• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,063 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Part 13: He Seems Alright

Part 13

"When did you start using magic Snails?”

“Out of the question! That would be the worst possible thing!”

Help me.

He Seems Alright

Rarity gently wrapped a blanket around Snails. She had seen stress-outs like this before, and didn’t want him to start crying. “Deep breaths, darling. Twilight, do be a dear and bring us some tea.”

Confident in Rarity’s abilities, Twilight went to the kitchen to put on some water. She may not have been a connoisseur of teas like her mentor, but she had a few blends. She selected one that was supposed to help calm nerves.

Looking up sadly, Snails shook his head. “You need to make Sweetie Belle stay away from Escargot.”

Blinking, Rarity pulled her head back in confused. “But why? They are such good friends, are they not?”

Twilight walked back in with the tea and set it before Snails.

Looking down, Snails sighed, lighting his horn and lifting the tea to blow on it before taking a sip. “Thank you, princess.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow watching Snails drink before moving over to lean against him. She gave a soft gentle smile that somehow made him feel more comfortable.

“There… There is an adult griffin 'Kunibert' who was talking with Diamond Tiara.” Snails took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He tapped one forehoof on the crystal floor in stress as he continued. “I overheard them talking. They said the best way of dealing with Escargot is to get rid of her friends. Make them turn against her, or separate them from her.”

“That griffin,” Twilight said narrowing her eyes. “He’s trouble, he’s violent and brash and wants a princess bride so he can become a king. From the moment I met him I knew he didn’t seem alright.”

“I’m scared that if they keep hanging around Escargot, they will get hurt.” Snails said, worried.

“And you’d do anything to keep them safe?” Rarity asked softly.

“Yes, Ma’am.” Snails said.

Twilight blinked in confusion, “Why? You rarely hang out with them.”

“Oh, Darling, generosity isn’t bound to those you know. How many times have we put our lives on the line? Not just for this town but for ponies we have never even met?” Rarity sat tall. “Besides, haven’t you noticed his magic? I think a little bit of Escargot’s magical training is rubbing off on him.”

Squeaking once Snails put the teacup down quickly. “I’m… I’m sorry.”

“Whatever for, dear? Twilight is great friend to have, and inside her castle you are perfectly safe to use magic. It is part of who and what you are. ” Rarity said gently.

“I didn’t even think about it or notice. When did you start using magic Snails?” Twilight said.

“Oh, Twilight, its best we not talk about that. You know how his family feels. I think we should let the little colt keep some secrets until he’s ready to tell them.” Rarity said gently.

Snails looked up at Rarity, wide eyed. A touch of fear ran through him as he wondered how much she knew.

Shaking her head slowly, Rarity smiled down at Snails. “Drink your tea, sweetie, and don’t be afraid to use your magic here. You should NEVER be afraid to use your magic at my home. It’s a rule there; if you have magic, use it. If your father says anything about it, I will deal with him myself. If that’s not enough, I’m sure four princesses will be able to convince him.”

Gulping nervously, Snails took another sip of tea.

“So should we consider asking the girls to keep their distance for now?” Twilight asked, looking at Rarity.

“Out of the question! That would be the worst possible thing!” Rarity looked down at Snails, then back to Twilight, “She may not realize it, but she needs them, and they need her.”

“Needs them?” Snails blinked looking up.

“Yes, dear. At first glance, it seems alright. It may not look like it at first, but they have helped her become more comfortable, more relaxed. She’s not the scared filly she was when she first showed up.” Rarity said calmly. “Without them, her life would be a lot darker, I’m sure of it.”

“Okay, so separating them is not an option. We can’t separate them anymore than we could separate ourselves.” Twilight nodded, looking to Snails, “That means we need to look at protecting them, instead.”

“I’ll talk with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Maybe we can take turns keeping eyes on them as a group.” Rarity said, then looked down at Snails. “Which reminds me, would you consider a small, part-time job at my shop? It won’t pay much, and it will be very hard work- heavy lifting and such.”

“Really Rarity? You’re offering him this now?” Twilight said, blinking.

