• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,349 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

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The Infiltration (Edited)

Twelve soldiers surrounded the six guards. The guards were in shock and their training had kicked in. Each pony was ready to strike and the captain was still trying to recover.

“Drop your weapons, and lay on your stomachs!” One of the soldiers behind the wall said through a megaphone.

The ponies held their ground while Healing Heart went to check on the captain. The soldier repeated this again.

“Captain are you alright?” Healing asked.

“Healing… Stand down…” The captain struggled to say.

“What?” Healing asked shocked.

“Do not… question my… Orders!” He forced out louder.

“PUT YOUR WEAPONS DOWN NOW!” The soldier behind the wall shouted through the megaphone.

Healing Heart went back over to the others.

“The captain said to lay down our weapons.” Healing said.

“What are you crazy?!” Stone practically shouted. In doing so one of the soldiers shot their plasma rifle in front of him leaving a small smoking crater.

“That was a warning shot. If you do not comply the next shots will not miss!” The soldier behind the wall said.

Healing dropped her bag and sword and laid down on her stomach. Tea Leaf hesitated but then removed his bag and dropped his weapon as well.

“What in tartarus are you doing?!” Stone shouted.

“Following the captain's orders!” Healing replied.

“You have ten seconds to comply or we will be forced to shoot.” The soldier behind the wall said.

Embers took off her bag with her magic which caused the soldiers to focus on her. Stone was still defiant. Not backing down. The soldiers took aim at Stone. The soldier behind the wall that was talking to them started talking to someone in a metal suit. Stone couldn’t really make out any details.

“Stun them.” The person in the metal said using the megaphone.

“What?” Was the last thing Stone got out before he saw a bright white light.

---------------------------------- The Commander's Office ----------------------------------

I waited patiently for my guests to wake up. I know I didn’t need to have them stunned but that one pony probably would have attempted fighting. That could have resulted in his death and I didn't want him to die. That could've caused a huge political issue that I didn't need to deal with right now. I already had enough on my plate with the infiltrators that breached our security. I noticed one of the thestrals start to stir. This one had a silver star on his chest piece maybe an indication of his rank. I’m not Entirely sure if it is or isn't just an assumption. He got up off the couch he was laying on and looked at me.

“I’m assuming you're in charge here.” The captain said.

“Yes, yes I am.” I said.

“Do you know why we are here?” Captain asked.

“Yes, Celestia sent me a message saying you were on your way. She also told me why you were coming.” I said.

“So, you know we came here to help.” The captain said.

“I don't need help and I know Celestia wants to know what's going on here so I will tell you, but first let's wait for your other troops to wake up.” I said.

A few minutes past and slowly one by one the guards woke up. Each one having a different reaction to their surrounding. Tea Leaf was the first to wake up. He remained silent and didn't say anything. He was waiting for the captain to give any orders. When he didn't he just remained silent. The next to wake up was Stone Chisel he was a little more rash and started to get violent. Luckily he was tied up.

“Stone calm down.” The captain said.

“How can I be calm I'm tied up!” Stone shouted.

“You better listen to your superior officer or I'll be forced to shut you up.” I said.

“I don't take orders from you.” Stone said.

“Was that directed at me or is that directed at your captain?” I asked.

“I’m talking to you.” Stone growled at me.

“Captain Sharp Edge I suggest you control your subordinate.” I said.

“Stone, calm down! Thats an order!” Captain Sharp ordered.

Stone stopped struggling and looked at me with fire in his eyes. Luckily he remained still. All the ruckus Stone caused woke the rest of the elite guards.

“I am glad to see you're awake did you all have a nice sleep?” I asked.

“Captain, what is going on?” Healing asked.

“This is… I didn’t catch your name.” Captain Sharp said.

“Just call me Commander.” I said.

“This is the Commander. He is our new ally.” Captain Sharp said.

“Yes, I am an ally and I believe you have been sent here for a reason. Celestia sent me a message saying it was for diplomatic reasons and to assist. I believe you are here for another reason as well. To gather information.” I said.

