• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,348 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

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Establishing Galactic Law (Edited)

Author's Note:

Fixed even more.

"Well hello there Captain." I said.

I didn't know exactly why I called him captain, it just seemed like was. He and his fellow soldiers seemed surprised I could speak.

"You can speak equish?" Shining Armor asked.

"Equish? In my territory the language I speak is english." I stated "What is your name soldier?" I asked in a commanding tone.

"My name, how about you state your name and intentions before I give you my name." He replied.

"Fine, my name is Saffron and I am the High Commander of the Galactic council. I am here because my ship's engines died when I got close to your planet." I said.

He looked at me in shock as he processed the situation. The soldiers behind him seemed nervous and scared. That is not a good thing. Why, because when someone is scared they tend to things they normally wouldn't. Usually stupid things.

"Don't worry captain i'm not here to invade. Now may I have your name?" I asked.

"My name is Shining Armor, and I am the captain of the royal guard." Shining Armor replied.

"Hm... So a monarchy. Who is your queen and when can I see her?" I asked.

"I am sorry Saffron but we must put you and your crew into a forty eight hour quarantine. Also we are not ruled by a queen. We are ruled by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." Shining Armor said.

At this point I knew where I was. I may be over five thousand years old but I still knew Equestria. Now it was time to try and get some leverage.

"I understand, but then you must as well." I said.

"And why is that?!" The captain asked a little annoyed.

"You're not wearing any protection just simple gold armor." I pointed out.

"Yes, but we placed a shield around you and your craft." Shining said.

"I can't see it." I said.

If there was a shield around my ship and Shining was responsible for it then I would see a pinkish purple dome around the area. I walked forward three steps and hit my head on an invisible force.

"I can definitely feel it." I said "Well what is your standard protocol for alien contamination?" I asked.

"We actually don't have any protocol for that. We are just winging it and taking things slow." Shining said.

"Well... A high ranking officer from another planet crashes here and asks to speak to the rulers is denied, and temporarily imprisoned?" I asked. "I alone have the power to restrain you all by myself. If I want I could leave this weak shield at anytime and conquer this planet in the name of the council, but I will not. All I ask is for is an audience with Celestia and Luna to establish some galactic laws." I said.

He thought about this for a minute and considered his options. He didn't have many. Either I was lying through my teeth or I was being honest. He was also well read in political matters. He knew that a new ruler or high ranking officer from outside of equestria was allowed an audience with the princesses to review laws and if he kept the official or ruler from the princesses without probable cause he could face potential charges.

"Very well I will have one of the guards send the princesses a letter with your request." Shining said.

“Good. If there's anything you need just call for me, I need to talk to my people.” I replied.

I walked slowly back to my ship with my soldiers following behind me. I looked around as I was walking. I kept on thinking of all the possibilities there could be with everything I already knew that was going to happen. I could shape this place into what I wanted or try and keep the timeline as uncorrupted as possible. Then it hit me. I was going to talk to the embodiment of the sun and moon. I already knew how to get Luna to adore me. Celestia would be harder to get on my side. She is a mystery and I wish to know what she hides, and what she knows. I approached the scientist that I had Jane get for me.

“What is your name?” I asked.

“My name is Luther, Luther Hendricks sir.” Luther said.

“Well you are now the top scientist on this planet. You will have all the funding you need to study this place, as long as you do not disturb the natural order of things.” I said.

“Thank you, sir.” Luther gratefully replied.

“And these soldiers.” I motioned to the nearby soldiers that were with us. “They are now your personal guard.”

I continued walking and found a nice patch of open field. I walked over to it and laid down. After a few moments I was asleep. Time passed by in seconds. Not a single thought went through my head. No dreams just darkness a void of blackness is all that greeted me. So lonely all I could feel was the sadness of not having anything to look upon. I watched centuries go by and there was only blackness. Then I heard a voice in the distance it was so beautiful the sound of another's voice. I tried calling out but my voice never came. Then I woke up. Breathing heavy and sweating. There was a tall figure next to me as my eyes adjusted I saw who it was, Luna. She seemed concerned.

“Hello there fair Princess of the Night.” I said.

“Are thou ok?” She asked.

“Yes just a bad dream. I'm ok now.” I said. “Let's get… wait why are you in the quarantine bubble?” I asked

“Us alicorns are immune to most sickness. We do not think we will get sick.” Luna said.

“Ah, ok. Well let's get down to business, where is your sister?” I asked.

