• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,349 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

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The Elite (Edited)

“Jane, send me back, now.” I said.

“Command cannot be accepted. The area is locked down.” Jane said. “You will need to use the cargo ship.”

“What? What is going on over there?!” I asked somewhat frustrated.

“Four perimeter guards were found unconscious.” Jane said.

“That's the reason?” I asked somewhat impatiently. “What about the explosion?”

“Those four were seen walking about while they were registered in the medbay.” Jane said.

“What? Where are they now?” I asked.

“They are detained.” Jane said. “Currently the entire area is being sweeped for any more infiltrators.”

“Is everything alright?” Celestia asked.

“No, I have to go.” I said.

I started sprinting. My mind was racing. I was trying to figure out who or what could have done this. Normally in a high stress combat situations, or even regular stressful situations, I tend to thrive mentally and physically, but this, this was different. I had some information, not much. All I knew was that four infiltrators, ones that could possibly shape shift, had taken the place of some guards, and something blew up. That was all Jane gave me. I continued sprinting even as I heard Celestia shout something. It sounded like she may have been giving orders to her guard. I heard a few other shouts from various directions that I could not make out. I was too focused to get to my ship to pay any attention to them. I continued trying to processing the situation while I was running. I just couldn’t think. So I just stopped trying to and ran. I knocked down several guards and maids on my way. A few of the guards tried to ‘stop’ me. Those who impeded me were dealt with in the fastest way I knew. Telekinetically shoving them aside. Only one of the guards I pushed out of the way started chasing me. I just continued on, trying to run faster. I was getting close to the gardens were my transportation would be. I felt an energy wrap around my legs, slowing me down. I turned around to see it was the guard. He was struggling to keep me from moving forward. I had to get to my ship. I saw a table with a potted plant and grabbed it. The guard couldn’t react fast enough. I threw the pot at him and nailed him in the head knocking him on the ground. The force that was holding me back dissipated as soon as the pot hit its mark. I made it the rest of the way to my transport without any more hindrances.

---------------------------------- Somewhere in the castle ----------------------------------

Celestia was concerned greatly. She had called the elite guard to assemble. The reason was simple. Something was happening at the commander's ship and she want to know what it was, she also wanted to help. These guards Celestia had assembled were different from the usual castle guard. In fact they are not guards at all, but trained soldiers. The Solar Guard is mostly traditional. They are trained in basic hoof to hoof combat, as well as some weapons training. The elite guard was trained in advanced combat, survival, espionage, first aid, and killing. Most of the elite guard were currently outside of equestria on missions. So all Celestia had were six elite guards.

“Today you have an important mission. A new… Ally is in trouble. I do not know what is going on myself, so I will need you to proceed with caution. This emergency is unique, the ally I am speaking of comes from a distant world.” Celestia said.

“A distant world? Like from another planet?” One of the elite asked interrupting Celestia.

“Yes, they are. Now, your captain has been briefed already. He will take over from here.” Celestia said.

Celestia left the room as another pony took her place. It was a stallion, with a grey coat and slightly lighter grey mane and part of his left ear was missing. He was wearing the standard elite armor made of enchanted blackened steel. With the addition of a dulled silver star on his chest piece showing his rank.

“We are to head to the designated area and assist. If they refuse us entrance we are to just watch and report back. Understand?” The captain said.

“Yes sir!” They all said simultaneously saluting their commanding officer.

“We will be leaving in fifteen, gear up and get to the armory. Dismissed!” The captain shouted.

The guards left and the captain stayed behind to look over the records Celestia gave him. It was the guards records. First was Private Tea Leaf, a pegasus stallion. His specialty was in air recon and archery. The second was Private Healing Heart, a unicorn mare. Her specialty was healing. Next was Sergeant Stone Chisel, an earth stallion. He was a weapons expert. After that was Lieutenant Embers Spark, a unicorn mare. He was a mage specializing in fire magic. Finally the last one. Private Darkest Light, a thestral stallion. He specialized in stealth. The captain was somewhat glad that another therstral would be on this mission, how ever he dreaded the fact that half the squad was composed of privates. Even though they should be relatively safe, he hated the risk, even more so since he didn’t really know the privates. The captain left the room and headed down a narrow hall which lead to a locker room. He saw the guards putting on their armor, and putting necessary gear in saddle bags. He walked passed them and started walking down another hall which lead to an armory. Since he was the squad captain he was required to fill out the requisition forms to get the weapons. He had in advance and gave the arms master the necessary paperwork.