“Just information regarding whatever incident was causing you trouble. Since you have just arrived, she thought you could use assistance from… Locals.” Captain Sharp said.

“Ha. Maybe. Well, let me start from the beginning.” I said.

---------------------------------- A few hours earlier ----------------------------------

I boarded the cargo ship with a single destination in mind. My ship.

“Jane You know where to take me let's get moving.” I said.

“You forgot to say please.” Jane said in a snarky tone.

“Jane this is not time for fucking games. My soldiers could be in danger and don't forget the weapons the ship is carrying.” I yelled at Jane.

The cargo ship's engines hummed to life and we began to gain altitude. Jane remained silent during the short trip and when we landed the sun was setting. I hurried over to the nearest person I could find.

“Report, what is going on?” I asked.

“Four imposters were caught raiding some supplies. One of the accidentally armed a grenade and destroyed a fighter as well as injuring several soldiers.” Staff sergeant Roland replied.

“Is anything missing?” I asked.

“Yes, just one suit of standard armor and a plasma rifle.” SSGT Roland said.

“Dammit. “Where are they?”

“They are currently in separate interrogation rooms on deck three.”

“Roland inform Lieutenant Hargrave to start a search of the forest. Those items must be retrieved.” I said.

“Yes sir!” Roland said with a salute.

I raced into my ship and proceeded to deck three. I found the first interrogation room and entered. Inside was the imposter and sergeant Astor.

“Sergeant, has the prisoner spoken?” I asked.

“He has, but nothing useful.” Sgt Astor said.

“Astor bring me a shock baton and a plasma cutter.” I said.

“Are you sure sir?” Astor asked

“Yes.” I said. As Astor was leaving I stopped him. “And Astor if you question me in front of a prisoner again you will be facing a firing squad. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes sir.” Astor said.

The door closed behind Astor as he left leaving me and the imposter alone in the room.

“Who are you?” The imposter asked.

“I am the High Commander of the Galactic Council, and the one who will be interrogating you.” I said.

“Commander, so you must be the leader.” The imposter said.

“Indeed, I am.” I said.

Astor opened the door and put the items I requested down on the table and left.

“What are those?” The imposter asked.

“Tell me why did you impersonate one of my soldiers?” I asked.

“I was ordered to.” The imposter replied.

“By who?” I asked.

The imposter did not answer.

“I’ll ask one more time. Who gives you your orders?” I asked.

The imposter remained silent. I picked up the shock baton in one hand. I walked over to the imposter and stared at him.

“I will not…”

The imposter could not finish his sentence as I began shocking him with twelve million volts. He started seizing and foaming st the mouth. Before I stopped the imposters disguise dropped revealing a black bug like pony.

“A changeling.” I said to myself in a whisper.

I waited for the creature to recover before I continued questioning it.

“So, what is a changeling like you doing poking around my ship?” I asked.

The changeling seemed shocked.

“You know what I am?” It asked.

“Yes, and I know of your queen, Chrysalis.” I said.

“How? Only a few know of the changelings, and even fewer know of the queen, and it should be impossible for you to know!” The changeling exclaimed.

“Why? Because I come from another world?” I asked.

“Yes.” The changeling said.

“Now, answer my questions, or you will lose a wing.” I said.

“Ok.” The changeling whimpered.

“Why did you come here?” I asked.

“To… To gather information.” The changeling said.

“Gather information? Why?” I asked.

“Some of us have abandoned the hive. We came from the Badlands to get away from the hive. We made a home in the Everfree Forest.” The changeling said.

“How many left Chrysalis's hive.” I asked.

“We started with fifty. There are only twenty left.” The changeling said solemnly.

“So, you came here to see if we were a threat?” I asked.

“Yes.” The changeling said.

“Hmm. So, do you think that we are a threat?” I asked.

The changeling looked at the shock baton in my hand and nodded.

“Tell me, is your group in danger inside the forest?” I asked.

