• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,348 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 23

Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated to my Dad and my Dog Buddy who both passed in the last 10 days. May they rest in peace.

---------------------------------- The Castle Throne Room ----------------------------------

“Princess Celestia, Midnight has the prisoners in her custody. They should be back shortly.” Celestia let out a sigh of relief. She honestly thought the commander would not give up the prisoners so easily.

“That's good to hear.” Celestia smiled.

“Indeed it is.” Luna walked up next to her sister.

“You are dismissed lieutenant.” With Celestia's orders the guard bowed and left.

“Luna, have you managed to find Black Jack?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, beyond our borders. In the Badlands.” She sighed. “I have confirmed this. I saw her while scrying the area.”

“Are you certain sister?” Celestia’s smile fell.

“Yes… she must have snuck her way out of the Griffon empire.”

“I guess the reports we got were true. I hoped they were false.”

“Why didn’t the griffons inform us?” Luna asked slightly irritated.

“You know why. They do not want to look weak.”

Celestia knew how her sister felt, mostly because she felt the same way. Annoyed. This isn’t the first time the griffons had kept something like this from them, or other nations for that matter. However this time there could have been disastrous consequences.

“Sister, what they did was reckless!”

“I know Luna, but what can I do? We are already on strained terms with them. Iron Claw has been difficult ever since he… took the throne.”

It was true. For the past fifty years since Emperor Iron Claw took the throne from his father Gold Beak the relationship between the Griffon empire and the surrounding nations have been strained. Iron Claw disliked most nations. When he first took power he started a war. First against the Zebra’s, a peaceful race. Once they defeated and enslaved them Iron Claw attacked the Bison. The bison were almost completely wiped out. After all that all the nearby nations decided to stop the griffons before they could invade another nation. Eventually the griffons were pushed back and a treaty was made. Emperor Iron Claw reluctantly agreed to it. It has been a strained peace that has been maintained recently.

“There might not be much we can do, but the Commander could.”

“No.” Celestia sternly said.

“What else can we do then? Nothing!”

“If we do anything it will mean war Luna!” Celestia paused and took a breath. “We cannot rush into this.”

“We need to do something.” Luna replied harshly.

“The only thing we can do is wait.” Celestia sighed.

“Ahem.” A stallion interrupted. “I have news from mage Solus.” He said with a bow.

“What is the news?” Luna asked.

“The humans look to be preparing for… something.” He replied.

“What?” Celestia asked.

“Solus thinks it may be a war party.”

This took Celestia and Luna by surprise.

“Why does he think they are creating a war party?” Celestia asked worriedly.

“Hopefully to deal with the griffons…” Luna muttered under her breath.

Celestia shot her an angry look.

“He does not know.” The stallion replied.

“Prepare the guard and alert the Wonderbolts.” Celestia ordered.

“Yes ma’am.” The stallion bowed and ran off to do as Celestia asked.

“Do you really think that is necessary sister?” Luna asked.

“I do.” Celestia did not know what he was planning and that worried her more than anything.

---------------------------------- The Ship ----------------------------------

“Hurry up everyone the commander will be here in five! Get your gear and load up in the transports!” Lieutenant Hans ordered.

So far they were ahead of schedule. The five chimera tanks, ten Stalker transports, four Racer support jeeps, and two Hydra heavy tanks were ready and in formation. One hundred of the one hundred fifty soldiers were ready and entering their assigned vehicles. Finally the twenty Reaper X7’s were already in the air. Two of which were already en route to the compound to scout.

“DOUBLE TIME SOLDIERS!!!” Hans shouted.

“Lieutenant, the Reapers have arrived at the compound unnoticed. They spotted four main roads that have enemy troops patrolling.” Staff Sergeant Roland passed him a PDA. “They want to know if they are clear to engage.”

Hans studied the the report before handing it back. “Tell them to stand down.”

“Yes sir.” Roland got on the radio. “Stand down.”

“Copy that. Standing down.” The pilots replied over the radio.

In the distance Hans saw a trail of dust. He picked up a pair of binoculars that were conveniently nearby. He looked through them and saw a rapidly approaching tank.

