• Published 3rd Jul 2015
  • 5,061 Views, 892 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 2 The Perfect Stallion - kitsy-chan

Cursed, Snails searches for a way out of a life that would be a dream for some, but a nightmare for him. The continuing story of Snails as he travels to the Crystal Empire with his mentor.

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Part 10: A Terrible Cold

Part 10

“Snails, have you seen Escargot?”

“Where is Escargot? The bag she was carrying is right here!”

“Even my location spell can’t find her!”

“This is getting serious.”

A Terrible Cold

It was nearly 7 PM when the train arrived back at Ponyville. The delegation stepped off the train with collective weariness. Little Diamond Tiara, still very weak from her encounter with the crystal heart, was being carried by her father.

Stepping off the train, Escargot looked around warily, his gaze darting from point to point. First, to the top of the train, then around the station itself. No CMCs, no dark creature. His nightmare would remain just that. Breathing a sigh of relief, he turned to Twilight, “Can I bring little Gisa to the castle? I think the trip tired her out. She’s just a grifflet, afterall.”

“Why does that sound familiar?” Spike grumped to himself.

Twilight gave Spike a reproving glance before nodding to Escargot. “Sure thing.”

Escargot followed the Princess to the crystal tree castle, Gisa laying on her back.

“I hope you enjoyed your trip to the Crystal Empire. And came away learning some valuable lessons, of course.” Twilight said as she trotted beside the filly.

Looking back at his flank Escargot had to shiver. “Lessons? It was... interesting, to say the least.”

Carefully, Twilight lifted the sleeping grifflet Gisa from Escargot’s back and tucked the little griffin into one of Spike’s old beds. “There we go. She’ll be fine here. Why don’t you go home and get some sleep? You look like you could use it.” She yawned “I know I do.”

“Thank you, Princess.” Escargot turned and picked up her bag and began her short walk home. He was sore, tired, and didn’t want to spend another moment as a filly. As he walked into his house, he realized that it was already past 8 PM. He left her bag in his room since it was the closest, and went to shower.

He could hear his mom and dad listening to music in the reading room, so he locked the door and took a nice, hot shower. He found himself coughing a bit in the steam, but at least it wasn’t as bad as the glacial ice water showers in the Crystal Empire.

“Escargot, is that you?” Snails heard his mom calling.

“It’s me!” He called back, drying off.

“Did you have fun on your camping trip?”

Fun? Heh. I used to remember fun. “It was ok.”

He just felt awful, but at least he could sleep as a colt again. Small favors. As he drifted off, he heard his dad.

“It’s not about fun. It’s about testing yourself to survive, proving you have what it takes. Just a stallion with his wits and hooves against the wild. It’s about showing that you can endure anything that’s thrown at you.”

All Snails could do before passing out was mumble, “Try sitting still for an hour with two Princesses and two diplomats discussing trade negotiations, while wearing a dress that’s squeezing you where you shouldn’t be squeezed.”

It seemed like he had just fallen asleep when his mom came in. “Snails! Are you getting up?”

Even sitting up hurt. A lot. His chest hurt and he was cold, and his shivering only served to exhaust him further.

Lying back down, he started coughing again.

His mom opened the door and looked down at the suitcase and sighed. “Snails, Escargot has her own room, you shouldn’t-” Blinking in worry, she walked over and put a hoof on his head. “You’re burning up! Stay in bed, I’m going to call the doctor!”

“Dear, he’s probably just got a little cold. You shouldn’t dote on him so much. How’s he supposed to be a real stallion otherwise?”

“This isn’t just a bad cold - he has a fever too.”

Snails lay in bed, coughing under the covers. He didn’t want to get out of bed for anypony or anything.

“Is Escargot in?” Snails heard Scootaloo asking downstairs. “We heard she got back last night.”

“I haven’t seen her, I’ll check.” He heard his dad call out, “Escargot?”

Nope, no way he could be Escargot right now. Maybe later in the afternoon, when he felt better. The girls and Gisa would just have to do without Escargot for now.

The doctor followed his mom through the door, wearing a worried frown. It only took Dr. Horse a few moments to examine him, but he didn’t like what he found.

“I believe he has pneumonia. He can’t go outside, and he must avoid cold shocks, such as cold water. Even so much as a cold rain could aggravate the condition, or put him into shock, killing him. He needs rest and to be kept in bed. I’ll have some medicine sent over to bring down the fever.” Standing up, the doctor looked straight at Snails’ mom. “This is very serious.”

An excuse not to go outside? Protection from cold water? How much better could this get? Coughing a few times, Snails relaxed. If only he didn’t feel so bad, he could enjoy this.

“Snails, Dinky’s here to see you.” Snails’ mom walked into his room. With a smile, she gave him some medicine and made sure the window was closed tightly.

Dinky trotted in with a panicked expression. “Snails, have you seen Escargot? Nopony’s seen her since she got home last night. She didn’t show up for her tutoring session this morning, and that’s so not like her. She’s always so responsible and dependable.”

Snails started coughing and shook his head, “Haven’t... *cough* seen her.”

