• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,063 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Part 1: Sweet and Kind

Part 1

“I expect you to be the perfect stallion.”

“I expect you to behave with honor, integrity, & pride.”

“I expect you to uphold the values of our family name.”

Snails sighed, and only one thought ran through his mind: I’m gonna end up wearing a dress, aren’t I?

Snails ½: Sweet and Kind

It seemed like just last week, Snails’ life had been destroyed. It seemed like just last week, everything he knew, everything he thought, had been wrapped up in a curse and turned into some sick joke. Oh, who was he kidding? It WAS last week.

In just a few days, he went from a nopony colt, to a Harvest Princess, then a member of the Canterlot Elite, and now Twilight’s prized pupil. It would have been great, except it only applied to his filly self.

Noot Noot! Noot Noot!

Snails reached over and turned off his alarm clock. Yawning, he looked into the mirror and ruffled his scruffy mane. Honestly, sometimes he had a hard time recognizing his own reflection.

Sticking his tongue out, he looked inside his mouth… “Blaaaaah.”

He still had an hour before he was supposed to be at Twilight’s for Escargot’s lessons. More than enough time to have a quick hot shower, get some breakfast, get his things together and go.

Walking past his mom in the hall, he yawned sleepily and entered the bathroom. Locking the door firmly shut, he turned on the shower. Just as he stepped inside, he heard his mom call out.

“Oh! Snails, the hot water tank is broken, so there’s only cold water. Heart Wrench said she’d be in later this morning to fix it.”

Pounding his face softly against the wall, Escargot whispered. “Why, why, why?”

Stepping out of the shower, Escargot turned off the water and dried the long, silky mane and tail. Changing to filly form changed Snails’ mane from a short scruff to long, flowing locks in an instant. At least he had time to-

Snails’ dad knocked heavily on the bathroom door, “Open up Snails, I have to get in there.”

“Note to self: never think you can deal with something. It’s just an open invitation...” Escargot trailed off. He opened the door, giving Dad his big sad eyes.

“Oh Escargot, I didn’t know you were here last night.” He said, “Pardon me, but nature calls.”

Closing the door, Escargot walked into his bedroom (technically Snails’ bedroom), and got the saddle bags Twilight had given Escargot. Instead of a cutie mark on the clasp, it was simple white circle. He turned and walked out of his room and straight into his mom.

“Escargot, I know I said you could stay here, but that’s Snails’ room! It’s not proper for a filly to be coming and going from a colt’s room like that, especially when he isn’t here.”

“Yes ma’am, sorry.”

“Oh, don’t look so sad, I’m not mad at you; I just want Snails to feel his privacy is respected.”

Walking downstairs, Escargot snuck a pair of muffins into his bag, then headed outside. “Might as well get to Twilight’s early today. Maybe I can meet up with Snips and-”

Dinky was sitting in tears at the side of the road. Her head was low, ears drooped as she sniffled.

Sighing, Escargot sat beside her and nuzzled her gently. “What’s wrong?”

“Between mail deliveries and weather work, mom barely even has time to eat. I was going to get her some muffins, but I dropped my bits. When I went back to find them, Diamond Tiara had them. She said that because I couldn’t prove they were mine…” Dinky started crying softly.

Well, there goes breakfast. Escargot thought, opening the bag and passing Dinky the muffins. “Here, take these.”

Dinky blinked, “Really? What about you?”

Flipping his mane, Escargot giggled, “I’ve got to watch this girlish figure. I don’t want to turn into a little pudgy, wudgy, piggly, wiggly, like Diamond Tiara, do I?” Escargot groaned silently. Just put me out of my misery now. I never thought I’d have to use terms like ‘girlish figure’ in public.

“Oh Celestia, thank you!” Dinky leaped up and hugged Escargot tightly, before running off to find Derpy.

“Well, I guess Diamond Tiara has found a way to get herself ungrounded after that Love Poison issue.” Escargot muttered to himself as he walked up to Twilight’s castle.

He tapped politely on the doors. Spike opened one and smiled at him, “Good morning Escargot! Twilight’s in the library.”

“Well, I should get st-”


Escargot cringed and looked over his shoulder. Scootaloo was lying on her side in the road, her scooter wedged in a fence, and Silver Spoon was yelling at her to be more careful.

“I’ll be back.” Escargot trotted over to Scootaloo.

“Are you OK, Scoots?” Escargot asked.

“Yeah, but my scooter isn’t. She just walked out into the road without looking.” Scootaloo said, and shot a mournful glance at her scooter.

Sorting through his pack, Escargot pulled out the few bits he had scrounged up for lunch, and offered them to Scootaloo. “Heart Wrench is going to be at m- Snails’ house all morning. If you ask, I’m sure she can fix the scooter for you as well.”

“Oh, thank you so much! I have to get to Apple Bloom’s though, she really needs this.” Scootaloo held up a saddle bag.

Looking back at Twilight’s Castle, Escargot sighed. “Ok I’ll take it. You need to get your scooter fixed first.”

Taking Scootaloo’s pack, Escargot trotted up to the front door to drop off her own saddlebags. “I’m sorry, can you tell the princess I may be late? Seems like everypony is having a crisis today.”

He turned and ran across town to Sweet Apple Acres. What would have taken Scootaloo only moments to travel ended up costing Escargot a good 10 minute run. As soft crying rang out from below an oak along the path, Escargot slowed to investigate.

Noi was lying against the trunk, hugging a book, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Escargot sat beside Noi and hugged her gently. “What’s wrong?”

