• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,348 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

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Search and... Rescue?

Major Fulks had been given a task, a task which was given top priority. To capture or kill the creature known as Mor’grol. Right now he was making sure the ships he was given command of were being properly armed. He had also assembled twelve marines. Each one was equipped with heavy armaments. Major Fulks was not going to fail the commander.

As soon as the ship and drones were fully armed with the cryo rockets the marines boarded the dropship. Major Fulks was the last one to enter the ship. He quickly went to the pilot's area to monitor the situation. He did one last check before he gave the order to take off.

The ship's engines roared to life and began gaining altitude. The first place Major Fulks was going to look was around the changeling village. The course was set and the ship began heading to its programmed destination. It was a fairly fast flight, taking only mere seconds.

When the ship arrived over the designated area it began scanning the forest for any and all life signs. There were few in the area, most were from woodland critters. One however was unique. It was a faint signature coming from inside one of the huts of the changeling village.

“Ok men, the ship has scanned the area. We have one target that looks like it might be Mor’grol.” Major Fulks pressed a button that released the mag-lock on the rear cargo door. The door then began lowering. “The target is in the hut on the far left. Approach with extreme caution. Now, move out marines.” The twelve marines all saluted the Sergeant Major and then they jumped out of the ship.

Each marine landed with practiced ease. The team quickly got into position around the poorly constructed hut. The marines were all prepared for anything. The lead operator gave the signal to enter. Four entered the hut while the remaining eight kept their rifles ready.

Major Fulks’s headset buzzed to life a few seconds after the four marines entered the hut.

“Major, we need the ship to land asap. It’s sergeant Astor, he is rough shape.” Captain Jun the lead operator reported.

“What is his status?” Major Fulks was surprised to hear that the sergeant was still alive. From what sergeant Zuko had managed to report it seemed as if Astor was ripped apart by the creature.

“He is in critical condition. If we don’t evac him now he won’t make it.” Captain Jun reported to the Major.

“Alright, prep him for evac. We are going to take him back.” Major Fulks switched the comms channel to the medbay. “We need a team ready for a patient in critical condition. We will be there in a few minutes.” Major Fulks waited for a reply.

“We copy that, an emergency med team will be ready upon arrival.” One of the med techs replied after a few moments. “What is the patient's name and race?” The med tech asked, normally it wasn’t standard procedure to need a name, but with the current situation they would need the name and race so the proper precautions were made.

“Sergeant Astor, human.” Major Fulks replied.

“Records show that he was pronounced dead a few hours ago.” The med tech responded after a few seconds. He sounded sceptical, it didn’t really matter deceased or not the team would be there. “Are you sure he is alive?” The med tech asked just to clarify.

“Yea, but barely. Have an operating room prepped as well, the man is missing an arm.” Major Fulks was told that Astor lost an arm during his fight with Mor’grol.

“Understood. Is their any others requiring medical assistance?” The med tech asked.

“No, that's all. Fulks out.” With that Major Fulks switched back to the military comms channel.

The ship touched down as soon as Fulks switched channels. He quickly released the mag-lock and lowered the rear cargo door.

The marines were using parts of nearby huts to create a makeshift stretcher to use. Astor was in to bad of shape to be carried by hand. Captain Jun approached Major Fulks with a stern yet remorseful expression adorning his face.

“Astor has lost a lot of blood, as well as his left arm and right leg. The only reason he is still alive is because his wounds are cauterized.” Captain Jun was a close friend to Astor, it brought him anguish to see his friend in the broken state. “I do not know if he will be able to make it. He is barely clinging to life.” Captain Jun closed his fist tightly and punched the metal hull of the ship, leaving a small dent.

“Astor is tough, don’t doubt him. If anyone can pull through it’s him.” Major Fulks said with a sad smile. If he did pull through he knew that Astor would most likely suffer mental trauma because of what he went through.

“You may be right, but…At this point I would rather be dead if I was him.” Captain Jun said. “Honestly, I think I would have given in to death.”

“Many would have.” Master Fulks replied. “I imagine I would have as well.” Six marines carried Astor in on the makeshift stretcher and set him down gently.

“Major Fulks, I request permission to stay and search for Mor’grol.” Captain Jun’s demeanor changed in a blink of an eye. He was furious at the creature that dared to harm his friend and fellow soldier. He was also determined to find it and capture it.

“Permission granted. The drones will provide support.” Major Fulks began walking to the front of the ship “We will be back in a few minutes.” All but two of the marines left the ship, the two that stayed were medics.

The rear cargo door closed and locked. By the time the door closed the ship was already on the way back to the ship. Major Fulks made sure the ride was as smooth as possible. So it took a few minutes longer to reach the ship.

When they arrived Major Fulks spotted the medical team. The pilots turned autopilot off and took manual control landing near them. The door was already lowered by the time they landed the door was down and the medics were rushing to Astor. They quickly put him on a sturdier stretcher and rushed him to the medbay.

