• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,063 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Snails 1/2 OVA SPECIAL: Not a Nightmare's Night

Snails 1/2 OVA SPECIAL

Not A Nightmare's Night

“All right, class, listen up!” Cheerilee called out as the foals looked back at her. “I know that it’s Nightmare Night, but I still have homework for you all to do. We still have several ponies who haven’t done their projects or presentations yet. This means you, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Snails.”

Silver Spoon and Snails both sighed. Diamond Tiara already planned on having her butler do her project, so all was good there.

“You have had weeks to work on this, so I expect your history presentations to be good.” Cheerilee finished.

Snails let his head hit the desk. Not only did he not want to do his project, he had forgotten about it completely. Between school, Rarity’s, and Twilight’s teachings, he was running a little ragged.

As the bell rang, the foals all charged out. Snails was the last out of the class, carrying his saddlebag and sighing. He heard the other foals calling out, “Nightmare Night, what a fright!”

Decorations were already going up for the celebration, which was supposed to be the biggest ever. Snails shook his head vigorously. He needed to think of a topic for history. What though? The founding of Ponyville was covered by Apple Bloom, the founding of Canterlot was taken by Sweetie Belle, and Wonderbolt history was done by Scootaloo.

“Look out!” Was about all Snails heard before the water hit him… followed by the apples… and lastly the bucket. Lying flat on the ground, Escargot saw muffins spinning around his head. Though looking at his pink foreleg, he wished the bucket had hit him first.

“Oh sorry Escargot, I didn’t see you there. My bad!” Derpy said, running over picking the bobbing for apples bucket up again. “I guess I shouldn't have put the water in before I got to the set up area.”

Rubbing the back of his neck, Escargot sat up and whimpered. “It’s ok, Muffins, I was just gonna take a shower anyway.” Wobbling a bit, Escargot shook his head and blinked to try to clear the dancing muffins in front of his eyes.

“Well if you’re sure you’re all right.” Derpy picked up the bucket and headed for the town center.

Shaking his head a few more times, Escargot sighed and looked up at the signs and decorations. “What historical event can I cover?”

A group of foals ran towards Rarity’s, laughing, to get their costumes. “Nightmare Night, what a fright, give us something sweet to bite!”

Looking over at them, Escargot shivered. He hadn’t even thought of what costume he was going to wear tonight… he’d probably work on something last minute with Snips. Looking up at the signs and banners he sighed. “Think, think… there has to be something historical you can write about.”

Then it hit him. It smacked him square in the face, actually, with his horn punching a hole through it. Honestly, he should probably have chosen a better place to sit, but this was how things worked sometimes. Pulling the paper off his horn, he looked at the Nightmare Night logo. “How did Nightmare Night start? That could be my project!”

Getting up, Escargot ran for the castle, thinking that the library in there should have the books he needed. With a little help from the princess, he could find out what he needed and have the assignment done in no time. Then off to get candies!

Slowing up at the door, he saw Spike wearing a pony costume. It was done up in his colors, and even had a cutie mark of a shield and lance with a curled dragon flame. Escargot just couldn’t help but smile about it. Obviously he was trying to impress somepony.

“Hello, princess.” Spike said dropping to all fours.

“Oh Spike, you know that was only a one day thing.”

“Well… technically it would probably last till the next Zap Apple harvest!” He said with a chuckle.

“Well, you don’t need to call me a princess.” Escargot said, slipping inside.

Spike picked up his bucket in his mouth and looked at Escargot, “I know, but someponies just need to be reminded that they are special every once in a while.” Turning Spike bounded off towards the Carousel Boutique.

Gisa charged up wearing a lion mane over her head and lion mask attached to her beak. Adding to the look were pair of lion paw socks that covered her talons and forelegs. Finally, her wings were held tight against her side with a piece of fake fur over it to hide them. Skidding to a stop in front of Escargot she looked up. “Roar!”

“Oh Celestia! Gisa, you look adorable!” Escargot said, sitting down and hugging the little grifflet.

“I’m a big bad lion, here to protect you from Nightmare Moon.” Gisa said and curled one of her fake fur paws making playful swipes at the air as her feline tail swayed side to side.

“Oh Gisa, I’d love to go with you but something's come up and I need to find some books first. Snails has a project due tomorrow.” Escargot said sadly.

Gisa growled, “Can I just claw him a few times, please? He's always getting in the way and ruining our fun.”

“No Gisa. This won’t take too long I don’t think. I’ll meet you at the square as soon as I’m done.” Escargot said, hugging Gisa again before letting her go.

