• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,063 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Part 16: Strangely Obssessed with Tubs of Jelly

Part 16

“Filly Power!”

“Come on, girls! Let’s go!”

"Of all the nerve.”

Strangely Obsessed With Tubs of Jelly

Seeing a pony walking down the street in a beautiful dress is rather uncommon in Ponyville. Aside from Rarity, few ponies bothered dressing unless it was a very special occasion. Seeing a colt walking down the street wearing a beautiful dress, on the other hoof, made ponies stop and talk.

“Do you think his parents know?” Lilly asked quietly.

“Look Rose! How awful!” Daisy gasped as she turned from her stand.

“The horror, the horror!” Rose moaned.

Snails couldn’t help but flinch and lower his head.

“I am just appalled!” Rarity said, sticking her nose up, “That must be the worst possible thing.”

Snails gulped and looked up. Even Rarity was aghast. He saw her shaking her head, hoof over her chest in shock.

“Not only is that last year’s fashion, but that hat simply does NOT go with that outfit!” Rarity said with a huff.

Looking around, Snails saw his father standing, staring. Long Haul was pulling a loaded cart full of supplies bound for Filthy Riches store when he came upon the scene. Shaking his head sternly, he looked at Snails. “That is no way for any colt to act.”

“I know sir.” Snails said. The words around him hurt far more then he let on. Well, aside from Rarity’s words- he figured she would just change the outfit.

“Had he been my colt, I would discipline him properly for such a disgrace.” Long Haul said.

Snails flinched once, but Rarity put a reassuring hoof over his back. His father was walking off, doing his best to ignore the colt.

Snips trotted up, chuckling. “I still don’t believe he made that bet with Diamond Tiara. Everypony should know better.”

“She’s doing her best to humiliate him.” Snails said. “Poor Pip.”

“I should say so! That colt has no concept of color matching.” Rarity said, causing both colts to look up at her. Looking down Rarity smiled, “I should trust if you ever got in trouble like that, Snails, you would come to me first.”

Snails blinked then nodded. “Yes, Miss Rarity.”

“Out of my way!” Diamond Tiara snarled as she trotted by, “Daddy should have just what you need.”

The little filly was followed by her griffin accomplice. Kunibert walked, head high, trying to project as much smug nobility as he could. Honestly, those two would be a perfect couple if not for the age gap, or the whole EVIL thing. He could practically smell it oozing off them.

Snails just knew they were up to no good. ‘They’re probably planning to do something to Escargot and Gisa! If only there was a way I could find out.’

Blinking, Snails looked at his orange foreleg for a good long moment. He had to think of a way to listen in on them without being-

‘Snails, you idiot. They are after Escargot, not Snails. They don’t pay attention to my colt form.’ Snails thought. ‘And dad’s going right there.’

Shaking his head, he ran after his dad. “Hey dad, need help unloading the wagon?”

Long Haul looked down at Snails as he pulled up by the store. “Oh, sure. Just be careful not to break anything.”

Picking up a load of supplies, Snails followed his father inside. It was strange: for all the attention Escargot got, Snails could walk around virtually unnoticed. No one really payed attention to the little colt. Snails hadn’t minded before, but now he was starting to take notice.

“What do you mean you have no Jelly?!” The griffin asked in a stern voice.

“Dad, we have to have some.” Diamond Tiara said.

“I’m sorry, I sold the last bottle of Zap Apple Jelly to the Cakes.”

The griffin growled. “I need two bottles of Crystal Jelly, and one of Zap Apple.”

“Well, we have one bottle of Crystal Jelly. Pinkie Pie bought the other for herself.”

“This is all about the Jelly, we must have it!” The griffin said earnestly. “I’ve got the Heart’s Desire from those three panicky ponies already.”

‘Oh, this can’t be good.’ Snails thought as he helped his dad unload the wagon. ‘But what’s this obsession with tubs of jelly?’

“Maybe we can buy it from the Cakes.” Diamond Tiara suggested.

Huffing irritably, the griffin nodded, “It is worth an attempt.” He stormed out of the store, Diamond Tiara in his wake.

“Done, dad,” Snails said with a smile. “I’m going to head over to Sugarcube Corner and see if Snips is there.”

