• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,063 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Snails 1/2 OVA SPECIAL: A Hearth's Warming Eve

Snails ½ OVA Special

A Hearth’s Warming Eve

Noot, noot.

Noot, noot.

Snails pushed himself out of bed and turned off the alarm clock. Shaking his head a few times, he felt his scruffy mane wobble. Walking over to the mirror he checked his mane out… It was starting to get a little long again, so his dad would probably want him to get it trimmed.

His father had joked that if his mane got too long, he might end up looking like a filly. If it were only that easy, though. If only a simple manecut would solve his problems, he could go to the groom, have his mane fixed, and life would be simple again. He could be simple again. Or could he?

Looking in the mirror, he stuck his tongue out, looked at his teeth, and wiggled his ears. Everything was where it was supposed to be. Tilting his head, he made a few faces in the mirror by puffing up his cheeks, going cross eyed, and just having a moment’s fun.

He didn’t have to go to school today, didn’t have teaching with Twilight today. Today he could just do what he wanted. Smiling, he turned and opened his window to look outside, seeing snow, snow, and more snow. The pegasi had been busy: Hearth’s Warming Eve was in a few days, and they wanted plenty of snow.

“Snow! Snow… ugg… snow…” Snails sighed. The only problem with snow was that it melted on his back to cold water, so he could end up changing after coming in from the snow. Even worse, simply playing in the snow too long would end up with him turning into a filly.

Just coming inside covered in snow could have him change as the snow melted, so if he wanted to play outside, it had to be as a filly. Being a filly, however, meant dealing with colts… though his group of girls wasn’t that bad to hang around with.

Shrugging once, Snails turned and headed for the kitchen. He’d decide what to do today over breakfast: play outside, spend time inside with Snips playing board games, or find something else to do. Inhaling deeply, Snails was filled with the smell of blueberry muffins, pancakes, and…

Stepping into the kitchen, Snails giggled, seeing Derpy sitting at the table, her eyes half closed as she inhaled the smell of the fresh muffins. Beside her, Dinky was sitting and eating a hot, buttered muffin. If there was anything he could say about his mom, it was that she could cook.

Sitting down at the table, Snails smiled brightly, “Hi, Dinky.”

“Hi, Snails! Escargot must have gone out early. I was looking for something to do. Mom has a busy day with the seasonal deliveries, so your mom said she’d help tonight with dinner for me.” Dinky said with a dollop of butter on her nose.

“Little early for dinner, isn’t it?” Snails said, smiling brightly and fighting to suppress a giggle. Tapping his nose, he smiled at the filly.

Blinking, Dinky rubbed her nose, getting the butter off it, “Sorry, but the muffins just smelled so good that Mom had to have some with me.”

“So what do you have planned for today? Apple Bloom and her friends are likely going to be at the clubhouse.” Snails said as he dug into his pancakes.

“Mom’s got a slew of deliveries in the morning but is supposed to meet me for lunch. I was thinking about practicing my magic with Sweetie Belle until then!” Dinky said with a huge smile.

“Well that sounds fun… or funde…” Snails stopped mid-word with a smile.

Quickly, Dinky covered her horn with both hooves. “Noooo…! Not that horn-melting word! Anything but that!!!”

Laughing, Snails shook his head. “It could be worse. Hi, dad.”

Long Haul nodded once, taking a seat and opened the morning paper. Across the front was a big picture of Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara, though Long Haul was more interested in the weather forecasts to see when the pegasi would be dropping more snow. “I hope the roads and trails are clear. I really don’t feel like pulling a sleigh.”

“Oh Snails, is Escargot going to help you with your magic?” Dinky asked, finishing her muffin.

“What?!” Long Haul put down his paper, looking at Snails and Dinky. “Snails is NOT practicing magic.”

The finality of Long Haul’s words brought tears to Dinky’s eyes. Quickly, Derpy wrapped a wing around the little unicorn and scowled at Long Haul. “I may put up with a lot, but I will not have people yelling at Dinky.”

Long Haul looked at the mailmare sternly. “Then she shouldn’t be discussing magic in my house. I will have words with Escargot about this, too. Snails knows better.”

Nodding slowly, Snails looked at Dinky. “Sorry, no magic for me.” Conking the side of his horn with a hoof he chuckled. “Doesn’t work well, anyway. I guess I’m not bright enough for it.” Snails said, trying to defuse the situation. Playing the fool sometimes is expected.

Long Haul looked at Snails, “You do very well as a labour pony. That is something to be proud of.”

Watching Long Haul, Derpy carefully backed the unicorn foal out the kitchen door. “I will talk to you later about this.” she said firmly before closing the door behind herself and Dinky.

