• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,063 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Part 6: This One's Too Young Part 1

Part 6

“The Crystal Ponies are mine!”

Run, hide, turn out the light- do something you idiot! Escargot thought to herself. You shouldn’t be here, you can’t be here!

Rearing up, Diamond Tiara roared out, “I will finish you once and for all!”

Snails ½ : This one's too young

It was a day of meetings. Several times Escargot felt her eyes glaze over at the terms being used. Cadence couldn’t help but giggle at all of the attention Escargot was getting. Even if she was grumpy, it took a bit longer than expected for her to shed her crystal form.

Cadence noted that all the happiness and joy from the other crystal ponies was infectious. The extra boost had likely kept the little filly’s crystal form going throughout most of the afternoon. With a light of her horn, Cadence picked up several crystal bits.

“Here you go, little one. Go get yourself some ice cream.” Then, leaning over and whispering conspiratorially to Escargot, “I hear the Crystal Berry is delicious”

Stepping out Escargot grumbled. Everypony was still watching him. He needed some freedom, he needed some fun. He needed-

Escargot looked down as his stomach rumbled. He needed that ice cream, and maybe some food.

Trotting to the market area, he looked. They had stands for a variety of foods: ice cream, cakes, and berries were being sold at different counters, among other things. The smells filled his nose, and he knew what he wanted to start with.

Bounding up to the counter, he smiled so brightly he actually squeed. Placing down some coins, he looked up at the salesmare. “I’d like a big slice of crystal berry pie, please!”

“Oh, aren’t you just the cutest little thing. Here you go.” She said, giving Escargot an extra-large slice.

Making a little face, Escargot paid the mare a little extra. “It’s best I pay for the full amount. Extra large servings because I’m cute isn’t fair to those who aren’t.” He knew she wouldn’t give Snails an extra serving, so this felt like stealing.

“You really are a little princess, aren’t you.” She said smiling. “You just want to ensure equal service for all ponies.”

Escargot sat down and started eating. The food was so good, he found his tail wagging appreciatively. “Wow, crystal berries are almost as good as zap apples.”

A couple of mares giggled as they watched Escargot eat. One of the mares nosed her colt to go up.

Trotting up timidly, the little colt looked at the bench before climbing up on it. Sitting across from Escargot, the little colt looked terrified.

Glancing up Escargot paused eating. “Um, hi.”

“Mom said I should come talk to you.”

“Why?” Escargot blinked, confused.

“I- I don’t know.”

Escargot just shrugged. “Ok.”

Going back to the cake, she finished it in short order. It was filling, but she still had enough from for ice cream. She looked around briefly before spotting the ice cream stand.

“Want an ice cream?”

“Sure!” The colt responded.

Heading over, Escargot bought two ice creams and brought them back, smiling. “Here you go!”

The colt dug in happily. “Thanks!”

“Aww, don’t they make an adorable couple.” The colt’s mother said.

Twitching her ear, Escargot thumped her head down once. “We are not a couple.”

The colt looked between his mom and Escargot, then blushed and ran off.

A filly that was almost a dead ringer for Apple Bloom hopped up across from Escargot and giggled. “Mind him, he’s super shy. I’m Opal, Opal Bloom.”

“Escargot, hi.”

“I know, I heard. All the grownups are talking about you.” Opal said, straightening her yellow hair bow.

“Ugg, just what I needed. I don’t know why this is happening.”

“Oh that’s easy: it’s cuz you’re pretty, and popular with the royalty. I kind of feel sorry for you.”

“You do?” Escargot blinked.

“Yeah, colts are such jerks.” She said with a giggle. “I would never want one chasing after me.”

Escargot opened her mouth then closed it. Grumbling softly she huffed once. “Snails isn’t a jerk.”

“Oh I see, you have a colt you like.”

“What? No. He’s- He’s like a brother.” Escargot said firmly.

“Sure... so why are you blushing, hmm?” Opal teased good-naturedly.

“Because I’m embarrassed talking about colts, that’s all.”

“Oh. Well, that I can understand. I don’t really talk to them much myself. I’m so much more comfortable talking with fillies, like you.” Opal said. “It’s so great that you’re a filly and not a colt. If you have a problem with a colt, I’ll buck him for you.”