“Ok, just don’t hang around with that… colt… in the dress.” Long Haul said angrily. “For a stallion to dress like that for any reason is so...”

“I know, dad, I won’t.” Turning Snails ran out.

Out on the street, Snails could see the girls. Dinky and Noi were playing jump rope with Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo was doing tricks with her faithful scooter. If Escargot was here, they would be asking her to join, but Escargot couldn’t find out Diamond Tiara’s plans.

Heading into Sugarcube Corner, Snails looked around. Kunibert had a bottle of Crystal Berry Jelly, but was trying to get them to sell him the Zap Apple Jelly. Sitting down at the table, Snails bit his lip, hoping they wouldn’t be able to part with it.

“The Royal Jelly formula requires Zap Apple Jelly.” Kunibert stated. “I will compensate you for it.”

“We are sorry, it’s for a very special order that we have been contracted to do.” Mr Cake Said firmly. “We can’t just let our customers down like that, especially with such a difficult recipe.”

“Hi Snails!” Pinkie Pie said, sitting beside him. The shock caused Snails to jump right out of his chair and hit the floor.

‘That pony could sneak up on, well, something that’s hard to sneak up on.’ Snails thought as he pulled himself back into his seat.

“Darn, forgot to get seatbelts like you asked.” Pinkie pouted. “Can I get you something? Hot coffee, Hot Cocoa, maybe some hot tea or hot… what else do we have that’s hot? Hot cross buns?”

“Umm, why hot?” Snails asked, gulping nervously.

“Well, I wouldn’t want to give you something cold and risk you spilling it on yourself and having a relapse of that illness that had you in bed for a day, that would be just awful!” Pinkie said, nodding.

“Tea, please.” Snails said, nodding slowly.

As Pinkie bounded into the kitchen to get his tea, he looked back at the griffin and Diamond Tiara.

“We wouldn’t dream of asking you to break your obligations, but father really needs that jam back.” Tiara said sadly. “It’s for a very special gift.” Diamond Tiara looked up with big, sad, eyes.

“Here you go.” Pinkie said putting the tea down in front of Snails. “If you got sick again, it would really upset the girls, then I’d have to throw a we-miss-you-Escargot party for them just to cheer them up, and do you know how hard it is to do a we-miss-you party on short notice?” Pinkie said, bounding away into the kitchen.

“I- wait. What?” Snails blinked in confusion, looking at the direction Pinkie went in shock. His poor nerves couldn’t handle this.

“I’m sorry, we just can’t spare it. Maybe if the special order had not been made, we would.” Mr. Cake said, holding firm.

Diamond Tiara huffed and looked down. “What are we going to do now.”

‘Phew, saved by an order. Without the jam, Kunibert is out of luck.’ Snails though happily and sipped his tea.

“Well, there’s always Applejack. I’m sure she had some extra she might be able to sell.” Pinkie said, bounding out of the kitchen again.

Snails let his face hit the table. Now they would go there and get some and Escargot would be doomed.

Pinkie bounded by Snails and stopped. “Oops. I guess you might need that cold drink after all.” She said blinking.

“Umm, to go please?” Snails said and finished his tea quickly. Strange- he was starting to actually like tea.

Nodding, Pinkie pulled out a large bucket full of ice water and handed it to Snails. “Remember to send the picture in for the Ice Bucket Challenge, and name somepony else when you’re done!” Turning, Pinkie bounded back into the kitchen.

Taking the bucket, Snails headed outside and ducked in behind the Sugarcube Corner. There were enough quiet places he could hide and change and here was one of them. Rearing up on his hind legs, he held the bucket above him and took a deep breath. In one quick motion, he dumped the contents of the bucket on himself.

Now just to be straight about things, there are different levels of cold. There’s tap water cold. There’s ice water cold, which isn’t too bad. There’s a bucket that’s had salt and ice added to it, then left in the freezer so a crust of ice can form over the top cold. Then, there’s Pinkie’s scientifically defying, how-can-it-possibly-be-so-cold-and-not-be-a-solid-block cold.

Escargot trembled, blinking, unable to move for a moment in pure shock. Parts of his body were never meant to be exposed to cold, and he had just found them. All of them. At one time. Thanks to Pinkie Pie, he now knew he never wanted to go out in the snow as a filly.

