• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,063 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Snails 1/2 OVA SPECIAL: A Dark Winters Night

The howl was more than just the wind- there was a darkness to it, a coldness beyond the normal winter. The snow was thick and dark, obscuring everything more than a few feet away, and the gusts swirled violently.

With each howl of the wind, the gusts changed. Few flyers could even stay airborne in this kind of weather, even a dragon.

The dragon looked over her shoulder- the winds howled, as if hunting her, chasing and herding her. No, it wasn’t the winds, it was something else, something older, more malevolent. She needed to find a place to rest, to hide.

The howling grew closer, and she was buffeted mercilessly by the brutal winds.

She glanced over her shoulder to check on her cub who was hanging on for dear life. He was still just a baby and couldn't really fly on his own yet.

Another howl, closer than before. Suddenly, she saw one of the creatures- some kind of wolf made of wind and frost. The creature shot over her head and in doing so creating a massive downdraft. The cold was almost unbearable as it pushed her down.

She roared in fear and rage as her cub was pushed from her back. Turning, she tried to catch him, but he disappeared into the darkness and snow almost instantly. She could hear him crying out for her, but couldn’t tell where the sound was coming from.

The storm was too bad, and the creatures relentless. She needed a place to hide.

Snails 1/2 OVA SPECIAL: A Dark Winters Night

“Argh! I hate this weather!” Escargot yelled though the wind. He kept his head low as he trudged on, Gisa clinging to his back.

“You only hate it because it’s cold, wet, and dangerous!” Gisa called back, her foreclaws hanging on to Escargot’s scarf, her hind legs digging into the saddle-like coat.

“The least you could do is tell me if I’m getting close to the tree house.” Escargot said, shielding his eyes with a scarf.

“Sorry, no homing pigeons in my family!” Gisa got off just before Escargot slammed face first into the ramp.

“Never mind, I found it.” Escargot said, rubbing his face as he walked around and climbed up the ramp. Pulling the door open, he rushed in and shook himself out. “Hi Dinky, hi Belle, where’s Apple Bloom and Scoots?”

Sweetie Belle paced back and forth, “I don’t know. They were supposed to head right here. Who ordered this storm?”

“Nopony, it came out of the Everfree.” Escargot huffed, sitting in front of the lantern and holding his hooves up to the flame. “It’s cold out there.”

“I can hardly see my own muzzle.” Dinky said with a nod.

Hopping from Escargot’s back, Gisa moved over and curled around the lamp for warmth, before preening the ice out of her wings. “I nearly froze my beak off.”

Opening his saddlebags, Escargot pulled out some cocoa powder. Floating a pot over, he placed it on top of the lantern and filled it with snow. The addition of a cooking lantern to the girl’s clubhouse had been Sweetie Belle’s idea, however, after the hot apple cider incident, she was still banned from using it.

Escargot jumped as the door slammed opened. With the open cold air rushed blowing all the fillies manes and tails, forcing them to hunker down as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom came in.

“What took you so long?” Escargot glanced over at the two fillies brushing snow off themselves. They were so snow-covered that it looked like a snowpony was actually riding Scootaloo.

“Ma sis and the others are in the Everfree.” Apple Bloom said, “She said the storm’s affecting a huge area, more than just Ponyville.”

“Hey Scootaloo! What’s with the snowpony?” Dinky asked tilting her head.

Shaking itself out, the little snowpony sneezed, sending globs of wet snow in all directions. A little dragon cub remained, slightly smaller than Spike, with silver scales and black trim. Looking up timidly, the cub tried to hide behind Scootaloo’s neck.

“Awww, it’s adorable.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Ah found him in the snow outside. Scared and alone.” Apple Bloom explained, “We couldn’t leave him out there, so we brought him here.”

Watching the girls fuss over the cub, Escargot brought him over a hot cocoa. “Where’s your mama?”