“So, one hammer, one bow, three short swords, a broadsword, and six daggers. Is that it?” The arms master asked.

“Yeah, that's it.” The captain said.

“Well, good luck out the captain.” The arms master said saluting.

The captain stayed silent and waited for his troops to assemble. The first out was Tea Leaf, followed by Healing Heart and Stone. Finally the remaining three came out.

“Ok, everypony. Grab your weapons. You know which ones are yours. After that we head out to the mission area.” The captain said.

“Yes sir!” They all said.

The guards collected their weapons and fell in line behind the captain.

“Move out.” The captain said.

The captain lead the group out. After a few short minutes they were outside and heading to the ship. Tea Leaf and Healing Heart had a hushed conversation. It also sounded like Darkest Light may have been involved. The captain couldn’t make out what they were saying. After an hour of trotting the captain stopped behind a decent sized hill.

“Darkest, I need you to scout out ahead, Stone, you cover the rear.” The captain said.

“Yes sir.” They both said in hushed tones.

A few minutes passed as Darkest continued to scout out ahead .

“Sir, what do you know about these… Allies?” Tea Leaf asked.

“Not much, just that they walk on two ‘legs’ and are as tall as Celestia and Luna. That and they wear clothes.” The captain said.

“Do you think they actually come from another world?” Tea Leaf asked.

“Of course not, that would be impossible.” Stone butted in. “It just can’t be.”

“All I know is what Celestia told me, and from what she said, they do come from another world.” The captain said.

“Pony feathers. You don’t really beleive that, do you sir?” Stone asked.

“All I know is that one should keep an open mind, and if Celestia says they come from another world. I believe her.” The captain said.

“Well, what do you think Healing Heart? You agree with me right?” Stone asked.

“I’m with the captain on this.” Healing said.

“C’mon. What about you Embers?” Stone asked.

Embers remained silent just looking at Stone with cold uncaring eye’s.

“Well, I take that as you agreeing with me.” Stone said.

“What do you think Tea Leaf?” Healing asked.

“Personally, I have no clue what to think.” Tea Leaf said.

Everypony looked up as they saw darkest come in to land. When he finally touched down the captain approached.

“Report.” The captain said.

“There eight flying craft with spotlights searching the nearby forest. As well as one hundred plus troops searching the area.” Darkest said.

“What about at the ship?” The captain asked.

“Over one hundred troops and small flying craft.” Darkest replied.

“Are you sure you weren't seeing things?” Stone asked.

“Yes sir, my report is accurate.” Darkest said.

“Enough Stone. Darkest what's the distance to the target area?” The captain asked.

“About half a mile.” Darkest replied.

“Ok, let's move. We should be able to make it there in five.” The captain said

The group continued on going over the hill. When they reached the top what they saw was breathtaking. The entire area was bathed in light and as Darkest had said, there were aircraft flying around.

“Impossible…” Stone muttered to himself.

“This… Can't be real.” Tea Leaf said.

“Let's keep moving.” The captain said .

The guards continued onward some with more hesitation than others. They made it about a hundred yards from what they could see was a makeshift wall when several bright lights shone in their direction blinding the entire group. The two thestrals of the group however were on the ground in pain. The light burning their eyes. The captain tried to get up but the pain was to great. The last thing the captain saw was several bipedal creatures surrounding them. Then he blacked out.

Author's Note:

OC's needed. Please click here or check the comments section for details. Also thank you thesomeonefromsomewhere for helping me with the six OC's in the Elite Guard.