• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,349 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

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Going to Court

I was really tired. So tired in fact that I considered just ignoring the letter, but I had to go. If I didn’t, it would most likely bite me later, and if I could make this problem go away now I with almost no consequence it would be worth missing a little shut-eye. I continued walking down one of the ship's corridors my armored boots clanking against the metal floor. I had armored up as well, just in case the bird brain decided to try and claw my face again.

As I entered the hangar bay I was greeted with the elite guards and Mimic. Jane why are they here?

“I figured since you were going to Canterlot you might as well bring the rest of them with you.” Jane was right, it would be good to get them back.

“I am sorry about your captain.” I said as I approached them. “If I would have known that there was a creature like that in the forest I would never have sent you.” My words were sincere, and I could tell that they knew I spoke the truth.

“He died protecting us. his death was honourable.” She seemed unaffected by his death, her tone and face both were emotionless.

The rest remained quiet. I looked at the group and noticed that Darkest Light was missing a wing. I made a mental note to fix that later.

“Mimic, where is your armor?” I Asked. He should have received it by now.

“I am wearing it.” Mimic replied. A green flame erupted around his body and when it died down he was adorned in armor. “I was just concealing it.” The green flame washed over him once more and the armor vanished.

“What about your weapons?” I asked.

“They are still being forged.” Another green flame erupted leaving behind a flaming scimitar. “but the arms master gave me this as a temporary replacement.”

“Impossible, weapon enchantments such as that have been lost for centuries.” Embers said wide eyed. “Explain how you did this.” She seemed genuinely intrigued.

The rest of the ponies looked at the flaming sword in awe.

“I have a few books about enchanting. The runes along the blade conduct heat and can create and control flames. How ever we are still studying magic.” I summoned my own blade from a pocket dimension. “We have been able to scientifically deduct how some of it works, but most of our findings are dismissed.”

“What do you mean? Why would your findings be dismissed?” Healing Heart asked.

“Our study into magic is considered unscientific and unnatural. Most scientist, even after giving them proof, reject our findings calling them flukes or hoaxes.” I was starting to get frustrated at the thought. I spent many years trying to prove that there were forces beyond science but my research was always rejected.

“Could you… Make me an enchanted weapon?” Embers looked somewhat nervous asking me that.

“Sure, what would you like?” I asked.

“Could you make a fire staff?” Embers asked. She was so excited. The once lifeless facade she had was shattered.

“I already have one. Never use it though, it is way too short for me.” I opened the pocket again and placed my sword back inside it, what came out next was a short staff. Its shaft was covered in runes and embedded in it was a large fire ruby. “You can have it.” I levitated it over to her and she grasped it with her magic.

“How… Do I use it?” Embers asked.

“I can teach you later. Right now we need to get to Canterlot.” I began walking towards a cargoship. The rear door was already opened. “Everypony get in.” I waited for each of them to enter before I got in myself.

I walked through the ship and entered the pilot's seat. Jane you can take over from here

“Destination set, autopilot is engaging.” Jane took control of the ship and it took off through the hangar bay door.

We made it to Canterlot in minutes. When we arrived we landed in the castle gardens. There were several guards waiting to escort us inside. Jane lowered the rear cargo door and the ponies exited. Mimic stayed inside and waited for me. I left the pilot's seat and approached Mimic.

“Mimic, I would suggest you put your armor on. I don't want to deal with the hassle of an interrogation.” Mimic took my advice and his armor appeared after the green flames died. “Thats better.”

The elite guard entered the castle together as I exited the ship. Mimic followed close behind. We were about to enter but the guards halted us by blocking our path with spears.

“I am sorry sir, but we need you and your companion to remove your helmets.” I complied and took mine off.

“I must warn you, my associate here is friendly, so please don’t judge him by the way he looks.” I nodded to Mimic and his helmet vanished with a green burst of flame.

The guards surrounded him and pointed there spears and swords at him. His head was enveloped in the green once more and his helmet was set back upon his head.

“He may not enter the castle. In fact he is under arrest!” The guards approached Mimic with shackles and were going to detain him. That's when he summoned his flaming scimitar.

“Tell me, why is he under arrest?” I asked. I kinda already knew why, because changelings feed off of emotions but I just wanted to be sure.

“Do you not know what a changeling does?” The guard asked me.

“They feed off of emotion, but they prefer love. I don’t see why that matters.” I said. I was slightly annoyed that I had to get Mimic entrance, so I was trying figure out a way around it.

“Tell your ‘friend’ here to submit.” The guard demanded.

“There are more guards on the way.” Jane reported to me mentally.