Shaking his head, Snails sighed. Dinky was too good a friend to Escargot to get yelled at like that. “Dad, Dinky didn’t mean anything by that. She’s been learning with Escargot and was wondering if I was learning too, that’s all.”

“You know how I feel about magic. Now, finish up. I have to get to work.” Long Haul stood up and headed out.

Sighing, Snails got his scarf and hat on and trotted out after Dinky, feeling awful about how she had been treated. Trotting through the streets, he looked at the decorations that were already being put up. A three-pony high candy cane stood next to a building, complete with foals that had their tongues stuck to it. Multi-colored lights were hung all over, decorating trees and houses. Every door had a bow on it. Ponies were really getting into the…

… Force of the impact sent Snails flying with an audible, “POW!” His scarf and hat went flying as his hooves spun over his head for a moment. Groaning, Snails lay on his back, his face stinging from where the snowball had hit. First Base was rapid firing them at Snips, who was cowering behind a makeshift snow wall.

“A little help here!” Snips called out as the larger earth pony kept firing ball after ball.

Grumbling, Snails stood up, “I’d love to play, but…”

Another snowball hit him in the mouth and a third caught him in the chest. Blinking and narrowing his eyes, he grumbled, “First Base, can you please stop?”

“Aww, mama’s boy doesn’t like getting hit?” First base laughed, “It’s only a snowball fight! Come on, Snails.”

Fundamentals training: Practice through repetition and gradually increased load in order to build up a unicorn’s ability to hold and manipulate multiple objects at once. It also is used to increase the magical dexterity and stamina of the unicorn.

Snails narrowed his eyes as his horn lit up and two dozen snowballs slowly rose and formed into a circle around his head. Spinning the circle to build up speed, the snowballs started whirring and whistling before Snails opened up on the colt. One by one, as each snowball reached the apex of its circle, Snails would fire it at the startled colt, then magically gather more snow to replenish his supply.

Firing off snowballs at a rate of ten per second, it only took a few moments before First Base was cowering. Seeing the white flag go up from behind a snow wall, Snails nodded once firmly then grimaced, realizing what he had just done.

Poking his head over the ice wall, First Base cleared snow from his muzzle. “Where did that come from?”

Snails blinked then simply gave a silly chuckle, mumbling, “I like snow.” Turning quickly, he trotted away from the two colts. He figured he had a few moments before the snow soaked his coat and he changed.

Snips blinked a few times. “Meh Snails being Snails. He’s weird at times.”

Skidding around the corner, Snails dove into Rarity’s store. Ignoring the customers, he zipped downstairs. The heat of the shop sped the melting, and Snails barely made it to the bottom of the stairs before he changed.

Looking at his foreleg, he sighed. “This wouldn’t be so bad if I could just stay a boy when I wanted.” Escargot thought and stood up, looking at himself in one of the full length mirrors in Rarity’s basement. Walking in circles a few times, he shook his head. “Well, I guess I can play outside like this unless someone dumps a hot cocoa on me.”

Turning, Escargot sighed and walked up to Rarity’s shop. She had her winter line up on sale with specials on hoof warmers, back warmers, and even hats. There were other customers in the store, but none paid any attention to Escargot as she entered the room.

Rarity, on the other hoof, who had been lost in thought prior to the colt charging downstairs, was tapping her lower lip with a pencil and looking at Escargot. She had a tape measure around her neck and her glasses on. Tilting her head slightly, she let out a sigh.

“Escargot, what I have I told you about your choice of clothing?” she said sternly.

Blinking, Escargot looked at the scarf. “Umm, that I shouldn’t borrow Snails’s clothing, since his colors don’t look good on me?”

Nodding once firmly, Rarity quickly put a new hat, scarf, and leg warmers on the filly then nodded again. “There, now you’re dressed for the season—with fashion. So what are your plans for Hearth’s Warming?”

“I, um… I didn’t have any.” Escargot said. “Probably just stay at home.”

“Well, there is the Canterlot play again this year, as well as other events. You should get out and have some fun!” Rarity smiled.

“I will, and thank you, Rarity.” Smiling, Escargot gave her a quick hug and ran out.

Trotting down to the market square, Escargot saw all of the people selling candies, cakes, and gingerbread. The scents of the ginger, of eggnog, of cider filled the air. Everypony seemed so happy; it was so perfect.


And then it was gone.

Turning slowly, Escargot looked up meekly at Long Haul. “Yes, Sir?”

“Have you been teaching Snails magic or trying to get him interested in it? Dinky said you were training him.” Long Haul said sternly.

Gulping once, Escargot looked around. “It’s… It’s not like that, Sir.”

