• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Comeback from the Stars

Equestria. Canterlot. The Pokemon School. Afternoon.

After witnessing the Ultra Class Battle between Ash and Volkner with Ash emerging victorious, lessons at the Pokemon School would finally begin. But classes would be shorter than usual and most of them were doing their own thing. Research and knowledge about the Ransei Region was still the main topic.

Joining this class would be the Flora Ponies, having their first day at the Pokemon School. For this newly created species of ponies, they had a lot of catching up to do. Twilight would finally introduce the Flora Ponies to her friends and involved the fact that they were new to this world.

"So you made them with that elixir? How does that work?" Rainbow Dash questioned, wondering how that was possible with this elixir. "Was it the Rift Energy you added to it?"

"It was just a test run," Twilight explained. "I just wanted to see what the elixir was capable of at the moment. And well, it works but not in the way we expected. Bringing life to a daisy and paradise flower was the last thing I expected. But I'm glad it turned out that way because I got to meet these two."

"It's a wonderful thing. Thanks for bringing us into this world, mom. And it's a pleasure to meet all of your friends."

"Please don't call me that in school..." Twilight grumbled as Daisy and Paradise still referred to her as their mother. And for a good reason.

"Mom? Pfft!" Rainbow Dash snickered as all of Twilight's friends reacted differently to Daisy's words. Rainbow Dash would burst out laughing, wheezing for a moment while Twilight had an unamused face.

"Twilight, I had no idea you became a mother so quickly." Rarity's jaw dropped to the floor before she clapped her hooves. "Congratulations! Rather quick, don't you think?"

"Ugh..." Twilight knew this was coming. And alas, she was powerless to stop the reaction from her friends. "Yeah...It is quick. I know, it's strange but...I don't regret it."

"Well, it's alright. Weird stuff like this happens." Applejack shrugged. "We'll just do what we did when Pokemon first entered our lives. Go with the flow."

"Going with the flow is always a good option for scenarios like this," Fluttershy added. "Even if we were just following Ash back then."

"Yeah! And we should have-" Before Pinkie Pie could finish her sentence, she felt something. On her tail, someone was chewing on it as if it was a delectable waiting to be consumed. And that someone ended up being Daisy, who snuck up behind Pinkie Pie just to chew her tail. "Oh!"

"Mmm?" Daisy looked up at Pinkie Pie before pulling her head and mouth away. "Oops. Sorry. I thought that tail of yours looked like that pink thing that you all sometimes eat. Um...What's it called?"

"You mean Cotton Candy? I don't blame you. I'd eat myself too if that was true." Pinkie Pie chuckled, harbouring no hard feelings to Daisy suddenly chewing on her tail. "I kinda tried it when I was young!"

"Daisy, I thought we talked about this. Not everything is food. Especially not my friends." Twilight walked over as Daisy once again attempted to consume something that was not meant to be consumed. "You sure do have a bad eating habit..."

"Sorry, mom. But...I haven't eaten that much in my life before. Even when I was just a flower." Daisy would apologize once more for her eating habit, twiddling her hooves. "All the food I've seen just looks so good that I've wanted to eat them for so long. Now I've got that chance."

"I guess when you eat sunlight forever, you do get a craving for something else. Well, at least as a sentient pony." Twilight sighed. "All the food is yours to eat, but not everything is food. I have to teach you what is and isn't food. I'm surprised Paradise doesn't have the same issue."

"That would suck." Pinkie Pie nodded, feeling for Daisy. "Eating sunlight only? I mean, it probably tastes nice but now that you're here..."

"Oh! But Ash did give us his bag!" Daisy quickly remembered Ash's bag which was lent to her and Paradise by Ash himself. As a way to keep themselves full for the day, the food he had within was theirs to consume. Daisy used her special movement, transforming into an array of daisies to move around quicker.

Pinkie Pie and the others opened their eyes, witnessing this special movement for the first time. The way Daisy suddenly became her original flower and started moving at great speeds just to reach the bag was stunning to the eyes. And seeing her materialize back into her pony form threw them off guard as well.

"Here it is!" Daisy opened the bag, revealing the food that Ash had lent for her and Paradise.

"Well, as you can see, I have my hooves full with these two." Twilight said as Daisy pulled out all of the food that Ash packed. And with how Ash was also a big eater, the options were plentiful, much to the delight of Daisy's eyes and stomach. "They still act young despite how they look. I'll be taking care of them and I have more about Flora Ponies that I need to learn about."

"If that's the case, we can help." Rarity suggested. "I have a little sister and I know how to take care of her. Applejack can vouch for that."

"Mhm If you're having trouble with 'em, just call for us and we'll be there. I mean, they can't be that bad, right?" Applejack replied.

