• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,063 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Part 21: The Perfect Date Part 2

Part 21

“Ms Tiara Rich. And guest!"

“My, what a pretty dress!”

"Very interesting!"

The Perfect Date Part 2

“It's time, Snails, let’s get you ready.” Rarity smiled, holding out a black jacket, white shirt, and red tie.

Groaning, the colt looked at the garb. As if his own fancy attire wasn’t a pain by itself. “Ugg! I thought dresses were bad, but this is totally unwearable.”

Rarity giggled and shook her head. “It looks fine dear.”

“It feels like it’s choking me.” Snails said, coughing a few times and pretending to gasp for air.

“Nonsense! It looks perfect . It’s all in your mind.” Rarity said, making a few final adjustments.

“No, it’s all in my neck and forelegs.” Snails huffed. “Squeezing into a dress is one thing, but at least they let me move. I’m afraid to take a step in this outfit.”

Laughing, Rarity placed a rather nice top hat on Snails, and finished off with a carnation pinned neatly to the front of the suit. Snails now looked like a proper gentlecolt. “Just remember everything you’ve been taught.”

“I doubt Diamond Tiara will pull out a chair for me.” Snails grimaced and fussed with the belt.

Tapping Snails’ nose, Rarity smiled. “You do that for her, not the other way around dear.”

Snails jumped as the door jingled. Diamond Tiara stormed into the store with an angry huff and looked around. “Is he ready yet? I don’t have all day!”

Snails looked up at Rarity then at Diamond Tiara. In stark contrast to the dress Rarity had made for Escargot, Diamond’s dress was stunning. It was sequinned in multi-faceted gems, and meticulously crafted from the finest cloths. The dress was simply incredible. It was difficult to look at Diamond Tiara without the eye being drawn to the dress.

It was some of Rarity’s best work- a true piece of art in its own right. It would be the talk of every pony in town, and would likely be remembered for years to come.

Giving Snails a stern once-over, Diamond Tiara nodded and spoke in her most innocent voice. “He will do.” Turning to Rarity, Diamond Tiara nodded, “Mother says that this dress is adequate.”

“Adequate?” Rarity huffed, “Well, I never.” Turning, she stormed into her work room.

Diamond Tiara whipped around, shoving herself in Snails’s face. Nose to nose, looking him square in the eyes, she snarled, “I will show up Escargot this time, so you better not mess this up for me, twerp. Stand beside me, don’t speak, don’t eat, and whatever you do, don’t make a mess! GOT IT?”

Snails gulped and nodded nervously, though her glare almost made him make a mess on the spot. Not a good way to start off his (or Escargot’s) party. Once upon a time, parties were something fun to go to. Now, it has become a dread and chore.

“Y…y…yes ma’am.” Snails followed her as she headed for Sugarcube corner.

The Corner had been decorated inside and out by Pinkie with great care and detail. A Pinkie Promise of ‘throwing the best party’ was not something to take lightly. A large banner with Escargot’s cutie mark hung, flapping lightly in the wind, the heart glittering with sparkles.

At the door, a pair of royal guards, both powerful black unicorns, stood at attention in gold and ivory armor. Honor guards for visiting royalty. Both bore the crest of Celestia proudly on their chests, and would not dishonor that mark.

Trotting up, Diamond Tiara held her head high, “Ms Tiara Rich. And guest.”

Glancing at each other, the guards shrugged and moved aside just slightly. There was more than enough space for them to pass before the guards moved, but now they had an extra hoof step. Looking back over her shoulder, Diamond Tiara nodded to Snails. “We are expected.”

Sighing mournfully, Snails trotted in beside her and looked around the shop. Pinkie had outdone herself- balloons, party streamers, pictures. Every foal in town was here. There were flowing chocolate and caramel fountains, tables full of cupcakes in a panoply of colors and style, a table of muffins and candied breads. Bonbons, candies, ice-cream- it was more than enough to make a unicorn drool, let alone a pegasus.

Celestia and Luna stood beside a large table full of presents watching the two serenely. There were dozens of gifts of all sizes, large and small, wrapped with colorful paper and bound with ribbons topped with bows. Talking quietly -or arguing quietly- , the royal sisters were in disagreement about something. Twilight and Cadence were at the punch table looking sternly at Berry Punch. (Several bowls of different colored punch had been set out, one even had little caramel drops floating in it.) And Pinkie Pie-

When she spotted Snails, she gasped, jumping in surprise. Almost in a panic, Pinkie zipped up and stopped in front of the two, wobbling forwards and backwards a few times as inertia settled after her near-luminal run over. “But but but, why are you here? Where’s Escargot?”