“You have to understand that Snails knows his place. He knows that his duty is with his family. I don’t care if he shows even the slightest talent in magic, he should not be using it. I am teaching and training him to be as strong and tough as any earth pony.” Long Haul said as he loomed over the little filly, looking down at her sternly.

Escargot gulped, shivering a bit, but nodded. “Y…yes, Sir.”

“I will not have you filling his head with stupid ideas or getting his hopes or dreams set on something he will never be. He will never be some kind of powerful unicorn like Twilight Sparkle. He’s not and he will never be like that. If you keep it up, you will have to find a new place to stay. Do you hear me?” Long Haul was firm and direct.

Lowering her head, the words cut deep. “I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t mean to. I won’t do anything to encourage him, Sir.”

“Good.” Turning, Long Haul slipped into his collar and began walking, bringing the delivery to Filthy Rich’s store.

Escargot looked at his father pulling the wagon, strong and proud. Tears in his eyes, Escargot sang, “I’ve been told my whole life, what to do, what to say.”

Turning away from his father, he saw Derpy with her wings wrapped around Dinky, the two cuddling and laughing together as family. Dinky was showing her mom her magic, floating a feather. “Nopony showed me that there might be some other way.”

“And now I feel like I’m lost.” Starting to walk away from everypony, Escargot watched the CMCs playing jump rope as he sang, “I don’t know what to do.”

“The grounds sinking away. I’m about to fall through.” Stopping alone in the street, Escargot turned to look at his reflection in a store window—the image of Snails looking back. “Would you believe, that I've always wished I could be somepony else?”

Looking down at his hooves, tears fell free to the ground. “Yet I can’t see… What I need to do to be the pony I want to be”

“It’s rough sometimes, isn’t it?” Gisa said softly.

Blinking, Escargot turned, looking at Gisa and hugging the grifflet.

“Not having a family… not having someone to love you.” Gisa whispered into Escargot’s mane.

“I love you, Gisa. You’re a great friend and like a little sister to me.” Escargot said, clinging to Gisa in a hug.

“Yep, It’s something to be thankful for and remember. We are a family. Not everyone is as lucky as us.”

Blinking, Escargot sat up. “You’re right. I have family and friends, but others aren’t so lucky. I know what we need to do….”

“Try to take over the world?” Gisa said, looking up with a small smile quirked on her beak.

Looking down at the grifflet, Escargot giggled. “Nope! We’re going to bring Hearth’s Warming… to the orphanage!”

Gisa giggled. “Well, my second choice would be beat up Snails, but… that works.”

Picking up Gisa, Escargot spun, hugging her. “We are going to give them the Hearth’s Warming they deserve. Go get the girls. We’ll meet at the tree house!”

Walking into the Cutie Mark Clubhouse, Escargot smiled and headed over to the table. The room was large, so Apple Bloom added a round table with six chairs for the girls and a pillow stool for Gisa to lay on. Each of the girls had their own chair with a nice space on the back for their cutie mark… for when they got them.

In the center of the table, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had decided to add a map of Ponyville. While it started as a drawn map, over time it had grown into a small model of the town. It was their own headquarters for planning their cutie mark adventures.

Taking his seat, Escargot sat proudly as the other fillies filtered in to their places at the table. Gisa, on the other hand, bounded over to her stool then walked in a circle a few times, kneading the cushion before laying down with her claws draped over the edge.

Dinky sat down and put a large basket of muffins down on the edge of the table with some butter, smiling. “Mom didn’t want me going hungry.”

Noi giggled. “So she gave you your body mass in muffins?”

“Well, Mom was upset with Long Haul yelling at me over Snails using magic. She spent extra time with me and gave me extras just to make sure I was feeling ok.” Dinky said.

Sweetie Belle puffed her cheeks out and softly growled, “I’m really starting to hate that guy. I’m not a big fan of Snails, but his dad is such a pain.”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Snails isn’t that bad, he’s just a bit slow. He has a huge heart, though.”

Sitting up, Gisa shook her head. “Long Haul had Escargot here today crying… He told her that if she even tried to teach Snails magic, she’d be kicked out of the house!”

“Oh my gosh, is that why y’all called us here?” Apple Bloom said, sitting up in her chair. “I’m so sorry, Escargot.”

Shaking his head, Escargot sighed. “No, it’s something more important. Right now, everypony is getting ready for Hearth’s Warming with their families, but some ponies don’t have families. Some don’t even have groups of ponies like you to be with.” Still shaking his head, Escargot looked down at Gisa. “There’s an orphanage in the Crystal Empire: foals who don’t have any families to start with. And remember, the empire was gone for a thousand years! That means they don’t have or know of any families outside of the empire, either.”

Looking down at Gisa, Escargot rubbed the grifflet’s back softly. “I’d like to get a care package together made up of food, drinks, candies, and presents. If we all work together and ask around, we should be able to get lots of stuff for them… to give them a Hearth’s Warming they will remember for the rest of their lives.”