Sighing, Escargot blinked at the growing darkness. Black clouds had begun roiling above the castle. This couldn’t be good in the slightest.

A lot of ponies were starting to look scared.

“You better get home, Opal.” Escargot said, getting up nervously.

“What about you?”

“I’m gonna find Twilight and Cadence.” Escargot looked around. They were at the spire last time he saw them. Likely that’s where they would be.

Hopping off the bench, he started running for the spire. There wasn’t going to be a safer place than with two princesses and the city guards. They would tell him where to hide. Where he could go to be safe.

As she watched Escargot run off into the storm, Opal Bloom sighed. “She’s so brave. Definitely better than any colt.”

Running down the streets, Escargot flinched at the sudden lightning. The closer he got to the spire, the darker it became. Shadowy mists wrapped around the base of the tower, and several menacing crimson crystals rose out of the ground.

“Really? You think you can stop me? You are nothing compared to Celestia and Luna.”

“We stopped you before.” Cadence yelled back in defiance.

“This time I inhabit a real body... and that of a foal. Would you destroy her to defeat me?”

It was so dark and cold. Escargot could hear them, but couldn’t see anything. Cadence was ahead, with Twilight somewhere nearby. He didn’t recognize the other voice though.

“The Crystal Ponies are mine!” The voice said.

“We stopped you before, we’ll stop you again.” Twilight yelled out.

Escargot bumped into something hard in the darkness and tripped. Reaching out, he grabbed at a cloth as he fell to the ground. A brown tarp dropped over him covering him for a moment. Squirming, he slowly stood up and shook herself out.

He could barely see forms in the darkness- the mist, the cloud cover and an absence of light sources made it almost impossible to see, so he started walking again. If he only had light.

“You can’t stop me! You don’t have the heart to. I can sense your pity.”

Oh yeah, light. Spreading his legs a bit, he concentrated and cast a light spell. The light flashed out in all directions and cut through the mists and shadows. At least he wasn’t walking in circles anymore. He looked around and saw Cadence and Twilight. They were standing with red crystals pointing at them like lances from the ground.

Little Diamond Tiara stood with a curved horn on her forehead, green eyes glowing with mists. Just beyond her was the Crystal Heart laying on ground, the tarp covering pulled away so it lay in the open.

Turning her head to look, Diamond Tiara’s eyes blazed in rage. “You!”

Escargot stood frozen in fear. What did I just walk into?

It wasn’t Diamond Tiara’s voice though. “You can’t be here!”

Escargot kept his horn glowing bright and forced a gulp, that was Sombra, he’d heard stories…

Backing up slowly the Sombra-possessed Diamond Tiara seethed. “You can’t be Princess Amore! You were gone, destroyed, sent to the corners of the world! YOU CANNOT BE!”

Run, hide, turn out the light! Do something, you idiot! Escargot thought. You shouldn’t be here, you can’t be here. This thing is keeping two princesses at bay!

Rearing up, Diamond Tiara roared with the combined might and fury of a thousand-year-old necromancer and a ten-year-old snob, “I will finish you once and for all!”

The problem was, when Escargot shook off the tarp, it landed in a jumble on the ground. When the possessed filly reared up, she had backed up onto the tarp. In a moment Diamond Tiara lost all of her hoof traction as her legs became tangled in the tarp. Falling backwards, she landed on the Crystal Heart.

The Crystal Heart, the focus for all the love in the Crystal Empire. The only way Sombra could touch ever it was with a tarp, which was no longer covering it. As such landing flat on The Heart was not a pleasant experience for him to say the least.

The filly was screaming in agony, The Heart seared Sombra to his core, driving his will and magic from the filly. An explosion of light sent Sombra’s horn fragment flying. With the darkness driven out of her, Diamond Tiara passed out, safe.

The crystal lances crumbled. With Sombra’s power gone, the Princesses ran over to Escargot.

“You were so brave Escargot!” Cadence said.

Twilight ran over and hugged Escargot tight. “You really are a princess around here! Really worth the trust Celestia put in you.”

Escargot stood frozen still. He didn’t do anything… Why does stuff like this keep happening?!