Tentatively, the cub sniffed the cocoa, before grabbing it and taking a drink quickly. He backed up and curled up to protect his prize, but looked scared. “Don’t know. Got lost in the storm.”

“What’s your name?” Dinky asked, sitting in front of the cub.

Looking nervously at the ponies, the cub shrunk and spoke. “Ember.”

“Hello Ember, I’m Escargot, this is Dinky, Noi, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle.” Escargot said sitting down facing the cub. “Is there anything we can do to help?”

“Mommy, I need my mommy.” The cub said, looking at the foals, eyes filled with fear and sadness.

Apple Bloom opened her mouth, then snapped it shut and shot a look at Escargot. “No.”

“Huh?” Escargot blinked.

“I said no. You just got that look.” Apple Bloom started pacing.

Escargot blinked at Apple Bloom “What look.”

“That dopey look that means we have to do something, something that usually end up with us in trouble.” Apple Bloom stamped her hoof.

Looking at Apple Bloom, Escargot merely pointed a hoof first at Sweetie Belle who was sitting her eyes sad and full of tears, then to the cub who was hugging the empty cup, scared and alone.

“ARGH!” Apple Bloom shook her head and turned towards Ember, “Do you know where your mom is?”

“Heading for a large mountain, with a cave to shelter in.” The cub said, “It wasn’t far.”

All the girls looked at each other and nodded. Escargot and the cub looked at them, slightly confused.

“My sister went up there with the others to talk to a dragon.” Sweetie Belle said, “I know where it is, but it’s a long walk.”

With a sigh, Apple Bloom looked at Escargot, “Fine, let’s get packed.”

Escargot blinked, “I didn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t need to.” Apple Bloom said pointedly.

Looking between the girls, Escargot smiled brightly, “Well, let’s get some things together.”

Quickly scavenging the clubhouse, the girls started loading their saddlebags. Ear warmers, scarves, socks, and jackets were a must for all. Scootaloo found her snowboard and ski poles. Smiling, she bolted a scooter bar to the snowboard.

Noi went to work packing snacks, blankets, and extra-warm clothing. She put everything into plastic bags to keep it dry.

Apple Bloom gathered some rope and stuffed it into her saddle bag. Looking up, she smiled at the cub, “Don’t worry, we’ll find your mom.” 

Sweetie Belle squeed and ran up to the attic. The sounds of rummaging could be heard for a moment before she slid down the ladder, bearing a pickaxe with a wooden handle and turquoise crystal head. Dropping it on the ground in front of her, the filly smiled brightly. “Rarity made this for me to help her with collecting gems. We’re going up to the mountain, so we may need it.”

As they opened they door, they were blasted by a forceful wall of cold. The storm howled as they strained to see outside through the driving snow. It was almost impossible to see the tips of their own muzzles outside.

“Should… we wait?” Dinky asked, blinking.

“Not on your life.” Scootaloo said, “The longer we wait, the more chance his mom has of moving on or worse, getting panicking and innocent ponies getting hurt while she searches for him.”

“Would your mom hurt ponies?” Escargot asked stroking the cubs head.

“I… I don’t know. She’s very protective of me, and has stood up to bigger dragons to keep me safe.” The cub said softly with tears in his eyes, “She promised she’d never leave me behind.”

“A mad mother dragon, coming to Ponyville.” Apple Bloom said shaking his head, “Would be far, worse than even an Ursa Minor.”

Escargot sighed and shook his head.

“Oops, sorry.” Apple Bloom quickly meeped, “That- wasn’t you, that was- well it was, but it wasn’t, but-”

“It’s fine, it was a stupid idea. No matter how much she bragged, and swore she could do it.” Escargot said and lowered her head starting to walk out into the blizzard.

“This isn’t going to work!” Scootaloo called out.

“Ah can’t see a thing.” Apple Bloom yelled over the wind.

