• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,060 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Part 28: Oh Brother

Part 28: Oh Brother.

Snails sat across from Snips in Sugarcube Corner, staring into his milkshake, gently stirring it with a straw. Chocolate Peanut Butter and Banana- he wasn’t sure when he fell in love with the flavor, or if it was Escargot or he who preferred it. Right now, though, it didn’t matter.

“Jeez, you’ve been hanging around the girls too much.” Snips said as he sat down with his vanilla shake. “You’re going for their strange flavors.”

Looking up, Snails shook his head, “Pinkie put it in front of me, I’ll try not to think about it.”

“Oh, if it isn’t the two most useless unicorns in town.” Diamond Tiara said, nose held high as she walked by. She and Silver Spoon took a nearby booth for themselves.

“I’ve seen blank-flanks with more talent.” Silver Spoon said, sitting down, “I’d like-”

“I’ll take a Strawberry Surprise shake.” Diamond Tiara said.

Silver Spoon sighed, looking up at the menu, “I don’t know what I want.”

Snips huffed, looking over at Diamond Tiara, “I may not be as good as Escargot, but I’m still getting good with my magic. Someday, everyone in Equestria will know my name, will see my name.” Snips held his head high, “Snips Mane Cutters.”

Silver Spoon looked over at Snails’ shake, “What’s that?”

Snails looked down and sighed, “Chocolate PB and Banana, with whipped cream on top.”

“Oh, that sounds-” Silver Spoon began.

“Stick with the strawberry sherbet, no need to sink to commoner’s foods.” Diamond said, then shook her head at Snips, “Like anyone would trust you.”

“I don’t know, it sounds kinda girly to me. Real stallions go for things like vanilla, or pistachio.” Snips said, smiling and pointing at his.

Silver Spoon glanced at Snails’s shake, then back at Diamond Tiara with a nod, “OK.”

Sweetie Belle walked into the bakery/restaurant, her head held high as she pranced in regally. Her mane and tail were cleanly brushed as always, and her coat gleaming.

“Blank-flank alert.” Diamond Tiara snorted.

Sticking her nose up in the direction of the two fillies, Sweetie Belle pranced over to the colts, “Hi Snips, hi Snails.”

“Uh oh, what did we do wrong?” Snips said, looking worried.

“Nothing, silly! Pip and First Base are looking for you, though, they got some new stuff for the club house.” Sweetie Belle responded, wiggling her tail.

“Oh cool! You coming Snails?” Snips said, jumping down.

Following just behind Sweetie Belle, Princess Luna smiled as she entered, “You are right little one, a most wondrous and cheerful of places. Where better to find a foal who is depressed.”

Seeing Princess Luna, Snails shook his head, “I’ll stay and finish this- I paid for it.”

Diamond Tiara blinked and straightened herself up, “I wouldn’t say I am depressed, just not thrilled with others distracting me.”

“Your call, but I get dibs on anything neat!” Snips said, running out.

Snails blinked, “Not fair!”

Pinkie trotted in and placed a Strawberry Sundae in front of Diamond Tiara, then a Peanut Butter Banana in front of Silver Spoon, complete with a little silver spoon stuck in the top of the shake. With a wink to the little filly, “Ran out of strawberries.”

Walking past Diamond Tiara, Princess Luna smiled at Snails, “Care to take a walk with me?”

“Aw, come on!” Diamond Tiara scowled seeing the Princess choosing to interact with a mere peasant

Puffing out her cheeks, Sweetie Belle glared at Diamond Tiara, “Why does everypony keep taking my lines?”

Diamond Tiara glared at Sweetie Belle, “Since when is that your line?”

Blinking, Pinkie pulled a book out of her mane and flipped pages, “Two-dash-fourteen, forty-three, page four, Sweetie Belle: ‘Aw, Come on!’ Yep, it’s hers.” Closing the book, Pinkie turned and bounded back to the kitchen.

Putting a wing gently over Snails, Luna smiled down at the colt, “Come with me. We need to talk.”

Looking up Snails nodded, “Yes, ma’am”

Luna stood up and nodded to Sweetie Belle, Luna started walking out with the colt, “He should do wonderfully in the Royal Guard Students’ Program.”

“Royal-!” Diamond Tiara blustered in shock.

“Guard.” Silver Spoon said with a dreamy smile, picturing Snails in uniform. Diamond Tiara interrupted her daydream with a poke.

Diamond Tiara hissed to Silver Spoon, “Focus! We need to figure out how to make me important again.”

Walking down the street, Snails looked around, “We aren’t heading to the castle?”

Shaking her head slowly, Luna smiled, “No, there is too much pressure there.”

“Not going home?” Snails asked, looking back in the distance.

Luna smiled, “Apple farm, it’s more relaxing.”

“The Apples?” Snails blinked as she lead him up to the clubhouse.

Noi opened the window and leaned out. Dinky waved, “Hi Snails! It’s true, it’s Princess Luna! If Pip were here, he’d just die. A visit from the best Princess ever!”

Luna blushed slightly and shook her head, “Now now, none of that please.”

As he walked inside, Snails was almost knocked over by Apple Bloom’s hug. “Yer ok, right?”

