• Published 17th Sep 2015
  • 3,349 Views, 38 Comments

A Man and an Army - Saffron

A search for a mysterious energy reading leads a Commander to Equestria

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A Cause for Concern

Black Jack told me everything about her operations. She was involved in it all. Drug smuggling, under ground meat markets, creature trafficking, racketeering, stealing art, selling information, and everything else. The scope of her empire was enormous. It spanned the globe and every nation and I had the mare which controlled it all. I couldn’t help but smile. There was only one issue. The operations relied on couriers and in some cases teleporting scrolls to relay information. The system in place worked well however there was not instant communication between the differing cells. Also operations in the Griffon Kingdom were being targeted and taken down. Griffon Stone was the hardest hit last she knew.

“You run everything?” I asked, smiling.

“As I have said.” Black Jack replied.

I let out a laugh. “This is wonderful. You really are amazing.” I got up from behind my desk and walked over to her patting her on the head. She did not seem to like it but did not protest. “I need you to keep running your operations. I will also be supplying you with two way radios so you can relay information much more effectively.”

“What?” She seemed confused. “Why would you let me continue illegal operations? Aren’t you allied with Equestria?”

“Is that a joke? Allied with Equestria? No, I own Equestria, hell everything on this planet is mine. It is just not official yet.” I sighed. “I just don’t want a war to break out when the news is relayed to the leaders of all the nations.” I walked over to a glass cabinet and opened the door. I pulled out two shot glasses and a bottle of three hundred year old bourbon.

“Wait, your taking over the planet? Why?” This information seemed to alarm Black Jack.

“It is not for any nefarious reason I assure you. I won’t commit genocide or enslave the races of this planet.” I set one glass down in front of her and poured her a shot. I then sat behind my desk and did the same for myself. “I care about this place. I want to protect it. I also want those in power to know that I am not to be fucked with, like this prick Iron Claw.” I downed the shot.

“Protect us? From what?” I might have said too much.

“Drink.” I pointed to the shot.

Black Jack pushed the shot forward refusing to drink. “Protect us from what?” She asked more forcefully.

I took the shot she refused to drink and downed it myself. “That isn’t important.” I poured myself another shot and downed it. “All you need to do is follow my orders.”

“You have a priority one message from General Ace.” Jane spoke.

I sighed. “Dammit, what now?”

“He has requested you to board his ship.” Jane replied.

“Can it wait?” I was annoyed.

“Negative commander.” General Ace’s voice popped up through my comm. “We have an unknown ship that just came up on our long range sensors.”

Shit. “What is its current trajectory?” I asked.

“It appears to be heading toward us, sir.” Ace replied.

“What is its ETA?” I asked getting up from my desk.

“At its current speed it will arrive in seventy two hours. We have already sent a scout to gather more information.” Ace paused. “Two more ships just appeared on our sensors. Same speed and trajectory.”

“Fuck, Ace we need to prioritize getting this ship airborne. Send down who you can to help with the engines.” I ordered.

“Copy that commander, if the situation changes, I will contact you. Ace out.” The comms shut off.

“What's happening? Who is coming?” Black Jack looked worried. As a matter of fact I was worried as well.

“I don’t know.” After putting on my armor I walked over to Black Jack. “Listen, you need to follow my orders. If the situation is as I think it is I will need your help if we want to get out of this alive.” I put a necklace around her neck with a blue and green pendant hanging from it. It was a personal shield generator that would automatically activate if she was attacked. “This will help protect you.” I saw that she had many questions. “If I had time to answer questions I would Jane knows what I need you to do, so she will give you orders. I need to go now.” Before she could respond I left my quarters and began heading down the corridors of the ship. “Jane alert all crew that we have potential hostiles inbound and to begin setting up the two small planetary defense cannons we have on board and fortify those positions with shield generators.”

“Yes commander.” Jane began announcing the orders over the intercoms in the ship and personal comms of all crew members.

Hopefully it is just a scouting party. It should be easy to deal with or even avoid, but preparations need to be made sooner rather than later.

---------------------------------- Major Fulks ----------------------------------

“That feels good.” Fulks head was firmly in the hooves of the mare as she gave him a scalp massage. He was experiencing bliss. “I could stay like this forever.”

“This is a priority one alert to all crew members.” The mare stopped what she was doing when she heard the voice. “Three ships have been detected on long range scans. Alert status has been upgraded to yellow. Stand by for further instructions.”

“What was that?” The mare asked surprised that a voice came out of nowhere.

Fulks sighed. “Its a communique from a device that transmits voices.” He then got up and headed back to the changing room. “I wish I could stay but I need to head back.”

“But we have not finished.” The mare protested.

“Believe me, I would stay if I could. I haven’t felt this relaxed in years.” Unfortunately his duties came first and he could not stay. “But I have something that requires my immediate attention.” Fulks entered the changing room and began putting his clothes and armor on.

“Are you sure you cannot stay?” The mare tried to coax him.

“Yes, I am.” Fulks finished putting on his gear and began his walk back to the front of the stall. “If I can, I’ll come back.”

The mare seemed disappointed but accepted his answer. Fulks left the changing room fully geared and began walking through the spa to exit the building.

“Alex, Jasmine do you copy?” Fulks asked over his comm as he opened the door to the spa and exited the building.

“Yes sir.” Alex replied almost immediately.

“Yes sir.” Jasmine responded a few seconds after.

“We are cutting our trip short. You know where to meet, see you there.” Fulks ordered over the comms.

“See you there Major.” Jasmine replied.

“Copy that.” Alex answered.

Fulks took a deep breath and smelled the air. It was crisp and clean. Something he could get used to. Honestly he wouldn’t mind being stationed here or even out right move to this planet. It was the most peaceful and pure planet he has ever seen. He knew the serenity wouldn’t last long, it never does. This planet would be no different, but he would do everything in his power to preserve this place. He did not want this planet to burn.

Author's Note:

Another chapter is finished, hope you all enjoy. I was thinking about scraping this chapter and rewriting it, but I think it turned out well enough. Leave a comment and like if you enjoyed this chapter or the story in general.