• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,349 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

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A Thestral named Midnight (Edited)

I was consumed by the darkness once again. The overwhelming loneliness, the sadness, the nothingness. I tried to find something anything, but there was nothing. Everything was consumed in the void. I was there for centuries it felt like. Then I saw a faint light in the distance. It was so far away, but it was the only thing here. I tried to go forward, but could barely even move my legs. The light became brighter and it became easier. I began to slowly walk forward, keeping my eyes on the light. When I was about halfway there, I felt a cold chill. A black mist was hiding in the darkness. A malevolent force trying to stop me. I felt it latch onto me, the mist swirling around my arms and legs. It kept me from moving, and struggling only made it grip me tighter.

“There is nothing you can do.” The darkness mocked. “Everyone and everything you love will crumble and die, this is what awaits you.”

It was right. Everyone and everything I ever love perishes through the relentlessness of time. It has been so long since I had anyone to call a true friend or even something more. That's when I heard a voice coming from the light. It was so distant. The light was getting brighter, it was getting closer.

“There is no hope. Give up.” The darkness pierced my heart.

---------------------------------- Castle guest quarters ----------------------------------

“Is he going to be ok?” Celestia asked concerned.

“He should be, although this fever is somewhat concerning.” Jane said.

“Nurse Red Heart should be back with some water and towels soon.” Celestia said.

“Why… Does everything… Leave me?” I mumbled in my unconscious state.

“Is he waking up?” Celestia asked.

“He will shortly.” Jane said.

A few minutes passed by in silence and Celestia left to attend to the griffons. Nurse Redheart came into the room and soaked the towels she brought in the cool water and placed them across my forehead. The cool sensation caused me to stir. My eyes shot open in a panic, I could barely breathe. I tried to get up, but I stopped when I felt a burning sensation in my chest. I fell back on the bed grasping the wound.

“Calm down, everything's alright.” Nurse Redheart said in a calming voice.

“Where did it go?!” I asked in fear.

“Where did what go?” Red Heart asked.

“It was… Nothing, nevermind.” I said.

---------------------------------- Luna’s Room ----------------------------------

Luna woke up, speechless. What she had just witnessed was horrifying. Being trapped in a void for millennia. The overwhelming loneliness. A burden that no one should ever bear. Yet the Commander had to bear it, but how could he and not be insane? It doesn't matter right now, he needs somepony to be there for him, and she knew just the pony.

With her magic she summoned Midnight Blossom, a close friend and captain of the night guard.

“Midnight, I need your assistance.” Luna said.

“What is it that you need princess?” Midnight asked.

“I would like for you to talk to the commander.” Luna said.

“Talk to him?” Midnight asked.

“Midnight, I have seen his dreams. He is filled with loneliness. He needs a friend.” Luna said.

“Are you sure you want to send me and not somepony else?” Midnight asked.

“I think he would drive most other ponies mad, but you have great patients.” Luna said.

“Very well. I will go to him.” With that Midnight vanished in a puff of black smoke.

“Hopefully he will open up to her. It could be beneficial.” Luna said to herself.

---------------------------------- Castle guest quarters ----------------------------------

I was shaken from the dream, but I was used to them. Normally they weren’t as powerful. It almost felt real. It worries me greatly I fear that's how I will end up. In a timeless void being tormented by my inner demons, or by actual demons. I was slowly being consumed by my fears, and I knew it.

I was taken away from my inner thoughts as I felt the slightest gust of wind. Normally I would ignore something like that, but the windows were closed. I looked up only to see a bat pony. I was surprised, but I didn’t show it, but my reflexes betrayed me. I quickly got up from the bed and leaped upward grabbing the thestral by her midriff and throwing her on the ground pinning her. The poor mare was dazed, I threw her a little to hard.

“Who are you?” I asked still having her pinned.

“Can’t… Breathe…” She wheezed out.

“I am sorry.” I got off of her and helped her to her hooves. “My instincts usually take over when I get… Startled.” I said apologetically.

“If I would have known that I would have used the door, or maybe the window.” She said.

“Those options seem more logical than sneaking into a dignitaries room.” I said. “Although I did enjoy the surprise.”

“You enjoyed it?” She asked.

“Yes, normally my rank or title scares off people so I hardly get to enjoy simple things in life.” I said.

“That sounds terrible! Enjoying the little things makes life great.” She said.

“I know, by the way. I never got your name.” I said.

“Oh, it's Midnight Blossom.” Midnight said.

“A stunning name for a creature as beautiful as you.” I said.

“Me beautiful?” Midnight asked blushing.

“Yes, you are. The way your eyes shine, and how you blend with the night and your bat wings. It's just spectacular.” I said.