Major Fulks switched his comms channel to the commanders encrypted line. “Commander, I have a report.” Major Fulks waited a few minutes before he got a response.

“What do you have to report Sergeant Major?” I was thoroughly surprised Fulks returned so soon. I expected him to be out for at least a few hours if not a few days.

“We found sergeant Astor. He is still alive.” I froze, from the report I read he had lost an arm. The amount of blood he would have lost would have killed him in mere minutes.

“How… Is he still alive?” I was perplexed.

“His wounds were cauterized.” You could almost hear the Major flinch when he said that.

“Anything else to report Sergeant Major?” I asked hoping he had somehow also caught the creature.

“No sir. That was all.” Major Fulks disconnected from the channel. “Ok, let's head back.” Major Fulks ordered the pilots. They quickly took to the air and headed back to the village.

On the way back Major Fulks’s headset buzzed with life again.

“Major Fulks, we have found the creature… It attacked us. We have two men down, both have severe injuries.” Captain Jun reported. It sounded as if he was slightly out of breath.

“What about the creature?” Major Fulks was worried. If the creature got away then it was probably getting ready to strike again.

“We managed to injure it and as we speak the drones are searching for it.” Captain Jun said. He sounded more relieved than he did a second ago.

Major Fulks also felt somewhat relieved. If the drones were in pursuit it wouldn’t be long before the creature would be frozen in its tracks.

“Good, we will be landing soon. Get ready to....” Major Fulks was interrupted by the sound of gunshots coming from Jun’s side.

“Shit, it came back. Jun out.” Captain Jun cut the connection abruptly leaving the Major's headset quiet.

“Dammit, abort the landing. Ready weapons for support.” Major Fulks ordered the pilots.

“Yes sir.” The both replied. The co-pilot engaged the weapons systems as he took control over them.

The ship slowed down as it reached the changeling village and began hovering. The two drones were hovering over the village as well. They could not engage because the creature was to close to the marines. When the pilots finally locked on it appeared as though they had subdued it. Major Fulks let out a relieved sigh at the sight.

“Captain, is everything under control?” Major Fulks asked the Captain using an override code to contact him.

“Yes sir, it did how ever injure another. Luckily one of the privates used a cryo grenade on it.” Captain Jun replied after a few moments. “Unfortunately the grenade also froze one of my men.” Major Fulks heard the anger in his voice but that was understandable.

“That is unfortunate. Did you send in a report to the medbay?” Major Fulks asked.

“Yes, but we should hurry. That creature managed to do some damage.” Captain Jun replied with some urgency in his tone.

“Understood. Be down in a second.” Major Fulks gave the pilots the order to land. The co-pilot disengaged the weapon systems as the pilot began lowering the ship.

The ship landed and the injured marines were the first to enter being helped by the others. The two medics that were onboard immediately began bandaging and treating the wounds.

“Captain, did you request a cargo ship to pick up the block of ice?” Major Fulks asked.

“Yeah, one is on the way.” Captain Jun replied. A smirk crept on his face. “Heh, that thing was tougher than I thought.” The grin on his face grew to a smile.

“Well, you and the rest of your men that are not injured will stay here and guard it until the cargo ship picks it up. Understood?” Major Fulks ordered. A smile was creeping on his face as well.

“Copy that sir.” Captain Jun replied. He saluted the Major and left the ship with the rest of his men.

As the ship began taking off the Major contacted the Commander.

“Commander, Mor’grol has been captured.” Major Fulks said.

“I heard Captain Jun’s report. I am having a cryochamber prepared for it.” I was suspicious, then again it could just be luck.

“That is all commander.” Major Fulks disconnected from the channel.

“Well Jane, looks like we can give Celestia a present.” I said with a laugh.

“You really know how to spoil a girl.” Jane said jokingly.

I laughed and left my office heading to my quarters. I was really starting to feel tired at this point. As I walked into my room I looked out a window and saw that it was still night.

What time is it anyway?

“According to my data it is two o’clock in the morning.” Jane projected a me a mental clock to show me.

“I see.” I walked over to my bed and laid down on it. I closed my eye’s again and got comfortable. It was difficult to do since I was still in uniform, but I was to tired to take it off at this point.

As I was about to drift of to sleep I heard popping sound and something light hit my face. I opened my eyes to see a letter covering my forehead. It had Celestia’s seal on it. I opened it up and read it.

Dear Commander,
We need you to come to Canterlot immediately, we have received a complaint from General Avian Flame. We need you to come here to settle the matter. He has insisted you be detained for your supposed crimes. We would like to settle this before it becomes a political incident.

Signed, Princess Celestia

“Well, looks like I won’t be getting any sleep.” I sighed and got out of bed. “Jane, ready me some transport, and have Mimic met me there.

Author's Note:

Well I switched up my style a bit. Hope you guy's like it. Also I am still recruiting OC's for more details please click here .