“Diamond Tiara ran past me and knocked off my Rainbow Dash hat. Now it’s stuck up in the tree. Mom’s going to kill me because I spent a whole week’s allowance on it and lost it.”

“No pegasi around to help?” Escargot stood up on her hind legs, balancing with her forelegs

“Scoots can’t fly, and all the other pegasi are on weather duty for that big thunderstorm.”

“Oh yeah, they even drafted the mailmare for that.” Scrunching his face in concentration, Escargot’s magic sputtered at first, before grasping the hat and pulling it down gently. Twilight's training was at least helping with some things.

“You got it!” Noi said hugging Escargot’s legs.

“Gotta run, Apple Bloom needs me!” He turned towards the Acres and resumed his run.

As he arrived at the Apple farm, he saw Applejack and Filthy Rich arguing while Apple Bloom hid behind her big sister.

Escargot trotted up breathlessly and offered Apple Bloom the bag. “Scootaloo… accident… broke…”

Apple Bloomed hugged Escargot gratefully and pulled a book out of the bag. “Here, sis!”

“No more shenanigans! See right here!” Applejack started in, “Iff’n yeh aren’t gonna believe the word of the element of honesty, then read it with your own eyes.”

Escargot turned around and made for the castle. It was another 10 min run back, but at least he had long legs.

Skidding to a stop and catching his breath, he watched as a group of ponies pranced by singing, led by Pinkie Pie. Watching and waiting for the parade to pass gave him a few moments to breath. He was almost back to the castle.

Sweetie Belle ran up, equally breathless, “Seen… seen… Scootaloo?”

“Snails’ house. Her scooter was broken, so she went to see if it could get fixed.”

Sweetie Belle drooped.

“What do you need?”

“Rarity needs our help; she's trying hard, doing what she can.” Sweetie Belle said. “She’s waiting on me and Scoots to bring her a wagon-load of crystals, but I can’t do it alone.”

Nodding, Escargot turned to the wagon. It took both of them to pull it, and it was slow going. By the time they got there, Rarity was in somewhat of a panic. “Oh darlings, you made it. I’ve got to complete this order for Mr Rich; I need these for the clasps. Thank you both so much.”

Giving both fillies gracious hugs, Rarity smiled brightly.

Escargot turned and made a break for the castle. He had finally made it, and only an hour late.

Spike was shaking his head and sweeping the floor while Twilight glared at Escargot sternly.

“If you didn’t want to be my student, you should have informed me. Being an hour late-” she paused briefly and glanced at a wall clock “-OVER an hour late is completely unacceptable. Now I’ll have to spend another hour reorganizing your learning schedule. I think I have an open slot at 5:25, but-” Twilight shook her head as if to clear it. “In any case, we have lost valuable time, which you will need to make up for. Unless, of course, you don’t WANT to learn magic?”

“I was just-” Escargot started then stopped. Wait, not being Twilight’s student? Wasn’t this a good thing?

“Wait in the library while I find a solution. I may need to meet with your guardian, to discuss your future in magical education, as my student or otherwise.”

With a soft meep, Escargot made his way into the library. His stomach growled: all that running around and skipping breakfast was taking its toll.

He sat down, opening one of his books he began to read. Basics of magic. It was hard, even though it was made for foals. He still had problems with some of the words. Book learning was never a strong part of Snails’ life.

The door opened after a few moments, and the Crusaders scampered in, followed by Dinky and Noi. They made a beeline for Escargot and piled into a group hug.

“We’re sorry you’re in trouble.” Dinky apologized.

“Why are you here?” Escargot said.

“Owlicious brought us letters. Who sends letters by owl anyways?” Apple Bloom said.

“Who.” Owlicious hooted from his perch.

“All of us.” Sweetie Belle answered.

Walking in, Twilight spread her wings slightly, with an air of authority.

“You can’t punish her, Twilight!” Dinky stood up in front of Escargot. “She gave me her breakfast muffins to help me and my mom. She was so sweet and kind.”

“She gave me all her bits so I could fix my scooter!” Scootaloo bolted in front of her as if to shield her.

Noi stood up fiercely, “She was in a hurry, but stopped to get my hat out of the tree. If she hadn’t I’d have been grounded!”

“If not for her, Sis wouldn’t have had the book to prove, uh, things to Filthy Rich.” Apple Bloom put her hoof down. and then, more quietly. “I’m not sure what it was, but it seemed important.”

“If not for her, Rarity wouldn’t have finished her order!” Sweetie said.

Twilight blinked and looked at Spike, “This seems... strangely familiar.”

"It should. At least this time we don't have to repair the damage from a ‘want it need it’ spell." Spike snorted.

“Alright. It appears that you were late because you took time to help your friends. They needed you, and you were there for them. This is a powerful lesson that takes some ponies a long time to learn, and some never learn it at all. I’ve decided not end your studies. Tomorrow I’m traveling to the Crystal Empire for 3 days, and, as a reward for all your kindness today (and a lesson well learned), you may accompany me on the trip. You’ll get to see the Crystal Heart, and meet Princess Cadence!”

“Ohhh, you’re so lucky!” Dinky smiled brightly.

“It’s not just luck, it’s serendipity!” Sweetie Belle said.

Dinky giggled, “Serendipity Escargot, sounds like a name.”

Sweetie Belle blinked then squeaked “Oh my gosh! Serendipity Escargot! I love it!”

Escargot facehoofed in frustration. Why me?