"No. So far, they're just curious and tend to shift their attention elsewhere. Daisy can't help but eat whatever she can and Paradise...well, I think she might be impatient? I haven't kept an eye on her as much. Only Ash has. But it's fine. I'm sure they can bloom into their own. Get it?" Twilight chuckled at her own joke.

"Cool, but have you told Roseluck about this?" Rainbow Dash then brought up an obvious point that needed to be addressed. The elixir did originally belong to Roseluck's sister Rosa Maledicta meant that she had ties to this.

"Come to think of it...When the Flora Ponies first showed up, they looked a lot like Roseluck and Rosa Maledicta." It was then that Twilight recalled the first time she saw the Flora Ponies. She remembered how they were only made out of their respective flowers instead of the full-body ponies that they appear as. It lasted for around 2 minutes but she still remembered their floral appearances.

The Princess of Friendship remembered how Daisy had Roseluck's manestyle while some of Rosa Maledicta's manestyle was found on Paradise. Until they fully blossomed, the similarities diminished and they became rather distinct. But that front part of Daisy's mane did remind Twilight of Roseluck.

"Daisy looked like Roseluck and Paradise looked like Rosa. It shocked me for a moment, but I didn't think too much into it. But it might have something to do with the fact that Rosa Maledicta originally made that elixir. It was made to affect plants in various ways and Roseluck only knew of one example."

"Do you think she was trying to bring them to life before or is that how the elixir is now because you and Zecora worked with it?" Rarity questioned, wondering if the Rift Energy within it and Twilight plus Zecora's actions made this possible. But no one could answer that just yet.

Realistically, the only one who could answer that Rosa Maledicta herself, but no one here would dare do so unless they end up encountering her. For now, it was an oddity and the elixir still had some work to be done. But for what it offered, it was truly amazing. Bringing new life into this world.

"By the way...where is Paradise? She should be in for today's lesson." Twilight would soon notice the absence of Paradise. Daisy was here, but Paradise was nowhere to be found. Once more, the Flora Ponies snuck past her.

Canterlot Castle.

Back at the castle, developments on the Dread League and their current location continued. Celestia still had some of her forces over at the Galar Region, watching over the Dread League and the garden they were growing that involved Despair Plants being planted.

So far, their cover hasn't been blown thanks to the authenticity of the Shift Stone. The only drawback was the fact that it did not give her forces everything a vampire needs. Celestia, looking down at a map, was still focused on breaking through that magical field that required the highest amount of power possible to destroy and she still wished to do it without using the part of Daybreaker that lived within her. She also read reports on what her forces sent over.

"Hm. It's getting harder for them to keep this up. The Shift Stone doesn't grant them the access to vampire magic. At least they've learned gardening skills." Celestia commented on the report. "If they can find just the right time to destroy the seeds without anyone noticing, then that garden will lose the crux of it. But the Dread League are always there which is a problem. And they've found a spot where a plethora of clouds gather to block the Sun. Not for long though. Perhaps I should get involved now."

"You're heading over to Galar, your majesty?" A guard asked.

"I still need them to lure us towards Magehold. I will have to wait for them to finish their garden and then I can act. Much like the Despair Plants that were left behind at Hearthome City, they're planning on letting it flourish on its own once its done. Those Despair Plants already did so last year. So yes, I'll be heading to Galar. And I will bring Zekrom with me. I may not have Reshiram by my side since we can't find him at the moment, but Zekrom can be extremely helpful. I can never doubt the strength of a Legendary Pokemon. Right, Passion?"


"We'll create a diversion. A diversion that will distract the real vampires and have our fake ones destroy the Despair Plant seeds while they're busy. But we cannot let them know we are the ones behind it." Celestia explained. "I just need to figure out the right diversion..."

All she needed was a diversion. A diversion that would buy her forces enough time as possible before those Despair Plants could fully grow. And it might have to involve her heading to the garden itself. But Celestia couldn't give herself away.


Speaking of that garden, it had already grown to exponential lengths, covering a majority of this area that used to be full of sand. But not anymore. Now it was a dark garden for the Dread League which brought a cold and cruel atmosphere.

The Dread League loved it but Celestia's undercover forces weren't exactly fans of it. They worked hard to make this garden a possibility and the result was rather dreadful for them. And yet, they kept their composure. As guards, they were always destined to keep their composure, no matter what. It worked here but their stamina might not be as strong as their composure.

"How long until this is over..." The undercover ponies said to each other, taking a break. "I would've thought the Despair Plants being planted were enough to leave it there but they want to grow it even further?"

"We might not head home until it's just right." Another sighed. "Let's just keep going." Of course, they had to be discreet about what they say. After all, now that they were in the presence of the Dread League, this also meant that they were within Rosa Maledicta's sights even all the way from Magehold.