Closing her eyes, Escargot’s horn lit up and a radiant dome of brown and gold formed around them blocking the wind and snow. The dome even had a trim of lace and diamonds around its base, matching Escargot’s cutie mark.

“Wow, a real shield spell.” Noi said, “That’s advanced stuff.”

“A spell like that takes lots of concentration. How are we going to get up the mountain?” Sweetie Belle asked, then blinked and stroked the shield gently with a hoof.

Scootaloo laughed and put the sleigh down in front of Escargot, “That’s simple! The princess rides the sleigh, with her trusty ward and dragon cub.”

“Oh come on, I can walk, I’m not a weak little…” Escargot trailed off as all the girls looked at him.

“We are not sayin your weak or frail, were sayin your energy is better spent keepin the shield up then walkin.” Apple Bloom said and pushed Escargot onto the sleigh.

The hoop sleigh was actually kind of fancy, with two wide wooden runners, each set with a metal strip down the center. A platform of wooden planks was attached firmly above, with a wraparound wooden rail to prevent things from falling out or off. Then, the inside of the bed was covered in a soft cushion, made with waterproof fabrics. It even had a flannel blanket.

“Umm whose sleigh is this?” Escargot asked, sitting down.

“Rarity’s.” Belle squeaked and giggled, “She hasn’t used it in years though, so we borrowed it. Rarity won’t mind. We’ve been using it to pull stuff around.”

“Ever since Apple Bloom trashed the toboggan.” Scootaloo said with a laugh.

“That wasn’t ma fault, I told everyone lean left!” Bloom said with a huff, then tied the sleigh rope to Scoots’ snowboard.

“Ready girls?” Scootaloo asked, revving her wings a few times.

Sweetie Belle stood on the rear runners of the sleigh, holding onto the back of the seat. “Ready!”

Noi, Apple Bloom and Dinky all nodded. “Ready!”

Leaning forward, Scootaloo started pulling the sleigh, as Noi, Bloom and Dinky ran, following the packed snow created by the weight. It was tight going, given the confines of the dome. Without Escargot’s shield, though, they wouldn’t be able to move at all, let alone survive the cold and bitter winds.

“How does she know where she’s going? I can’t see anything.” Noi asked squinting a bit trying to see through the shield.

“I know the mountains that way, I can kind of see it.” Scootaloo said.

Noi looked confused, glancing to Apple Bloom. “Huh?” How?”

“Oh! I know this,” Dinky said, “Mom told me about it. Most pegasi have very good vision- they can see distances better, plus sort of have a sense to see though bad weather better than other ponies. Add to that many have an innate direction sense and a bit of a weather sense that lets them correct their courses in high winds. They can often find their way even in the dark.”

“Is that true?” Escargot asked, looking up.

“Kind of, I don’t really know how it works.” Scootaloo said. “I can just make out bits of the trail around the shield.”

“Everyone has their own special tricks and talents.” Escargot said, looking down. The cub had curled up in a ball and snuggled against Escargot’s belly, between her forelegs for warmth. Gisa sat in front of him at the head of the sleigh looking around.

“Tricks and talents, oh Celestia…” Noi giggled, “Remember the talent show?”

“Ugg, that song was awful.” Apple Bloom said.

“Remember Snips trying to do magic? Pulling some carrots out of the hat, and Snails standing there munching on them.” Scoots said laughing, “talk about…”

“Dumb.” Snails said softly. “Stupid. Snips told me to distract the crowd while he made the rabbit vanish. It was a rabbit, carrots seemed to work with the act so. So, I did something stupid. Like I always do.”

A howl was heard and the shield flickered for a moment as something struck it. Looking up, Escargot reinforced it, straining to see what happened. Narrowing his eyes, he leaned to the side a bit on the sleigh.

Scootaloo slowed and the other girls looked in the same direction.

“What was…” Sweetie Belle started before Dinky screamed.

The image of a large wolf, made of mists and snow appeared against the shield, scratching at it and howling.