Looking at each other, the girls thought about it, then nodded. Scootaloo stood up, her wings buzzing. “No foal should be without friendship on Hearth’s Warming! Let’s do this!”

“Cutie Mark Crusader holiday bringers!” Apple Bloom said, holding a hoof up. In a moment, the hoof was joined by five others.

The girls and Escargot quickly ran out to cover the town to gather the supplies. They would blanket the town as best they could. Ponyville wasn’t big, but its ponies were known for their big hearts.

Apple Bloom went to her family. From there, she was able to get a selection of foods for the orphans: apples, carrots, corn, apples, peas, melons, apples, potatoes, beans, and even apples. Yes, it was the Apple family… apples were plentiful.

Her sister was even able to set her up with milk, apple juice, and grape juice in large barrels. Within a short time, Apple Bloom had a nice wagon full of goodies.

Noi raced to her sister’s place. Golden Harvest and Written Script had friends all over town, and Written Script also had bits. So from them, Noi was able to get presents together: stuffed animals and carved toys. Written Script even arranged for wrapping.

They would have gifts and presents for all the little colts and fillies. Nothing super fancy, but it didn’t have to be. It was from the heart.

Dinky hit her mom’s office. Not only was her mom the Mailmare, but she also handled the printing for flyers and ads that ponies needed delivered. Derpy had holiday printing plates and colors that Dinky was able to set up to print out different types of holiday cards.

She could fill in the names later, but right now there was only one pony whose name she wanted. She would have Princess Twilight Sparkle sign a few of them, then fill in the orphans’ names when she was there. A reminder that even a princess cares about them would help lift morale.

Rarity helped Sweetie Belle with some winter scarves and hats, as well as ribbons for the gifts. Sweetie Belle knew her sister had some “out of date” or “last year’s” fashions laying around, and Rarity was more than willing to donate some of her older outfits. She couldn’t help upgrading a few to be more “chic,” however.

The idea of giving to foals who had nothing was just something the Element of Generosity had to do. To top it off, orphans trotting around in her fashions would just be so adorable!

Scootaloo, on the other hoof, went to Rainbow Dash. Her idea was the best ever. Together, she and Dash went to the scooter shop, which had been refurbishing and rebuilding older scooters. Rainbow Dash helped Scootaloo pick out a few scooters in Wonderbolt colors, which would be perfect for the orphans. Even if the foals had to share, it would be fun and exciting for them to zoom around.

It’s something Scootaloo had always wanted for herself but never could afford. This, though, was for the foals and Escargot. Her old board was hers—it had seen her through so much—so she could go without upgrading.

Escargot headed home and left a note on his door as well as one on Escargot’s. Looking at the two notes, he found the difference in writing to be funny. As Snails, he had always been required to write with his mouth, so his writing like that was distinctive. Part of Escargot’s training with Twilight, though, was using magic to write. This had an entirely different style to it, with the script being much neater and more graceful… it just didn’t look like his writing.

He let his parents know that he was doing a quick trip to help some orphans. He would be back tomorrow, so all would be fine: he wouldn’t miss Hearth’s Warming at home, so now all he had to do is meet the girls.

Trotting outside, he looked down at Gisa, who giggled. “You’re getting good at forging Snails’s mouthwriting.”

“I know. He needs time off, too, though. Long Haul’s been running him pretty hard.” Escargot said and picked up Gisa, putting her on his back as he headed to the station.

Leaning over, Gisa broke off an icicle with her claw and pointed it like a lance. “To the train station, my fair steed!”

Trotting to the station, Escargot blinked as he saw the girls there with two full wagons of gifts and food. Sitting down in shock, he looked at the gifts and barrels. “Wow, this is more than I expected. Thanks, girls!”

“How are you planning on getting all this stuff there?” Rarity asked, tilting her head.

Escargot giggled. “The train, of course! It goes right there.”

“So a little filly like you is going all alone?” Applejack said, shaking her head.

“She’s not going alone. We’re all going!” Noi stated, putting her hoof down.

“Six little fillies off…” Apple Bloom started.

“And one griffin protector!” Gisa added.

Rarity couldn’t help but smile; this was familiar somehow. “And a griffin. It should be okay, Applejack. The conductor can watch over them. They can deliver the goods and be back on the next train back.”

Applejack huffed and rubbed Apple Bloom’s head, telling her, “Be careful and listen to the conductor.”

Escargot blinked and shook his head, smiling. “Okay, let’s get the gifts loaded.” Giggling, he lit his horn and started unloading with the help of the others.

“You know what this means, girls!” Dinky said, spreading her legs and smiling bright.