“Good, I’d hate to think you’d miss out on candy because of… him…” Gisa said with a huff and bounded out.

“Princess Twilight? Princess Twilight! I need your help!”

Trotting out of a room at the end of the hall, Twilight Sparkle was wearing what looked like some kind of dress uniform jacket like the Wonderbolts wear sometimes. It was dark green, complete with epaulets with one gold bar on each and patches with overlapping patterns of five brooms that formed five pointed stars on each shoulder. She wore a pair of shorts that covered her cutie mark, and finally a pair of long socks on each hind leg. The socks were white, with some kind of fins pointing down at each thigh and propellers just above her fetlocks that rotated around her cannons.

“Hi Escargot! Is there a problem?” Twilight asked cheerfully.

Escargot sat down, “Sort of, I promised to help Snails with a school project but I’ve been so busy, and the projects due tomorrow. It should be quick, but I need to know… do you have any books that cover the history of Nightmare Night? Stuff about it before Luna had her problem?”

“Escargot, you know what I say about procrastinating.” Twilight said, turning and trotting for the library.

Escargot looked to the side and sighed, “That it will end up with me doing Fundamentals?”

“Exactly, that it will… No… That you shouldn’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” Twilight said shaking her head. Looking across at the library books, Twilight smiled bright and brought down three. “I just got these in from Canterlot; they should have everything you need. But hurry! You don’t want to miss out on the candy, do you, Escargot?”

Twilight picked up a toy sword and put on her eye patch to finish her costume as she headed out the door.

“No way, Princess.” Escargot said with a giggle as he lay down, his horn lighting to open the first book.

“Well I need to meet up with the girls at Applejack’s maze. Don’t be too long.”

Escargot blinked as he read, then opened a second book and finally the third. He didn’t need to read the whole books, just parts, but they were enough. Blinking, he stood up and looked around before pulling down another book and sitting down to read it.

Slowly, he shook his head. “It’s… wrong…”

Getting up, Escargot ran out. The sun hadn’t started to set yet, so he still had time left… lots of time … but he needed help. He turned and galloped towards the boutique, figuring he could find at least a few of his friends getting their costumes there.

Noi was walking down the street with Golden Harvest, heading towards the Carousel Boutique, when Escargot cut her off. Noi laughed and shifted to a zombie shuffle. “I’m getting my zombie costume. Graaainnnsss…. Crave graaainssss.” she said, smiling bright.

“Noi, it’s a bit of an emergency. Can you come with me to the castle?” Escargot asked.

“Aww but…” Noi started, then sighed. “For you, yeah. Sis, drop my costume at home. I’ll get it from there after.” Noi nodded once and turned, running with Escargot.

Dinky was trotting back dressed as a little mailmare, complete with her own mail bag for candies. Her costume included a pair of pegasus wings, a mailmare shirt she had sewn to look as official as she could, and a mail cap that she had used the brim of to hide her horn. Seeing the two other fillies running nearby, she jumped out. “Equestrian mail service! We fly so you don’t have to!”

Skidding to a halt, the two foals looked at each other, then at Dinky. Escargot couldn’t resist and hugged Dinky tight, “That’s so special a costume, it’s great.”

“Thanks! I worked on it all week, where’s yours?” Dinky asked, looking at the two.

Noi nodded, “Golden Harvest is picking up mine. I’ll get it at home after. Escargot needs our help right now, though.”

Escargot didn’t answer. He hadn’t even been planning on going out as Escargot until seeing Gisa. He was just planning on going out as Snails with Snips.

Turning, they ran for the Crusader Club House. It’s still wasn’t dark yet, so the Crusaders were likely still there getting their costumes ready. The girls charged across the bridge and up the ramp before banging on the door, panting hard.

“Sweetie Belle? Apple Bloom?” Noi called out as Escargot caught his breath. Darn, earth ponies could run forever before their batteries went dead.

Opening the door, Scootaloo stuck her head out in a pirate costume. “Yarr!”

Giggling, Escargot smiled, “Oh, you’re going as a fast food salespony!”

“No, silly.” Throwing open the door, all 3 stood in their pirate costumes. “Cutie Mark Crusader Pirates of the Ponyville River!”

Apple Bloom leaned forward, “Watch out or we’ll steal your hay!”

“Girls, I need your help. Can you come back to the castle with me? I don’t think it will take too long, I just need to show you something and ask your advice.” Escargot said.