“I’m fine. If I thought about it, I’d be confused.” Snails said, looking around the room. “I guess sometimes it’s just best not to think.”

“That is not a good habit. Avoiding things can hurt you, and others, over time.” Luna said as she sat down, draping a wing over Snails protectively.

“Are you here about Escargot?” Dinky asked, then sat in front of Luna.

“We don’t want you to take her away from us.” Noi added, and sat beside Dinky.

Sliding down the ladder from upstairs, Scootaloo nodded, “Yeah, I know we might not have always been the best of friends, but.”

“Shh! She doesn’t know.” Sweetie Belle said as she glanced back to Luna.

“I know, trust me, I’ve known for some time. I am just good at keeping secrets. I learn a lot in dreams.” Luna said, and stroked Snails’ mane.

Apple Bloom sighed, “Oh, well yeah, we haven’t been the best of friends to Snails. Haven’t given him a fair chance, but we don’t want you taking him away.”

“I would never allow that. The bond you have, all of you, is special. As such, all of you are going to be spending part of a semester at the School for Gifted Unicorns.” Luna said motioning her wing to all the foals.

Dinky blinked, then jumped into the air, sparks exploding from her horn. “WOOHOO! GIFTED UNICORN SCHOOL!”

Sweetie Belle smiled, her own horn sparkling with her barely-contained excitement.

Applebloom, on the other hand, scratched the side of her head, “I’m beggen yer pardon ma’am, but some of us are kind of lackin in the horns department.”

“Not all the classes are about casting spells. A fair portion of it is understanding magic itself.” She nodded at each foal in turn, “All of you have touched and used harmony magic, and may need to do so again. I want all of you to be able to understand that magic, and magic in general.”

“Really?” Noi said, “Even me?”

“Even you, little Noi. I wouldn’t want you girls to have an accident and mistakenly blast poor Escargot with harmony magic. I’m not sure poor Snails could take my singing.” Luna said with a light giggle.

“What about my father?” Snails asked looking up.

Puffing out her cheeks, Luna grumbled, “Well, since my sister feels banishing him to the sun is unacceptable….”

“The sun!” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

“Certainly. If Celestia felt locking me up on the moon for 1,000 years was reasonable, why not lock him up on the sun for 1,000 years.” Luna said with a nod, “It’s ok, we talked to your father, Snails will be helping at Rarity’s Canterlot store, and doing a Pony Cadet Training course to train as a royal honor guard.

"I just wish I was strong enough to stand up to him." Snails said looking down.

“How you chose to handle him is up to you. if you want to tell him, we will support you. If not, we will keep your secret.” Luna smiled, “But remember, you are not and never will be alone.”

“Oh, brother. What could possibly go wrong?” Snails said, then shrugged and smiled at the girls.

“Whatever path you chose.” Noi said, smiling.

All the girls chipped in, “We will all be there with you.”

Comments ( 52 )

How you chose to handle him is up to you. if you want to tell him, we will support you

1. Choose.

“Oh, brother. What could possibly go wrong?” Snails said, then shrugged and smiled at the girls.

Shenanigans, Kuno, DT and many many more. Neighton has been summoned by a powerful one this time...

Not sure about drinking anything with peanut butter though. PB chocolate's good. Hmm... caramel coffee is good too but maybe adding PB in it would make it kinda thick...

School for Gifted Unicorns.
this is going to be a huge change for everypony involved.
and this will get Snails away from his scared father.

Snails I think you got to look at telling your father is like taking off a bandage, the quicker the better. Yes your poor excuse of a father is going to have issues but the support around you will support you all the more.

“Oh, brother. What could possibly go wrong?” Snails said.

Katatsumuri, baka!

8152642 realfoodenthusiast.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/chocolate-smoothie.jpg

Theres the smoothie version, there ARE peanut butter milkshakes, peanut butter bannana... and such yeh i was shocked too.

I think snails should only tell his father if and only if the princesses can get him out of that excuse's legal control If(when) it goes wrong. As it stands, horrible as it is, the father could just put his hoof down upon finding out and say no not going.

That ending... Did you write that ending in a corn field, or a sugar factory? It's too corny, and tries to hard to be sweet, like those awful ducks named peeps.

“Royal-!” Diamond Tiara blustered in shock.

“Guard.” Silver Spoon said with a dreamy smile, picturing Snails in uniform. Diamond Tiara interrupted her daydream with a poke.

Haha! This is now truly a Ranma fic.


What story have you been reading? The whole fic has scenes like that. That's half its charm, in a "so ugly it's cute" kind of way. Only in this case, it's "so saccharine...". If you don't like those scenes, I would think you would be used to it by now or have stopped reading. I told myself to stop forcing my obligatory groans at those parts, and I've enjoyed the fic a lot more because of it.

This will go wrong faster than RD making a Sonic Rainboom

What could possibly go wrong?

Whatever path you chose.

Noi is helpful. :pinkiecrazy:

What could possibly go wrong?

this should never be said in Ponyville

What could possibly go wrong? :rainbowderp:
1.- tiara diamond
2.- discord
3.- water
7.-caos !!!! more :pinkiehappy:

D'awwww, so sweet!

