• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,061 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Part 5: Make Her Heart

Part 5

~Do you want revenge, little pony? ~

“How did you know?”

~Touch me, and vengeance shall be yours. Your enemy shall pay. ~

Make Her Heart

“A lady needs to carry herself with dignity, she must have pride in herself.” Diamond Tiara stated primly, walking off the train, head held high.

Twilight squeed as she bounded past Diamond Tiara. “Sister!”

Cadence hugged Twilight, laughing happily, then backed up. "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!"

Escargot giggled as they wiggled their tails, then blinked in surprise. “Did I just giggle?”

Meanwhile, several of the crystal ponies at the station had taken an immediate interest in the foals. They looked on with a mix of shock and wonder as Spike trundled out with his load of luggage, whispering among themselves.

“She looks so much like her.”

“It can’t be!”

“Maybe if we saw her in crystal form?”

“She looks so regal!”

Holding her head high, Diamond Tiara walked towards the crowd. She was clearly upper crust, and they obviously knew it. Why, she was practically radiant with her beauty and upper-class-ness. Finally, some ponies who knew class when they saw it.

“Princess? Will our guests be allowed to look into the Crystal Heart?” Amber Waves asked as she looked down at the little filly.

Cadence blinked noticing several of the ponies taking their crystal forms. Something had their morale way up. “I hadn’t planned on it- why?”

“The foal reminds me of somepony I used to know- before King Sombra took power.” Amber Waves said.

“Well, we can visit. It’s on the way, after all.” Cadence smiled.

“Oh, Rarity will be so upset that she missed this. She just loves the crystal look.” Twilight giggled to herself.

Taking her place proudly in front of Escargot, Diamond Tiara walked forwards with the form and posture of proper nobility. Carrying her head high and walking with a slow and confident (but still relaxed) gate, she did her best to show her status as a true noble pony.

Escargot found himself hemmed in by others so Twilight walked beside the little filly in guise. On her other side, Amber Waves and Cadence walked side by side, watching Escargot gently. Several other ponies had taken notice, and were whispering amongst themselves as the ponies trotted along.

The Crystal Heart was at the base of the castle. It spun slowly in its resting place: the pride of the Crystal Empire. Four crystal guards stood, proudly protecting the heart. Their job was as much to keep it safe, as it was to keep others safe from it.

“Looking into the Crystal Heart is an uplifting experience- It can make your heart soar. For some, it can show them their heart’s true potential.” Cadence spoke gently and encouragingly.

Humphing at Escargot, little Diamond Tiara trotted up to the heart instead, “Father always says I am destined for great things. My cutie mark says so.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t-” Escargot started, before flinching under a withering glance from Diamond Tiara. Lowering her head, Escargot quieted.

Looking into the heart, Diamond Tiara’s body took on the crystal form, with ribbons appearing in her mane and tail. Tilting her head she grumped.

“What do you see, little one?” Princess Cadence asked.

“Nothing at all! It’s dark. Are you sure this thing is working?” Lifting a hoof to smack it she was pulled away gently by her father. Likely, he had decided that he couldn’t afford the repair bills for that.

“Your turn, Escargot.” Cadence said.

“She’s a blank flank! If I couldn’t see anything, then of course she won’t. Will she even get a crystal form?”

“But…” Escargot looked back at Twilight.

“Don’t worry, my little pony. Everything’s fine. Go ahead, it won’t hurt you, I promise.” Twilight gently nudged Escargot towards the heart.

Stepping forward, all looked on as Escargot’s form took on a crystalline appearance. Her mane and tail billowed out, flowing free like a river of rose diamonds. Curling just at the ends, her mane shimmered and sparkled in the light. As her mane reached her head, it formed into a braid just above her horn and between her ears. The silver ribbons that formed from the light of the Crystal Heart ringed her braid and formed a heart shape around her horn and between her eyes.

Silver ribbons formed on her lower legs, just above her hooves, crossing in heart shapes there too. One last crystal ribbon formed on the base of her tail and held the hair together at the base, before allowing it to billow out again, much like her mane.

“Wow, she does look like her.” Amber waves whispered, breathless.

“She looks so... beautiful.” Another said.

“I wonder if that’s how the princess looked when she was young?”

“Show-off” Diamond Tiara grumbled.

Cadence tilted her head, “Like who?”

“It was before you came here- 1,000 years ago, another princess ruled the empire. This filly reminds us of her in appearance.”

Escargot suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Everypony was staring at him, looking at him and judging his appearance. This was NOT what a colt was used to! Why couldn’t he just go play in the mud somewhere, or run through the woods? Why did he have to be here?

Heart’s potential, hmm? How bad could it really be? It would show him what his heart could become. What’s the worst it could show? Maybe him playing with Snips, or as a full grown stallion, proud and noble, like his father wanted?

Taking a deep breath, he looked straight into the crystal. As the heart spun, he saw the image of a beautiful mare looking back at him, her mane flowing around her. A golden crown rested on her head, her golden aura flowed from her horn and filled his heart. Yep- it was a nightmare.

Backing away as fast as he could, he looked up at Twilight panting hard.

“What did you see?” Twilight asked.

“M-mare… crown…” Escargot looked panicked. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.

“You saw yourself as a princess? That means you must have the potential for powerful magics in you! No wonder Celestia entrusted you to me!” Twilight said bouncing happily. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, my first chosen apprentice!”

“Maybe she’s the princess come back to us!” One pony said.

“Do you think she’d be interested in my colt? He’s old enough to get engaged.” Another called out.

“Oh Princess Cadence, you must give her your blessing, she’s so special!” A third said

“Bah, she’s lying! Make her tell the truth daddy!” Diamond Tiara whined.

“Now dear, you don’t know that. Besides, you will always be my princess.”

Diamond Tiara stormed away through the city, muttering angrily to herself. Now everypony HERE was paying attention to that little tramp. There had to be some way of stopping her. There had to be some way of getting her out of her life.

~vengeance~ A mysterious, not-at-all-trustworthy voice hissed.

Diamond Tiara froze a glanced around in alarm. “What? Who said that?”

There was no pony around, just the buildings. Starting to walk again, she found herself at the edge of the city. It was still daytime, but she didn’t have anywhere to be. Her father would be in meetings right now.

~Darknessssss~ the still-rather-suspicious voice hissed

Diamond Tiara spun around. Still nopony. This was likely some trick by Escargot just to bug her and make her look like a fool. Huffing irritably, she kicked a rock. The stone bounced a few times outside of the city limits, then turned into a red crystal.

~Do you want revenge little pony? ~

Approaching the crystal Diamond Tiara smiled. “How did you know?”

~Touch me, and vengeance shall be yours. Your enemy shall pay. ~

Looking around again, Diamond Tiara smiled and touched the crystal. She felt the energy surge through her, fill her! The darkness, the power! Slowly, a crimson horn grew from her forehead. Yes. She would have vengeance. She would have her vengeance against all the crystal ponies.