Looking at each other, all the girls nodded and followed Escargot back to Twilight’s castle. “I can’t explain here, I need to show you all. It’s just… I don’t know what I should do.”

Leading them back into the library, Escargot sat down. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the different books and tried to figure out where to start. Pulling out the ancient history text on early ponies, he spun the book for the girls to see.

“Long, long ago, before ponies lived in towns like today, they kept in tight groups. One of the rituals kept was that while some ponies slept, others would stay awake. They would guard the night and watch out for threats to their family and friends, then trade places, and others would watch over them as they slept.” Escargot turned the page, “It was almost instinctual. Ponies had trouble sleeping if they thought no other pony was guarding the night to keep them safe.”

Taking a breath Escargot looked at the girls, “When Princess Luna became the Princess of The Night, she stood guard and took on the burden of watching over the ponies. This meant that ponies could sleep without fear… No matter where they were, it was as if they knew she was watching over and protecting them.”

Grabbing the second book, Escargot looked at the cover before he opened it. “Every year, ponies would hold a harvest festival to honor Princess Luna as a way of giving thanks to her for protecting their sleep. They would prepare a big meal, then stay up all night and share it with her. Because they stayed up, there wasn’t the need for her to guard and she could take part in the feast.”

Turning the page, Escargot’s voice changed, “Slowly though, ponies stopped staying up, instead feeling that simply leaving out a feast for her would do. They started going to sleep and leaving her to find the tables with food but no pony to share it with. The ponies started sleeping through her beautiful nights, and in a way forgetting about her past, just giving food almost like a tax.”

“That’s when she became Nightmare Moon.” Sweetie Belle said. “My sister told me all about this part. She felt betrayed by the ponies and abandoned. Her loneliness led to anger, and that opened her heart to the nightmares.”

“And that got her banished to the moon.” Scootaloo said, “Till she escaped and Rainbow Dash kicked her tail.”

All the girls looked at Scootaloo.

Escargot shook his head and continued. “You know how we leave candies at the statue for Nightmare Moon?” Opening another book, Escargot shook his head. “After the Nightmare Moon incident, most ponies didn’t connect the two, but they still kept leaving food out for Luna. As Nightmare Night became a thing, the leaving food out drifted to leaving food at the statue for Nightmare Moon instead.”

Blinking, the girls looked at Escargot. “So Princess Luna just wanted friends, and we keep doing what hurt her in the first place?” Noi asked, biting her lower lip.

“I’d like your help getting some food together. I’m an awful cook.” Escargot said. “I’d like to have a real meal here for her. I heard she’s supposed to visit Ponyville again.”

The girls looked at each other, then at their candy bags.

“Ah think Princess Luna’s feelins are worth more than a few candies. I’m gonna go home and get something special from our kitchen.”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Me too. I know Rarity can help me whip something up quick.”

“The Cakes owe me a favor.” Noi said, “Sis helped them out with a major delivery, so I’m sure I can get a special treat from them with my allowance on short notice.”

“I didn’t want you all to give up Nightmare Night… I just wanted advice.” Escargot stammered.

Dinky put her hoof over Escargot’s heart. “You found a problem and we can help fix it. We might still make the late treats, when ponies just dump what’s left into our bags. This is more important, though.”

Nodding, the girls broke up their group and headed out in all directions, leaving Escargot in the castle. If he asked, they would drop everything to help. They were his best friends in the world. Trotting into Princess Twilight’s dining room, Escargot started laying out the dishes. He set places for eight just to be safe, with one at each end and three per side. It had a more balanced look, and if Gisa came back, she’d have a place to sit and not feel left out.

Rarity had taught him all about high society placements for dishes and cutlery. He still had trouble with which fork was which, but he tried his best. It didn’t have to be perfect though. To him, it just had to be done for the princess and come from the heart, that's all that really mattered and was important.

Slowly, the girls filtered back in with food: stew, cakes, a zap apple pie, mixed vegetables on a bed of hay with a drizzled wine vinegar sauce from Rarity, a basket of muffins, and stuffed bell peppers with grilled mushroom caps. It was cobbled together and didn't really have a theme. Pot luck at its best, but the food was just the excuse, it was really about making Princes Luna feel special and wanted again.

“This all looks perfect, I think,” Noi said, smiling at the feast.

“How do we get the princess to come here though?” Dinky asked looking at the other girls.

All the girls looked at Escargot, turning to focus on her. With a gulp he nodded once, “Umm, maybe I can just go and ask her.”

“We’ll finish making this pretty. Go get her.” Scootaloo said.

