• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,063 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Part 3: You and I

Part 3

“If you feel she’s up to it, Princess. I defer to your judgement on such matters.”

“Wonderful! Escargot, the train leaves at 8 am. As my student, I’d prefer if you were there on time. I don’t want to have to ask the girls to go looking for you. Pinkie is a master of hide & seek: she can find anypony if she puts her mind to it.”

I wonder if I could outrun Pinkie? Ok wait, Rainbow Dash can’t outrun Pinkie. Yep, I’m doomed.

Snails ½: You and I

It was nearing dinnertime when Snails trotted up to his front door, covered from nose to tail in dirt and sweat. He was dusty, with leaves and branches tangled in his mane. He was hungry and tired. He was a colt, and happy for it. He’d spent the last few hours happily playing in the dirt, mud, and shrubs, just being Snails.

He jumped and shook himself off on the doormat to get the bulk of it off, then trotted inside.

“Oh Snails, you’re a disaster. Go upstairs and get cleaned up.” His mom said, gesturing towards the stairs. “We have company.”

“Ok mom. Is the hot water working?”

“Heart Wrench said our little heater was being overworked. It should be ok as long as we don’t use too much hot water.” She said.

Trotting past the living room, he glanced through the doorway to see Rarity sipping tea across from his dad. There are so many ways that can’t be good.

With a long, cold shower, Escargot got cleaned off, followed by a quick blast of hot water to change back into Snails. Doing that saved on the water he would NEED to survive. Without that hot water, he’d be doomed.

As he dried himself, he trotted downstairs to hear his father talk. “Honestly, sometimes I think Snails got his cutie mark for being slow. He learns at a snail’s pace, works at a snail’s pace, and now with this Escargot business, things are just getting worse. Do you know, I caught him wearing one of her dresses today. The very idea!”

Taking a deep breath, Snails walked into the living room and stopped short at Rarity’s face. She had her cheeks puffed out, and was looking a little red. Obviously she didn’t approve of him wearing the dress either.

“Hello dad. Hello ma’am.” Snails said nervously, and sat quietly on the floor.

After a brief nod of acknowledgement to Snails, Rarity turned back to Long Haul. “I see, that must have been very distressful, Mr Haul. I was wondering though, Escargot...”

“Honey, Princess Twilight is at the door. She wants to speak with you.”

“Send her in! Don’t keep the royalty waiting.” He looked down at Snails and cleared his throat. “Snailsquirm, I expect you to behave with the honor, integrity, and pride befitting an earth pony in the presence of Princess Twilight.”

“Yes, dad.” Snails said, keeping his head down. His father, his teacher, and Rarity all together in one room with him? It was PTA night all over again. But with a princess. And he was cursed. It was only a matter of time before the water struck again.

“Would anyone care for a cold drink?” His mother asked.

“No, thank you.” Twilight said as she sat down.

“I’m fine dear.”

“Thank you, but I have my tea to sip.” Rarity said, doing just that.

“I’ve been trying to find Escargot’s parents.” Twilight said, “She doesn’t talk about them much, past the fact that they don’t want her practicing magic.”

“She’s from out of town. I haven’t had much time to talk to her myself.” Snails’ mom said, “She didn’t even have a place to stay, so I let her stay here. One of these days I’ll just have to have a sit down with her.”

“She’s not here now, though?” Twilight asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

“No, I haven’t seen her since this morning.” His father said, “But Snails met up with her just after lunch.”

“Has she been doing her magical homework?” Twilight asked, “Her studies are very intensive. She’s a wonderful student, but she seems to have problems with some of the fundamentals.”

Snails cringed at the word 'fundamentals'. That’s a term he never wanted to learn. He couldn’t spell it, but he knew it had nothing to do with fun. In fact, he was pretty sure that if he looked the word up in a dictionary, the definition would be the opposite of fun.

“I hope not. We are a traditional house- we don’t allow magic here.” His father said.

Both Rarity and Twilight blinked at Snails, “What about your son?”

“We’ve chosen to raise him as an earth pony. He shows no aptitude or interest in magic.” His father stated with finality.

“Well, do you mind if Escargot comes with us for a few days to the Crystal Empire?” Twilight asked.

“Shouldn’t be a problem. Snails, can you go find Escargot?”

“Yes, dad.” Snails stood up and blinked, looking around. Where to ‘look’ for her? Where to change? Outside water hose would be best, probably.

“Snails, I said go. Don’t just stand there.” His father said sternly.

“Sorry.” Snails turned and ran outside and sat down by the garden hose. Looking around, he made sure no one was around, before tentatively turning on the water.