“If Diamond Tiara’s done something to her… Even mom’s out looking for her.” Dinky turned and bounded out.

Snails pulled the blankets close. The medicine was helping the cough. It was helping him both relax and breathe better. Maybe Snips would show up and they could do something fun together.

“Where is she?”

Snails looked around blinking then it clicked in who’s voice it was.

Gisa landed on the end of the bed wings spread wide. “Where is Escargot? The bag she was carrying is right here. That means you must be the last pony to see her. Where is she?”

Snails moaned and coughed. “I didn’t see her. She just left the bag in here- she does that when she’s tired.”

“And you don’t know where she is?” Snails was not sure if the griffin was scared, angry, or just acting like a griffin. Either way, it was putting him on edge.

The griffin hopped down and dragged the suitcase with her.

“I’m not even going to get to enjoy being sick, am I?” Snails mumbled and relaxed.

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom both poked their heads over the bed.

“Nope.” Snails mumbled.

“Yer not gonna die, are ya?” Apple Bloom watched Snails with huge sad eyes.

“The doctor said that I should be ok as long as I don’t get cold drafts hit with cold water and such.”

“Did you get sick on your camping trip?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I must have.” He paused “ Aren’t you girls looking for Escargot?”

Apple Bloom perked up, “We are but we wanted to check on you. Princess Twilight’s called in the town guard, Rainbow Dash has the pegasi, and even the Wonderbolts are searching the Everfree for her.”

“The Wonderbolts?”

“Yeah, Princess Twilight is in a panic. She was told by Princess Celestia herself to keep an eye on Escargot, so she’s acting like she failed a direct order from the Princess.” Sweetie Belle shivered.

“Her mane’s gone all poofie again, and she’s grinding her teeth. Scootaloo had nightmares for weeks last time she went like that.” Apple Bloom said nodding. “Now Scootaloo’s in her room hiding, and apparently ‘awaiting the end times’.”

“All for Escargot?” Snails said, before coughing again.

“You know Princess Twilight and how she acts if she thinks she’s failing at something.” The two said backing away. “Well, we’re off to search some more.” “Get well soon!”

They were barely two paces towards the door when Twilight appeared in Snails room with a POP! Her mane was frizzy, her eyes were bloodshot, and at least four veins stood out on her forehead. She ran around the room searching anything and everything. It was clear she was starting to lose it when she looked through Snails’ desk drawers. “Where is she? Where is she?”

The girls cried out and ran out the door for safety. This left Snails all alone in a predicament with a particular panicking Princess. Pulling his blankets up more he looked at her as she stared at him.

“The location spell can’t find her. Her things were here, this is where Gisa found them. Ponies don’t just VANISH into thin air! It makes no sense, it’s not possible! Celestia’s going to kill me! She gave me a direct order, on royal paper, to watch after Escargot.” Twilight shouted madly to nopony in particular. Before Snails had a chance to respond, she flashed away.

Snails moaned. “This is getting to serious. Maybe I should change and stop all this panic.”

He tried to push himself up, but collapsed, coughing. He was too tired and sore to even stand, let alone withstand the shock of cold water. Maybe if he was stronger like his dad wanted, this wouldn’t happen.

“What am I going to do? This just isn’t right, everypony is out looking for Escargot. If I don’t change, somepony could get hurt. this mess is all my fault.” Snails started crying a bit, “If I change to Escargot, I could die… the doctor said as much. If I don’t, and just lie here, Twilight could destroy the town and I’d die that way. I have to tell the truth, I have to-”

Snails’ father walked in then scowled when he saw Snails in tears. “Crying? A stallion does not cry. You’ll be fine. You are a strong stallion, you will just power through this. You are not some weak little unicorn filly.”

Snails gulped once and nodded, “Yes father.”

“It’s in times of tested hardship that a stallion proves himself. Do not disappoint me.” Long Hall said before storming out.

Why couldn’t dad just speak in fish metaphors or something? What else could go wrong?

“Pneumonia, is that correct?”

Snails went wide eyed when he heard that voice. He turned to see Princess Celestia at the door. Trying again to rise, he collapsed into the bed, coughing, just like last time.

“I’m here because of Spike. He sent me a letter because he was worried about Twilight. She was trying to find Escargot and keep the fact that she lost her a secret.” Looking back towards the study, “Given your father, it’s no wonder you’re scared.”

Snails nodded timidly.

“I already let Twilight know that I was testing Escargot. Given what I’ve seen and heard, she’s passed. However, she might not be back to town until tomorrow or the day after. So if you’d let Escargot know, she’s able to go to the School for Gifted Unicorns for this fall semester. That is, if she wants.”

“Princess-” Snails started then broke out coughing again.

“I just ask one thing: when you are ready, tell somepony. Both Twilight and Rarity would be understanding. Though, you are right- I’m not sure your father would react well.” With that, she turned, looking in the direction of Long Haul. Sticking her nose in the air she turned and vanished into the hallway.

Author's Note:

And of course, art by Alkarasu as always. He's starting to get a whole gallery of JUST Snails and Velvet work. http://alkarasu.deviantart.com/