“Re… Really? You think so?” Midnight asked still blushing.

“Yes.” I said. Midnight was quiet for a few moments. A smile came across her face. “Tell me Midnight, are you hungry?”

The smile on her face disappeared, and a look of fear came over her. She remained silent.

“Ah, a little self conscious of your carnivorous side?” I asked.

Midnights ears splayed back and she looked up at me, looking rather sad.

“Do you, find that repulsive?” She asked.

I couldn’t think of anything to say. So, I let my actions tell her. I hugged her. I heard her gasp in surprise. After a few moments she returned the hug.

“Most ponies think I am a monster or a freak.” Midnight said. “So I can never get close to anypony.”

“Midnight, you are not a monster or a freak. In fact, those who call you that are the real monsters.” I said.

We stayed in that room for a few hours, just talking. She told me about her life and the history of the thestrals. How her kind were exiled from Equestria after Nightmare Moon was banished, how through the centuries they had to hide from the ponies, and hunt like ferals. I listened to her story, and I comforted her. Before she could finish it however, her stomach interrupted us.

“You must be hungry.” I said.

“Maybe, just a little.” She said sheepishly.

“To the… Where do you get food here?” I asked.

“Well for the night guard, we go to what we call the ‘distribution center’.” Midnight said.

“To the distribution center!” I said pointing a finger in the air dramatically.

Midnight failed to stifle a laugh. We left the room I was given with some trouble. Nurse Redheart insisted that I get some rest. I declined saying I was fine now. After convincing her to let me leave we headed straight to the distribution center. It was somewhat far from my room. We passed several guards and even a few nobles. The nobles seemed interested in me but did not approach upon seeing Midnight. I was rather glad for that. Soon enough we stopped in front of two large wooden doors with some strange symbols above them. I ignored them deciding to ask later. I opened the doors. Behind them was a large room with at least twenty tables, each table having four chairs. It seemed like a regular cafeteria, except well decorated. There were also several other night guards here as well. They all noticed me right away, I could feel their stares. I followed Midnight to a counter with two other thestrals behind it. They each gave us a tray with some sort of meat substitute and a small pouch of what appeared to be blood.

“This isn’t meat.” I said to Midnight.

“No, it is a substitute, doesn’t taste to bad once you get used to it.” Midnight said.

“Why do they not serve meat?” I asked.

“It's been outlawed, for us that is.” Midnight said. “There are a few reasons. The biggest issue though is that it makes us more ‘aggressive’, at least that's what some researchers have said.” Midnight explained. “There is also the issue of public ‘acceptance’.” Midnight finished.

“Have you ever tried to get meat back?” I asked.

“Once, a while back. A researcher claimed that the substitute meat and blood caused malnutrition, but his findings were disclaimed after the health board looked into the matter.” Midnight said.

“Interesting. So, how would you like some real meat?” I asked.

Midnights ears perked up and a smile adorned her face, but it soon turned into a frown. “I can not.” She said rather remorsefully.

“Why not? It’s not like anyone will know.” I said.

Midnight looked around making sure that no one was listening and agreed. I only had a few strips of jerky on me, because I was not going to be eating hay, and took one out. I gave it to her and she looked at it. She reluctantly picked it up and took a bite. Her pupils dilated and she began to drool. She was looking at the jerky as if was a long lost treasure that she was searching for for years. In a way it could have been. She took another larger bite savoring the flavor of the jerky. She looked so happy and amazed. She soon finished the rest of the strip of jerky.

“That was amazing. I haven’t had meat in years. What kind was it?” Midnight whispered to me.

“Dried pony meat.” I said.

“Wh- what?!” She exclaimed starting to freak out.

“I’m just kidding. It was turkey jerky.” I said with a laugh.

“Don’t do that!” She said punching me the shoulder with her hoof.

“What? It was funny.” I said.

“Maybe to you!” She said.

We stayed in the cafeteria and ate. The food they gave us was terrible. I decided to keep the synthetic blood and a small portion of the fake meat. The scientist could take a look at it and find a way to make it better, taste wise. After the so called ‘meal’ we left. She took the lead and we headed off into the castle’s corridor. I didn’t know where she was taking me I just followed. I enjoyed the walk seeing different paintings, furniture, and interior design of the castle. It took me a while to realise that we had been walking for a long time. I looked around and didn’t see or hear Midnight. She must of headed off a while ago. I continued to walk occasionally taking a turn. I did this until I saw Celestia. She however did not see me. So I just decided to follow her. I had nothing better to do anyway. Besides I was going to ask her why she stopped me mid attack letting that griffon strike me. That could wait though, for now I was just going to follow her.