“A Windigo!” Apple Bloom yelled and hid on the other side of the sleigh.

“What are we going to do?” Noi whimpered.

“Songs.” Escargot said.

Scootaloo looked at Escargot confused, “What?”

“Remember the Hearthswarming Carol? Songs and the Fire of Friendship within them keep the Windigo at bay.”Apple Bloom said standing up, “Sweetie Belle, you’re the best singer here.”

“But, but, but…” Belle stammered and squeaked.

“You’re the best singer here Belle, show the spirit ponies you can still sing.” Noi said.

“What should I sing?” Sweetie Belle asked, hiding beside Apple Bloom.

“Anything! Carols, pop songs, it doesn’t matter.” Noi said.

The wolf backed up and slammed against the shield, causing Escargot to flinch as waves of energy spread across it.

Clearing her throat, Belle looked up, then closed her eyes, trying to block out the scary sights and sounds. “There’s music in the treetops, and music in the veil.” Lifting her foreleg, she threw some snow into the air, forming an arc over her, “And all around the music fills the sky.”

The Windigo withdrew a bit, before moving off with a howl.

“That’s great, keep it up Belle! I can see better.” Scootaloo said. The girls started moving again, Sweetie Belle taking her place standing on the back runners of the sleigh as they began zipping up the mountain again.

“You know, I’m surprised you haven’t been accepted to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.” Dinky said, trotting behind the sleigh.

“I was.” Escargot said rubbing the fabric of the sleigh with a hoof.

“Wait, you were?” Noi said shocked, “Why didn’t you go?”

“A few reasons, not leaving you girls is one.” Escargot shook his head, “My father would never approve, never allow it. I- I can’t use magic at home, dad wants me to be more like Big Mac. Strong, tough, and not dependent on tricks to survive. It’s… it’s my home.”

“Do you know how many unicorns would kill to go to the school?” Dinky said, “I’d love to be good enough to go there.”

“They deserve it, I…” Escargot shook his head as the sleigh stopped. A loud crack filling the air.

Glancing around, the girls gulped as they realized they were on an ice bridge. The ice and snow had formed a thin bridge over a large gap. The weight of the sleigh, however, was more than the bridge could take- the right side had already dropped.

Scootaloo gulped nervously, “Girls, Noi, Apple Bloom, Slowly, carefully, move up. Escargot, can you make the field a bit bigger?”

Concentrating, Escargot expanded the shield so it was the entire length of the bridge. Slowly, Dinky and Noi made their way past Scootaloo heading to the other side. Turning they looked back. Noi calling back, “Ok next.”

Escargot moved, and a large crack echoed around him. “Ok, Sweetie Belle, Apple bloom, you two are next.”

“What about you?” Apple Bloom asked worried.

“If I move, the sleigh is going to break through and take the bridge, so I have to go last.” Picking up Gisa with her magic, he gently set the griffin on Belle’s back, followed by the dragon cub on Apple Bloom’s back.

The two girls started moving slowly. Each step they took lead to another crack, and more of the bridge falling away into the abyss. It seemed like it took forever, but they finally made it to the other side. As they did, the sleigh cracked and sank a little more.

“I think I can power pull the sleigh out.” Scootaloo said, revved her wings.

“Wait no!” Escargot called, but it was too late- the force was to much for the bridge to take, and the ice shattered. Escargot dropped the snow shield and lashed out at the rope with his magic. If he didn’t cut the line, the sleigh would pull Scootaloo down too.

In an instant, the storm’s rage swarmed in. Scootaloo was thrown across the remaining parts of the bridge by her own thrust and the wind. She crashed into the girls, sheered free of the rope. The sleigh began to fall into the crevasse. Though obscured by the snow and storm, it was still thousands of lengths’ distance to the rocky bottom.

Escargot tried to jump, but there was nothing to leap to. The bridge had disintegrated, and was falling. In one last effort, he lit his horn. It was an all or nothing gamble, but this was an all or nothing situation.

