• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,348 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

  • ...

To the Institute

The train station was mostly empty. There were only a few ponies about. Most were minding their own business. A few did stare. Lyra walked up to the ticket booth and went to purchase three tickets. While we were at the station I had this feeling of someone watching me. I looked around expecting to see something but found nothing.

“Is there something wrong?” Mimic asked.

“No… It's nothing.”

I shrugged it off and waited for Lyra to come back with the tickets. While she was getting the tickets I decided to look around the station. there really wasn't much there though just some benches and what appeared to be vending machines. I was a little surprised seeing those here. since there wasn't much else there I decide to go check out the machines to see what was inside them.

There were several types of chips and pastries, just regular junk food. Some of them looked similar to products I knew of. I was not entirely surprised by this outcome, after all they did have some other things that I didn't expect they would have. I wanted to try some of the chips, unfortunately I didn't have any bits.

Lyra came over to me and levitated a ticket to me and one to Mimic.

“Do you want something?” Lyra asked.

“No, I was just looking.” I looked at the train ticket.

“Well the train should be here in a few minutes.” Lyra said as she walked over to a nearby bench and sat down.

I took one last look at the snacks and went over to sit next to her. She still seemed a little nervous.

“You ok?”

“What? Oh yeah i’m fine. Why?” Lyra asked.

“You just seem nervous.”

“I may be just a little.” Lyra replied.

“I don’t see why. You are about to prove everyone who doubted you wrong. You have irrefutable proof.” I grabbed her hoof and looked her in the eyes. “You are going to show them all that they were wrong.”

“I know. It’s just… It’s just I had proof many times before. I thought it was enough. It never was.” Lyra looked down. “Even with you here I still feel like it is not enough.”

“Trust me. I will make them believe if they do not.” Lyra looked back up to me with a small smile.

We waited there in silence after that. It didn’t take long for the train to arrive. Several ponies exited the train. I ignored them and entered the train, Lyra and Mimic were close behind. There were only four other ponies in the train car. I took a seat on the nearest bench Lyra sat next to me. Mimic decided to stay standing. I looked around and noticed the other ponies in the train were staring at either me or Mimic.

We only had to wait a minute before the conductor came to collect our tickets. He approached hesitantly.

“Ticket please.” The conductor asked nervously.

Mimic levitated his ticket over and I grabbed Lyra’s and gave the conductor both of our tickets.

“Thank you.” He continued on and went into the next train car.

“So how long is the ride to Canterlot?” I asked.

“Just twenty minutes. Then about a ten minute walk to the institute.” Lyra looked out the window.

“Hmm, thought it would take longer.”

We sat in silence after that. The conductor eventually came back through and leave through the other door.

“All aboard.” He called before the doors shut.

The train lurched forward causing Mimic to fall. He got back up and decided it was better to sit instead of stand. I looked out the window and looked at the scenery. There wasn’t much to see mostly open fields and the approaching mountains.

The trip was over sooner than I expected. We arrived near the outskirts of Canterlot. Lyra lead Mimic and myself out. The Canterlot train station was very busy and filled mostly with unicorns. I looked down to Mimic only to see he had disguised himself as a blue unicorn with a off white mane.

At first everything was fine until I heard several horrified shrieks and a few outcries of ‘monster’ and ‘help’ which lead to chaos. Ponies started to run in every direction. To add to the troubles a few ‘braver’ citizens decided to be hero’s. Unfortunately their heroism ended in injuring other ponies that were just unlucky enough to get in their way.

The guard showed up and were able to restrain the unicorns that were trying to ‘defend’ themselves while the few others went to check on the injured. They ignored me much to the surprise of the remaining ponies. We left quickly to try and avoid any more issue’s. Thankfully fate was kind and we were able to leave without another incident.

“You ok.” Lyra asked looking at me.

“Yeah. I’m fine.”

Then fate felt like it wasn’t being cruel enough and somepony carrying a ton of boxes ran into me knocking me down, but fate felt like it could do better. So on top of the boxes the pony was carrying she also had a cake. Which ended up smashing into me.

“You don’t look ok.” Mimic said as he helped me up.

I shot Mimic an annoyed look and then began wiping off the cake while Lyra was helping the mare gather her boxes.

“I am so sorry I didn’t see you.” The mare apologized.

“I should be thanking you. I got some free cake from this ordeal.” Honestly I didn’t really care, the cake would wash off. Also it made me smell like frosting.

The mare look at me and rushed over. “I am so sorry I got cake all over you. Are you sure you’re ok?”

“It's just cake.”

“Here let me help you.” Her horn lit up and I was covered in a pink aura and in a flash the cake was gone.

“Well that solves that. Thank you.”

“I still feel like I owe you for getting cake all over you.” The mare said.

“Actually I owe you. I should have been paying attention. I’ll tell you what if you ever need me go to the castle and ask for me.”

“I would. If I had your name.” The mare hinted.

“I am the Commander.”

“Well hello Commander I am Sugar Drops.” She said smiling.

“Excuse me.” I turned around to see it was a guard and he was looking at me.

“Yes officer.”

“I have had some complaints from some of the residents.” The guard replied.

“What kind of complaints?”

“Probably that some of the nobles are ‘scared’ of you.” Lyra whispered to me.

“Some of the residents are afraid you might snap and go on a rampage.” The guard said in annoyed tone as he rubbed his temple. “I already was briefed on who you are, but because of the amount of complaints I have orders to follow you to make the nobles less jumpy.”

“Of course. I am surprised I didn’t see that coming.”

“So where are you headed?” The guard asked.

“The Canterlot institute of magic.” Lyra answered.

“Well I should get going. Goodbye Commander.” Sugar Drops said as she picked up her boxes in her magic and left.

“See you later Sugar Drops.” I waved as she left. “Well let's go.”

After all that we finally began the relatively short walk to the Institute. Along the way there were several shops and restaurants. We stopped at one cafe to get some juice and thankfully the pony behind the counter wasn’t phased by me, but the rows of shops ended as we came to a path that lead up the mountain a little ways. At the end of the path was the institute. It was built inside the mountain. When we arrived the guard decided to stay outside and wait for us.

“I’ll be right back. I’m going to check us in.” Lyra said as she walked up to a counter with a mare behind it.

“I hope we don't have anymore troubles.” I said in a hopeful tone.

“I think we are safe.” Mimic said. “I doubt anything bad will happen here.

Lyra came up to us with three unicorns in white coats.

“Dr. Scalpel this is the human.” Lyra said with a smile.

The three unicorns horns lit up and I blacked out.

Author's Note:

Took me awhile but it is finally here. Special thanks to thesomeonefromsomewhere for his help.