“We all are in danger in there. Most of the warriors have already died protecting the young and the females of our group.” The changeling said.

I sat down in the vacant chair across from the changeling and sat the baton on the table.

“I am going to do something unorthodox, but you will have a choice. You can join me. With that I can offer protection, and with some research I may be able to provide you with a food source. Or I can let you and the other three that came here go.” I said.

The changeling remained silent. He seemed to considering this offer deeply. It was a risk. My proposal was sincere but he might think that I was lying to get the rest of their group out.

“We agree… To your offer.” The changeling answered hesitantly.

“A wise choice. As for you, I wish for you to follow me around for awhile.” I said.

“Why?” The changeling asked.

“I believe that you could be an… Ambassador of the changelings for a meeting that will be happening in a few weeks, but for now I wish that you be my guard.” I said.

“Why not have one of your own soldiers protect you?” The changeling asked.

“I think you will be great at keeping nobles away from me.” I said with a smile.

“Really? That's why want me to be around you? To scare ponies?” The changeling said.

“That and I may be able to get you some non-changeling friends.” I said.

“Really, I doubt that is even possible.” The changeling said.

“If you do come with me. I can offer you and your kind a chance at peaceful relations with other nations.” I said holding my hand out. “Do you accept?”

The changeling looked at my hand and put his hole covered hoof out. I took a hold of it and shook it.

“Yes, I accept. Hopefully I can change things for us.” The changeling said.

“Commander, I am picking up a strange energy.” Jane said.

“What? Where?” I asked.

“GET DOWN!” Jane shouted.

I didn’t have time to react. Everything seemed to slow down. I didn’t even notice the green light all I saw was a golden ball of fire appear right in front of my face. I covered my face with my arms but no pain came just the sound of fire which was followed by the sound of something light hitting the ground. I put my arms back down and bent down finding a letter underneath the table. I picked it up and read it.

“Heh… Celestia, of course.” I chuckled.

“Your welcome.” The changeling said.

“What?” I looked up and saw a thin green barrier. “Thank you. Now, I almost forgot. I never got your name.” I said.

“Mimic.” The changeling said.

“Mimic, the name suits you.” I said.

“I think you're forgetting something else as well.” Mimic said.

“Ah yes, my name. It is Saffron, but please call me commander.” I said.

I walked over to the door and opened it. Outside was Astor waiting for me.

“Astor, I need you to take our guest to the armor. Have a set of armor commissioned for him as well as a weapon of his choice, and have the other three sent there as well.” I said.

“Yes sir.” Astor said.

Astor went into the room and collected Mimic.

“Oh, and Mimic. Tell your friends about what we discussed. We don't want them causing any trouble.” I said to Mimic.

He nodded and followed after Astor.

“Are you sure it is wise to give that creature armor?” Jane asked.

“I don’t know.” I said.

“That's good enough for me.” Jane said.

I left deck three and retreated into my quarters. I grabbed a random bottle of bourbon and poured myself a glass. I downed it quickly and poured another. This time taking the glass with me and sat down on my bed. This time taking my time. After finishing the glass I laid down and was getting ready to sleep. I almost fell asleep to.

“Commander. Six targets are approaching the rear wall.” Jane said.

“Already… Jane, give orders to not kill. If they resist stun them.” I said.

“Orders sent.” Jane said.

---------------------------------- Present time ----------------------------------

“After that you were stunned because of Stone and brought here.” I said finishing the recap.

“You have given sanctuary to changelings?” Captain Sharp asked.

“I have. Is that a problem?” I asked.

“It might be.” Captain Sharp said.

“Well, if you want to take it up with me. You're more than welcomed to try.” I said.

“I meant as in a political issue.” Captain Sharp said.

“I can deal with it when the time comes.” I said.

“Is there anything else you can tell us.” Captain Sharp asked.

“No, but you may be able to help my friend Mimic.” I said.

Author's Note:

I am looking for OC's for more details please click here for more details.