• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,346 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

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A dim Torch

---------------------------------- The Ship ----------------------------------

Sergeant major Fulks was enjoying his time off duty. Same with the remaining soldiers left at the ship. However this peaceful lull would end. Sooner rather than later.

“Sergeant major, a large group of solar guard are headed this way.” Private Jasmine reported.

“How many?” Fulks asked.

“Fifty. They appear to be… hostile.” She stated.

“What? Are you sure?” Fulks asked.

“Yes Sergeant Major.” Jasmine replied. “What are your orders sir?”

“Activated the ship's shields. Alert all soldiers on base to man the defenses.” Fulks got out of his chair and walked over to where he left his rifle. “I am going to try and contact the commander.”

“Yes sir!” Jasmine saluted him and left.

“Commander come in.” Fulks said into his radio.

No response.

“Commander do you copy?” Still no response.

“Sergeant major they are in visual range.” Jasmine reported over the radio.

“Shit…” Fulks grabbed his rifle and headed over to where the solar guards were coming from.

When he arrived the solar guard had already formed a defensive line. A unicorn in the back of the formation began to speak. Somehow he was able to speak loud enough for all to hear.

“I am Lieutenant Golden Torch of the solar guard. Under order of princess Celestia you to surrender and come with us. If you do not comply we will be forced to take your post by force.” Golden Torch announced.

From what Fulks knew they were on peaceful terms with the Equestrians. This attack was illogical and quite frankly stupid.

“Private Jasmine get me a megaphone.” Fulks ordered.

“Yes sir.” The private replied.

She returned a few minutes later. The next few moments would be crucial. Fulks thought about what the commander would say.

“Go fuck yourselves!” Fulks said.

Totally something the commander would say.

“What?! How dare you speak to me like that you lowly meat eater! Guard attack!” Golden Torch ordered.

“Soldiers! Ready!” Fulks watched as the enemy troops ran closer. “Aim!” They were getting closer. “Steady!” The solar guard were practically on top of them now. “FIRE!”

The line of soldiers opened fire. Just after they did a bright light blinded everyone. The soldiers and solar guard shielded their eyes. Once the light subsided a large white alicorn was seen. She had shielded some of the guards from the barrage of rifle fire. Unfortunately she was a few moments to late. Several were killed before she could summon a shield.

“Soldiers stand down!” Fulks ordered.

“Guard stand down!” Celestia commanded.

Both sides ceased their hostile actions immediately. Fulks got up from his position and began walking towards the princess, while the princess began walking towards the sergeant major. They met halfway between the two sides.

“Where is Golden Torch!” Celestia’s wings were flared and you could practically see the grass underneath her blackening from heat.

“That unicorn trying to sneak away?” Fulks asked pointing a finger at the unicorn in question.

“Yes.” Her horn glowed and he was picked up off the ground.

“He is responsible for this?” Fulks asked.

“Yes, he came here against my orders.”

“Then I see no reason to hold it against you. The commander will see that in my report. Though you do realise that the lieutenant will need to be executed.” Fulks turned back and continued towards the ship once more.

“Execution?!” Golden Torch exclaimed.

“Yes.” Fulks stopped once more and turned towards the guilty unicorn. “You attacked the NLR and its soldiers. Under galactic law we have the right to handle your execution. As a sign of good faith I have decided, as the highest ranking military officer present, that we will let your government handle your execution.” Fulks paused before turning to Celestia one last time. “This is not a request. If you have any protest against his death you will need to speak to the commander.” With that Fulks walked back to the ship this time undisturbed.

Celestia looked around at the several dead guards. “Golden Torch you are under arrest for treason. Your sentence is… death.” Celestia hated to agree with the punishment but his actions needlessly cost the lives of seven guards.

---------------------------------- The Commander ----------------------------------

I stared at my new pet. She had nothing to say neither did I. We just sat in silence for two hours while we continued on our way back to the ship. I decided to break the silence after a while.

“Since you are my responsibility now I need to properly train you.” I started. “Feed and water you. Take you to the bathroom.”

She glared at me. I laughed.

“Well maybe not that last one.” I clarified. “Those wings will be troublesome however. I may need to cut them off after all.” I sighed.

“No.” She whispered.

“What was that? Speak up.” I asked.

“No.” She said louder.

I sighed. “You are a flight risk.”

I could see her holding back tears. For a bird to lose its wings means death. I assume for a pegasi to lose its wings is similar, at least on a primal level.

“I will consider sparing your wings for the time being. However, if you try to escape I cannot guarantee you will be able to keep them.” A little hope never hurt. Even if she did not deserve it.

I was not evil. My time as a commander had dulled my compassion. I knew it. In my line of work compassion and mercy were luxuries I could not afford. I need to remember that this place is different.

“Commander. There is a large military presence ahead.” Jane said interrupting my thoughts.

“Who?” I asked.

“Griffon soldiers.” Black Jack whispered.

“She is correct commander.” Jane replied.

“How did you know?” I asked.

She did not respond instead she looked away from me.

“If you do not tell me I will be forced to get the answers from you.” I said angrily.

She still did not reply.

Even with the limited room in the tank I picked her up with my hand around her neck.

“Tell me!” I ordered as I forced her against the steel inner hull of the tank. “You will see obeying your master will rewarded, and disobeying will bring punishment.”

Tears began to flow but she still did not reply.

With my free hand I began bending her right foreleg forward. I continued to add pressure slowly.

“I would had to break your leg.”

“Stop!” She said in pain. “I will tell you.”

What she told me pissed me off. She had been arrested along with her sister in the griffon empire for having illegal substances on her which were planted, or so she said, she was arrested. After three days in prison a high ranking military officer in the griffon army, Colonel Jagged Wing, approached her in prison and offered her full immunity from the charges and would do the same for her sister if she cooperated. The attack on the convoy carrying Mor’grol was bait to try and lure me to the badlands. After my forces were weakened fighting her forces the griffon army would be waiting to finish off my remaining forces. Unfortunately for them I only lost five reapers and the pilots ejected. So they also survived.

“Jane set the convoy to full reverse. We will follow the border of the badlands.” I ordered.

“If you do… they will kill my little sister.”

“Why should I care?” I asked.

“I never wanted to attack your convoy. The griffons forced me to. Even with my power and influence I could not save my sister. It was either you or her.”

“Where is your sister?” I asked.

“In a griffon town near the border of the badlands.” She replied.

I sighed. “Jane change course. We are heading for the town.” I turned towards Black Jack. “The griffons have one of my pets. I want it back.”

“She is not your pet!” Black Jack yelled angrily.

“She is now.” My smile was back.

Author's Note:

Another chapter so soon? Unbelievable wouldn't you say. There are also some chapter outtakes that you can view here. Enjoy.