“Listen, if you do not grant Mimic passage I will leave.” I threatened. “If I leave Celestia will be pissed. You know why I am here don’t you?” The guard nodded nervously. “Then you know I am not bluffing.”

“I am sorry but I cannot let him in.” The guard insisted.

“Very well, then you can tell Celestia why I left. C’mon Mimic.” We both headed back to the ship. We both were about to enter the ship when the guard came to his senses.

“Wait!” He called out as he galloped towards us. “He… May enter, but he will need to be guarded.”

“Those terms are acceptable.” I turn around and headed back to the castle. Mimic continued to follow close behind. On the way in two additional members joined us.

The two guards that were following us seemed nervous. I was glad that they stayed silent though. At least they stayed that way until they realized I had no idea where I was going.

“Do you know where you are going.” One of them asked.

I stopped and turned to look him straight in the eyes. “No clue.” I turned around and continued walking.

We continued on aimlessly for a few minutes before the guard spoke up again. “Do you want me to take you to Celestia?” The guard asked.

“That would be appreciated.” I said nonchalantly.

The guard took point and we began following him. He guided us through the castle with ease. We had to do some backtracking, but he soon lead us to the throne room. The two guards opened the doors with their magic and we entered.

I immediately noticed the griffons. They were discussing something between themselves. The two guards stayed by the doors but continued to watch Mimic closely. As I continued forward, the griffons heard my armored boots against the marble floor. The one known as Avian Flame tried to look threatening but I was unaffected. I stopped a few yards away from group of griffons.

“I am glad you could make it so soon Commander.” Celestia said from her throne.

“Well, I had nothing better to do, except get some well deserved sleep.” I said. I was a little pissed, after all I hadn’t really slept much.

“We are sorry we had to wake you, but this matter should be over rather quickly.” Luna replied as she entered the throne room. She gracefully took to the air and went to her throne.

“Who is your... guard?” Celestia was looking at Mimic curiously.

“Oh, just an ambassador in training.” I snapped my fingers and looked at Mimic expectantly. I waited a few seconds and he did nothing. I sighed when I realized he did understand what I ment. “Take off your helmet.”

He replied by doing as told. Once his helmet disappeared the griffons took defensive stances. The princesses did not react, but they seemed curious as to why I had a changeling with me.

“What is that thing doing here?” Avian Flame asked disgusted. His talon was on his sword ready to draw.

“Tsk tsk tsk. Do not meddle in affairs that none of your concern.” I said with a sharp mocking tone. That pissed him off.

“Do you want to fight me again?” The griffon threatened. He drew his sword to make a point.

“ENOUGH!” Luna said in the royal Canterlot voice. “We are here to settle your differences.” Luna kept her composure but I could see that our outburst got on her nerve.

“I am sorry princess Luna.” I said as I bowed.

“You may rise.” I did as she asked and looked at Avian Flame. I expected him to do the same. Luna looked upon him as well, no doubt expecting the same.

When he did nothing it ticked me off, but I didn’t want to cause another disturbance.

“We are gathered here in court today to settle a grievance. General Avian Flame, state your case.” Celestia said.

“This, ‘commander’.” He pointed at me with a talon. “Assaulted me, and my soldiers, I demand his custody be released to me so he can face punishment.”

“Commander, your defense.” Celestia and Luna then switched their gaze to me.

“If you remember correctly, Avian Flame.” I looked over to him. “You were the one who initiated physical violence.” I then looked back to Celestia and Luna. “For that reason, I could counter sue, but instead, I would like to challenge him to a duel to settle this.” I said smugly.

“I refuse! I have already...” Avian Flame was cut off by Celestia.

“Under equestrian law and griffonian law he has the right to settle this with a duel.” Luna said. She then looked to her sister and they both nodded.

“Commander, your request has been granted. It will be in one hours time. In the castle gardens.” Celestia said as she rose from her throne.

“Very well, I will fight you, but I will not hold back.” Avian Flame left with his soldiers and left the room.

“So, can I use the sword and armor I brought?” I asked the princesses hoping I could.

“Yes, but I should warn you. The General has a powerful blade that can control wind.” Celestia said as she readied to leave.

“Heh. I guess I will have some fun after all.” I hadn’t had a decent fight in a while, and the griffon might prove himself to be a true opponent.

“Before I go, tell me, what was the reason you left. I heard about the explosion, but that doesn’t explain your friend here.” She pointed at Mimic with a hoof to clarify. Luna was interested as well and decided to be clued in as well so she also trotted over.

My expression darkened and I removed my helmet so she could see my eyes. “I have some bad news.”