Noi, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle blinked, then grinned. “Sleepover party!”

Escargot giggled again and walked onto the train as the conductor lead them back to their sleeping car. It wasn’t anything fancy, just sixteen bunkbeds—eight per side—with curtains over each. The car was divided into two sections, giving the girls eight bunks to themselves.

Lanterns were set up so that each bunk had its own light in addition to the lights down the center of the hall. The beds were wide and plush, with storage space for personal luggage within each of the bunk spaces. There were clean pillows and blankets there, as well as fresh hay ticks.

Looking around, Escargot walked past to open the door to the next section when the conductor stopped him. “Snack car is aft with the bathrooms, just for mares and fillies. It’s safe and you won’t be disturbed.”

Blinking, Escargot looked around. “I was just going to give them privacy for their sleepover.”

The girls looked at each other and grabbed Escargot, pulling him back into the group. “Silly, you’re one of us! You sleep here.” Scootaloo said. “I need some protection from Sweetie Belle and her evil makeovers.”

“What?” Sweetie puffed out her cheeks with a sour look. “Rarity likes it.”

“I… I… I don’t want to intrude.” Escargot said, somewhat panicked.

“Ah wouldn’t say it’s an intrusion; it’s not like you’re a colt or anything.” Apple Bloom said, “An even then, I’ve made over ma brother once or twice.”

“Well, that explains a lot.” Sweetie Belle said, rolling her eyes before getting hit with a pillow.

Escargot had spent lots of time sleeping as a girl, and had spent time playing with the girls, but…

“What’s wrong?” Noi asked, sitting beside Escargot.

“I just… feel like I’m violating your privacy being here.” Escargot sighed.

“Why?” Sweetie Belle asked, sitting down beside Escargot on the other side.

“It’s, I… I don’t know if I feel like I really belong.” Escargot said with a sigh.

Dinky lit her horn and put her hoof over Escargot’s heart. “Mom said that belonging, that fitting in, isn’t always easy. It starts from your heart, though. And you have the biggest heart here. We all see that and sense that. There’s a magic to it.”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “And that friendship is something that can never be wrong.”

Escargot puffed out his cheeks a bit, then blushed, lowering his head. “I guess I’m just tired. I’ll turn in and let you girls have fun.”

Climbing into bed, Escargot pulled the curtain closed to give the girls privacy. How could he tell them? After they did so much it would just crush them. No, best keep the secret for them, so as to not spoil the Hearth’s Warming season.

Turning, Escargot looked out the window at the falling snow. It was already dark, and the snow blocked out any light from the stars or moon. It really was going to be a white Hearth's Warming.

Closing his eyes, Escargot drifted off to sleep while listening to the girls laughing, giggling, and playing in the car.

*Toot toot*

*Toot toooooot*

Escargot’s first instinct was to reach over to the alarm clock, except it was toot… not noot. His alarm clock nooted, not tooted. Stretching a bit, he looked around and realized they were pulling into the station.

Crawling out of bed, Escargot shook himself out and looked at the tangle that was and would soon again be… his mane and tail. Sighing, he thumped on the panels. “Girls, we’re here! Get up and get brushed out. We gotta get going and drop this stuff off.”

“Brushed out?” Scootaloo said, dropping out of her bunk. “Who brushes?”

Grumbling at the filly, Escargot sat, trying to get his mane back into shape. He wasn’t the only one, though: Sweetie Belle was busy brushing, too, and Apple Bloom was fussing with her ribbon and trying to get it into place. Noi also was suffering from a case of bed mane, and while Dinky’s mane was short, she was fussing with her tail.

“Seriously, you girls spend way too much time primping. Just be like Dash! Get a scruff cut and let it hang natural.” Scootaloo said and strutted out.

Escargot blinked and looked at Sweetie Belle. “If only it were that easy.”

Noi giggled. “Some ponies just have short manes naturally, others prefer it short. For those of us that like it longer though, we have to pay the price.” Nodding once firmly, Noi smiled at Escargot. “Even colts have to put up with it. Some colts have really long manes.”

Stepping off the train, the snow was coming down heavily, but the train station was shielded and a nice long tunnel had been built between the station and the empire. This provided protection from the wind and cold as the girls unloaded their cargo onto several carts.

Stepping out onto the platform, Princess Cadance smiled at the fillies. “Hello, little ones! I got the letter from Princess Twilight.”

Escargot giggled and bowed deeply to the princess. “Thank you! Sorry about short notice. We have a lot of things for the orphans here.”

“I can see that! Well, come on then!” Cadance said, turning, “Best get you there before you all catch a cold.”

