• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,348 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

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Running from Monsters (Edited)

The guards and soldiers were vigilant watching their surroundings with keen eyes looking for any disturbances. They knew that at any second the creature could come and try to take any of them. They were all on edge just waiting for the creature to appear. They were keeping a steady pace trying to get to the ship as soon as possible. Embers Spark was using her magic to keep balls of fire around the group to deter the creature. The light of the fire helped ease tensions, but it also made them at target. The changelings at the center were having hushed conversations trying to be as quiet as possible. Mimic and Mirror we're trying to calm the rest of the changelings as best they could, but their efforts were wasted. They we're all scared and nothing was going to change that fact until they were out of the Everfree forest.

“Astor, Movement in the treetops.” Zuko said.

“I see it.” Astor said.

They both fired at what was in the treetops, the rustling stopped soon after. A squirrel fell out of the tree dead.

“Just a squirrel Zuko.” Astor sighed in relief.

“Well that's a relief.” Zuko said.

The group did not waver and continued onwards.

“So, Astor, do you think the arms master has anything to take that thing out?” Zuko asked.

“If Jericho doesn’t I bet he could make something that could vaporize it.” Astor said.

“I hope he does, we need to waste that creature.” Zuko said.

“We should personally inform the commander when we get back.” Astor said.

After a few minutes of silence, the peace was broken by something in the forest.

“Embers, do you see that?” Astor asked.

She responded by throwing several flaming balls at the area, each one exploding with the force of several grenades. The explosions knocked a few of the group down. The creature jumped out from the burning forest and went to attack. Astor and Zuko recovered but not fast enough. They got a few shots off but the creature got to captain Sharp. The creature was only able to injure him. It quickly retreated back into the forest after it attacked.

“Ahhh! My leg!” Captain Sharp exclaimed in pain.

“Captain! What happened?” Healing asked worriedly.

“It… Got my foreleg…” He said in a pained grunt.

“Can you still move?” Healing asked.

“I will slow everypony down, but I can buy you some time.” Captain Sharp said.

“We are not leaving you.” Healing said.

“We might have to.” Zuko said.

“Listen Healing… My foreleg is cut… Too deep… Ahhh! I won’t be able to continue.” Captain Sharp said with pained breaths.

“I can fix it.” Healing said rushing over to the Captains after setting Darkest down gently. “Let me see it.” Sharp showed her the wound. It was deep, it went to the bone. There was nothing she could do.

“You see Healing, the wound is deeper than you can heal.” Captain Sharp said.

“We can’t just leave you!” Healing shouted.

“I’ll regret this later.” Zuko knocked out Healing. He then picked Healing and Darkest up.

Astor kneeled down next to Captain Sharp.

“Sharp, take this.” Astor aid handing him a device.

“What is it?” Captain Sharp asked.

“It is a high density plasma grenade. When that creature comes for you, press the read button. It will take three seconds to detonate. Hopefully it will take out the creature.” Astor whispered to Captain Sharp so Healing wouldn’t hear him.

“Do you think it will work?” Captain Sharp asked.

“It should at least injure it if nothing else.” Astor said.

“Heh, never thought I would go down like this.” Captain Sharp said with sad smile.

“Is there a message you wish for me to give to any family or friends?” Astor asked.

“No, I have nothing to say.” Captain sharp said. “Goodbye.”

The group continued onward at a faster pace after they left Sharp Edge. Fearing that the creature would strike again. After a few minutes of walking there was an explosion that came from behind them. Then what followed made Astors blood freeze. The creature let out a cry of anger.

“Shit, everyone we need to move now!” Astor ordered.

“How can that thing still be alive.” Zuko muttered.

“Right now that doesn’t matter we need to get out of this forest.” Astor said.

“Go ahead, I will meet up wit you later.” Zuko said aloud to the group.

“I am not leaving you here alone.” Astor said.

“If you stay, you will die.” Zuko said.

“What about you?” I asked. “Listen, if we both hold it off we can buy the rest enough time to get out of this place.”

“Fine, but if you die don’t blame me.” Zuko said playfully putting don the two unconscious ponies. “Embers take these two.” She picked them up in her magic and went to the front of the group.