“She is with the captain, shall we go?” Luna asked.

“Yes we shall.” I said.

We walked over. I could tell she sensed what I was feeling. She looked concerned.

"You must be Saffron." Celestia said.

"Yes, I am." I replied.

"Bow before your princess." Shining said.

I declined.

"Well in our culture we shake hands or hoof/handshake and since we just meet I do not feel like it. Also Shining Armor she is your princess, not mine." I said.

He seemed to take offense to that but, before he could say anything more Celestia spoke.

"I am curious about what laws you wish to tell us about. What would they be?" She asked.

"First of all we need arrange a meeting with the rest of the rulers of this world so that they all understand them and have them but, I will give you a few." I cleared my throat. "Any and all of your people excluding any ruler or government official is not currently affected by these laws unless the law states otherwise."

"So our soldiers are also supposed to follow these laws?" Luna asked.

"Yes, the second is that any ruler on this planet cannot hold any of my crew prisoner even if the subject is murder. We deal with our own crimes unless you decide to join the council. Then you will be given a set of rules on how to punish according to the crime and species that committed the crime, and if one of your people commit a crime against us you will have control over the discipline. Unless one of yours steals technology from us. Then it is considered espionage or an act of war and the being that committed the crime will be publicly executed in their hometown or a public court." I said.

"Shining Armor make sure anything that may fell off the ship is returned, we don't want anypony to die because they pick up a strange object that came from the ship." Celestia ordered.

"The third law states that if someone breaks a galactic code and is not aware of its existence they will not be punished, but if a being aware of a galactic law has a being unaware of the law commit a crime and breaks it the being that gave the order will be punished." I said.

"I see, how many other laws are their?" Celestia asked.

"Over thirty thousand. I will give you and your sister a copy. About sixty percent of the laws you cannot break yet, because it would require space travel, but if I counted every law not just the ones you are going to be given their would be over seven million." I said.

Princess Celestia's mouth open in shock. Luna didn't seem too surprised.

"So I think we should..." I was interrupted by the sound of gunfire. Well in this case the guns shot concentrated energy in the form of lasers.

I materialized my HZ-7 because I needed a weapon in case there was something serious happening. As I turned around I noticed several piles of burning twigs and leaves. Timberwolves, well, dead timberwolves.

“Well looks like the royal guard don't know how to guard.” I said.

The Princesses looked horrified and curious as to what happened to the timberwolves, and the guard took a defensive stance as if they were waiting for more.

“Seems like your guard has entered the quarantine bubble. Can I assume the quarantine is over?” I asked.

“There never was a quarantine, we just didn’t know if you were going to be a threat so we…” I cut Celestia off.

“Imprisoned me?” I asked.

“Well, yes, but you understand our concerns.” Celestia said.

“We couldn’t risk widespread panic.” Luna said.

“I do understand. You're just lucky I showed up and not one of my subordinates. They may have seen that as a sign of aggression or imprisonment from the start and would have retaliated.” I laughed. “Let's not think about that. Instead let’s plan a meeting with the other rulers of this land.”

“Yes, but there may be some resistance from some of them.” Celestia said.

“Do not worry if I need to prove anything to them be it my strength or cunning I can prove myself.” I said.

“We do not doubt that. By the looks of it you must be a skilled warrior.” Luna said.

“Indeed, in fact we may need your help.” Celestia said.

“Well then what is it that you need?” I asked.

“There is a wedding coming up, and we fear that their may be a possibility of an attack.” Celestia said.

So I arrived a little before the wedding. So then I will be able to meet Queen Chrysalis.
This is going to be interesting.

“Yes, I can help with that. I must warn you, my soldiers use lethal force. Is this okay?” I asked.

“No. None of your troops can kill another pony.” Celestia said.

“I understand. Getting back on track, how long will it take for you to set this meeting up?” I asked.

“Sometime after the wedding.” Luna said.

“So, while I wait where will I be staying?” I asked.

“We assumed you would stay aboard your flying ship.” Luna said.

“Then I would not be able to learn about your people or its culture. It would be better if I stayed in a small town or village.” I said.

Shining Armor seemed to be a little, nervous now. I can understand why. He knows Ponyville is nearby and that his little sister is there, but what he doesn't know is why I want to go there. To meet the mane six yes, but also to gauge their reactions. I would probably be staying there for about a month until my fleet arrives. After it does I will go and make some changes in the council. That is in the future for now I must focus on the task at hand. Getting Equestria to join me.