Smiling, the girls started pushing the train station carts down the tunnel. Because of the way the Crystal Empire was built, the train station actually sat about a quarter mile outside of the city. With the bad winters the empire faced, a tunnel from the station to the city seemed like the easiest and nicest way of connecting the station and the city proper without spoiling the look of the empire.

As they exited the tunnel, they could hear the wind and snow off in the distance, but the empire itself was untouched by the bad weather. All around the city, decorations had gone up as well. Colored crystals and lights… decorated trees… the whole city was getting into the spirit.

“Is that you?” Noi called out, looking at Escargot and gesturing at a nearby statue.

Escargot cringed.

“Yep! That’s her! She’s a great heroine here.” Gisa said, pointing at the statue. “She saved the empire!”

“All I did was get lucky.” Escargot said, sighing.

“You still braved Sombra’s mists, even if it wasn’t your intention. That alone took courage.” Cadance said, putting a wing over Escargot.

“Yes, Princess.” Escargot said, lowering his head.

Arriving at the orphanage, they were met by a dozen foals of all colors. Several of the orphans were even younger than Dinky and Noi, yet all showed excitement at the pile of gifts and food. No foal ever went hungry, though special treats and sweets were not always available.

The sea of happy faces and wiggling tails just made the girls smile even brighter. Foals swarmed in and started hugging Escargot and the girls with pure excitement.

“Thank you!”

“This means so much!”

“Real presents!”

“Can we open them now?”

An older mare with a chestnut cutie mark stomped her hoof a few times. “Okay, okay. Let’s let the girls have a moment. The gifts will be put away and you can open them tomorrow morning. Tonight though, we are all having a huge feast. We have food and treats to last days!”

The foals cheered happily and charged inside, laughing and giggling; their joy and happiness showing as many of them took their crystal forms. As a response to the foals’ energy, Escargot’s form became crystalline as well, and his crystal slippers and ribbons appeared as he shone and sparkled.

Sweetie Belle just couldn’t resist a huge, “Dawww!” as she leaned against Apple Bloom before bounding up hugging Escargot. Almost instantly, her form changed to crystalline as well, as she glowed from the love in the air. Looking down at herself, she squeaked out, “Look! My sister would be so jealous!”

The other girls looked at each other and smiled, charging up to Escargot and piling against him, hugging and snuggling. Quickly, they took on their crystal forms, too; the entire group glowing as they cuddled. Then, letting go of Escargot, they backed up to look at themselves as best they could.

“Oh, this is just too cool!” Scootaloo said as she posed, spreading her little wings as if she was a royal guard.

Apple Bloom ran in circles, looking at herself and giggling. “Well, I’ll be!”

Noi strutted like a fashion model, showing off her sparkles.

Dinky pronked around, giggling, “Look! Look! Look! I’m a crystal pony!”

Looking on, Cadance shook her head, smiling. “You gather the love of others, focus it, and share it with those around you. A very special gift, indeed, Escargot!”

Escargot blinked. “Gift? Naw, my special talent is….” Looking back at his flank, he sighed. “Never mind.”

“Just because it’s not your cutie mark doesn’t mean it’s not a special gift or talent that you have, Escargot. Think about Applejack: her cutie mark is apples. She’s about apple bucking and family… her love of the apple farm. But, she also has a gift of honesty and friendship that has made her known as the most dependable of ponies; someone you can always trust. That is a very special gift.”

“I guess you’re right.” Escargot said, looking up and smiling.

“Will you be staying for Hearth’s Warming?” Cadance asked gently.

“Sorry, I have to get the girls back to their families.” Escargot said, smiling at her friends. “Come on, girls!”

“Princess! Princess!” A crystal pony wearing a delivery pony outfit and winged hoof boots charged down the street, panting.

Turning, Cadance blinked, calling to the onrushing mare, “Calm down, Mercury! Breathe! What’s got you in such a rush?”

Mercury nodded slowly as she panted, “Sorry, Ma’am. Word just came in from the station. They won’t be running any more trains today. The snow’s too heavy and the tracks will need to be cleared.”

“Are there any trains still out there?” Cadance said, giving Mercury a worried look.

“There is one due, but it likely hasn’t left the other station yet. We’ve sent word to them to cancel their run.” Mercury sighed. “There is a train in our station now with passengers on it. The train has its own heat, food, and water, but they want to know if they can unload the passengers here to wait out the storm.”

“Tell them we will cover the costs of the inn for them and apologize for the delay.” Cadance shook her head. “What a bad time for them to be stuck.”

Noi blinked, looking up. “Wait, no trains? How are we getting home?”

“Does that mean we’ll miss Hearth’s Warming?” Scootaloo asked, wide-eyed.

“Ah won’t be home with ma family?” Apple Bloom said with her lower lip quivering. “I’ve never missed Hearth’s Warming with ma sister and brother before.”