“Yes, it will keep him out of the way. It will mean we won’t have to look for him. We will know where he is.” Rarity said nodding once. “If I and his parents know that Snails is working in my basement, then we can concentrate on Escargot.”

“I suppose you are right.” Twilight said. “I’ll talk to Cheerilee and some of the other ponies around town and ask them to casually keep an eye on the foals.”

“Marvelous idea! We know they will be safe while they are here for the lessons, and Pinkie and the Cakes can keep an eye on them at Sugarcube Corner.” Rarity said.

“Do we need to be watched all the time?” Snails asked, a little scared.

“It’s not actually the girls we will be watching, but Kunibert and Diamond Tiara. We will also be providing extra emotional support to the girls. I will let them know what’s going on and what to do if they get in trouble.” Rarity said with a nod.

“I should let Escargot and Gisa know.” Twilight said with a firm nod.

“Twilight, can you talk to Gisa? After I show Snails his new job, I’ll find Escargot and let her know.” Rarity said, standing up.

“I wonder if this is the emergency the map was telling us about.” Twilight said, looking to the friendship map.

“It’s probably part of it.” Rarity said as she headed for the door. “Coming, Snails?”

Standing up, Snails walked beside Rarity towards her shop. The streets were fairly open right now, not many ponies out. Most were at the Farmers’ Market, or doing their daily chores or jobs. Looking up, Snails gulped.

“You know, don’t you?” Snails asked timidly.

“That you need somewhere to tell your parents you are going? Why yes, dear.” Rarity said softly.

Snails shook his head, “No, I mean about Escargot?”

“I only know what I am told. It wouldn’t be ladylike for me to jump to conclusions, now would it?” Rarity looked down. “Oh, and would you be so kind as to tell your mother that she’s most welcome for my stain removal trick. Use it with care, though, as some fine silks may be damaged by it.”

“I will- Oh… You heard about that.” Snails said, looking down.

“She also said your father yelled at you over it, but it really worked.” Rarity said softly. “So working in a fabric store gives you an excuse to know some of these things.”

“I don’t want to lie to anyone, but if I tell the truth…”

“You’re afraid everyone will laugh at you or hate you?” Rarity asked, opening the door to her store.

“I’m afraid I’ll be kicked out of my house, banished, or worse.” Snails said, stepping in.

Turning, Rarity closed the door and shook her head looking at the mess. She hadn’t cleaned up the shop since her last order. “If he did, I’m sure Twilight would help you with a place to stay, and if not, I certainly would. Oh dear. Sweetie Belle why would you take my luster dust again?”

Snails scuffed a hoof, “I still hope to find a cure to this curse, I just don’t know how.”

“Curse?” Rarity asked softly.

“Yeah, the deer in the Everfree said I fell in a cursed spring. When I’m hit with cold water, I turn into Escargot. Hot water reverses it.” Snails said, head low. “I never wanted to mislead anyone.”

“I know darling, your kindness and genuine care shows, though. Sweetie Belle wouldn’t care so much for you if you were a bad pony.” Rarity said, getting her things together.

“I didn’t know…” Snails said. “I keep wanting to tell ponies- you, Twilight. But I get so scared.”

“If you would be so kind, I could use Escargot’s help.” Rarity said as she sorted out her work area.

Snails blinked. Well this isn’t too bad. He thought and went to the kitchen to pour cold water on himself. As he changed to Escargot, he started back into the room.

“For Twilight, it will require the right time, and the right pony there to stop her.” Rarity said.

“Stop her?” Escargot stopped in the door looking nervous.

“Yes, stop her. Knowing Twilight, she will go into her 'this-is-impossible' mode, followed by trying to quantify, qualify and test. For that, normally Applejack, Dash, and I would talk her down. Since they don’t know your secret however, it would mean just me.” Turning Rarity looked at Escargot, with a huge selection of fabrics and makeups flowing around her.

“Umm, what are you…” Escargot said, taking a step backwards.

“Fall lineup, darling; I want to test them out with different makeup colors, and styles. I simply can’t use a Ponykin to do that job, and since you are here...” Rarity smiled.