Escargot broke into a full gallop as he went running across the town to the market center. The mayor had set aside a place for Princess Luna to sit and watch. Unlike last time, where she got to play the games, this time they were treating her like a princess.

Well, she was a princess, but that wasn’t what this day was about. This was her day, her special time. She needed her day. Princess Celestia had the Summer Sun Celebration, but Princess Luna just had Nightmare Night, a constant reminder of Nightmare Moon.

“Princess Luna?” Escargot said and bowed his head as she stopped in front of the princess.

“Oh hello there, little one. Escargot, is it?” Luna said softly.

Taking a breath, Escargot didn’t want to lie but, “There’s a problem, we need you at Twilight’s castle.”

Standing Luna spread her wings, “A problem? I shall do what I can to help!”

“Come on.” Escargot said and started running.

Princess Luna hurried after the filly, directly into Twilight’s castle. Her guards were not worried; she was going into the castle of another princess, so she would be safe. Taking up a position on either side of the front door, they chose to wait there for her.

As Princess Luna ran down the hall, she slowed and blinked, slowing to a canter, then a slow walk. The girls had sorted out all the food and added some basics like butter from Twilight’s fridge.

“Princess Luna, I know Nightmare Night used to be a festival for Luna, a great feast in your honor. I found out tonight when doing some research.” Trotting out in front of Luna, Escargot bowed deeply. “We honor you for guarding the night, for staying awake so we can sleep, and for protecting our dreams.”

Sweetie Belle trotted up and bowed, “You came to me when I was filled with anger towards my sister and helped me to understand her. You saved both of us that night.”

Curling her foreleg, Scootaloo bowed to Luna, “You came to me when I was terrified and taught me that it was okay to share my fears with my friends. That in doing so they could help me.”

“You taught me I didn’t have to worry about getting a cutie mark.” Apple Bloom said as she bowed, “Reminded me that my friends and family would always be there, no matter what mark I got. You taught me that whatever mark I got, I would still be me.”

Noi bowed her head laying down in front of the princess. “When I was scared that my sister was too busy with her friends, you came and helped remind me we were still family. You helped me realize she had her own life but even then would still be part of mine.”

Taking a deep breath, Dinky looked up at the princess. “You came to me when I was scared my mom would leave me. I thought that because I was just a unicorn and she was a pegasus she’d fly off and stay in the clouds and leave me in Ponyville. You showed me her dreams though… how much she loved me and that she’d never leave. That every day she worked, she worked as hard as she could to have money for me, even with her problems. You showed me she was the best mom ever.”

“You came to me in my hardest times in my dreams. You sat with me and talked when I needed it the most. Without you, I might not have survived. For you, for all you’ve done for us. For keeping us safe at night, we honor you. Not Nightmare Moon — You, Princess Luna. Tonight is your night.” Escargot bowed her head deeply.

Luna stepped back in shock, looking at the foals with her wings high and spread. Blinking, she shook her head. “I… I don’t know what to say.”

“That you’ll share a dinner with us? That you’ll accept our gift in your honor?” Escargot said.

“But…” Luna looked in shock at the foals.

“You gave us a gift, and still give us a gift, that most ponies forgot about. We wanted to remember tonight for the real you, Princess Luna.” Sweetie Belle looked up wide eyed.

As Luna looked at the feast, than at the foals, she was in total tears. “Oh, my little ponies.” Luna cried, “It’s perfect. I can’t believe you did this!”

“It was Escargot’s idea. She did the research and got us all together to do this.” Sweetie Belle said.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” Escargot said, looking down.

“No, don’t be.” Luna said as she spread her wings and pulled all the foals into a hug with them. “But what about your Nightmare Night candies?”

“You were more important. You needed a night just for you.” Escargot said, “Or at least part of a night, so you won’t forget how important you are to us. Not Nightmare Moon, but you.”

“And we stick by Escargot, we can’t let or friend do something so important alone.” Noi said, snuggling the princess.

“Let the rest of Equestria have Nightmare Night.” Luna said. “This time will be just for us. Let the feast begin!”

After the meal, the girls bid Luna good night and ran out for the end of Nightmare Night and all the treats they could still grab. They still had enough time to hit a few houses for sweets, and they all still had their costumes ready to go. Squeeing, the girls bounded happily and excitedly, bantering about who was going to get the most candy. This left Escargot sitting beside Luna. Escargot was actually pretty stuffed after the feast. There were a lot of heavy foods in the meal, especially the carrot cake.

Looking up at Luna, Escargot smiled. “I hope you enjoyed your night.”