Escargot stepped forward, looking at his friends, ears drooping as he tells them, “I’m sorry, girls. This is all my fault.” Looking over his shoulder at Cadance with tears in his eyes, he sighed, then looked back at the girls. “I shouldn’t have let you come. I wanted to do something nice for Hearth’s Warming… to help other ponies and maybe find another way to be the pony I want to be. Now I’ve ruined Hearth’s Warming for all of you.”

Sweetie Belle blinked and walked up to Escargot, hugging him tightly. “It’s not your fault; we chose to come. You tried to stop us at the station but we wouldn’t let you go alone.”

Dinky leaned in, touching her horn to Escargot’s. “Your heart was in the right place. We’re just upset that we’re missing our families. It’s not about blame.”

“Come on, my little ponies. I’ll bring you to the castle. We can decide what to do there.” Cadance said and turned, nosing the fillies once towards her home.

Walking down the street, the girls all had their heads low. With all of the holiday cheer around, all of a sudden they all felt very alone. With ears drooped and tails dragging, they made their way back to the castle.

“I still feel bad. I didn’t mean for you all to miss your families just to bring Hearth’s Warming to strange ponies.” Escargot said. “Hearth’s Warming is supposed to be about families.”

“Nuh uh.” Scootaloo said, lifting her head, “It’s about friendship, not families. It’s a reminder that in the coldest of days, through the longest nights, friendship will see us through. Remember what we learned in the play?”

Sweetie Belle blinked then started singing as they walked into the castle. Her voice was strong and true, and it carried through the halls, “Though the Winter brings all its cold and storm, the glow in our hearts keeps us warm.”

Dinky leaned against Sweetie Belle, rocking back and forth with her in time to the song as she joined in with, “The friends we now call our family, will always see us through.”

Scootaloo jumped, flapping her little wings and holding her head high as she sung, “Will see us through… will see us through!”

Leaving the girls in the throne room to sing, Cadance trotted off to her room, her horn glowing.

Landing beside Apple Bloom, Scootaloo put her hoof over her heart as she continued, “Loyalty binds us and makes us strong.”

Apple Bloom perked, up putting a foreleg over Scootaloo’s neck. “Honesty shows that we belong.”

Dinky stood proud and true. “And kindness shared will unite us through each day.”

Gathering around Escargot, all the girls started singing as one, “The fire of friendship lives in our hearts. As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart. Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few. Laughter and singing will see us through!”

Smiling at the girls, Escargot joined in, hugging them all and singing, “We are a circle of pony friends. A circle of friends we'll be to the very end.”

Laughing, the girls sat down, hugging each other tightly. One of the servants walked in with a cart full chocolate milk, gingerbread cookies, and some Hearth’s Warming muffins. Giggling, the girls dug in as they realized that they had missed breakfast.

“Oh, Mom would love these!” Dinky said, holding up one of the muffins. “Carrot with dried fruit centers and sour cream frosting!”

“I think Pinkie does better gingerbread.” Noi said, smiling as she munched on a cookie.

Looking around the great hall, Noi sighed, “Maybe this won’t be so bad. We’ll still get our presents when we get back.”

“And it’s not like we’re alone… we have each other!” Gisa added in while leaning against Escargot.

“Good friends, good food, songs, and laugher.” Dinky said, “I’m just worried about Mom being alone.”

“Nonsense! She’s got all of Ponyville with her.” Noi said, smiling.

“Doesn’t stop me from worrying.” Dinky said and offered a muffin to Apple Bloom.

Biting into the muffin, Apple Bloom sighed, “Needs more apple.”

Sweetie Belle giggled. “Everything needs more apple.”

“So what’s your favorite carol?” Scootaloo asked.

“Oh, mine is Fluttershy's Silent Night. I heard it once. She hates singing in public, but…” Dinky giggled, “Well I was with some of the bunnies when she started singing.”

“Mine is the Hearth’s Warming Carol, of course!” Sweetie Belle said, smiling bright.

Escargot put a foreleg over Gisa, hugging her. “How about you, Apple Bloom?”

“Ma sister sings one.” Apple Bloom said and sat up, looking at the other girls. “You know how spread out the Apple Family is. We have family coast to coast, so there’s almost no way we can get together for every holiday.”

“Yeah, Apple Family gatherings are famous but far between.” Scootaloo said.

“Well, ma sister always sings one song for Hearth’s Warming just to remember those that couldn’t be together.” Apple Bloom said. “It wouldn’t be Hearth’s Warming without it.”

Tilting his head, Escargot smiled, “How does it go? Sing it for us?”

“I… I couldn’t.” Apple Bloom stammered, looking down.

“Please?” Noi said, moving over to her.

