• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,063 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Part 23: Don't Want to Quit

Part 23

Don't Want to Quit

Noot, Noot!

Noot, Noot!

Pushing himself out of bed, Snails grumbled, “Why can’t I have a day off? When I’m not expected to be somewhere, Escargot is.”

Loading his school books into his bag, he turned and trundled into Escargot’s room to make sure he didn’t forget anything. Entering, he saw Gisa lying on the bed in the middle of all the presents he had gotten. He had no idea what much of it was, or was supposed to be used for. Some stuff was generic that every pony would get- saddlebags with her cutie mark, for example. Others were practical, like hats, leg warmers and scarves.

There were more than a few things that neither he nor Gisa knew the purpose of. Some items were simply confusing, and came with no instructions whatsoever as to what they were meant for.

Metal horseshoes, for example. Who would wear those around Ponyville?

“Morning, just-” That was all Snails could say before he slammed the door in panic.

The roar from Gisa and a flash of claws was enough to scare him back into the hall. Leaning against the door, Snails panted, one hoof on his chest.

“It’s just me.” Snails said with a whimper.

Opening the door, Gisa stepped aside, letting Snails fall backwards onto the floor. She looked down at the colt sternly and narrowed her eyes. “Knock before entering a filly’s room.”

Snails grumbled and stood up, heading over to Escargot’s bag sorting through it. “Gisa, it’s me.”

Flicking her tail side to side, Gisa did her best to look innocent. “I know, but I have to keep up appearances and pick on you.”

“Well gee, thanks,” Snails said, pulling out some papers. He turned and hugged Gisa. “See you after school.”

“School? Oh yeah, school. A letter came in today by owl- Twilight wants to see Escargot before school.” Gisa said, giggling, “Have fun, and make sure to get to class on time!”

“Oh, that’s it! I’m going to see about you going to class too.” Snails said and ran from the room.

Running through the kitchen, Snails slid past the table, coming to a stop against the side of the ice box. Quickly, he pilfered some muffins and a bottle of water.

“Snails!” His mother said firmly, “What have I told you about running in the house?”

“Sorry mom, gotta meet someponies before school!” Snails shouted back on his way out the door.

Huffing, his mother shook his head, “If only he could show that kind of enthusiasm about actually going to school, or doing his homework.”

It was still early enough for Snails to find a place to hide. The streets were still pretty empty, so he was able to duck into some bushes unnoticed. Looking around to make sure it was all clear, Snails opened the water bottle and poured it over himself.

One quick shake later, and Escargot stepped out of the bushes. Scanning the area, he ran for the castle, skidding to a stop at the door. Escargot had permission to enter any time, but it didn’t feel right (especially early in the morning) to just barge in. Escargot’s knocks elicited a muffled response from inside.

“One sec,” opening the door the little dragon looked up and smiled. “Hello there Princess, Princess Twilight is in the Table Room.”

Giggling, Escargot bowed deep, “Thank you, Lord Spike.”

Laughing, Spike led Escargot inside. “You know the door’s always open.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to walk in at a bad time, so I knock.” Escargot smiled and trotted down the halls. As usual, the castle was spotless: there was no dirt or dust to be seen and not a single thing was out of place.

Opening the door to the Table Room, Escargot stepped inside and blinked, seeing the ordered chaos. Books and scrolls were everywhere, across the table, quills sat in disarray, and several ink bottles were scattered around the table, all seemingly in use at once.

“Is something wrong, Princess?” Escargot asked.

“Wrong? Nothing’s wrong, the Princesses just sent me general outlines for the courses you are going to be taking, and I need to get everything ready. Celestia said she would check in on this and everything has to be just right for her!” Twilight responded in a single breath, smiling.

With a sigh, Escargot looked at the pile of papers, “Twilight, I don’t know how much of this I can actually do.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep this in little chunks. I was talking with Cheerilee, and today, you’re going to be going to school there.” Twilight said, smiling.

“Wait, what?” Escargot gulped and sat down.

“Oh, don’t worry it’s not for the whole day, just starting after lunch. You’ll have the rest of the day to yourself.” Twilight replied happily.

“But but…” Escargot stood, ‘Can this get any worse?’

“Don’t worry, it’s just for one class.” Twilight said, “But bring a notebook and pencil, there will be a test. Test... Tests! That’s what I forgot.”

Picking up a quill, Twilight quickly went to work again, jotting down notes and pulling over another scroll. “That means cue cards!”

Moaning softly, Escargot turned and trudged out, head low. ‘Why does everyone think I have to study more?’