Shaking dry, he returned as Escargot. As long as they didn’t expect them together, this should be fine.

Escargot trotted in and sat down, greeting Rarity and Twilight. “Hello Ms. Rarity, hello Princess.”

“They are here to make sure you are prepared for and allowed on the trip.” Her father said.

“Yes fa-” he shook his head and faked a sneeze. “Yes sir.”

Stupid, stupid, stupid, he thought. I need to be more careful.

Rarity smiled softly and moved to sit beside Escargot, touching her side to the filly’s. “I do hope Snails hung up your dress for the trip, rather than just leaving it on the floor.”

“I- I haven’t checked.” Escargot said.

“So, there is no problem with her visiting the Crystal Empire with me for a few days?” Twilight watched Rarity fussing a bit with Escargot’s mane.

“Technically, she’s not our responsibility, so I see no reason why she can’t.” Snails’ father said with a nod. “If you feel she’s up to it, Princess. I defer to your judgement on such matters.”

“Wonderful! Escargot, the train leaves at 8 am. As my student, I’d prefer if you were there on time. I don’t want to have to ask the girls to go looking for you. Pinkie is a master of hide & seek: she can find anypony if she puts her mind to it.”

I wonder if I could outrun Pinkie? Ok wait, Rainbow Dash can’t outrun Pinkie. Yep, I’m doomed. Escargot thought to himself. Why does everyone want to sic the guards on me if I don’t show up? What did I do to deserve that?

“I will be up early, in case you need any help before the trip. Oh, and do be a darling, and let Snails know that if he needs any help, or simply a pony to talk to, he can stop by any time. Although, I would prefer if he were clean when he does so. I do so hate dirt in my store.” Rarity said, standing up.

Blinking, Escargot shook his head briefly and looked up at Rarity. “I will.”

“As for the Crystal Empire, trust me, you and I are going to have such a fabulous time! I hear their hot springs are to die for.” Rarity wiped her brow melodramatically before trotting out, head held high.

She had to say die, didn’t she?

Snails’ mom came in, wiping off her apron, “Will you be joining us for dinner tonight, Escargot?”

“I- I don’t feel so well. I think I’m just going to go to my room and lay down.”

“Oh nonsense, you need to eat something. I’ll make you a some sandwiches and juice.” She said.

“Honey, she said she didn’t-” He stopped abruptly, and, if he could’ve, would’ve undid everything he’d just said. Snails’ mom had long ago mastered the ‘you’re sleeping on the couch tonight’ look. She didn’t use it often, which was probably why it was so effective when she did.

Trotting into the the bathroom, Escargot picked up the dress and carried it into 'her' room. “Ok, dress is ready, packed, books are ready. Now, I just need to survive. Hot springs, hot tubs, exploding hot water pipes, accidents from pegasi- I shouldn’t have a problem. No problem at all.”

The door opened, and Snails’ mom walked in, “Here you go: hot ginger carrot soup. Nothing helps settle an upset stomach quite like it. It's Snails’ favorite when he’s sick. Here, I also made some lettuce, tomato, cheese and cucumber sandwiches.” she paused “You know, Rarity seems to worry about you a lot as well.”

“How comes Snails isn’t an earth pony?” Escargot asked. It was never a question that had occurred to him before; It just came up with thinking about using magic, and how Rarity was treating him... Well, Escargot.

Snails’ mom sighed wistfully, “My mom was a unicorn. Though she died when I was young, I can still remember her horn shine: it was the most beautiful golden, like a fresh harvest and the gold of the sun. Just like your eyes. She died during a magical storm created by a monster from the Everfree. She stayed with me, my husband Long Haul, and his parents, trying to protect us all. The strain was too much for her though- Only Long Haul and I survived. I still remember her bright glow, keeping the storm at bay for so long. I think he still blames her for not saving his parents. It’s why he doesn’t like or trust magic.”

Escargot closed his eyes gently, then lit his horn, filling the room with the soft, golden light of his Hornshine.

His mom hugged her tightly, tears in her eyes, “Oh Escargot, it’s just like my mom’s- Almost exactly how I remember it. Who knows, maybe you two are related somehow.” Standing up, Snails’ mom backed off. “Now eat up, and then get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow.” As her mom left the room, he asked her, “What was her name? Your mom’s?”

“Clover. She was a lucky little unicorn at times, so some called her Serendipity.”

Thumping his head against the wall several times, Escargot grumbled. Whose bright idea was that name again? Oh yeah, Sweetie Belle. I need to thank her so very much.