Looking over the edge, the girls could see the bright flash of light. The roar of the storm all around them, the temperature had already fallen close to negative forty.

“ESCARGOT!” Dinky cried out. “SNAILS!”

A loud thud caused the girls to turn around as Escargot appeared about three lengths above the snow, falling flat with a thud. Not the prettiest of teleports. It did, however, save his life.

“Escargot!” Apple Bloom cried and ran over to hug the filly. “We thought we lost you there.”

Shaking his head, Escargot put up the snow shield again and whimpered. “Ow, that wasn’t fun.”

Meeping softly, Sweetie Belle looked back, “Think my sister’s sleigh is ok?”

Scootaloo moved up beside the little unicorn and looked into the chasm. There was a flash of orange and yellow through the snow, the faint sounds of an explosion down below. “Umm, did you pack anything flammable?”

“No, just the small lantern, oh and some cooking oil, and stove fuel for the portable stove in case we wanted to make hot chocolate.” Sweetie Belle said with a smile.

Blinking, Scootaloo looked back down into the depths, “Umm, I’m sure it’s fine.”

“Come on, we need to get moving.” Apple Bloom said, “Escargots already tired and can’t keep this shield up forever.

Escargot got up and wobbled a bit, before steadying. Giving his head a light shake, the shield flickered a moment before shrinking down to just encompass the girls.

“Are… Are you ok?” Sweetie Belle asked, looking up.

Nodding slowly, “Yeah, I’m just tired, I’ve never had to keep a shield going this long. It’s hard.”

“You’re doing great, Escargot.” Noi said, full of encouragement, “I don't know many adults that could cast a shield, let alone keep one up for this long. Let’s move- we don’t have far to go.”

The group trudged ahead in a tight line, Scootaloo in the lead on her snow scooter, packing down the trail with the rest following. According to the stories, it was just a hop, skip and a jump from here.

Looking at Escargot, Apple Bloom sighed before looking back at Scootaloo. “Did you hear about Rumble?”

“Thunderlane’s brother?” Scootaloo turned looking back, “I haven’t seen him in days.”

“Chip Mint apparently dared him to drink some of the rainbow mix, the coloring they use for rainbows a the weather factory. Poor colt’s been sick for days. They came to Granny Smith for some preserves to help his stomach.” Apple Bloom said, “What is it with colts and doing stupid things over dares?”

‘Stupid things.’ Escargot’s head and ears drooped, all this started because of a dare. How many stupid things had he done. “Like getting stuck together with bubble-gum?” Escargot said sorrowfully.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both started laughing. Apple Bloom looking over, “Dumb colts….” Then stopped instantly… “Oh Escargot… I didn’t mean…”

“Think of how many times we got stuck together with tree sap,” Sweetie Belle said looking at Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, “Or toffee. We aren’t any better.”

“Sweetie Belle it’s fine.” Escargot said and trudged on with his head low the howl of the storm behind, “We are here now so let’s worry about this.

The cave mouth loomed in front of them. Drifts and ice had formed around the entrance, but there was still more than enough room to walk in. Once inside, Escargot lowered the shield spell and simply used his horn for light.

“Hello? Mama dragon?” Apple Bloom called out.

“Are you sure this is the right cave?” Sweetie Belle said and huddle against her friends.

Looking up Dinky nodded, “It has to be, it’s just like Pinkie described it in her story.”

The large pair of luminescent eyes that appeared out of the darkness, removing any doubt. The dragon was as huge as any they had heard of before. Its eyes alone dwarfed the foals. Moving out of the darkness, she looked down. “Why have you come? Are you with THEM?” The creature spat in anger.

“Them who?” Escargot asked looking up in terror.

“The Windigo.” The dragon said, “They have taken everything already from me, now they wish to take me.”