The group continued at an even faster pace, leaving the soldiers behind. Tea Leaf tried to convince them to stay with the group, but they refused, and stayed behind to buy them as much time as possible. After the group was out of view the creature came. It was much slower than before, and it was bleeding. The two soldiers also noticed that its armor was cracked. The creature looked up at the pair and snarled.

“Ready?” Zuko asked.

“Ready.” Astor replied.

The creature just continued on at a slow pace, and the two soldiers began firing at the creature. The laser rounds were deflected by the armor and when one did hit the creature, its chitinous skin only cracked. When the creature got within ten yards of the soldiers it launched itself at them. The two had little time to react. Zuko managed to get clear, but Astor was unfortunate enough to get hit. He felt a searing pain in his left arm. The creature had a hold of it. The next thing Astor felt was his bone and tendons snapping as the creature ripped his arm off. Astor fell back screaming in pain, trying to grasp the stub with his good hand. The creature then threw Astor at Zuko.

“Astor!” Zuko exclaimed.

“Run Zuko, I will…. finish this.” Astor said in a pained grunt as he got up.

“I am not leaving you!” Zuko said with teary eyes.

“Do not argue, just go.” Astor said weakly. “Please.”

“Alright. “ Zuko said remorsefully. “Take that fucker out, ok.”

“I will.” Astor said as he grabbed a hold of Zuko’s outstretched arm. “Now go.”

With those final words Zuko began running. He wanted to go back, but he had to go forward. Zuko heard gunshots from behind. He continued on faster and faster. In only a matter of minutes he cleared the forest. Zuko fell to the ground breathing heavily. His vision began to blur, but he got back up and continued on. He made his way back to the ship slowly. He felt a burning throughout his body. Several medics rushed out to him. They were carrying a stretcher, they rushed to him as he fell to the ground once more.

---------------------------------- The Commander's Office ----------------------------------

I always hated paperwork and that's what I was stuck with doing. I was happy to see that I had almost completed the stack. I should really get an assistant to help me with this annoying paperwork.

“Am I not good enough?” Jane asked playfully.

“What did I say about reading my thoughts?” I asked with a small smile.

“Well, you said not to, but what rules for if they can’t be broken?” Jane replied.

“Honestly though, I think I should get an assistant. What do you think?” I asked Jane.

“Having someone to help you would free you up so you could rest more often.” Jane said

“That settles it then. I will find an assistant.” I said.

I continued with my work finishing up the remaining requisition forms and other documents and filed them. Afterwords I walked over to one of the couches and fell on it. I closed my eyes and was ready to let sleep take me when I heard three knocks on my door. I got up slowly and opened it up.

“What do you want? I am trying to get some sleep.” I said angrily.

“Sir there has been an incident.” Sergeant Major Fulks answered.

“What happened Major Fulks?” I asked.

“Several soldiers died bringing back the changelings.” Major Fulks said.

“How?!” I demanded an answer, nothing should be able to even harm us on this primitive world.

“There was a creature… It was apparently was not affected by laser rifles.” Major Fulks said.

My anger was starting to take over. I could feel it. It was building up, but I had to calm down. Rushing in the everfree right now to take out whatever killed my troops could be fatal for myself or others.

“Come in, and tell me everything.” I said with a fiery tone.

Major Fulks came in and I went back behind my desk and sat in my chair. I then motioned for him to give me the report.

“Mimic gave me the details. What he told me was that this creature called Mor’grol was the one that is responsible for this. It has the strength to pierce standard armor and chitin to absorb most attacks. On top of that he also has some enchanted armor which makes him almost invincible to standard attacks.” Major Fulks said.

I rammed my fist into my desk causing the wood to shatter.

“Who was killed.” I asked with rage.

“Lieutenant Hargrave, Private Ryan, Private Alice, and Sergeant Astor. Sergeant Zuko is currently being treated in the medbay.” Major Fulks replied.

Jane do we have any cryo rockets?

“We do.” Jane replied.

“Major Fulks, have a dropship and two drones armed with cryo rockets. Take what you need from the armory and capture the creature if possible. If you cannot, terminate it with extreme prejudice. Do not fail me.” I ordered in an icy tone.

“Yes sir.” Major Fulks replied. He left quickly and went to complete the mission given to him.

Author's Note:

OC's are needed for more details click here . I will accept most OC's and add them in the story so don't be afraid to send me one or more.