• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,348 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

  • ...

The Executioner

------------------------------------ Canterlot Castle ------------------------------------

Today was the day… the day which she was dreading. The execution of Golden Torch. Celestia could not sleep the previous night as she knew what had to be done. It had been centuries since the last time she witnessed an execution. She also knew it was necessary, mainly to maintain peace, but deep down she also knew the punishment was fitting. He needlessly risked the lives of his fellow guards and even ended up having several guards killed. He also knew the consequences of his actions and yet he still… Why did he have to be so foolish? Celestia sighed before taking a sip of her morning tea.

“Are you okay sister?” Luna asked softly.

“No.” She was not fine. “I do not wish to see any more death.” She also knew that she would not only see it, but also be the one to force another to take a life.

Luna could see her sister's pain and walked over to embrace her. “It will be okay, sister.” Luna’s grip around Celestia tightened. “It will be okay.” She said again but softer.

The two stayed like that for a few minutes before Celestia broke the embrace. “Thank you Luna.” She gave her sister a sad smile. Luna returned to her seat. Celestia looked down at her plate no longer hungry. She didn’t have an appetite knowing what was going to happen.

Celestia got up from the table and left her sister to eat alone. Celestia began walking through the endless corridors of the castle contemplating what was going to happen. She still had not chosen an executioner. Deciding that would be one of the hardest tasks she has done in decades. Whoever she picked would come out of this with mental scarring, that is if they even had the resolve to end another's life. This did narrow the list down to those who could end a life but it was still no easy choice. Celestia looked out a window she stopped in front of. She could see for miles out. The Everfree forest looked small from this distance yet a scar through it was obvious enough. She could even make out the ship that crashed not so long ago at the end of the scarred forest. If only it never arrived the peace of this world would be guaranteed. As it was now, Celestia could only see a bleak future. She looked up to see the other ship still hovering high up in the distance, several smaller ships were heading toward the grounded ship. Celestia was too preoccupied to worry about that.

She moved away from the window and continued walking aimlessly through the corridors trying to think of a way out of this mess.

------------------------------------ Princess Luna ------------------------------------

Luna wished she could ease her sisters pains and worries. Unfortunately there was nothing she could do. Luna sighed before getting up from the table and leaving the dining room. She began the journey back to her room. The castle seemed empty. The halls were devoid of most life, the only inhabitants were a few on duty guards. After walking through several mostly empty halls she was outside of her room. Her horn glowed a stunning azure and her door followed suit opening. Luna walked in and sat on her bed.

“I am powerless.” Luna whispered to herself. She felt a deep sadness overtake her. “Is there nothing I can do to help?”

A knock came from her door.

“Who is there?” Luna asked, getting her emotions under control.

“It’s Midnight.” The thestral replied from behind the door.

Luna got out of her bed and walked over to a table where she sat down. “You may enter.”

Midnight walked in and sat down in front of Luna. “I am ready to give my report.”

“Go ahead.” Luna sighed.

Midnight then began going over what she learned from the prisoners that were released into her custody by the commander at the Institute. What she was told shocked her. According to her report, he had ripped of the wing of a pegasus and executed him in front of the other prisoners. Nobody was found but there was plenty of blood indicating what they said may have been true. What really shocked her was the information they gave about their attack. They were wiped out easily with weapons they could not fight back against. Even though they ambushed the convoy and had a clear advantage Black Jacks troops were still wiped out with relative ease. Midnight then began going over the information she was given from the doctors and researchers at the institute. What the commander said was true, they did capture Mor’grol. The commander also apparently stationed about forty soldiers and a few scientists along with a few vehicles and equipment there. Midnight's brief lasted for over an hour as she relayed information she had gathered over the past two days of investigation and interrogation.

“Anything else?” Luna asked.

“That is everything.” Midnight replied she hesitated a second before asking. “Are you alright?” Midnight had noticed her dower mood while she was giving her report.

“I… am not.” Luna’s demeanor changed her sadness now showing.

“What’s wrong?” Midnight asked softly.

“I am powerless to help my sister.” Luna said sadly. “Celestia has so much to deal with and now… she has to handle Golden Torches execution. She still needs to find someone to…” Luna paused as the thought made her sick. “Handle the execution.”

Midnight stayed silent for several seconds before responding. “I can do it.”