“Nononono!” Apple Bloom said in a panic, “We found your cub, we found Ember!” Turning sideways, Apple Bloom showed the resting cub on her back. “He’s safe.”

“My Ember!” With the extreme dexterity only a mother dragon could possess, she picked up her cub with two claws and brought him close. “Thank you."

Howls echoed from the cave entrance. The wind picked up, then a massive gout of ice and sleet came driving into the cave mouth. The blast of super cold air, water and ice was dangerous. Instantly, parts of the cave mouth froze and ice raced into the cave.

“Escargot!” Sweetie Belle cried and jumped, knocking Escargot out of the way, but it was too late for her and the other girls. The ice water chilling them to the bone, hypothermia almost instantly set in.

The mother dragon quickly breathed out a blast of fire, driving the ice back, forming steam and hot water which washed over Escargot. Snails came to a stop at the cave wall.

Standing, Snails shook himself out and blinked, seeing the girls laying on the ground. “NO!”

Running back to them, he looked up at the dragon. Tears in his eyes, “I’m know I’m just a little colt but these are my friends. Can you use your breath to heat up some rocks? PLEASE?”

Looking down, the mother dragon inhaled, then breathed again, a small blaze heating a few rocks and causing them to glow red.

Using his magic, Snails moved the girls from of the mouth of the cave, then circled them around the glowing rocks.

Another howl, and a large Windigo appeared at the entrance. It was larger than the others, bigger, tougher. It was an alpha. It was Winterdeath, here to feed.

“My fire keeps it at bay, but I cannot keep it warm forever.” The dragon said. “I am already hungry.”

“Music can drive it away,” Snails said, “Songs, love and laughter. But I’m stupid, a faker and a failure.” Snails said and lowered his head.

“Then I will protect my cub. Perhaps I can escape.” The dragon said, looking at the entrance.

Snails moved some more of the hot rocks closer to Sweetie Belle, “Come on, wake up. We need you.”

The howl intensified as the Windigo stalked the cave opening. The great alpha snarling as it looked inside. Its eyes glowed a blue-ish green, with dark purple mists rising from the tips.

“I can’t do this, I’m just a dumb colt.” Snails said as he sat down, looking at his friends. “I need you…”

Putting her talons on Snails’ back, Gisa looked up at him. “I know you, I believe in you. You have a huge heart, and sometimes that’s all it takes.”

“But?” Snails shook his head no.

Laying on her side trembling, Scootaloo looked up, “We’re sorry Snails.”

Standing up, Snails looked at his friends, at the girls huddled together for warmth by the rocks. The dragon, hugging her cub protectively, a wing covering the little one. Closing his eyes, Snails turned to face the storm, the tip of his horn starting to shine.

“I'm here to show you who I am. Throw off the veil, it's finally time.” Slowly looking up, the colt sung out against the rage of the windigos. One last chance to hold back the dark, to hold back the cold, “There's more to me than glitz and glam, oh-whoa… And now I feel my stars align.”

The image of Long Haul came to mind, yelling at him. Memories of his father telling him he needed to be strong, that magic wasn’t the way. “For I had believed what I was sold, I did all the things that I was told.”

Looking into the wind’s fury, tears filled his eyes, and he put his hoof down, “But all that has changed, and now I'm bold… 'Cause I know…”

Apple Bloom lifted her head weakly looking at the colt… “Oh Snails…”

A howl from the windigo alpha sent freezing rain into the cave as well as daggers of ice heading straight for Snails. The icicles were nearly as long as Snails, and carried by the wind at high speed. Closing his eyes, Snails turned his head away, only to hear the ice shattering a brief respite in the storm.

“Snails!” Scootaloo cried out in fear.

Dinky whimpered, “oh no.”

It was cold and painful but the darkness didn’t come, instead he heard the ice shattering and felt brief respite in the storm. The ice water covered the colt and chilled him to the bone and changing him to Esarcgot. But he was alive.

