• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,063 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Part 19: I Really Feel

Part 19

"I am the Princess of the Night, and yet my dear sister will not allow me to send a single offensive stallion to the moon for so much as a century.”

“Why, why me, just why?”

I Really Feel

Opening his eyes, Snails blinked a few times, looking at his muzzle, bangs. Oh, no, the color is wrong- not Snails, Escargot. It’s strange when you have to check who you are when you wake up.

Turning his head, he saw Princess Luna sitting beside him, a gentle smile on her face.

“Oh thank gosh, it was just a bad dream.” Escargot said and relaxed in bed, still feeling very tired. “Hello Princess Luna.”

“Escargot, what’s the last thing you remember?” Luna asked gently.

“I- ugg… I remember the girls being in trouble… Feeling desperate, scared… I remember helping them out of a sinkhole.” Escargot said, rubbing his horn. “But that was all a nightmare, right? A bad dream?”

Gisa whimpered softly, causing Escargot to look down at the grifflet.

“You’ve been asleep almost eighteen hours straight. She’s refused to leave your side the entire time, not even to eat.” Luna said. “Or go to the bathroom… you might need a new laundry hamper.” Luna finished sticking her nose up a bit.

“She was upset I was going to abandon her, then… please tell me I didn’t get a cutie mark.” Escargot whined softly.

“Escargot, I can’t lie to you.” Luna said sadly.

“Please? Everypony lies. I end up having to lie to everypony. Even though it feels wrong, I lie.” Escargot said softly.

“You shouldn’t have to.” Luna said softly stroking Escargot’s mane with a forehoof. “What you did was brave and selfless. You could have stayed and hoped Gisa could have found some other ponies to help. You listened to your heart, and found a true magic inside of you.”

Looking down at the cutie mark, he sighed and traced the heart shaped gem with a hoof. “How can I have two special talents?”

“Perhaps they are different aspects of the same talent. Cutie marks can be cryptic things.” Luna shook her head, “My sister wants you to start training at her school immediately.”

“What?! I can’t! I can’t go there!” Escargot bolted upright.

Pushing the filly back into bed, Luna shook her head, “I have spoken with my sister over this at length. Though she still wishes you to attend, it will be when you are ready. Taking you from your friends at this point would hurt you more than magical guidance could ever help.”

Releasing his held breath, Escargot relaxed. “Thank you Celestia.”

“I see, no respect for the younger sister now.” Luna huffed teasingly.

“That’s- oh no, that’s not what I meant at all!” Escargot said.

“Worry not- my sister has decided you must still be tortured.” Luna said with a half grin.

“Tortured?” Escargot gulped heavily.

“Why, yes! Because she cannot teach you, nor can she bring you to the school, she has decided instead to give Twilight special permissions to teach you as if you were at the school. She has even had lesson plans drawn up, which I suspect Twilight will... adjust, if she feels they are not appropriate.” Luna sighed somberly, “I’m sorry, no matter what happens, my sister is determined to teach you. I suspect she knows more about your destiny than either of us.”

Escargot groaned, “You know how to ruin my day, princess. Thanks.”

“Then, of course, there is the 'Saving of Sweetie Belle' incident. Rarity is with her right now, but I believe she will want to reward you somehow.” Luna said.

“Well, it wasn’t a big thing, really. Any unicorn would’ve done the same thing.” Escargot said, “At least they aren’t making a huge spectacle of it.” Escargot sighed.

Luna arched an eyebrow, “I haven’t told you about the 'Super Duper Cuteceñera and Life Saving Extravaganza' Pinkie Pie has planned, have I? She has already invited Celestia and Cadence.”

All Escargot could do was pull a pillow over his face and whimper. “Why, why me, just why?”

“Because you are a very special pony. You come from a very special family line. Notwithstanding your father.” Luna said, glancing at the door. “And trust me, sometimes life doesn’t seem fair. For example, I am the Princess of the Night, and yet my dear sister will not allow me to send a single offensive stallion to the moon for so much as a century.” Huffing, Luna looked down at Escargot.

“How come?” Escargot asked.

“Something about paperwork always getting lost, then the police having to deal with criminals who just appear out of nowhere.” Luna huffed again, “It has not been a problem as of yet.”

“Yeah, and banishing dad for 1000 years wouldn’t be nice.”

“Well, I must be going. I am having tea with Twilight and my sister.” Luna smiled and stood. “Besides, there are other ponies here to see you.”

Trotting out, Luna gave a Menacing Look to Long Haul who was in the corridor keeping his distance from the scene. Smiling once at him almost evilly before vanishing in a puff of astral smoke. Typically, Luna preferred less dramatic exits, but Long Haul’s abhorrence of magic irritated her to no end, and she wished to prod him a little, so to speak.

Pinkie Pie pogo hopped into the room, squeeing loudly, “Oh I’m so super duper hypexcitatic. This is going to be the biggest, best Cuteceñera ever!”

“You know that ain’t a real word, right?” Applejack said, taking her hat off and holding it over her chest, “Me and the girls wanted to thank you for saving our little sisters.”

“I just did what I needed to do.” Escargot said his face still hidden by the pillow.

“Darling, you risked yourself, and ran off to help your friends. That is not something to be taken lightly.” Rarity said softly. “And it will give me a chance to have the most absolutely beautiful dress ready for you for Pinkie’s party."

Escargot dropped his pillow a bit, looking at Rarity, “If a Cuteceñera is about showing off your cutie mark, why do you cover it up with a dress?”

“Dear, a Cuteceñera is not about showing off your cutie mark, that’s something a colt would do. It’s about being presented to the world as having earned it and moving on to a new phase in your life.” Rarity said stroking Escargot’s mane.

With unerring aim, Gisa landed on Escargot’s belly then looked at the adults. Sternly.

With a titter, Rarity nodded to Applejack and Pinkie, “I think Gisa wants to make sure Escargot gets enough rest.”

“Are you sure?” Pinkie asked bouncing, “Maybe she wants to talk about Escargot and Escargot not telling her about-”

Rarity, not to be caught unprepared for Pinkie today, bounced a silver ball, once on the ground. The ball jingled as it bounce out into the hall.

“Ohh! Shiny!” Pinkie squealed and bounded after the ball.

“What in tarnation? Was that Winona’s ball?” Applejack huffed and glanced at Rarity.

Following Pinkie out, Rarity apologized, “Oh, I am so sorry, I had to borrow it in case I needed to distract Pinkie.” Rarity said, closing the door behind her.

Gisa glanced over at the door then at Escargot. “So, why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was afraid you’d rip me to shreds?” Escargot said meekly.

“That’s still an option.” Gisa chirped, showing her claws.

“Because you seemed to like Escargot so much more than me, and I didn’t want to hurt you.” Escargot went on.

“Better. So what were you doing at Zecora’s then?” Gisa asked.

“I… I was looking for a cure… so I could go back to being Snails full time.” Escargot looked down sadly. “I would have still found a way to look after you, but I just wanted my life back.”

“And what now?” Gisa said looking away.

“I can’t be cured according to Zecora.” Sighing softly, Escargot looked at his hip, “I lost the chance when I got my cutie mark. Once the mark’s there, the cure won’t work.”

Gisa blinked, “So you gave up your chance at a cure, for your friends?”

“I- I guess. You’re all are so important to me.” Escargot looked up at Gisa, “I couldn’t stand by and let them get hurt, and you looked so desperate.”

Gisa turned and hugged Escargot as tight as she could. “Best friends?”

“Of course, and sisters.” Escargot giggled.