“Yeh, I sang the carol.” Scootaloo said and moved over as well.

Sighing softly, Apple Bloom looked at all the girls. “Okay, I’ll give it a try.” Shaking her head, she stood up and closed her eyes, then hummed softly for a moment to get the melody. “When family cannot be here, havin' journeyed far and wide.”

All the girls quieted down and listened as Apple Bloom’s voice filled the room. They could all hear the sadness in her voice as she sung. “We sing a song to honor them. To remember days gone by.”

Picking up her glass of chocolate milk, Apple Bloom lifted it up above her head with one hoof. Her song echoed through the great hall and the words echoed back as if Applejack was singing with her sister. “So take your cup and raise it high…”

Every filly leaned against each other as they listened to the song, the words filling the air. "Just as surely I'll do mine..."

Stepping out of a doorway, Applejack took her hat in hoof as she continued singing with her little sister from across the hall, “And laugh we will at stories told, as we smile at days gone by.”

“As we smile at...” Apple Bloom, stopped tears in her eyes as she saw her sister. Then, Big Mac and Granny Smith entered the hall, smiling.

“Hello, little sister.” Applejack said gently.

“APPLEJACK!” Apple Bloom yelled and charged across the hall, tackling her big sister. Laughing, the two hugged and rolled on the floor. “How?”

“Cadance contacted Twilight, Celestia, and Luna and told us of what happened.” Applejack said, smiling. “They were able to cast a spell to make a portal to here, but rather than just making a portal so they could come here to make a portal again… well, we decided just to send the families through.”

“Families?” Noi said, sitting up as she saw Golden Harvest and Written Scroll step into the room.

“MOM!” Dinky cried as Amethyst Star and Derpy came in.

Rarity walked in with her mom and dad, smiling gently at Sweetie Belle.

One by one, each of their families entered.

Standing up, Escargot looked around, then blinked at not seeing his mom or Long Haul. Turning, he saw Princess Luna walking up to him, a soft look of sadness on her face.

“What… what’s wrong?” Escargot asked.

“We offered your family the trip too, but Long Haul refused. He wouldn’t accept magical aid.” Luna said softly.

Turning, Escargot walked out onto the balcony and sat down, looking out at the hills. At least he hadn’t ruined Hearth’s Warming for everypony. Behind him, he heard the singing and cheering—the laughter shared. And no matter how sad he felt, he couldn’t help but smile. There was still joy around him.

Sitting down beside him, Luna looked down at Escargot, telling him, “You did a very good thing.”

“I know, and it turned out okay.” Escargot said, looking up at the princess.

“Your mom gave me something to give to you.” Luna said softly.

“To me? What?” Escargot blinked and looked at the present as Luna floated it over and sat it in front of him.

“She told me to give it to you. Your father doesn’t know.”

Opening the package, Escargot saw a single gem in it. Ponyville has a gem store run by unicorns that he had seen in passing several times. One of the things they offered was the ability to draw out memories and place them in gems so that everypony could see them. It was a spell, of course, so Long Haul would never approve.

Lifting the gem, he looked inside. There, he saw the image of his grandmother, standing on a rise with her mane blowing in the wind and her horn glowing brightly. Around her neck was the silver pendant from the gifted unicorn school. It was the first time he had ever seen her.


Looking down at the box, there was a card. “May you always remember where you came from. Without her, without her magic, you would never be here. Not all magic is bad. Be safe and happy Hearth's Warming.”

“Mom… Grandma…”

Hugging the gem tightly, he looked up at Cadance and Luna.

“Don’t worry, Escargot. Tonight, I’ll be your family.” Luna said, placing her wing over Escargot and smiling. “I’ll be your sister for as long as you need, or want.”

Author's Note:

Merry Hearth's Warming to all!!!

Hasbro was nice enough to put out a Hearth's Warming CD:

The song Apple Bloom is singing is Hasbro's "MLP: Friendship is Magic - "Days Gone By" Audio Track" A remake of the Scottish song, Auld Lang Syne

The Hearth's warming Carol, is the extended version Hasbro has given us.

I would like to thank Purple Pegasus/Sunshine Heart for her wonderful editing. Without her speed this could not have been out in time. I only finished writing this on the 19th of Dec.

Alkarasu as always provides the art a wonderful gift he has for capturing parts of the story and finding a way to depict them. Many thanks.

Special thanks to all the support given by Sparky and Harts Fire for pre-reading and suggestions. Sparky, Harts, Sunshine, Alkarasu, Swyrl, are all held in my heart as family. Without them this story, as well as my life in general, would be so much harder to write or deal with.

This is truly a work inspired by and helped by great friends, and for those that don't have family in this season, friends can mean just as much.