This caught Luna’s attention. “What?”

“I can do it.” Midnight replied firmer than before.

“I could not ask you to do that.” Luna was surprised Midnight would say such a thing.

“It is my duty, as captain of the night guard and sworn protector of the crown. I must do everything in my power to uphold the peace and ensure justice.” Midnight replied. She had to do this, for Luna and Celestia and more importantly her country. She knew what this execution meant to the peace.

“Midnight, do you know what you are saying?” Luna asked seriously..

“I do. I must take a life.” Midnight held her resolve. Luna had never seen her so serious.

“Very well.” Luna sighed. “I will inform Celestia that… an executioner has come forward.”

“When is the execution scheduled?” Midnight asked.

“It is in six hours.” Luna telekinetically brought over a piece of parchment and a quill. She began writing to Celestia to inform her that she had found a pony for the role.

“I need to get ready then.” Midnight got up from the table and began walking towards the exit. “I will see you later, Princess.” With that Midnight left.

------------------------------------ Midnight ------------------------------------

Midnight walked back to her room in the barracks. The walk seemed to be over in an instant. She sat in her bed and tried to process what she had just agreed to.

Buck me… I can’t believe what I just agreed to.

Midnight felt nervous, scared… and excited. It disturbed her to her core that she was not only excited but was anticipating the execution. She had never taken a life, yet why did she now feel the urge to? Maybe it was just shock or perhaps something else. She stayed in her bed for what felt like an eternity before her thoughts were disturbed by knocking at her door.

“Who is it?” Midnight asked, coming out of her trance-like state.

“It’s me. Shadow Glide.” Shadow Glide was one of Midnight’s closest friends and someone she could trust. She was also an elite guard that had actual experience in taking anothers life.

Midnight walked over to her door quickly and opened it pulling in Shadow.

“Hey!” Shadow shouted in shock as she was pulled into the room. The door shut behind her. “Whats going on?” She asked in surprise.

“I need your help.” Midnight asked in a frantic tone.

“Whoa, calm down.” Shadow chuckled. “Now calmly tell me what has you so… jumpy.”

“I agreed to something I probably shouldn’t have.” Midnight looked into Shadow's eyes. “I am going to be the executioner for Golden Torch.”

Shadow Glide was not expecting this, but she was also glad. She smiled at the news. “How do you feel.” Midnight failed to notice the smile on her friends face.

“I feel scared and nervous… but I also feel…”

“Excited?” Shadow finished for her.

“Yes, how did you know?” Midnight asked.

“You are a thestral same as me.” Shadow sat on Midnights bed. “Killing is in our nature. It is a part of us.”

“What?” This was not the answer she was expecting.

“Why do you think we are not aloud to eat meat… or drink blood?” For the briefest moment Midnight saw her friends eyes turn a ruby red. “Yet griffons, minotaurs, and all the other races that eat meat are still allowed to?”

“I… never thought about it.” Midnight lied.

“You never once questioned it?” Shadow asked again.

“Well… maybe.” Midnight replied softer.

“It is because, being around those things brings out our true nature.” Her smile faded. “When you draw his blood, you must control your urges to drink his blood and tear into his flesh.” She walked over to Midnight giving her a hug. “You will struggle, but do not give in. It will mean your life if you lose control in front of the Princesses and those who will attend his death. It will also be bad for the rest of us.”

Midnight swallowed audibly. “How can I control it?”

Shadow Glide pulled out a bottle from one of her saddle bag. It was made of a clear crystal and inside the bottle was a red liquid. “I was saving this…” Shadow handed the bottle over to Midnight. “But you need it more than me. Drink it before you take the head of that bastard. It should help control your blood lust.”

“What…” Midnight paused already knowing the answer. “Is in the bottle.”

Shadow smirked before getting off the bed and heading toward the door. “You want to know?” She turned around looking into Midnight's eyes, the red glow she briefly saw earlier returned. “It’s freedom.”

Author's Note:

Another chapter? So soon? I know sometimes I surprise even myself. You may remember from earlier chapters that thestrals eat a meat substitute and that a doctor even said that this substitute caused malnutrition. Well I will be touching in on that again soon. After all the commander is looking into an alternative, well the research department is even though it was not explicitly written. Also I am still looking for OC's, specifically thestrals, for more information click here