“Looks like the commander will be here in about one minute.” Hans passed the binoculars to Roland.

“I'll go do the final check.” Roland replied before leaving the lieutenant.

Shortly after Roland left the chimera tank arrived. Hans walked towards the tank to inform the commander that the convoy was almost ready.

---------------------------------- The Commander ----------------------------------

“Looks like the convoy is almost ready.” I commented when we pulled up to the ship.

“Almost ready. There are still a few last second preparations needed.” Jane corrected.

“How long?” I asked while getting out of the tank.

“Estimated time two minutes fifteen seconds.” Jane replied.

“Excellent.” I started walking towards one of the ships hangers when I saw one of my lieutenants walking towards me.

“Commander.” He saluted when he was close enough.


“The convoy is ready sir.” Hans informed.

“My assistant tells me that it is not ready. It doesn’t matter. I have something I need to attend to first.” I walked past him and entered the ship.

The ship was mostly empty. Seeing as how about half of my forces were part of the convoy it made sense. It was slightly eerie seeing a normally busy ship practically empty. I continued on, to my quarters. When I entered I quickly went over to my desk and opened my computer. On my screen in red it read ‘one new message’. I immediately began decrypting the file my advisor sent me.

“Jane, inform the CO’s of the convoy I will be down in roughly ten minutes.”

“Yes commander.”

After a few minutes I decrypted the message. There were also two files attached.

The message read ‘I am here.’

“I bet you are.” I whispered to myself I chuckled softly. “Can’t wait to see you again.”

“I bet you can’t.” Someone said from behind me.

“Heh. Hello old friend.” I said turning to greet him.

“I saw that convoy you were putting together. Don’t you think it’s a bit much for them?” My advisor asked.

My smile fell. “They killed one of my men.”

“Yes, they did.” He paused. “I still think an all out assault on an inferior race is… unneeded.”

“Overkill?” I asked.

“There is no such thing as overkill.” He said with a smile.

“Of course.” I laughed. “So why are you here?” I asked seriously.

“It is equestria. I have wanted see this place, maybe sightsee a little.” He said.

“No. Why are you really here.” I asked again a little more harshly. “Whenever you show up so does death and destruction.”

His smile fell. “It is a curse.” He sighed. “I am here to help prevent death and destruction. This time.” He paused. “Besides you do all the killing and destroying. I just give you advice.”

“That's true. So how do you plan on helping?” I asked.

“You know how.” He replied.

“Yes I suppose I do.” With that he dissappeared into the shadows. “Nice seeing you.”

“What happened?” Jane asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I lost contact with you.” Jane replied.

“My advisor was here.”

Jane was silent for a few seconds. “I don’t like him.” She finally said.

“Sounds like a personal problem.”

I got up and walked over to my heavy armor. I looked at it, inspecting it. It has been a while since I had used it. I stepped into it.

“Jane, activate the armor.”

She did not respond. Instead the armor whirred with power and it began to shut me inside. After a few loud clicks the armor was secured. I walked over to a bare wall and pushed a button. In a flash the empty wall was replaced with a weapon cabinet. -

“What should I pick….” I looked over my small collection. “Ahh… this will do.” I picked a weapon I hardly use. My war hammer.

“That's all?” Jane inquired.

“Fine. I’ll take me plasma rifle.” I groaned.


I picked up the rifle and secured it on my back with my hammer. After checking to see if the weapons were properly secured I left my quarters and headed back down to the waiting convoy.

“Lieutenant Hans, is the convoy ready now?”

“Yes Commander! All forces are accounted for and ready for orders.” Hans replied.

“Good. Head to your assigned vehicle.” I ordered.

“Yes sir.” He saluted and left.

I began walking towards the front of the convoy and entered one of the Hydra tanks. Once in position I got on an open comm channel.

“All units report in.” I ordered.

One by one they all checked in.

“All units roll out.” I switched my radio off. “Jane what is our eta?”

“Five hours forty minutes.” Jane replied.

A smile crept across my face. “I think I figured out what I am going to do with Black Jack.”

“What?” Jane sounded curious.

“You will see.” My smile grew.