Escargot shook her head vigorously and blinked, “Yes Princess, but I need to get to Rarity’s. Do you wish me to come here first or go straight to school?”

“You don’t need to stop by. Have fun at school!” Twilight said, concentrating on her work.

Trotting out, Escargot ran down the street, into Rarity’s boutique. It only took a moment there to get changed and ready before Snails was able to make the final dash to school.

Panting hard, Snails ran into the class and stopped just as Cheerilee rang the bell. The other foals looked at him and laughed as he put on one of his grins. “I’m here.”

Shaking her head Cheerilee smiled, “Yes, you are, now please take your seat.”

Laughing, Snails trotted over and sat beside Snips. “Well, I’m on time at least.”

“Actually, that was the second time she rang the bell.” Snips said laughing before looking back at the teacher.

“Ok, at least I was close to being on time.” Snails added, getting his homework out.

“So, what’s today’s excuse for not having your homework done?” Snips asked with a chuckle.

Sitting with pride, Snails passed his homework forward, “I have it done.”

“Wow, you are on a hot streak, that’s a whole 3 days in a row.” Snips said with a laugh, “though your excuse on Monday was priceless, a dragon sneezed on my homework and it’s going to take you a few days to get it back because Celestia’s visiting Los Pegasus and…”

Tapping on the chalkboard, Cheerilee smiled at the class. “Ok, as most of you know, today’s a half day for the colts, and a full day for the fillies with cutie marks. Tomorrow, it will a half day for fillies, and a full day for colts with their cutie marks.”

Putting his hoof up, Pip looked up, wiggling his tail.

“Yes, Pip?” Nodding, Cheerilee acknowledged the little colt.

“Does that mean that as a markless colt I have two half days off?” Pip asked cheerfully.

“Yes, but it’s not actually off. I want the colts today, cutie mark or not, to spend some time in town, and write a report about the jobs in Ponyville. Take careful note as to how the Cutie Mark applies to the job. I expect a report written on this for tomorrow.”

Looking at each other the Cutie Mark Crusaders shrugged and looked towards Cheerilee.

“What about us?” Applebloom asked.

“Fillies without their cutie marks will be doing a history project on Jobs of Ponyville. Tomorrow, though, things will reverse, and it will be the fillies looking at the jobs, and the colts doing the book project.

Snips looked over at Snails, “Want to work with me?”

“I’d love to, but I have to help Rarity since it’s a half day.” Snails said with a sigh. “Though I can do my report on her.”

“Fashion isn’t my thing. I’ll stick with the spa ponies.” Snips said and looked up at the blackboard. “And the mane stylist, and maybe the groom.”

“Sounds fun, did you hear Babs got her mark in mane cutting?” Snails asked glancing towards Snips, “Applebloom was talking all about it.”

“Yep, hey, my parents are busy this weekend, wanna do a sleepover?” Snips asked smiling. “Colts only, with pop, and chips, and popcorn, and ghost stories, and such?”

Smiling, Snails half closed his eyes. “That sounds great. Caramel corn...”

“Snails!” Cheerilee said, putting her hoof down on the desk.

Jumping a bit Snails lifted his text book and opened it looking at the teacher, “Yes, ma’am?”

Leaning over, Diamond Tiara pulled the book out of his hooves, turning it rightside up and put it back in his hoofs. “Dumb colts, can’t even figure out which side is up in their books. Why do you even bother with them when I’m so much better?”

Shaking her head, Cheerilee looked at Snails, “Please turn to page 43 and start reading.”

Blinking, Snails turned the page, then put down his book, starting his work. Today the class was learning about magic- not spells, not theory, not even practical, but instead, terms and concepts. What magic was, and how ponies used it.

Smiling, Cheerilee looked at the colt, “Snails, what is it called when unicorns move things when their magic?”

Blinking, Snails looked up for a moment, trying to figure out how to answer.

“See, why would you ask him, he can’t even do magic.” Diamond Tiara said, and stuck her nose up.

“It’s called ‘Levitation’.” Snails said, sticking his tongue out at Diamond Tiara, “Though there are other names used, like ‘Telekinesis’.”

“You shouldn’t make up words like that.” Diamond Tiara sniped back. “If you don’t know, don’t try and show off.”

“Oh oh oh!” Sweetie Belle said, holding her hoof up. “He’s right, I learned this from Twilight! Levitation is the broad term for lifting and moving objects, yourself, or other ponies with magic. It’s also called Telekinetics in the advanced studies, because it has broader uses.”