8153289 Anywhere. But yeah, especially in Ponyville. Murphy must live there.

8161992 well his Ponyville Counterpart.

Chocolate PB and Banana, with whipped cream on top.

I would usually get strawberry, banana, or oreo and sometimes strawberry and oreo or oreo and banana mixed together when I get a shake at the dq. So I don't see how that's girly. :applejackunsure:
I remember one time I was getting a oreo shake for me and a banana shake for my mom, my exact words were, "Can I get a small oreo and banana shake?" I laughed when I found out they mixed them together. :rainbowlaugh:

“Two-dash-fourteen, forty-three, page four, Sweetie Belle: ‘Aw, Come on!’ Yep, it’s hers.”
Are those page numbers or dates? :rainbowderp: :rainbowhuh:

“But remember, you are not and never will be alone.”

Such a sweet story

8287884 No. Mostly likening Pinkie to a dog. As ditzy as she sometimes seems, she;s actually quite intelligent.
Also: Had she come back with the ball in her mouth getting Rarity to throw it again, you'd have lost TWO points.

intelligent yes, but i was playing the fact that she's easily distracted. IE all it took discord to do was let 1 balloon go and she's off bounding after that. Hence her comment... Ohhh... shinny.... rather then the dogs... BALL!

Yeah. And you can also argue that :ajbemused:
(watch the video first)

Hence shiny jingly ball. its not a dog thing its a "distraction" and fascination effect :) like jingling keys infront of her :)

“Aw, come on!” Diamond Tiara scowled seeing the Princess choosing to interact with a mere peasant

Puffing out her cheeks, Sweetie Belle glared at Diamond Tiara, “Why does everypony keep taking my lines?”

Diamond Tiara glared at Sweetie Belle, “Since when is that your line?”

Blinking, Pinkie pulled a book out of her mane and flipped pages, “Two-dash-fourteen, forty-three, page four, Sweetie Belle: ‘Aw, Come on!’ Yep, it’s hers.” Closing the book, Pinkie turned and bounded back to the kitchen.

Okay, that was funny!

Alright, as it stands, i give this story an 11 on the yay:itude meter! It's seriously great! I loved the characters, the plotline, the action, the comedy (oh, Celestia! The COMEDY!) and the ending -though a touch of a cliffhanger- was satisfying.
I'm going to be reading the next one, for sure!

I have reviewed your story. Thank you for your wonderful creation and the hard work you have put into it. :twilightsmile:


Thank you so much for this wonderful review... I know I was rejected but you still put so much work and effort into it it was great.

Uhhh what’s “OVA Special?”

Original video animation AKA direct to video or Direct to DVD Specials.

Ranma 1/2 would often have OVA's scattered through the series that didn't quite fall in or fit in with the rest of the season episodes, that were meant as holiday specials, oneshot stories, or such.

"Tendo Family Christmas Scramble" for example.

So what video was my suggestion added to?

And notice that, despite that, nothing has changed yet.:ajbemused:

“Aw, come on!” Diamond Tiara scowled seeing the Princess choosing to interact with a mere peasant

Puffing out her cheeks, Sweetie Belle glared at Diamond Tiara, “Why does everypony keep taking my lines?”

Diamond Tiara glared at Sweetie Belle, “Since when is that your line?”

Blinking, Pinkie pulled a book out of her mane and flipped pages, “Two-dash-fourteen, forty-three, page four, Sweetie Belle: ‘Aw, Come on!’ Yep, it’s hers.” Closing the book, Pinkie turned and bounded back to the kitchen.

Is this a Robin Hood: Men in Tights reference? If so, it's beautifully done.

(Sorry I couldn't find a clip of the full joke)

Direct to Video high quality specials.

I just read all of Vol.1 and Vol.2, and now I'm moving onto Vol.3! Look what you've done! You've got me hooked! :trixieshiftright:

LOL, well its official, alk NOW has 3d Printed amulets

The way that I can think of is to render it in something like tinkercad. It's one of the simplest things I've ever used, I shouldn't be hard. The reason I asked was that the image looked like it was made in cad.

Just saw this. WHERE?!? I want one so bad...

Thank you so much! As soon as I saw it, I wanted it.

I'd probably just paint it, but that looks great! Also, how do you put a username instead of a number when responding to comments?

The site does it automatically, but only if the comment and the response are on the same page.
Oh, and it doesn't work very well on mobile.

Oh. K thanks! Also, is this design on thingiverse?

Nope, never placed it there.

That's where I get most of the downloads. Send it to me?

your having fun :)


It's not really that I wanted something like Ranma ½. In fact, it's almost unheard-of for me to find a fic which effectively captures what I like about Ranma ½ in prose form.

It's that it's hard to enjoy a story that feels like it keeps kicking the main character when they're down. Ranma ½ was more resistant to that because Ranma felt more deserving of what happened to him.

Now this seems more like a place to separate a story into parts. Not that I think it needs any subdivisions, period, but yeah.

No matter what, though, almost all the stuff I didn't like about the story has improved over time.

thank you, and i'm still writing, have a chapter with the editor now :)

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