• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,348 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

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A visit from Ace

I was escorted by a large group of guards and the captains if the Solar and Lunar guard. I had no idea where they were taking me. Mimic was also being brought along. They brought us outside in another part of the castle gardens.

“The princesses want an explanation.” Shining Armor said.

“An explanation for what?” I asked.

“For that.” Shining Armor pointed his hoof in the air.

I looked at where he was pointing and saw a small battle cruiser just outside of Canterlot. It was still in the lower atmosphere.Jane, why didn’t you tell me about this.

“I have no record of this ship being ordered to come here.” Jane replied.

“To be honest, I did not expect to see any ships for at least another week.” I said. I notice something, a small scout ship. It started to head towards us. It approached quickly. “It looks like we both will get an explanation soon enough. Look.” I pointed at the approaching ship.

“Do you know who is coming?” Midnight asked.

“No clue, it could be anyone.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

“Then how do you know they are allies?” Shining Armor asked readying his magic.

“Well…” I paused. “Thats a good point.” I opened up my pocket and took out a X99 plasma rifle and aimed it at the approaching scout ship. “I have no clue if they are friendlies.”

The ship landed a few yards away. A few seconds passed before the door on the ship opened. A man in armor walked out and removed his helmet.

“Hello Saffron. Long time no see.” The man said as he threw his helmet into the ship.

“General Ace. You S.O.B. What are you doing here?” I put the rifle back in my pocket and went to meet him.

“We can get to that later. So tell me who are your friends?” Ace asked as he slapped me on the back.

“They are ponies.” I stated the obvious.

“I can see that. What are their names?” He asked as he gestured to them.

“Well Captain Midnight Blossom is the beautiful therstral you see here.” I pointed at her and she blushed.

“Looks like you found your soulmate.” Ace said jokingly.

“Maybe.” I replied straight faced. This caused her to blush even more. “Next we have the cute changeling Mimic.” I gestured to him and his armor vanished in green flames. This caused the guards to shift their view to Mimic.

“Looks like not everyone here likes this little guy.” Ace had no clue why though.

“I’ll explain that latter. Finally we have Captain Shining Armor.” I said motioning my hand at him.

“What about the rest?” He asked.

“Well… I don’t know, I haven’t had the chance to meet every single guard and memorize all their names.” I huffed playfully. “Although I wouldn’t mind getting to know a few more thestrals.” A few of the night guard gave me a look that a couldn't place. I shrugged it off.

“That makes sense, they are adorable.” This caused a few of the night guards to huff indignantly while some of the others took the compliment .

“Seriously though why are you here?” I was curious to why he was here. Last I heard from him he was leading several of my fleets in the war going on in the Andromeda Galaxy.

“Like I said we can get into that latter. For now we would permission to land.” Ace waited for my response.

“How many ships?” I asked rather concerned he brought an army. Knowing him that wasn’t a stretch.

“Just the one. Even though I wanted to bring more.” He began walking back to the scout ship. “So, do I permission?”

“After you tell me how you managed to not crash.” It was something I was wondering since I first saw his ship in the sky.

“Pandora was able to analyze the gravitational anomaly and figured out a way to create an engine stabilizer to nullify its effect.” He said smugly. “Something you should have done.”

Shining cleared his throat and got our attention. “Well, Commander, princess Celestia…”

I cut him off. “I know, I will inform her. General, please come with me.” I motioned for him to follow.

“Ohhh, there is a pretty pony princess to.” Ace said humorlessly. “This is… Like that one thing you told me about years ago...”

“Shut it. That is an order.” I angrily said. “I will discuss that with you later.”

“Very well.” His expression harden as did mine.

“Shining lead the way.” He nodded and then we followed him into the castle. Luckily we were close to the throne room so it didn't take to long to get there. Unfortunately Celestia was not there at the time. She was dealing with some panic that was caused from the generals ship. We waited in the throne room for about an hour before she was finally able to see us.

“You have caused quite an uproar.” Celestia said as she entered the throne room.

“It wasn’t me.” I pointed at Ace. “He is the one that caused it.”

“I am sorry if I caused you any trouble your highness.” Ace bowed to her.

Celestia let out a sigh. “Do not worry. I was able to settle things down.” Celestia then looked at me. “Next time warn me Commander. I do not like surprises like that.”

“I would have, but my general did not give me any warning that he was coming.” I said apologetically.

“Well, how about you tell me why you came. From what the commander has said, he wasn’t expecting any more ships to arrive for at least another week.” Ace let out a sigh.

“I guess it would concern you as well. I ask that this be only between us.” Axe requested.

“Very well. Guards, you may go.” Celestia ordered the guards to leave and they were quick to obey.

“Now, what is it you have to say?” I was just as curious as Celestia.

“Commander i fear the council knows of your plans.” Ace said solemnly.

My heart sank. It was too soon.

“What are you talking about?” Celestia asked intrigued.

“I am planning to overthrow the council, and take control.” I looked to Celestia who had a look of confusion.

“I do not see how that would affect us.” Celestia did not understand.

“If the generals claims are true then this planet and its residents, are in danger.” The realization hit Celestia hard.

“Can you prevent this?” Celestia asked worriedly.

“Well we won’t need to worry for now. The council needs to focus on the war efforts.” Ace said as he paced. “How ever if they did decide to take action they would probably send a single ship.” Ace stopped pacing then looked at me. “The war has escalated severely in the past few days.”

“Well we will worry about that when the time comes then.” I looked to Celestia. “For now we need to focus on more immediate issues. Specifically the wedding.”

“What wedding?” Ace asked.

“A royal wedding. Princess Cadence is marrying Captain Shining Armor.” I told Ace.

“Interesting, and this concerns you how?” He asked making a wierd motion with his hands.

“He is providing some extra security.” Celestia replied.

“I could do that, or at least supervise.” Ace offered.

“Hmm.” I thought it over. “Very well. Just don’t screw up.” I said jokingly.

“Have I ever failed a task?” He asked seriously.

“Good point.” I then began to leave but was stopped.

“Where are you going? We still need to discuss the wedding.” Celestia said getting off of her throne.

“General Ace can handle that for now. I how ever have some planning to do.” I said as I continued out of the throne room.

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter is so short and took so long to get out... Got some writers block and had to re-write part of it twice because the idea's I had were going to force the down the wrong path... If you want to see what I took out you can by clicking here . As a result of this, this chapter has taken a turn.