“I did, it was very special to me. Escargot, are you not going out for Nightmare Night also? What about your chance to get treats?” Luna kept her wing over the little filly.

Escargot rubbed the ground with his hoof and sighed. “I don’t have a costume, and it’s too late to scrounge one up.”

“So you gave up everything for me?” Luna said softly.

“I understand what it’s like, not to feel special at times. Or worse, being celebrated or honored for something you didn’t want to be or even want to remember. You’re not Nightmare Moon, you’re Princess Luna. Having to put on the act of a princess but not having ponies know the real you isn’t fair.” Escargot sighed. “What I read just made me want to do something for you.”

Smiling, Luna stroked Escargot’s nose with her other wing. “Sometimes, little one, you show the wisdom and selflessness of a true princess.”

Yawning big, Escargot closed her heavy eyes. “I’m exhausted. I think I’m going to go home and go to sleep. Snails still needs to do a report on Nightmare Night tomorrow for class.”

“Sleep well, my little pony. Your dreams will be protected.” Princess Luna said as she looked at Twilight Sparkle.

“What is… Oh, Princess.”

Walking home, Escargot saw ponies taking down their decorations and shutting down their stands. His hooves felt so heavy, but others seemed to have enough energy to clean up at this hour. He wondered if they had slept through part of the day.

Heading inside, he walked into the bathroom and had a quick, hot shower, just sitting in the tub and letting the water rain down. “I’ll just get up early and do the report before class.” He said softly as he shut off the water and dried off.

Walking into his bedroom, he collapsed into bed and closed his eyes for a moment. He’d set his alarm clock in a moment when he got the strength.

Noot Noot.

Noot Noot.

Snails sat up quickly looking around. It was already morning and he’d missed waking up early. Blinking, he rubbed his eyes. Well… he’d have to face the music about not having his project done. Slowly, he crawled out of bed. Picking up his school saddle bags, he walked down stairs.

Long Haul looked down at Snails and shook his head. “What’s with the look?”

“Huh?” Snails looked up at his father, blinking.

“You’re a stallion. Behave like one. Hold your head high. Stand proud and true. If you show weakness, others will just walk all over you.” His father said firmly.

Lifting his head up Snails nodded once, “Yes, Sir.”

“I saw Cheerilee last night. She said she expected a good report from you today. I hope you don’t mess it up. Your marks are important.”

Nodding once, Snails kept a stern face for his dad. “Yes, Sir.”

Turning, Snails headed out for school. Walking through the town, he looked at the store windows, stopping once to look at his reflection in it. He wondered if there was another way—a way out of this—but the truth was, he had gotten himself into it.

Closing his eyes, he turned and walked into the school and took his seat. Diamond Tiara looked as smug as usual. “I have a great project prepared. My butler will even help with the presentation.”

Cheerilee stood up and smiled. “Ok class, let’s start with Snails.”

Standing up, Snails lowered his head. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I don’t have my project written out. I was working on it with Escargot, but I ran out of time. If you like, I can do the verbal part of the project for you.”

Sighing, Cheerilee shook her head. “I explained to everypony that the written part needed to be handed in as well. I’m sorry Snails, but while you didn’t make excuses, and I commend you on that, you need to…”

“Wait, please.”

Everyone hushed as Princess Luna walked in. A large bucket of candies was held in her magic aura. She looked at the class, then floated the candies over to Snails’s desk, placing them on the surface.

“Princess, I wasn’t expecting…” Cheerilee bowed, stammering.

“In this case, it is not Snails fault that the assignment was not done. He had asked Escargot for some research books, and I kept Escargot busy all night.” Sitting in front of the chalk board, Luna looked at the teacher. “With your permission, I’d like to help him with at least giving the verbal part of the project.”

“Y..y…yes your majesty.” Cheerilee said nervously.

“Both foals worked so hard on this, to find out the history of Nightmare Night that I feel it should be shared. It all started long before Equestria was formed as a nation, when ponies were still nomadic….”

Author's Note:

Escargot sat down on the edge of the bed in the guest room in his house. Carefully he set the picture up in the wooden frame and stand so it would be protected. Sometimes it's the little things that make the biggest difference. Sometimes a small act of kindness can change everything. Now he even had a picture to remember these times.
Placing the picture on the nightstand he looked at it and smiled giving it a gentle stroke with his forehoof. This was a Nightmare Night he would never forget.

Art as always by Alkarasu
Editing for this chapter was done Specially by Purple Pegasus