• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,348 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

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A Dream cut to Short

---------------------------------- Canterlot Castle ----------------------------------

Celestia was in her room looking over several laws that some of the nobles were pushing to pass. Some of them were about increasing taxes. Like usual none of the reasons were valid for the increases. Before she could get through the rest of her paperwork somepony knocked on her door and entered before she invited them in.

“Celestia we have received an important message from the griffon kingdom.” The messenger levitated the parchment scroll over to Celestia.

“Thank you, you may go.” With that the messenger left. Celestia took a better look at the scroll and noticed the emperor's seal which meant one thing. It was a message from Emperor Iron Claw. Celestia quickly opened the letter and began to read it.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have received a letter from General Flame about you and your sisters quick action to defend a military officer that you have no ties with over a long trusted ally. I see this as an act of misplaced trust and for it there will be consequence’s. This is not a threat of war but a warning. If you chose to side with a new ally and ignore the old ones you will have to inevitably deal with a negative outcomes. Remember that next time you are about to make a rash decision.

From your ally Iron Claw

Celestia put the letter down. She knew that something like this was going to happen sooner or later. At least it was more relaxed than what she expected, but she still had to do some damage control. She used her magic and levitated over a quill and scroll. She quickly wrote down something and in a flash the scroll was gone.

Celestia took a seat on her couch and waited, after a few minutes of waiting there was a knock on her door.

“Come in.” Celestia answered.

Silver Chalice entered the room. She seemed a little bit curious as to why she was summoned at such a late hour. That would also explain why she looked tired.

“Princess Celestia.” Chalice bowed.

“You may rise.” Celestia motioned with a hoof.

“What do you need your highness?” Chalice asked.

“I would like for you to go to the griffon kingdom to help smooth over some… issue’s.” Celestia got off of the couch and walked over to her desk.

“What do you need me to do princess?” Chalice asked confused as she followed Celestia over to her desk.

“I need you to go to the Griffon kingdom.” Celestia repeated.

“Isn’t this something you or your sister would normally handle?” Chalice asked.

“Normally yes, but I have very pressing matters to deal with here.” Celestia replied as she began writing something down. As soon as she finished she levitated the parchment over to Silver Chalice. “This is what I need you to do. It should resolve everything.”

Chalice grabbed the parchment with her magic and looked over the the list. It seemed simple enough.

“Do not worry princess. I can handle this for you.” Chalice said as she put the list in her saddle bags.

“There is a small airship waiting for you in the garden. You will be leaving in the morning. You may go.”

“Yes princess.” With that Silver Chalice left Celestia’s room to go prepare for her trip to the Griffon kingdom.

---------------------------------- The Ship ----------------------------------

“Looks like the final tests are complete. Prep the specimen for transport.” Luther Hendricks said as he got up from his new desk.

“Yes sir.” The three scientists said as they left the room to go get the guards to help with the transfer.

Hendricks was enjoying his new position as Chief Science Officer, especially now. Just a few days ago he would of been one of those scientists dealing with that… creature. He walked over to the observation window and looked at ‘it’, Mor’grol. Mor’grol was one of the most unusual and creepy specimens Hendricks had ever seen or studied. Just being near it could send chills down the spine of even some of the hardest soldiers. The way it would look at anyone, like it was calculating all your movements, breaths and even your thoughts. What made it even more disturbing was its silence.

It had barely moved since it had been captured, it had also neither ate nor slept either. Alls it has done was stand there, just waiting. That is why the security was going to be airtight for the transfer. If anything went wrong a lot of people and or ponies could die.

Hendricks watched the security detail enter the specimen containment room. Soon after the twelve soldiers took their positions as Hendricks watched the containment shield power down. The soldiers already had their guns aimed at the creature. Mor’grol just stared and didn’t move. Normally for a transfer like this the specimen would be rendered unconscious, but unfortunately none of the tranquilizers they tried on the creature worked, so they had to improvise. The soldiers were armed with high powered shock rifles. Fortunately large amounts of electricity is able to temporarily incapacitate the creature.

“Move forward.” Hendricks said through a microphone. The creature just stood there for a few seconds before it took a few steps.

The science team Hendricks worked with was able to teach it simple verbal commands. Most of the time it ignored them. The only time it ever listened to any command was when there was an armed guard.

“Follow.” Hendricks said through the microphone.

Mor’grol then growled. It almost sounded like it was trying to say something even though the initial scan of the creature's brain indicated that it had limited intelligence and basic speech is something that would be too far advanced for the creature to ever learn, let alone speak. Hendricks knew this so he ignored it.

“Follow now.” Hendricks repeated.

This time Mor’grol listened. It began to follow the lead soldier, who lead it to a mobile containment unit that would be shipped to the Canterlot Institute of Magic.

Hendricks let out a deep breath and walked back to his desk where he sat down. He was relieved that so far nothing went wrong and that Mor’grol was now out of his hands. It looked like thing were going to be a lot easier for awhile.

---------------------------------- The Commander ----------------------------------

I don’t know how I got here but somehow I ended up in a meadow. It was nighttime the moon was shining down while the stars glistened in amazing brilliance like I have never seen before. I looked around and everything was so clear so vivid. Almost too real.

“Hello.” I turned around to see a tall pony in what to be a hooded cape.

“Hello.” I replied cautiously.

“I’m glad we can finally meet on a more personal level.” The pony said as the pony pulled the hood down to reveal Luna.

“Luna, it is a pleasure to see you here… in my dreams.”

“Likewise, I am just here to help you sleep soundly.” Luna said as she walked closer to me.

“Any other reason?” I asked as I laid down in the grass to look at the stars.

“Yes, I was trying to track the dark prince, but it appears his presence is not here tonight.” Luna sighed and then laid down next to me to look into the vast night sky.

“Well, I did try to stay awake and I wasn’t tired… I can’t remember why I fell asleep.” I tried to remember but my memory was fuzzy. “It doesn’t matter I suppose, I am laying with a princess.”

“Very funny.” Luna lightly brushed my shoulder with a wing.

After that we just laid there for what felt like hours, just staring at the stars. Until I eventually broke the silence.

“I’ve been think this over for a while now. Ever since we met actually.” I turned my head to meet her gaze.

“What is it?” She asked.

“Would you like to go out to dinner with me sometime?” I notice her tense up.

“Well… I uh.” She seemed flustered. “I am very busy … but you are kind of cute.” She was trying to figure out what to say, until she realized what she said.

She froze, just like I had. When I asked her to dinner I didn’t mean as a date, but as friends. However, I wouldn’t mind going on a date with her, just to see if there could be anything… more than friendship, but even if there was I don’t know if I would want it to go anywhere. If we did become a… couple it could put her in serious danger.

She was about to say something but before she could my vision was blinded with a bright light.

Author's Note:

This will most likely be the last chapter for at least a week. My dad was admitted to the hospital two days ago, if you want to know more about that you can check hat out here . Anyway I already had partially outlined the next chapter so when I do get back to typing it shouldn't take to long.