Looking up, Escargot saw the dragon, her wing frozen to the ground shielding Escargot. Lifting his head he nodded once to the dragon before continuing to sing. Looking past the wing, Escargot cried out, filled with thoughts of the past, “I’m just a pony…. I make mistakes from time to time!”

Glancing back at the girls, Escargot went on, “But now you know the real me, and I put my heart out on the line.”

Apple Bloom blinked as she saw the heart on Escargot’s cutie mark beginning to shine, a warm red glow from it. Fighting to stand, Apple Bloom got her feet under her and joined in, “And let the magic in my heart stay true, whoa-whoah…”

Dinky and Noi got up as well from the fire, “And let the magic in our hearts stay true, whoa-whaoh….”

Smiling softly, Escargot nodded to the girls as he sang, her voice filling the cave. “Just like the magic inside of you.”

Turning to face the windigo, Escargot sung out with everything he had, horn glowing brightly even through the dragon wing, “And now I see those colors, Right before my eyes.”

Sweetie Belle sat up, joining her voice to the music, “I hear my voice so clearly.” Walking over, she leaned against Escargot for support, “And I know that it is right.”

Escargot's smile grew. He could feel the warmth in the cutie mark, he could feel her friends there. Singing out with love and joy… With total defiance, Escargot slammed his hoof down once more. “They thought I was weak, but I am strong. They sold me the world, but they were wrong.”

Walking around the wing, Escargot faced the alpha, “And now that I'm back, I still belong, 'Cause I know.”

Moving up beside Escargot, all the girls sang out, “That I am just a pony.”

The power, the magic flowed though the girls and exploded out the mouth of the cave, energy spearing the storm’s core. Striking the alpha Windingo, the energy rushed through it, turning it into a shower of sparkling water, a rainbow shining through the freezing mists.

“We make mistakes from time to time,” The girls sang on as the magic spread out from the mountain, the clouds fading and the sun shining down on Ponyville.

Turning his head, Escargot looked at the girls, smiling, “But now I know the real me…”

Sweetie Belle put her hoof on Escargot’s shoulder, “And you put your heart out on the line.”

The other girls leaned into Escargot, “And let the magic in our hearts stay true.”

“Escargot, I’m sorry.” Apple Bloom hugged the filly tight.

“For what?” Escargot blinked a few times, confused.

“It’s hard sometimes. I know you and Snails are the same, it’s just… We never really got to know the real you, I guess.” Apple Bloom said as the girls gathered around and hugged Escargot.

Ember bounded up and hugged the girls tight, “Thank you for bringing me back to my mommy!”

“Thank you for protecting my cub.” The dragon said as she flexed her wings, smiling. “Especially you, you’re a very special little foal.”

“Escargot!” Noi said proudly, “Our best friend.”


Trudging back into town, Escargot looked over his shoulder at Gisa. “What a day.”

“Tell me about it.” Gisa said, “I just want to relax on top of a heater, with some hot cocoa and scones.”

Scootaloo laughed, “I just want to sleep for a week.”

“GIRLS!” Twilight called out as she trotted up, with the rest of her group. “We were in the Everfree. Apparently some Windigo escaped, but we think we got all of them. Good to see you safe and warm.”

Rainbow Dash landed and shook herself out, sending snow flying. “Least some of us are warm.”

Looking at each other, the fillies giggled.

“Is there something we’re missing?” Twilight asked, tilting her head.

“I’ll tell you about it later.” Escargot said, yawning. “I just want to get something to eat and go to bed.”

“You do look tired, you must have had a busy day with your studies.” Twilight responded.

“Oh, Sweetie Belle darling,” Rarity said, “Do you know where my designer sleigh is? It was hoof-made by the master artisan Vyatka Troika. It was one of a kind, and I need it- with all this snow, it’s a wonderful time to show it off for special deliveries.”

Sweetie Belle blinked and looked at Escargot with pleading eyes. “Help.”