• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,349 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

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Chapter 22

Black Jack, a crime lord that runs the crime syndicate known as the Javelin. She became the leader of the group at the early age of sixteen when both of her parents were brutally murdered. Some suspect that she either had them killed or killed them herself. In the end it didn’t matter. She quickly seized power and turned her father's small criminal organization into one of the largest crime syndicates the world had ever seen. She has never been caught or directly tied to any crime. It is rumored that she has recently been recruiting soldiers from multiple countries and has recently acquired spies in the equestrian government.

Of course this is all speculation. What is known is that the Javelin syndicate nets nearly one hundred million bits a year and has started building a compound in the badlands which is under no governance by any nation. As well as that they are stockpiling weapons and armor. That and thousands of suspected members and even more known members. Not much else was known about the group since most undercover operatives go M.I.A.

This is what they had to deal with. A crime syndicate that is untouchable, but hopefully they had made a mistake. Something that could at least trace back to the syndicate directly.

Midnight finished reading the report Luna had levitated to her and placed it in a nearby table.

“What do you need me to do.” Midnight looked to Luna for orders.

“You and and a dozen guards are going to the Institute to detain captured combatants. The guards are waiting for you in the castle's north wing.” Luna finished.

Midnight saluted before galloping out of the throne room.

---------------------------------- The Institute ----------------------------------

I was pissed. Somehow a group of ponies and griffons that were armed with swords and crossbows managed to kill one of my men and injure three others. I was going to find who was responsible. That would need to wait I had more pressing matters. A message that I needed to decrypt.

I was going to head back with the convoy. Unfortunately I was stuck for the moment waiting for said convoy.

“The medical staff are preparing rooms right now.” Lyra said as she came back. She was a little out of breath probably from running.

“Good.” This was a good opportunity to get some insight on some of their their medical knowledge. Even though it wasn’t under the best circumstances.

“Sir, convoy will be arriving in five.” Soon I would be heading back to my ship.

I walk over to Lyra and scratch her behind her ears. She sighed contently. Her fur was so soft. I could see she was lost in bliss. Soon my hand left her fur and I saw her look at me with pleading eyes. She wanted me to continue petting her. To bad.

“Lyra can take me outside?”

“Sure, follow me.” With that Lyra started walking. I followed with Mimic.

By the time we arrived to our destination the convoy was pulling up. Soon after a few injured soldiers were being helped out of the vehicles. Several ponies with stretchers rushed past me to assist. Captain Jun jumped out of the military transport and walked towards me.

“Captain. What happened?”

“We were ambushed sir.” He replied.

“How?” I saw him flinch back from my angered tone.

“Advanced scouts were not sent in advance to check our path to our destination sir.” I could see him shrink more under my harsh gaze.

“Why?” I asked barely controlling my rising anger.

“The area that we were going through was already surveyed and a path was partially cleared only a few hours prior to our departure. The crew that cleared the area did not report seeing any sentient life. So I assumed there was nothing to worry about sir.” That was an earful he gave.

I mulled over his report briefly before replying.

“Jane, would you please burn all forest areas along the path they took. I do not want any more surprises.” I paused. “Also send over some air support.”

“Right away commander.” Jane replied.

“Captain, no more mistakes.”

“Yes sir.” He saluted me.

“Lyra, can you please show Captain Jun around?”

“Of course.” Lyra motioned the captain to follow.

I walked passed him towards the transport in the distance I heard explosions. I ignored them and went towards the vehicle where the prisoners were held.

“The forests have been cleared.

I opened it up to find a few ponies and a griffon. I pulled out the closet prisoner which happened to be a pegasus.

“Hey there. Listen you are going to have one chance to tell me why you attacked my men.” I was calm. I wasn’t going to overreact.

“I am not telling you anything.” He then proceeded to spit in my face.

“Alright.” Or maybe I will overreact. I slammed his head to the ground and pinned him down. “I gave you a chance.” I called over a nearby private. I asked for his side arm. Once I had it in my possession I held it to the base of his left wing and fired. The bullet put a hole through the base not completely severing it.

The pegasus began screaming in pain and trying to buck me off to no avail. I pulled on the wing causing him to cry out even louder. His struggling continued until I completely ripped his wing off. The stub was twitching furiously.

I looked up into the transport were the other prisoners were.

“Oh, i’ll get to the rest of you. Just remember. You each have one chance to tell me what I want to know.” I then slammed the pegasus's head to the ground once more then slit his throat. “Or you’ll end up like your friend here… Or worse.” I saw the looks of horror on their faces.

It gave me some pleasure. I heard galloping behind me in the distance. I turned around to find several guards and Midnight coming this way. She hadn’t noticed the mess I made yet.

“Private clean this up.” I handed him back his firearm and went over to greet Midnight.

“Hello Midnight!” I called to her smiling.

“Hello Commander.” She however was not smiling. “We are here to pick up the prisoners.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. She did not find this amusing however.

“I don’t have any to give unfortunately.” Her frown deepened. I could see she would not leave. “But I will make a trade.” I normally don’t do trades but I would prefer to keep the equestrians on my side.

“A trade?” She asked interested.

“If you can answer a few questions you can have them.”

“If I can answer them I will.” Hopefully she has what I need or I might have to keep the prisoners.

“Who are they?”

“From what we know they are members of the Javelin Syndicate.” She answered.

“Who is the leader of the Javelin?”

“Black Jack.” An odd name.

“Where is this pony?”

She paused for a moment to think about her answer. “Our intel suggests she is located in a compound in the badlands.”

“Do you think she is there?”

“Yes.” That was all I needed to know.

“The prisoners are in there.” I pointed to the vehicle they were being held in. “Go talk to one of my men they will assist you in getting the doors open.”

“Alright.” She began walking towards the vehicle.

“One last question. How did you know I had prisoners and who they were?” I saw her freeze up.

“It… Was in the message you sent.” I know it wasn’t.

“Ha… See you later Midnight.” I began walking towards the tank. “They are watching us.”

“Looks that way.” Jane replied.

“Hmm… Have our scans picked anything up?”

“Let me check.” Jane pulled up several screens. “There is nothing.”

“Check for anomalies.” Several new screens popped up replacing the old.

“Hmm. Looks like there is something.” All but one screen disappeared.

“Looks like they are watching.” There were several dots on the screen that indicated energy anomalies. “Possibly a scrying spell.”

“I will take care of it.” This time a single screen was shown.

“No. Not yet.”

“Are you sure?” I could tell Jane did not like this.

“If they get close to something they shouldn’t then you may take action.”

“Fine.” With that the screen disappeared.

I walked over to the tank and entered it. After a few short moments we were heading back to the ship.

“Prepare a proper convoy and air support Jane. I would like to greet Black Jack with the same kindness she showed me.” I paused. “Make sure everyone is equipped with proper armor and shields as well. I do not want any more casualties.”

“Preparations have begun.”


Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!