… Or was that Tartarus? That prison would be a holding cell until Celestia could get all the elements to banish me to the moon forever.

Sitting down, Escargot started whimpering, tears in his eyes. He was too young to be banished to the moon.

Looking at the foals, he shook her head and looked at Twilight mournfully. “Princess Twilight, is there something we can do for them? Maybe we could do a bake sale back home to raise money, then buy apples and goods from Sweet Apple Acres and send them here?”

Several of the ponies sighed and awed at the princess’s heartfelt suggestion. The orphans’ plight had moved her to tears. Murmurs and rumor spread at the speed of magic.

“Oh Escargot, that’s such a sweet thought. I think you should do it.” Princess Twilight commended her student proudly.

Leading the group inside, Cadence stopped at a small room. Inside, a small griffin cub leaned against the windowsill, looking up at the sky. She was tiny- just a cub (or kitten, or chick, or whatever a young griffin is called.)

“Her as a personal assistant?” Twilight said, surprised, “But, this one’s too young.”

“She’s smart, eagle eyed, and a quick learner. She came to our kingdom in a blizzard- the griffiness with her asked for us to keep her safe. Her name’s Giselle, or Gisa for short.” Princess Cadence smiled.