Looking between the two unicorns, Cheerilee smiled, “Very good, you two. Though since few ponies here will need to know more, we will stick with ‘levitation’.”

“Next-, unicorns will often light their horns up to create light. What is this called?”

“Torching or Torchlighting.” Diamond Tiara said firmly.

“That’s not quite right. Dinky, how about you?” Cheerilee smiled, looking at the young unicorn.

“Umm, horn shine?” Dinky responded meekly, then cringed at the scowl from Diamond Tiara.

Yawning, Snails put his head on his forelegs. “Torching is directed light, often used by guards to illuminate small areas. Hornshine is in all directions. It's not really intentional light though, it’s caused by the unicorn concentrating their magic.”

Putting up her hoof, Diamond Tiara complained, “Miss Cheerilee, Snails didn’t put up his hoof, and he must be cheating, he can’t even make his own horn light up and had no training! How would he know this?”

“Snails, please remember to put your hoof up.” Cheerilee responded firmly but gently, “And it is rare for you to have the right answers.”

“Twilight’s been teaching Escargot magical theory, and she talks about it sometimes.” Snails said with a sigh. “I don’t really understand most of it, but some things stick.”

“Very good then, pay attention and we might fill in the blanks.”

Keeping his mouth shut, Snails let the class drift by, half snoozing as the teacher went on. ‘This is torture, even when I know something I can’t respond. If I do it might give away I know more than I should.’

“Cheerilee! Snails is snoring again.”

Lifting his head quickly Snails looked around. “I am not.”

“Well it’s lunch time anyway, so get to work my little ponies, I expect all fillies with their marks to be back after lunch.”

Getting up Snails headed out with the other foals. Looking sideways, he chuckled, “We can even do pizza and hayburgers tomorrow night.”

“Oh yeah, this will be great, and best of all no fillies.” Snips said. “Maybe we could get Pip or Rumble to join us.”

“Some ways, I’d rather it was just us since we haven’t spent a lot of time together over the last few weeks.” Snails said, “But a bunch of colts is good too.”

“Well, have fun at Rarity’s.” Snips said, and ran off.

Snails didn’t actually need to go all the way to Rarity's, it was easy enough for him to disappear into the brush again. One flask of water later, and Escargot was ready to show up at class. There was some time to kill though.

Walking back slowly, Escargot munched on the muffins he had taken, for breakfast. The rest of the girls in her group were not going to be there, none of them had their marks either. Only a few of the girls had them. Twist, Taira, Spoon, and a few others, so Escargot would be pretty alone in the class.

“Hello, you must be Escargot, I’m Cheerilee.” Escargot heard when he walked in.

Looking up Escargot smiled, “Princess Twilight asked me to come in.”

“Yep, feel free to choose any of the empty seats.” Cheerilee motioned to the class.

Looking around, Escargot's first instinct was to sit at Snails' normal desk. Stopping himself, he looked around and took Sweetie Belle’s.

‘Just a few hours, then I can go home, and tomorrow night, boys’ night out. Woohoo’. Escargot’s mind raced. ‘This is going to be so much fun, I don’t need to worry about any girl stuff for three whole days.’

Smiling, Escargot leaned back a bit. Looking down, he lit his horn and picked up his school book and supplies he didn't have to worry about using magic here. Setting them out like he did at Twilight’s he made sure he had everything he needed before thinking of the weekend. ‘Oh, I wonder if we can get some cider and apples from AJ. I’ll have to ask nicely.’

Watching as the other girls took their seats, Escargot nodded, trying to be friendly. At the same time, his mind ran through what they could do to make this the best weekend ever.

Walking to the front of class, Cheerilee smiled, “I’ve checked with all of your parents, guardians and such, and received approval for this. Don’t worry, this isn’t a hard class.”

Escargot nodded, and got his papers ready lifting his pencil with his magic. ‘I don’t know just me and Snips could be fun, but having Rumble, Pip, and First base there could be great to. Hoofball in the yard. Oh, it’s so great to be a colt.’

Reaching up, Cheerilee grabbed the pull-down chart. Turning to the class, she smiled gently, “Today, girls, we are going to talk about a mare’s anatomy, and how it works.”

Blinking a few times, Escargot looked at the chart, then at his belly. Slowly looking up once again, his brain froze for a moment. Had this been a cartoon, Escargot's eyes would have flipped to a flashing red tint signs. As it was, however, rolling back into his head and escaping into darkness seemed like the best choice. There were some things he just didn't want to think about. Slowly, he fell sideways out of the chair.

“Escargot? Escargot!”