Standing proudly, Diamond Tiara looked at Pinkie, “Why am I here? I’m the most important pony in town! Why would I not be here, especially with all four princesses here! My father even arranged an escort for me.” She said confidently, barely acknowledging Snails. “My father ensured he would be at my side for this event.”

Pinkie’s mane deflated a bit as her eyes narrowed. “Nopony ruins a Pinkie Party, especially one I Pinkie Promised to.”

Diamond Tiara stuck her nose up, “Don’t worry, he won’t ruin anything. I won’t let him out of my sight, and I will make sure he behaves. Come now, let us see the princesses.”

Snails found himself being dragged across the room to Celestia and Luna, who gave each other a quick hug before turning to look at Snails and Diamond Tiara.

“My, what a pretty dress.” Celesia said smiling.

Luna tilted her head, “Very interesting.”

“Thank you, Rarity made it for me.”

Celestia smiled looking at Luna, “Rarity, of course, she does such nice work. I really must compliment her some time.”

Luna blinked, “I believe that is her just over there, yes?” Turning, she winked once to Snails before heading for Rarity with her sister.

“I- but-” Diamond Tiara blinked as the two princesses quickly made their way over to Rarity.

“You wanted the best dress.” Snails said as he looked around.

“I wanted it so ponies would pay attention and remember me!” Diamond Tiara stomped a hoof. “There’s Cadance.”

She grabbed Snails and started towards the young princess, the determination of the scorned in her eyes. This would be HER chance to shine, not some filthy, dull commoner. Not some lower class unicorn.

The filly had barely taken a step before Pinkie cried out, “Look out!”

Pinkie, skidded across the floor with a bowl of chocolate sauce on her head. She dug in her hooves in an attempt to stop before colliding with Diamond Tiara, but there simply wasn’t enough time or distance. Careening into the little foal, chocolate sauce came off the larger pony’s head and dropped squarely on Snails. The poor colt was covered in the sauce, which continued to drip to the ground as he looked up pitifully.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Pinkie said, bouncing anxiously, “I’m sooooo sorry! There was a fountain emergency.”

“You clumsy oaf!” Diamond Tiara said snarling, skittering away from the chocolate mess.

“But I didn’t,” Pinkie said in an almost singsong voice, “Silly bee, you’re fine, but poor Snails here is drenched.”

Snails looked up at Pinkie and sighed. “I’m fine, no harm done.”

“Nope, no matter how delicious you look, you can’t walk around here like that!” Pinkie looked around, “Go upstairs and use the bathroom there, get yourself clean. There are princesses present, and I’m the only one allowed to wear food!”

Diamond Tiara growled at Snails, “Get lost, twerp. You can’t be seen around me looking like that.” Then she turned and carried on towards the princess of love.

Looking up at Pinkie, Snails smiled his silent thanks and went upstairs to get clean. ‘Well, I guess Escargot can make an appearance.’

Watching Snails walking upstairs, Pinkie smiled before turning her glance back to Diamond Tiara. “Try and mess with my party plans will you.”

Trotting into the bathroom, Snails sighed and took off his suit. The white shirt was badly stained, the darker coat was salvageable, but would take several washes. Neither would be good for the party. Stepping into the shower, Snails turned on the cool water. This served two purposes- first, it hardened the chocolate sauce on him, and second, it changed him into Escargot.

Taking a very deep breath, she braced herself. He had been practicing this with Twilight and Rarity, but this was his first try on his own. Clenching his teeth, he focused on the carpet outside of the shower. With a bright flash of his horn, he winked out of existence, then a moment later reappeared on the carpet in a shower of sparkles. The hardened chocolate and water, holding a vague Escargot form, collapsed into the tub as gravity took effect.

Even such a short jump left him tired and dizzy, but at least he was clean, dry, and ready to get into the dress. He gave herself one last look over, fixing the long mane and tail.

A tap at the door caused Escargot to jump before turning slowly, “Who is it?”

“Oh darling, it’s me. Hurry and open the door!” Rarity said cheerfully.

Escargot’s horn lit up as the door unlocked and opened to reveal Rarity standing, holding the dress, shoes, and a makeup case smiling brightly. “Ready to play dress-up, dearie?”