With a quick shake, Escargot gasped. “Too cold, too cold, too cold, WAY too cold!”

“I should challenge someone like Swyrl, Sparky or Discord to this…” Escargot said, catching her breath and giving one last shake, before trotting out. Looking around, she saw the girls and ran over.

“Escargot!” Apple bloom said smiling, “We just had a great idea for cutie marks!”

Sweetie Belle jumped out in front of Apple Bloom, waving all 4 legs midair, “Cutie Mark Crusader Movie Makers!”

“I found a super 8 camera!” Scootaloo said.

“Apple Bloom, I have a problem. Diamond Tiara and the evil griffin are after Zap Apple Jelly. He wants it to make something to use against Es- Gisa and I.” Escargot said, then blinked, looking at the camera.

Dinky blinked, “Ok girls, cutie marks aside. We have to stop.”

"Filly Power!" Noi said, holding a hoof up into the air.

Giggling, Sweetie Belle clapped her hoof up, followed by the rest of the girls. They paused, all looking at Escargot.

“Umm, filly power, you’re supposed to put your hoof up too.” Scootaloo said. “Duh.”

Blinking, shaking her head, Escargot added her hoof to the group. “Sorry, worried and scatter-brained.”

“Come on, girls! Let’s go!” Apple Bloom said as she turned and started running to Sweet Apple Acres

“Discovery foals! Let’s go!” Dinky called out and all the girls charged after Apple Bloom.

The little fillies ran at full tilt and crossed into the farm near the orchard. They saw Applejack already talking with the griffin, as well as a very smug-looking Diamond Tiara.

“We’re too late!” Sweetie Belle said with a whimper, panting a bit.

“No we aren’t! Ah know where the Jelly’s kept in the house. I can tell my sis there, and get her to stop the sale.”

“How do we get in without being seen?” Scootaloo asked.

Noi looked at Dinky and they both nodded, “Pony vault. I’ll be high, you be low.”

“K, which window?” Dinky asked.

Slowing a bit, Apple Bloom looked confused, “Kitchen on the side.”

Charging ahead, Noi skidded sideways and braced her legs beside the window. A moment later, Dinky skidded up beside Noi lying on the ground. It was clear to Apple Bloom what they were doing, forming a set of stairs for the other girls to get through the window fast.

“I can’t run over my friends…” Sweetie Belle said.

Apple Bloom ran up the two fillies and dove through the window, followed close behind by Scootaloo. Both fillies landed in the kitchen, skidding across the floor and coming to a stop. Escargot- who was larger and heavier than the other two- hit the brakes hard and came to a stop by them, panting a bit before helping Dinky to her hooves.

“Are you two ok?” Escargot asked and started checking them both over for injuries.

“Oh yeah, we worked that trick out for the school obstacle course.” Noi said. “Dinky couldn’t get up the wall on her own, so I started helping her. Once up, she’d help me.”

Rearing up onto her hind legs, Escargot put her front legs on the windowsill, sticking her head in.

Applejack had just walked into the kitchen when Apple Bloom closed the door fast behind her, blocking it and holding a hoof up to her mouth.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack started, then looked at her sister and Scootaloo.

“You can’t sell them jelly! The big griffin’s, like, strangely obsessed with the stuff. We think he’s going to be using it with Heart’s Desire to make some kind of potion!” Apple Bloom said urgently.

“To use against Giza and Escargot!” Scootaloo added.

“Well I’ll be! Of all the nerve.” Applejack looked down at the girls. “Thank ya’ll for the warning, Rarity told me to keep an eye out for tricks like this. And I was ready to buy the whole 'she needed it for her father to finish a contract' story.”

“We have one jar left.” Apple Bloom said, and sighed.

“And I can’t be telling fibs.” Applejack said looking around.

“It wouldn’t be a fib if it was gone.” Escargot said, then covered his mouth quick.

“Well, ah think you girls look a mite hungry after all yer runnin’ around.” Applejack said, grinning like the cat the caught the canary. “Ya’ll should have some sandwiches. If the jelly’s all eaten, then I reckon I can’t sell it, can I?”

Looking at each other, the girls giggled and broke out the bread and jam. Applejack turned to head out. After all, somepony had to give Diamond Tiara the bad news.