Much like how she interacted with Celestia and Luna back at Rustboro, the Canterlot Guards were no exception. It was wonderful that the Shift Stone kept them this safe for now. And their excellent choice of words also helped them stay safe, not giving anything out while still managing to say what they needed to say.

"Alright!" A vampire exclaimed, grabbing everyone's attention. "This is a nice advancement from yesterday and the day before! I'd say we've done a wonderful job making this dreadful garden! I barely recognize anything from what this place used to be. But we're not quite done yet."

"Is it time for the Despair Plants to appear?" Another vampire asked.

"Not yet. Give it a few more days or so. But let's not waste any time and let it spread out some more." Suddenly, magic would fly out of his vampiric wings, entering the garden grass. "This'll make sure that it latches onto the nearby locations. I would wait for the Despair Plants to do it but I want to get a head start."

"Same here." More vampires would do the same, unleashing their magic on the ground. Feeling destructive despite the fact that the garden hasn't been completed yet, they would cause some destruction either way. The vampires were just feeling that mood after the progress they made.

The Canterlot Guards gasped as they did not expect some destruction to happen at this time. They were just taking a break until they would work on the garden later on to let it reach its full potential. But that would have to wait. The black aura around the garden would spread thanks to the vampires, moving rapidly across the ground.

The way it moved resembled that of a snake, slithering around while also mimicking a worm, tunnelling and reemerging from underneath. This whole time, the Dread League have been playing it slowly. Now, they've suddenly decided to take action. And just when the most recent news had reached Celestia as well.

"Not good!" The Canterlot Guards collectively said as the nearest location was a small town in Galar. Not known by many since it was just small. But even if it was lesser known, innocents still reside there. And from the speed the aura from the garden was moving at, the guards could not stop whatever was about to happen to the town due to the aura's unknown properties. But they did have one way to try and stop this.

"Here's our chance then. Go-" Before they could call for their Golurk, something else came up. Something that shocked both the Dread League and the Undercover Canterlot Guards.

Interrupting the guards was a beam of light that shot through the skies, piercing the dark clouds and revealing some of the sunlight. This light would crash down, intercepting the dark aura. The sound of a supernova going off had occurred as the light would burst out with the intensity of flames, pushing back the darkness for a moment. The vampires all screeched and hissed at this sudden emergence of light, stepping back to protect themselves.

"What is that?!" A vampire bellowed her skin was burning up. From the light, a figure could be seen, completely made out of the energy that intercepted the darkness. A cape would flow elegantly as the light would then fizzle out, sending stardust and sparkles into the wind afterwards. Someone truly made a grand entrance and it looked to be in the shape of a human. But it was no ordinary human.

That cape belonged to a certain someone who hasn't been seen in a while. From the striking mask that was shown to the bodysuit that he carried with him along with that mighty pose that made him stand tall, the one born from the Sea Temple Crystals and Ash's old comic book had returned.

It was none other than Galaxy Master.

He had finally returned as the symbol of a galaxy would flash behind him once all of the light had vanished. And alongside him was his own trusty Pikachu. After many months that soon entered this new year, Galaxy Master had shown himself once more.

"It's you!" The Canterlot Guards and the Dread League both exclaimed. They couldn't believe their eyes. They thought he would never show up again due to how absent he was. That was no longer the case.

Samiya. The Sea Temple.

And this did not go unnoticed. The room where the Sea Temple Crystals could be found responded to his return. Specifically, one crystal did. The crystal that brought him into this world. Only that crystal would flash the signature beautiful golden light that all of them do. None would respond to Galaxy Master's return.

"Oh?" Alo, the one who was Ash's Royal Advisor and essentially a substitute King of the Sea Temple would notice this. So would the guards that defended the crystal. They stood back, staying alert at the crystal's actions as all of this flashing would even attract the citizens.

It didn't just let off a bright light, it also brought some noise into the mix. The noise it made was similar to the song that the People of the Water sing, however, it had its own tone, pitch and volume to it, differing from the others.

"Mana?" Manaphy, the Prince of the Sea that lived here, would hop out of the water, pulled towards the sound of this singular Sea Temple Crystal. Soon, this room became crowded with people and Pokemon who were drawn to the sound of the crystal and why it was constantly flashing.

"What's going on?" The young girl by the name of Enola asked, trying to see for herself as she ran through the crowd that blocked the way for her.

"The Crystal is crying out. And it's for him. His majesty might need to see this..." Knowing who this was for, Alo immediately brought up Ash. With Galaxy Master making a return, if anyone needed to know about this, it was Ash himself. After all, he was made after his own father.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 64 End.

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